Mustang by Piper Stone

Chapter 11



I’d seen the kind of rage in Mustang’s eyes that should have surprised me, but it didn’t. He was a complicated man, his steel-plated armor refusing to crack. Although I knew he would have pulled the trigger without hesitation.

I cradled Zorro against my chest, hopeful he didn’t have any broken ribs. Alert, he continued to growl, and I knew he would still go after the intruders if necessary. When the other trucks finally left, I let out a strangled whimper. I closed my eyes as I held him, no longer cognizant of the freezing temperatures.

The quiet was welcoming, although the ragged beating of my heart echoed in my ears. When I finally lifted my head, searching for Mustang, he stood off in the distance, his gaze locked on the Charger. I hadn’t bothered to put it into the garage, merely longing to lock myself inside the house. He cocked his head before glancing at me then taking long strides, reaching down and retrieving my weapon, pocketing it into his jacket.

I hadn’t been certain what had terrified me more. Almost driving off the road or the fact I’d been followed again.

Very slowly he walked in my direction, staring down at me, not saying a single word.

“Go on, chastise me. I know I deserve it for disobeying you,” I said after a full minute. As he tipped his head toward the sky, allowing the snow and ice to pelt against his face, I shuddered. Damn, he was furious with me. Hell, I couldn’t blame him.

“What good is that going to do?” he asked ever so quietly, absolutely no inflection in his tone. Another five seconds passed. Ten. “How badly injured is Zorro?”

“I don’t know. I need to take a couple x-rays.”

He nodded and leaned over, gently taking Zorro from my arms and heading toward the clinic.

I studied his stoic form for a few seconds before managing to climb to my feet. Every part of me ached from fear and tension, my hands almost completely numb. I grabbed the keys, continuing to shake as I moved toward the door and unlocked it. When I flipped on the light, I winced from the harshness of the overhead fluorescent. My head ached, my mind reeling at what could have happened. “Um, the x-ray equipment is in the room over there. Just lay him on the table.”

The way he cradled Zorro was so sweet and caring, even though his eyes held such coldness. I hated the tension between us. I loathed that I hadn’t trusted him enough to talk to him. Then he’d come to my rescue, putting his own life on the line in order to protect me.

I was the biggest fool on the planet.

As I walked into the room, the way he was rubbing Zorro’s head brought a slight smile to my face. “You’re going to need to wait out there. This will only take a few minutes.”

He lifted his head, studying my eyes for what seemed like a lifetime. I could swear he was searching my soul, attempting to figure out if he could ever trust me again. When he walked out of the room without saying anything, closing the door behind him, I sagged against the table, rubbing my eyes until Zorro thumped his tail against the table.

“At least your tail isn’t broken, baby. This isn’t going to hurt.” I examined him gently, finding no outward signs of injury. While the kicks were hard, the damage was minimal. When I took the last of the x-rays, I was surprised when he jumped off the table by himself without whining. He nuzzled against my leg then walked toward the door, as if wanting to see Mustang.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I allowed him out.

Within a few minutes, I was clearly able to see there were no fractures. I made a promise that I’d never put my baby in that position again. Ever. Or anyone else for that matter.

I shut down the machine and made certain everything in the room was in order.

In other words, I was stalling.

Finally finding the courage, I moved into the main room, knowing exactly where I’d find both Mustang as well as my dog. I leaned against the doorway, folding my arms. Mustang had opened the cage and Rattler was happily enjoying some loving strokes while Zorro rested his head on Mustang’s knee.

“No IV,” he said with no inflection.

“I removed it earlier because Rattler is doing so well. Seems like one perfect family.” As soon as I said the words, I bit back a moan. They hadn’t come out as I’d intended.

He didn’t bother looking me in the eyes, his gaze firmly locked on the two dogs. “Is it safe to take Rattler to the house?”

“I think so. As long as they both remain calm, a warm fire will do them some good. Zorro is fine, no broken bones. He’ll be sore for a couple days.”

He helped Rattler stand, moving out of the room, both dogs following him, stopping short of the entrance. “I assume the front door is unlocked to your house. I am staying the night whether or not you like it.” When he peered over his shoulder, he lifted a single eyebrow as if daring me to challenge him.

“I’m coming right behind you. Yes, the door is unlocked.”

Mustang took a deep whiff, his gaze slowly drifting to my feet then back to my eyes.

God, the man was formidable. They way he’d taken on the assholes was astounding, maybe even reckless, but he’d become my hero.

By the time I walked in, the two dogs had settled on the couch in front of the fire, although there were barely little more than embers at this point. He grabbed several logs from the hearth, stoking the fire.




