Time-Lapse by J.B. Heller

Chapter Eight

I skipschool and work for the rest of the week. Dad and I don’t cross paths, and I know he is avoiding me as much as I am avoiding him.

Strangely, I don’t feel any animosity toward him—well, no more than usual. I ruined his life. I deserve his hatred.

Before I was born, my parents were happy. Like, crazy happy. Then, Mom decided she wanted a baby, and Dad loved her so much he’d have done anything she wanted. So even though he didn’t want kids, he agreed to start a family.

Unfortunately, my mother developed severe postpartum depression. After a couple of years, she was hospitalized, and that was when my dad started drinking.

According to Dad—when he felt like sharing one day—her time at the hospital helped a little. She was put on medication and met a therapist that she seemed to like. But things never got better. Dad kept drinking. And neither of them could stand to look at me—the thing that destroyed them.

When I was two, she left us. Just disappeared. And I haven’t seen her since that day. I wouldn’t even remember what she looked like if it wasn’t for all the photos of her around the place. The house is practically a shrine to her.

Dad made sure I knew I was the cause of all their problems.

My mother couldn’t love me, even though I know she had to have tried. And my father never wanted me to begin with, and then I stole the only thing that ever mattered to him.

That’s why I’m doing everything I can to get out of here. Maybe it will finally bring him some peace, not having to see my face anymore. I hope so. It’s all I can think to do for him—and for me.

I’ve considered trying to track down my mother, but I don’t know if I could face her. What if she’s found happiness and I show up and ruin her life all over again? I couldn’t live with myself.

I don’t hold any ill will toward her for taking off—most of the time. There are rare days when I get so angry that she left me with him that I want to scream. But in the end, I get it. My very existence broke her. What else could she do except leave?

I’m lying on my bed, flicking through my most recent photos, when my phone pings. The only people who have my number are Eliza and Johnno. And since Johnno only texts to let me know where the job is for the day, I know it isn’t him.

PRINCESS: How you feeling today? Can I see you?

I think about it briefly. I haven’t seen her since she dropped me home four days ago after I met her at the stream. The bruise has faded to an off-yellowish color, and the swelling has completely gone, so I agree.

HUX: Stream or rest stop?

Her response is immediate.

PRINCESS: Stream. I’ll meet you in 20. X

I opt for a hoodie again, even though it is hot out. But this time, I grab a thinner one so I don’t die of heatstroke on my way there. I don’t bother with a shirt under it either. I throw on a pair of cargo shorts then slip on a pair of flip-flops before putting my camera in my pack. Swinging it over my shoulder, I head out the back door.

This time, I arrive before Eliza. I ditch my shoes and sit in the clearing by the edge of the steam so I can put my feet in the cool water. Stretching my arms out behind me, I lean back and close my eyes, enjoying the melody of nature moving around me.

Then, a foreign sound makes me sit up and look around. My eyes find Eliza standing at the edge of the clearing, a smile on her face and her phone pointed at me. I narrow my gaze. “Did you just take a picture of me?”

She grins and nods. “Yep. Fair’s fair.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, playing dumb.

She scoffs. “Don’t pretend like you haven’t taken pictures of me on that big camera of yours.”

I’d never really stopped to think if she minded, but now that she’s taken a picture of me, it gives me pause. “Is that okay?”

Slipping her sandals off, she comes to sit by my side before dipping her feet into the water too. “Yeah, but I get to take pictures of you too. Okay?”

Nodding, I agree, repeating her words, “Fair’s fair.”

She rests her head on my shoulder, holds her phone above us, then clicks a couple of times before bringing it back down and looking at the pictures.

Shit, I still have a bruise on my face and neck. “The bruises,” I say.

She shakes her head. “It’s okay. Your hoodie covers them.”

Glancing over, a small smile tugs at my mouth. It’s not a bad shot. “Can you get one of those printed off for me?” I ask.

Eliza grins. “Sure.” Then, she puts her phone on the grass beside us and rests her head on my shoulder again. “The bruises are fading. You going to come to school next week?”

“If they’re gone,” I tell her, hoping she’s not about to dive back into her line of questioning from the other day.

“I hope they go away over the weekend.”

Looking down at her, she’s watching the water flow over the moss-covered rocks. “Why’s that? Missing me?” I tease.

Her eyes lift to meet mine, and I swallow as she replies with a soft, “Yes.”

She turns her body more fully into me and pushes until I’m flat on my back in the grass. Then, she crawls on top of me. “I miss this face,” she says as her fingers gently trace my jaw. “I miss these lips,” she says with a swipe of her thumb over my bottom lip. Her hand trails up and slides my hoodie off my head. “I miss this messy hair.” She grins, and I’m so consumed by her I can’t speak.

Her gorgeous body moving on top of me is making me hard, and I feel like an asshole for it. That isn’t what this is about. This thing with us is different, and my dick needs to settle down. Then, she shuffles back, and her ass is right over my crotch. Fuuuck.

A satisfied smirk lifts her pink lips. “Looks like I’m getting better at this seduction thing.”

“It would appear so.” I force the words through my clenched teeth, then she starts grinding down on my hard-on. “Fuck, princess, what are you doing?”

Innocence blankets her features. “Nothing,” she says as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

But I know better. I’ve had that mouth, and it’s hot and sweet. I reach up, wrapping my hand around her neck and pulling her down. “What are you doing to me?” I breathe against her lips right before I kiss her.

She moans into my mouth as I buck my hips into her while she continues to grind down on me. I haven’t dry-humped a girl since I started having sex when I was fifteen. I forgot how fun it can be. Smiling against her mouth, I enjoy the feel of her body gyrating against mine.

I’ll allow myself this, but no more. The simulation of sex will have to be enough for me. It has to be.

“Hux,” she groans then pushes herself up, grabs the hem of my hoodie, and starts tugging it. “Off. I want it off,” she demands.

I love how bossy she gets. It’s fucking cute. I oblige her and sit up until we’re chest to chest, making her lean back to pull the hoodie over my head. Then, she throws it behind me and grabs my face in her palms before kissing me harder than she ever has.

She’s still grinding, and I know she’s getting close. I can feel it. She trembles slightly and pants between peppering my face with kisses. I take her hips in my hands and help her keep her rhythm until she gives over total control, allowing me to move her how I see fit.

Running my tongue up the column of her throat, she moans and rolls her head to the side, giving me better access. I wish I was inside her right now, balls deep. The mental image that thought conjures makes my dick twitch, desperate to make it a reality.

When she comes, she breathes my name, and I kiss her as she shudders in my arms. She lifts her eyes to meet mine, and they’re glazed. Her chest is heaving, and her lips are kiss swollen. I may have gotten carried away for a minute there.

Sliding my hands into her hair, I tell her, “You’re going to break me, princess.”

Eliza smiles and presses one last soft kiss to my lips. “You’ve already broken me in the best possible way.”