Wrath of the Fallen by Eve Archer



I crossed one leg over the other as I sat on the tufted leather couch in the library. The fires were roaring in the fireplaces at either end of the overly decorated room, but the French doors stood open along the long wall. Still, the room was hot enough that I’d taken off my jacket and unbuttoned the top buttons of my shirt

Caspiel handed a rocks glass to me over my shoulder. “You look like you need this more than even I do, and I did battle with demons of the dead.”

I gratefully took the drink, swirling the golden liquid in the square crystal glass and staring into it. “Thanks, and thanks again for keeping the women safe.”

The tall demon walked around the couch and sat on the other end, twisting to face me and raising his glass in salute. “Just doing my job.”

I took a gulp of the cognac that Mastema preferred to keep in his decanters, the burn a welcome distraction as it snaked down my throat. “You’re sure that’s all?”

Caspiel grinned at me over the rim of his glass, his charming smile reminding me that he was a skilled incubus. “You mean, did I find your woman appealing?” He leaned forward and placed his glass on the polished mahogany coffee table. “Of course, I did. She’s beautiful and exotic, and has enough spunk to tell me that she’d be a wildcat in bed.”

I bristled, hating the thought of Sara in bed with anyone, especially an incubus. I took another gulp of the liquor, shaking my head. I’d never been the jealous type, so why did I feel this way about a woman I hadn’t even bedded? Usually, I preferred to move from one woman to the next as quickly as possible, so no one would get attached, and feelings wouldn’t be involved. As an immortal, it was too painful to get attached knowing how it would end. And then I’d gone and fallen for Ella’s best friend, someone I wouldn’t be able to run from. At least, not forever.

“But I didn’t make a move on her, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Caspiel continued. “Even an incubus knows when he doesn’t stand a chance, and that woman only had eyes for you.”

I jerked my head up to meet his gaze. “What?”

He laughed, flopping back on the couch. “I’m amazed that a fallen angel like you can’t see it, especially since I’d heard you had quite the reputation as a heartbreaker.”

“Hearts were never involved.”

Caspiel nodded. “It’s better that way.”

I tilted my head at the demon. “You didn’t try anything with Sara? Even when you helped her run off in the middle of the night and checked her into a hotel?”

He grinned again. “Not a thing. It was a bit of a tragic waste, actually. I got stuck helping a woman who was obsessed with a fallen angel, of all things. I could have been seducing any one of the nubile creatures in Paris, but instead, I got stuck playing tour guide, and then running through the catacombs beating off demons of death.” He huffed out an exhausted breath. “Trust me when I say, the lovely Sara is all yours.”

“She isn’t mine,” I said, cognac roiling in my stomach, “and she never can be.”

Caspiel cocked an eyebrow at me. “Just because you’re one of the Fallen and she’s a human? Don’t tell me you haven’t enjoyed your fair share of humans.”

“I have, but I can’t treat her like any other woman. She’s the best friend of Dominick’s mate. Aside from spending this year here in Mastema’s service, I won’t be able to avoid her.”

“And that’s a bad thing? Like I said, I’m pretty sure she’d be great between the sheets.”

I groaned, not wanting to think about Sara and sheets together, although the image of her in my bed made my cock twitch to life. “You have heard of the maxim ‘don’t shit where you eat’?”

He frowned. “That’s not a rule for demons. I’m actually pretty sure that’s one way they torture humans in hell.”

“Well, I’m not going to get involved in something that can never have a future. Not when I…” I slammed back the rest of my drink and put the glass on the table.

Caspiel straightened, bracing his elbows on his knees. “Don’t tell me another fallen angel has fallen for a human? Truly fallen?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know.” But I did know. I’d known since the first day I’d met her, and the first time she’d threatened Dominick. There was something about Sara that pulled me to her. Something I hadn’t experienced over thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of conquests. I didn’t just desire her. I needed her.

“But you haven’t even fucked her, have you?”

I didn’t answer that, but I didn’t need to. Caspiel had already risen to his feet. “Unbelievable.” He glanced at me as if I might be contagious. “You don’t think this is something that’s spreading through the Fallen, do you?”

“No,” I assured him. As far as I’d seen, every other fallen angel remained as devoted as ever to seducing as many women as possible.

“I suppose it’s a good thing you’ll be here with us. There’s no room for being lovesick when you work for the demon prince.”

“I’m counting on it.”

The sound of a throat being cleared at the door made us both look around. Mastema stood in the open doorway with Sara by his side.

I jumped to my feet while Caspiel uttered a curse in ancient Egyptian. Sara had changed from her dirty catacomb outfit and wore a brightly colored dress that fell from twisted fabric straps over her shoulder, the pointed ends of the gossamer fabric swirling around her ankles. Her black hair hung loose over one shoulder.

“Sara,” I said, hoping she hadn’t heard what Caspiel and I had been saying.

“I know I shouldn’t have come without calling, but Ella and Dominick disappeared into their suite, and, well, I didn’t say goodbye.”

“I assume you aren’t talking to me,” Caspiel said, with a wicked grin.

Sara gave him a look. “You assumed right.”

Mastema waved Caspiel from the room. “We’ll leave you.”

Once they were gone, Sara stepped inside, glancing from side to side. “The guy loves his fires, doesn’t he?”

“Demons,” I said.

She laughed nervously then took a deep breath. “Listen, I’m really sorry about running off without telling anyone, and about not saying goodbye to you back at the cathedral.”

“Sometimes it’s easier not to say goodbye. Since Ella and Dominick will be together for a long time, our paths will cross again.”

“Which is why I don’t want this to be weird,” she said, the words rushing from her. “I know there’s something between us, and if we don’t get it out in the open and deal with it, things will be awkward every time we see each other.”

“How do you suggest we deal with it?”

Sara strode over to me, a determined glint in her eye. “Like this.” She wrapped one hand around my neck and pulled my mouth to hers before I could react.

As soon as our lips touched, heat ricocheted through my body. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her flush to me. What had started as her kissing me soon became me controlling the kiss, my tongue parting her lips and delving deep.

She let out a breathy moan, which made my cock stiffen. I wanted more of her. I needed more of her. Backing up, I sank back onto the couch and took her with me, her legs straddling my waist. I raked my hands through her hair as she ground into me, making my aching cock strain painfully against my pants.

When she pulled away, I was panting, and my head was swimming. “Sara.”

Her expression of desire morphed to confusion and then regret as she jumped off me and backed away. “I can’t believe I did that. I’m so sorry.”

She ran from the room, but I didn’t run after her. I was too stunned by the distinctive buzz I’d felt when she’d touched me.

Sara now carried an angelic trace. This changed everything.

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Thank you for reading Wrath of the Fallen! The trilogy is now complete, but that doesn’t mean the story of the Fallen is over!

Want to discover what happens to Rami and Sara? Pre-order Torment of the Fallen.

Rami made a vow to work alongside the Prince of Demons. But that was before he knew that Sara carried the mark of an angel. It’s been millennia since he felt so strongly for a woman, and he doesn’t know if it’s even possible for a tormented soul like him to be happy. But he knows he can’t let the demons get their hands on her—even if it means breaking his vow and forfeiting his life.

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Want to read the prequel to see the first time Ella and Dominick met at the New York Epicurus club? Download the free novella:


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This book has been edited and proofed, but typos are like little demons that like to sneak in when we’re not looking. If you spot a typo, please report it to: [email protected]gmail.com