When he walked away, I was floored, words stuck in my throat. Then I realized what he was doing, checking every lock on the windows and doors. I stood where I was, feeling smaller than I ever had in my life. Just hearing his heavy boots as he stormed through the house was enough of a reminder that I’d almost gotten myself killed.

“Are you hurt?” he asked as soon as he walked back into the room.

“No. Thank you for coming to my rescue.” Were my words even audible? The thanks sounded so damn weak. I finally realized he was staring at me and the second I dared to look into his eyes, I was thrown once again.

I’d had men look at me in hunger a few times in my life. I’d certainly had my share of assholes glaring at me out of rage given my assertive personality. But when he lifted his head, the look he gave me was indescribable. Yet I could feel the vibes he emitted, the rawness of his emotions as the electricity surged through both of us once again, searing every nerve ending.


Unbridled desire.

Utter domination.

He wasn’t just undressing me with his eyes. He was peeling away every layer of my life, all the concerns and fears, joys and sorrows. They were suddenly unraveling, fading away into my past.

As Mustang moved to a standing position, taking careful steps in my direction, I held my breath. I’d never felt so intensely alive, every emotion over-sensitized. He was so damn powerful, every action he took careful and measured. I was floored that my mouth was suddenly dry, my heart skipping several beats. There wasn’t a part of me that wasn’t on fire, my nipples aching as they scraped against my sweater. And there was no doubt wetness pooled between my legs. I was lost to the man, my own hunger off the rails.

The second he closed the distance until we were only inches apart, my entire body began to quiver. He lowered his head, allowing his hot breath to cascade over my face and neck. Goosebumps popped all over my arms, the chill I’d felt earlier completely eradicated. Lifting my hand, I placed my fingers on his chest, almost gasping for air in order to fill my lungs.

He inhaled, holding his breath as he very delicately traced his index finger across my forehead then down the bridge of my nose. “You scared me.”

“I’m sorry. They just appeared out of nowhere.”

“And you shouldn’t have confronted them. They were dangerous men on a mission. Why didn’t you call the sheriff?”

“At first, it was a single knock on the door and I answered, thinking it was you. By that point, it was too late.”

Every word he said settled into the back of my mind. I’d never felt like such a ridiculous woman, the bad decisions almost costing me everything that was precious to me. Including him. How could I feel so strongly about a man I didn’t know?

But I did.

How could I want him so desperately that he filled so much of my waking thoughts?

But I did.

“I know,” I managed, as I caressed his chest, rubbing up and down.

He cupped my chin, the grip firm, tilting my head. “You’re never going to do that again.”


A growl slipped past his lips before he crushed his mouth over mine and slid his arms around me. There was nothing like the feeling of being in his arms, the warmth and strength creating another wave of shivers. I melted against him, tingling all over as he pressed his throbbing cock against my tummy. I was even lightheaded as he thrust his tongue into my mouth, immediately dominating mine. The taste of him was sweet and tangy, the force he used sucking my breath away.

He rubbed his hands up and down, finally cupping and squeezing my bottom. I clung to him as the kiss became a passionate roar, a moment of extreme pleasure and something that I never wanted to end.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his silky stands of hair. I was even more excited and aroused than before as I moaned into the kiss, my fingers able to feel his rapid heartbeat as I continued to stroke his chest.

Mustang dragged me onto my toes, grinding his hips back and forth, making certain I knew exactly what he was going to do to me.

Take what he wanted.

Feast on every inch.

Fuck me in every hole.

When he finally broke the kiss, he fisted my hair, yanking my head and rubbing his lips across my jaw then down to my neck. When he dragged his rough tongue up and down my skin, I couldn’t hold back a series of whimpers.

“Oh, yes. Oh…”

“I don’t want to lose you,” he whispered in a husky velveteen voice that would forever send chills through me.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Mmm…” He issued several intense growls as he nipped my skin, sliding his lips to my ear. “Then you’re going to learn to obey. It would seem you need constant lessons.”

I bit back another cry, panting as he licked the base of my earlobe. The man was driving me crazy both from longing as well as anticipation of whatever punishment he was going to dole out. “I promise I won’t do that again. And I’ll tell you everything.”

“Yes, you are going to talk to me, but I know you too well, Danni. You’re going to push until you get yourself hurt. There are always consequences for bad behavior. Maybe I can help you rethink certain decisions you make.” He licked down my neck, dragging his tongue under my chin to the other side, his soft growls and guttural noises keeping me on edge and overheated.

I clung to his arms, my body swaying, my needs increasing with every second. “Then just get it over with.”

