One Hot Secret by Sarah J. Brooks

Chapter 23


I’m miserable as Ethan drives us through the gates of my house, leaving a pack of hungry paparazzi outside. Thank God for tinted and soundproof windows.

When I left this morning, I couldn’t wait for the hours to go by so that I could return home. Now, a cloud of despondency has settled over me, and I feel as if I’m on a countdown for the beginning of the rest of my miserable life.

Chris sent me the links to the stories that appeared everywhere of Grace and me at the pool yesterday. It’s against the law, but the fuckers must have used a drone to access my property and take pictures of us. I’m so angry I want to punch something.

I wish they had directed their mean comments to me. I wouldn’t care. But to my Grace ... Worse, I know what it means to our still-new relationship. Even though she’s never actually said it, I know that news of her identity would be the last straw for her. So I am not looking forward to going home, knowing that Grace is probably practicing her break-up speech. I don’t blame her either.

The lack of privacy is tough, but the bullying can be unbearably painful. It’s bad enough for veterans, people who’ve been in the limelight all their lives. I imagine how it is for someone like Grace, who has lived her life as a regular person, even sacrificing a career in art for her privacy.

Yeah, I’m sure right now she’s probably pacing up and down, waiting for me to get home. Chris only let me know about it in the evening. If he’d told me in the morning, I’d have come right home. Added to the distress of knowing that the one good relationship I’ve ever had is about to end is the fact that I wasn’t there for her when she needed me.

I get out of the car and stroll to the front door. I’m expecting silence as it’s late and Maria has probably left for the evening. Instead, I’m met with chattering voices, and I follow them to the kitchen. Grace is seated on a barstool at the island having dinner, and Maria is sitting opposite her and engaged in what seems to be a very lively conversation. Maria stands when she sees me, and Grace swivels around in her stool and beams at me.

To say that I’m surprised is an understatement.

“Would you like me to warm your dinner before I go?” Maria says.

“No, I’ll be fine, thanks,” I tell her without taking my eyes off Grace. I move closer and kiss her on the mouth.

“Hello you,” she says. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in days.”

I laugh, hardly daring to believe that this relaxed beautiful woman is Grace. A disturbing thought crosses my mind. What if she doesn’t know that she was the subject of gossip today?

“In that case, I’ll see you two tomorrow,” Maria says, and her footsteps fade away.

“Don’t look so worried,” Grace says and strokes my cheek. “I saw the gossip, and I survived it.”

I grin like an idiot. “Yeah?”

She makes a face. “I have to be honest. I wasn’t this calm in the morning when my mom called me to scold me about how I’m embarrassing them. I called Isla, and she came over.”

I’m relieved that she was not alone, even though I wish I’d been the one to be there for her.

“I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to let them get to me, and so here I am.” She squares her shoulders and lengthens her neck.

I laugh. “I’m so proud of you,” I say and then grow solemn. “I thought I’d lost you for sure.”

She stands and moves between my legs. I rest my hands on her hips and slowly run my hands up and down. Arousal hits me, a combination of pent-up emotions. My cock strains against my jeans as it swells and grows hard,

“That had been the plan, but I hadn’t factored in my feelings. I’m addicted to you, Kyle Bryce,” she says, holding my gaze. No words have sounded sweeter.

“Don’t ever stop being addicted to me.”

“I won’t. Not when you keep doing the kind of things you’re doing with your hands,” she says breathlessly.

My hands are softly stroking the edge of her panties under the light material of her dress. I inhale the scent of her arousal just as she hugs me to her. My head is cradled against her breasts, and I move it up and down her cleavage.

I bring my hands up to cup her breasts and raise my face to kiss her. Her lips are so soft and malleable; they mold against mine perfectly. I could stay this way forever, with our lips unmoving but touching. She groans and opens her mouth, and I do the same. Our movements are synchronized as our tongues find each other and tangle together. Her nipples are hard points under her dress, and I flick them with my thumbs. Her sweet moans fill the room as I pleasure her with my hands.

Then she makes a reluctant noise and pulls away. “I’m being selfish. I know you’re hungry, and here I am just thinking of myself,” Grace says, moving away from me.

“I don’t mind you being selfish.” I try and reach for her, but she steps out of my grasp.

