Time-Lapse by J.B. Heller

Chapter Thirty-Two

Forgivingmy father is something I thought I did a long time ago. But seeing him again, feeling the effects of his voice in my ears again, being filled with an overwhelming sense of guilt … it all proved I hadn’t forgiven him at all.

I told him I would think about what he had said, and I had accepted his and Vivian’s phone numbers so I could keep in contact if I chose to. Then, I locked myself in my suite and sat in the bottom of the shower for the next two hours, thinking over my past, my present, and my future.

Never in a million years did I think I would hear an apology leave my father’s lips, much less directed at me. And a baby sister? It was a lot to take in. So, when El said she wasn’t able to come back to my suite with me because she had some meetings she couldn’t get out of, I hadn’t argued. I had needed to be alone.

But now, after letting my father’s words roll around in my head all afternoon, I’ve come to realize it was never me that was the problem. It was him. If he could come to that conclusion and not only live with it but move forward with his life, then so can I.

My chest fills with sweet relief as the weight I’ve been carrying since I was a small child begins to lift. I smile to myself. For the first time in my life, my accomplishments feel like something to be proud of. I am good enough, finally, to be with El. And I have been all along. I just couldn’t see past my father’s drunken taunts.

I know I will never have a good or normal relationship with him, and that’s okay. But I feel like I could come to care about Vivian. She has healed him. And in a way, I guess that means she’s healed me, too—or at least she’s started the process.

I’m sitting on the bed in my room, wrapped only in a towel, when I hear the door to the suite open. “Hey, it’s me,” El calls out. “I may or may not have bribed reception to make me a copy of your room key.”

A grin tugs at my lips as I call back, “In the bedroom.” I stand, wandering over to the closet to get some clothes.

“Are you trying to turn the tables on me?” I hear her say from the doorway to the bedroom.

I glance over my shoulder. She’s leaning against the doorframe in her work clothes, but there’s an overnight bag by her feet.

“Uh,” I start to answer her, but she straightens and starts unbuttoning her white business shirt.

“Mother of God,” I mutter as she reveals the mint-green lacy bra encasing her perfect tits. I lick my dry lips. “El, what are you doing?”

“Taking off my clothes. Why? What does it look like?” she asks as she pulls the shirt out from her high-waisted black skirt before sliding her hands around behind her and gliding down the zipper. The skirt drops to her ankles.

It’s safe to say she has my full attention—and that of my dick.

“El,” I try to warn her, but then I notice the matching panties. Dear God, they’re not boy shorts this time. It’s a G-string. How do I know this? Because she just stepped out of her skirt, turned around, bent at the waist to pick it up, then placed it on top of her overnight bag.

I’m frozen in place as she stalks toward me in nothing but those scraps of lace and her crazy-high black heels. When she reaches me, her hands slide over my chest, all the way down to the towel knotted around my waist. “I think you’re overdressed,” she whispers as she flicks her wrist, dropping my towel to the ground.

Before she can touch me again, I grab her wrists and hold them above her head. “Are you sure? Like, really fucking sure, El? Because there’s no going back this time. Never again. You let me inside that tight little body, and I’m never leaving your side. Do you understand?”

Her eyes light up with joy and so much heat I can feel it sear my skin. “Yes,” she breathes right before I crash my mouth down over hers.

I’ve missed her taste, and I groan as my tongue slides inside her mouth. She clings to me as I pick her up by the waist and carry her over to the bed. “Condom?” I ask.

She points to her overnight bag, and I leave her to retrieve it. After fishing one out, I rip the foil open with my teeth and slide the latex over my throbbing cock. He’s missed her every bit as much as I have. She’s lying splayed out on the bed with her fingers sliding against the lace covering her pussy, and my mouth waters. I remember how she tastes, and I need it on my tongue—now.

Dropping my head, I shove her hand out of the way then push her thighs farther apart, allowing my shoulders to get between her legs. “You smell so good,” I murmur right before my tongue slides up and down the lace, making her squirm.

“Just fuck me, Hux. Fuck me first. We can play later. Please,” she begs. And who am I to refuse her?

Hooking my fingers in the thin band that wraps around her hips, I tug, ripping the delicate lace from her body, then I line my cock up with her entrance and slide home. Her hot, wet pussy squeezes me so tight I drop to my elbows and kiss her. “I love you, El,” I tell her as my hips begin to move.

Her nails dig into my back as she urges me to go faster. “I love you, too. So, claim me, Hux. Fuck me like you own me,” she says with a nip to my bottom lip.

My balls draw up with the move, and I begin to pound into her tight heat relentlessly. She feels so good, so familiar, it’s like we never stopped. “I could fuck you forever,” I pant as I feel my orgasm building in the base of my spine.

Her thighs clench tighter around my hips. “Good, ’cause you’re never fucking anyone else ever again.” Then, her back is arching, and a deep guttural groan bursts from my chest as her pussy locks around my cock, making it impossible to hold back any longer, and I come harder than I have in years.

I drop down beside her so I don’t crush her under my weight. She rolls with me so I’m still buried deep inside her heat. We lie there, staring into each other’s eyes for God knows how long.

El breaks the silence. “So, you’re going to have a baby sister, huh?”

I release a deep breath. “I know. Weird, right?”

She smiles, and my heart catches on a beat. “What are you going to do?”

Brushing a strand of hair off her face and tucking it behind her ear, I tell her, “I’m going to hang around. I don’t know if I want anything to do with my old man yet, but I kinda like the idea of a little sister. And Vivian seems nice, don’t you think?”

El nibbles on her bottom lip in an uncharacteristic show of vulnerability. “Is that the only reason you’re staying?”