“When I say it’s time, then it will be time.” He eased back, very swiftly yanking the bottom of my sweater up to my chest, exposing my breasts. With a carnal look on his face, his eyes twinkling in the firelight, he hunched over, taking my nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, God. Oh…” I cradled his head, closing my eyes as I arched my back. The way he swirled his tongue around my hardened bud created another explosive wave of electricity, making it almost impossible to think clearly. I knew exactly what he was doing, breaking down the last of my defenses, reminding me that I would submit to him.

Body and soul.

At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to surrender to his every desire, his primal hunger that threatened to overwhelm me. I licked my lips, trying to control my breathing and when he bit down, I cried out, the sound floating between us.

He shifted to my other nipple, repeating his actions, driving me to the point of madness. Seconds later, he chuckled darkly then ripped the sweater over my shoulders, tossing the material and cupping my breasts, pinching both nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. “Now, here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going into the kitchen where you’re going to find me several implements that I can punish you with. You’re going to place them on the counter for me before pouring us both a drink of your choice. After that, you’re going to find me rope or something else that I can use to tie your hands. Then you’re going to remove your jeans and panties before going to stand in the corner.”

“I…” Was he serious? I was mortified at the request, my heart now in my throat. He was going to tie me down? Was he kidding? I couldn’t even take a breath, my entire body shaking, my throat closing off.

Nodding, he rubbed his thumb back and forth across my lips. “Yes. That’s exactly what you’re going to do. I think you need to reflect on what could have occurred tonight. You’re going to wait for me. I won’t be long. Then I’m going to give you a long and very hard spanking. I think that is going to help you realize that you could have made better choices.”

“Okay.” I couldn’t believe I was agreeing with him, allowing myself to be treated like a misbehaving child. But in truth, I’d been reckless confronting the men, no matter that they’d shouted until I hadn’t been able to stand it any longer, finally going outside. What I hadn’t intended was for Zorro to follow me, but the pup had insisted and I’d almost gotten him seriously injured. Maybe I deserved the hard spanking.

“Go. Then we can enjoy an evening together.”

Mustang said the words in such a matter-of-fact manner that I almost felt like I was moving into a trance. He pinched my nipples again, forcing me to moan from the pain as well as the yearning that embroiled every inch of my body. I wanted this man with every ounce of my being. In truth, I wanted nothing more than to please him.

Swallowing hard, the moment he let me go, I almost fell forward. Catching myself, I felt stiff as I walked into the kitchen, turning on the light. When I looked back, he’d moved closer to the fire, warming his hands. Another shudder rippled through every muscle and tendon, the anxiety stealing my breath.

I was seriously contemplating following his commands. A nervous laugh pushed up from my throat, my mind reeling from the fact I couldn’t seem to ignore him. Was I out of my mind or simply falling hard for the rough and tumble man who refused to take no for an answer?

Every move I made seemed perfunctory, shifting toward the cabinet and pulling out two wineglasses. Tonight, I wanted red wine. Blood red. Maybe consuming a bottle of cabernet would remind me that life was precious. All life. After selecting a bottle and opening, I poured two glasses, placing them in a just-so position on the counter. Somehow, I found it difficult to move toward the two drawers that held the kind of implements I knew he was looking for.

Spanking utensils.

I found a spool of twine used for meat and held it in front of me, digging my nails into the cardboard. He was really going to tie me down? How? I placed the freaking twine near the glasses, resisting tossing the entire thing out the window.

The realization of what I was doing crowded into my foggy brain even as I opened both drawers at the same time, blinking several times in an effort to focus. I debated for a few seconds before selecting two wooden spoons, one heftier than the other, and one mean-looking plastic spatula. Even as I placed them just in front of the glasses of wine, I couldn’t believe what I was doing. Everything seemed so unreal, as if I’d been shoved into a different time and place.

Yet as I rearranged them not once but twice, finally standing back and giving a nod of approval, I realized that there had to be a part of me deep inside craving his firm hand. Was that possible?

Or maybe I cared far too much about an angry and volatile cowboy who reeked of testosterone and domination. Whatever the answer, I’d already unbuttoned my jeans, slowing tugging on the zipper. I darted several looks into the living room, half expecting that Zorro would come bouncing in at any time. The pup was comfortable, accepting of the man who’d taken control of my house and my life. What the hell could be next?

I shifted my hips back and forth as I lowered the dense material past them, every part of me still shaking from anticipation as well as excitement. When I almost tripped from attempting to step out of them, I bit back a moan. I was forced to close my eyes as I slowly shimmied my panties past my thighs. The embarrassment furrowing deep inside created a wave of heat, a skittering in my heart.