She laughs. “I’ll warm your food; then I can be selfish after you’ve had some dinner.”

“I would have preferred the other way around.”

Seeing Grace in my kitchen when I’d expected her to have run off fills me with a deep sense of contentment. The future is suddenly splashed with color. By refusing to be frightened off, she has opened my mind to endless possibilities. Things I’d never thought were part of my future.

Love. Marriage. A family.

It’s too soon to talk about such things with her, but that is my endgame. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve found the missing part of my puzzle, and I intend to keep it.

She brings over my dinner and pours me a glass of water. “How was your day?” She sits down on the opposite side of the island, out of my reach.

“Good. I met with my costar; I’m sure you’ve heard of her. Skyler.” The gifted but temperamental actress is the only actor in Hollywood who goes by one name. Having her as my costar is almost a guarantee that the movie will be a box office hit.

Grace’s eyes widen. “Oh, wow. Everyone has heard of Skyler and seen her movies. She’s beautiful.”

“She’s good at what she does. We ran a few lines together, and I was happy to see how excited she is for this movie.”

Then Grace frowns. “Isn’t she the one who is rumored to have affairs with all her leading men? I don’t care how beautiful or gifted she is; she had better stay away from my man.”

Seeing her acting all possessive makes me want to carry her upstairs and make love to her. “No chance of that happening. This leading man is very much taken.”

“Good,” Grace says.

“Got any painting done today?” I ask her.

“Yes, I worked all afternoon. It was a nice distraction from all the noise,” she says, and I smile at her adoption of the word ‘noise.’

“Will you let me see it when it’s finished?”

She laughs. “How can I say no when you look so cute asking?”

I frown at her. “That’s not the look I was aiming for.” I get up and carry my plate to the sink. “I need a shower. Care to join me?”

“I’ll pass,” Grace says. “However, I’ll be waiting naked in bed when you’re done with your shower.”

I let out a ragged breath as the vision of her soft body forms in my mind. “What are we waiting for?”

I head straight to the bathroom, ignoring Grace’s laugh. The shower I take has to be the fastest I’ve ever had. In less than ten minutes, I’m strolling back into the bedroom, stark naked and sporting a massive hard-on.

Grace simply stares at me, her gaze moving from my face to my cock. “I would be scared if I didn’t know what pleasure that gives me,” she says, gesturing at my cock.

She throws back the covers to reveal her perfect curvy body.

I gaze at her hungrily, zooming in on her pussy. Suddenly I can’t wait to taste her. Instead of joining her in the bed, I kneel at the edge and pull her until she’s seated at the edge of the bed. I move her further out and push her legs apart, exposing her gleaming pussy. “I want to taste you so badly,” I tell her before I lower my mouth. I don’t waste any time, and I eat out her pussy with the desperation of a man who had spent the day fantasizing of that moment. Her moans are music to my ears, and moments later, she flops back onto the bed as if the pleasure is too much to handle.

I push two fingers in while my tongue flicks her clit. She cries out my name until her voice goes hoarse. Then her muscles clench around my fingers as she comes, her body writhing from side to side.

I stand up, lift her legs onto my shoulders, and slowly push my cock into her slick pussy. It feels like dipping into molten heat. Her ass slaps into my hips with every quick, deep thrust.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she cries.

“Grace!” So much emotion is packed into her name. This woman has come to mean everything to me in a short time. This is a celebration of what we have and what she is to me. My chest expands with happiness as I look at her, her eyes glazed over with desire.

My woman.

I’ve never felt the need to be proprietorial over a woman, but with Grace, I feel things I’ve never felt before. I want to claim her as mine and tell the whole world.

When my orgasm comes, it’s long and drawn out, and I let out deep groans as Grace’s walls squeeze my cock, milking it of every drop of cum. I want to stay buried in her forever, but the angle is awkward, and I settle for having her in my arms.

“That was great,” she says.

I raise an eyebrow. “Great?”

She laughs. “OK. Wonderful, superb, the best …”

“That’s better.” I touch her cheek. “You’re officially my woman.”

She covers my hand with hers. “I like being your woman.”

I lean forward to capture her mouth in a kiss. I thank my lucky stars for the day I walked into Fire Station 255. I shudder inwardly as I think of how easy it would have been to miss crossing paths with Grace.