I slide my hand from her ear, along her jaw, and tilt her face up to mine. “Do you honestly think that’s the only reason? Haven’t I made myself clear?” I ask then spell it out for her. “So there’s no more doubt, I’m going to lay it out for you.”

She swallows and nods, waiting for my words.

“I had already decided I was staying long before I found out about my new sister. I want to be with you, day in, day out. And I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Today gave me what I needed in order to forgive myself. And I’m ready El. To move on and make a life with you. You’re it. You’re my one and only. You always have been. I’m not going anywhere without you ever again.”

Tears pool in the corners of her hazel eyes. “I love you,” she whispers as her body rolls even closer to mine. “You’re my one and only, too. It’s always been you. From that very first day, I knew it would only ever be you.”

* * *

I have never feltthis content in my entire life.

And it’s all because of her.

I moved into El’s suite yesterday and asked Bee to have my stuff at our place put in storage until I’ve figured out something more permanent. She agreed to get it done, but I didn’t miss the smugness in her voice when she did it. I just know she was aching to rub a big, fat I told you so in my face.

I’m sitting in the restaurant, going through apartment and housing listings on my laptop, when the chair across from me is pulled out, and Victor sits down.

“Good morning, Victor,” I greet him.

He’s smiling at me as he reaches over and turns my screen toward him so he can see what I’m doing. “Looking to stay in the area, Mr. Hadley?” he asks with a smirk on his face that makes him look ten years younger.

I grin. “I might be,” I hedge as I turn the screen back and close the lid before picking up my coffee, taking a sip.

“I suspected as much before I left,” he says then orders his own coffee from a passing waitress.

I mock frown. “What would’ve given you that impression? Wouldn’t have anything to do with you setting El and I up to work together, would it?”

He simply shrugs. “I take a special interest in the happiness of my grandchildren. And Eliza hadn’t been happy for a long time. The moment the curtain dropped, revealing that photograph of her, I knew why.”

“You knew it was a picture of her and didn’t say anything?” I asked.

“I told you I wanted that piece to be featured in the lobby. I thought that was enough.” The waitress delivers his coffee, and he lifts it to his nose, takes a deep inhale, then sighs with satisfaction.

“I see where El got her caffeine addiction,” I start, and he glares at my word choice, so I correct myself. “I mean, caffeine appreciation—from you.”

“Among other things,” Victor says. “Now, back to the topic at hand, you’re staying?”

I nod. “Yes, sir. If this is where El is, it’s where I’ll be.”

Nodding slowly, he says, “Good answer, son. Good answer.”

We spend the next half hour discussing which suburbs would be the best to look into when Victor’s phone starts to ring. He slides it out of his breast pocket and glances at the screen, then to me. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to take this. I’ll see you around, Mr. Hadley.”

I offer him my hand. “Please, it’s Hux.”

He tips his chin. “Huxley,” he says as he walks away, answering his cell as he goes.

I like that guy more now than I did when he offered me a prime opportunity in his hotel.

After finishing my coffee, I deposit my laptop in my satchel then walk out of the restaurant and right into none other than my biggest fan.

“Sorry,” I go to say when Ben turns to face me. He’s glaring at me, and I have to remind myself I deserve it. So, I bite my tongue and play nice. “Hi, Ben. How ya doin’?”

Lifting a brow, he says, “I was having a good morning until about three seconds ago.”

I nod, not wanting to get into a confrontation with the guy. “Right, well, sorry about that. I’ll be on my way.”

His bear-like hand shoots out, latching onto my bicep as I go to pass him. “I meant what I said the other week, Huxley. You hurt her again and I will track you down and make you wish you were never born.”

This again? Removing his hand from my arm, I meet his thunderous gaze. “Look, bro, I get it. You’ll wear my guts for garters and all that. But I’m not going anywhere. I love your sister. I always have. Leaving her was the hardest thing I have ever done, and it’s been my biggest regret all these years. I’m not leaving unless she tells me to.”

His eyes roam my face, assessing me and my words. “Alright then.”

I frown. “That’s it?”

He nods. “Yep.”

“You sure?” I push. “Don’t want to throw in another threat for good measure?”

Ben shakes his head. “I’m pretty sure you’re aware of the consequences of fucking this up. So, we’re good—for now.”

The smile on his face creeps me out, so I don’t argue. “Okay, well, good seeing you, buddy. I gotta go.” I speed-walk away from him, glancing over my shoulder to make sure he isn’t following me so he can corner me in the elevator and smash my pretty face, as El so delicately put it.

When I return to our suite, I start a search for availabilities in the suburbs Victor and I discussed.

About an hour later, El walks in with a smile on her face. “Hey, lover,” she says as she drops down on the couch beside me.

I grin. “Hey, yourself. What are you doing back? Thought you had a full day?”

She bounces on the couch beside me, and the energy she’s giving off has me putting my laptop on the coffee table so I can give her my full attention.

“What’s up, princess?”

“Okay, so I know you’re not a fan of my crazy hours, and in all honestly, I don’t really have to take on so much anymore. So, today I did some delegating,” she says excitedly.

“I’m not exactly sure what that means, but I’m guessing it’s a good thing from the look on your face,” I tell her.

She rolls her eyes at me. “Yes, it’s a very good thing. Well, unless you’ve changed your mind and you’re okay with me working so much.”

I scoff. “Not fucking likely.”

The smile that fills her face takes my breath away. It’s my smile. She launches herself at me before wrapping her arms around my neck. “It means I’ll be working normal office hours from now on.”

And now I’m as happy as she is. “Thank fuck,” I mutter before dropping my head and taking her full lips in an all-consuming kiss.

El’s body melds to mine as she pushes me back until I’m lying flat on the couch with her hovering above me. “I love you, Huxley Haynes.”

“I love you, too.”