Billionaire Bear’s Human Mate by Alicia Banks

Chapter One: The Escape

Delanie Cadell

Delanie stood in front of her family, her arms crossed, her shoulders locked, and her determination turned up full steam. I can do this.

Part of her wanted to duck and run away to just avoid this entire situation, but the other half was too stubborn not to see it through now that she had set the wheels in motion.

Her father, Ruben Cadell, started to speak, but Delanie's mother put her hand on his arm. Aimee Cadell didn't usually usurp her husband, but when she did, they all knew to pay attention.

"Frankly, sweetheart, I'm quite surprised by your decision." Aimee gestured around. "As I'm sure your brothers are. This all seems a little sudden."

Delanie stared at the four boys, well, actually men, who sat on the sectional and stared at her with blank expressions. Correction. Tek, Reece, and Elliott, oldest to youngest, seemed surprised. Her eyes begged Callum, her youngest brother, not to give away her secret. Closest to her in age, they had a tighter relationship than she had with the others.

Being the baby of the family, and the only girl, left Delanie with a lot of masculine protection. Normally she appreciated it and loved the feeling of security it provided her. In this case, it was the last thing she wanted. Callum was the only one she had shared her secrets with.

He met her gaze and gave a brief shake of his head. While he wouldn't give away what was her story and hers alone, she knew he didn't approve of her decision.

She forced her attention back to her parents. "I know, Mom. I know this is a shock, and everyone loves Ed, well, except me, but breaking off our engagement was the right thing to do."

"But your wedding is in a week," Aimee pushed.

Ruben backed her up. “Everything is ready for your big day. Why the sudden change?"

Please don't make me lie to you. Just let me go. "It was in a week, and this wasn't a quick decision. It's one that's been building for a long time, and I'm out of time to change the course of my life. If I go through with the wedding, I'll be miserable." And probably dead. She paused. "I just need to go away for a while."

"Away?" her father exploded. Ruben was usually the calmest of them all, but when he tempered up, it was all the way. "Where the hell do you think you're going to go? You've never left Windebrosse in your life."

Windebrosse Island was their home; a secret island hidden in the mists and lore of the Bermuda Triangle. Magic saw to it that no one found their island unless they were meant to, which didn't happen very often.

"It's time, Papa. I need to go away, clear my head. Get away from Ed so I don't have to listen to him...whine." Whining would be the least of her worries. "I'm going to stay with Vanessa."

"Vanessa?" Ruben frowned. "Your internet friend?"

Delanie nodded. She didn't dare speak. She knew her plan was weak at best, but she had to sell it.

Aimee shook her head. "She lives in Las Vegas."

"I know." Delanie's chest burned from trying to hold her breath.

Tek stood and glared at her. "Sin City. You, an innocent, naive little girl, are going to Vegas. That's just great."

"She's not a little girl, Tek." Callum tried to intervene on her behalf and she could have hugged him right then and there. "She's twenty-two years old."

Reece stretched out and crossed his ankles. "And, unlike us, she's human. So, whoda thunk that the only human in a family of dragons would be the one leaving the safety of the island to go somewhere she's never been, to meet someone she doesn't even know. You see where I'm going with this?"

"Mom's human, too, you know." Delanie's voice sounded pitiful even to herself.

Ruben's voice raised. "The Commission of Founders never should have given in to the wishes of the younger generation and allowed outside contact. Look what it's done." The island's governing body had resisted the whole subject of modernizing and bringing the internet to the island but had finally relented after a lengthy battle.

"What?" Delanie's temper kicked in. "What's it done? I made a friend? I've been talking to Vanessa for over a year. She invited me to her town to show me around. Now's as good a time as any to take her up on the offer."

Aimee threw up her hands. "But, Ed."

"Mother, it's over with Ed. Whether I stay on this rock or go explore the outside world, it's over with him. I need to get away and take some time to think about my life without any pressure from him."

"Something else is going on." Aimee's eyes suddenly narrowed on her daughter. "What aren't you telling us?"

Delanie glanced at Callum for help. This was exactly what she hadn't wanted to happen. Ruben suddenly noticed his wife's concern and he, too, turned on his daughter. "What? What am I missing?"

Callum grabbed Delanie's hand. "Come on. Let's take a walk and let things cool off here before we continue this conversation."

Ruben protested. "Don't you drag your sister out of here. We're talking to her."

Delanie hurried after Callum. She could hear her parents behind her grill her other brothers. Tek's voice rose above them all. "What the hell are you asking me for? I'm always the last to know anything."

When they got outside, Callum held out his hand. "You owe me, big time."

She gave him a hug instead. "Thank you for doing that. You know they're going to interrogate you later."

"Yeah, but I can keep your secrets. I still don't know why you just don't tell them what kind of scum that ex-fiance of yours is."

"You do know why, you just don’t want to admit it. But let me remind you. Because I don't want anyone getting in trouble because of him, namely our brothers, and because he said that if I said anything against him, he'd ruin Papa. They've worked too hard to build the bakery just to lose everything."

"You don't know that Ed has that kind of power."

"He's on the Commission. Of course he does. You guys can't be touched because you run the fire department. But the bakery is fair game." She shivered. "Besides, I'm not sure that Ed wouldn't hurt them. Any of you guys."

Callum pulled her tight. "You know I don't like the idea of you running off to some place we know nothing about."

"He'll never find me there. I didn't tell Vanessa why I was suddenly going to visit. She doesn't really care. She just wants to be a tour guide."

"I don't feel right about this."

She stepped back and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Callum. You're a dragon. It's not like you can't just come visit whenever you want. It'll take you what? Two minutes to fly there?"

"You know we're not supposed to leave the island without permission."

"Just like I know we've always been the ones to follow the rules. Every single time." She lifted his chin so he had to look at her as she teased.

He stepped away from her. "This isn't funny, Lanie. You could be in real danger, and not a damned person here knows except me. I don't like that pressure being solely on me."

"No one knows that you know, so there's no pressure." She knew he was right. If anyone knew, everyone on the island would look to Callum.

"You're a shitty liar, sis. You know that, right?"

"I do. Which is what makes this next part necessary."

His brows rose at the expression on her face. "Oh no. I know that look. I'm not doing anything until you get Mom and Dad's blessing."

She snorted. "Come on. You know that's never going to happen. Which is why I'm leaving now. My bag is packed and waiting."

"'re leaving now?"

"Eh," she shrugged, "more like we're leaving now."

"Hell no. There is no way I'm flying you off this island."

"Come on, Cal. You've done it before, and we've never gotten caught."

He clapped his hand to his forehead. "We flew around the island. We didn't fly to Las Vegas. What the hell are you thinking?" He rubbed his face. "How the hell am I going to explain that when I get back?"

"If you're quick enough, they won't know you ever left."

"And you...what? They’ll think you rode your broom? Took a taxi?" Callum shook his head. "You're unbelievable."

She bit the inside of her cheek. "You know there are those who will do it for me."

"The cast outs? You're really going there? They'll kidnap you before you ever see the state of Nevada." The cast outs were rogue dragons who were basically homeless and lived like gypsies in their little tent city in the woods on the far side of the island.

"Drama queen much? They're not that bad." She knew she was pushing her luck.

"They're not...Lanie, why the hell are you hanging out with the..." He growled in frustration. "Fine. You want a ride, I'll take you. At least when they execute me, I'll have a little comfort in knowing that you made it there safely."

Victory wasn't as sweet as she had hoped. She knew she was putting Callum in a horrible position. "I love you, bro."

"It's no wonder none of us have found our mates. You damned females are impossible."

"We are, but you know we're worth it."