Bad girl. Bad. Bad. Bad.

My inner voice was working overtime, reminding me that every choice I’d made had been ridiculous. After folding the two pieces and placing them gingerly on the kitchen table, I walked toward the only corner of the kitchen without cabinets or furniture in the way. I had to take several deep breaths before I could actually move as close as possible to the wall, fisting my hands and fighting back tears. All because I was that bad girl.

What I knew about myself was that I wasn’t a patient woman, not on any level. Just trying to keep calm while waiting was almost too much to take. I listened for any sound, only able to catch a slight crackling of the fire, the sound not remotely soothing. Every inch of my skin was on fire, tingling as if I’d already been disciplined.

I pushed my hands against the wall, twisting my head back and forth as I tried to keep my position. There was no idea how much time had passed. Two minutes. Ten.

A half an hour.

But when I finally heard his boots thumping against the kitchen floor, I was unable to stop a whimper from escaping. Mustang seemed to be hesitating in the doorway. What the hell? Was he studying me, making certain I’d followed his directions? A few seconds later, I realized that was exactly what the man was doing. It wasn’t about intimidation, merely another way of adding to the sickening anticipation.

Even though my pussy was wet, already slickening the insides of my thighs, I dared not glance in his direction. I knew better. I simply tried to concentrate on what he was doing when he finally walked further into the room. The scrape of the bottom of the wineglass was maddening. I eased my forehead against the wall, clenching my fists and resisting tossing out demands.

Another thirty seconds passed and I was fighting what little control I had left over my natural tendencies to lash out. When I finally sensed his presence directly behind me, I bit my lower lip to keep from crying out.

“You did very well, Danni.”

Why did his tone have to be so soft even in its heightened level of control? As he brushed his fingers down my spine, I shifted even closer to the wall, planting my hands against the wallboard.

Exhaling, he rolled his fingers down the crack of my ass, slapping both cheeks. “I think you’re beginning to understand the ramifications of your actions. Correct?”

“Yes, sir.” Jesus. Where had the word come from? I’d never called anyone sir, not even my father.

“Excellent. Come with me.” He guided me toward the island, gently planting me across the smooth surface. “Arms over your head.”

I did as I was told, taking shallow breaths as I strained to see what he was doing. When he grabbed the twine, I clamped my hands around the edge of the counter. I didn’t have to see him unwinding the string. I could hear what he was doing and as he walked to the other side of the island, his single growl was enough to push echoes of my heartbeat into my ears.

He said nothing as he wrapped the thin rope around my wrist, securing the end to one of the drawer handles. Very methodically he repeated the move with my other arm, taking a deep breath after he’d finished. “That will keep you in place.”

As soon as he’d said the words, I jerked my arms, shifting back and forth on the island when I realized just how secure I was. Lifting my head, I followed his actions as he walked around the other side once again. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed he took another sip of wine while he pulled one implement into his hand then another. God, he was deciding which one to use first.


The word was no longer foreign in my mind. I was forced to accept that this rugged and powerful man was holding me captive in my own home, able to do anything he wanted. While my body should react differently, excitement tore through me. Every move I made allowed my nipples to scrape against the counter’s surface, creating even more of an ache. A sudden wave of uncertainty washed through me. I bucked, fighting with the bindings holding me in place.

“Relax, Danni. You are completely safe with me.”

Relax? He really thought I could relax at this point? The man was crazy. Sensations washed over me like a tidal wave, pushing away every rational thought. All I could think about was the fact he had utter control over me.

He rubbed his hand down the length of my hair before pushing my long strands over one shoulder, continuing to rub the tips of his fingers down my spine.

“Now, I’m going to spank you long and hard,” he stated in his usual husky tone.

I closed my eyes, refusing to watch as he selected an implement. I honestly didn’t want to know.

When the first four hard cracks were issued on one side then the other, I was shocked that the sting was remotely enjoyable. I took a deep breath, trying to hold it as he tapped a spoon against one inner thigh then the other.

“Legs wide open, please.”

I obeyed his command without hesitation, stretching my legs wide open.

“Mmm… You’re already wet and we’re just beginning,” he mused. He delivered six additional smacks across my bottom, moving his hand rapidly.

This time, the sting was more prominent, forcing me to take scattered breaths. I refused to whimper although I had to concentrate on keeping my legs open since they couldn’t reach the floor. I’d never felt so exposed, the scent of my desire unmistakable. The damn spanking was turning me on.

Once again, I couldn’t hear him. Not his breathing or even any action he might be making. Various nasty words formed in my mind, but I shoved them away, trying desperately to be good. Jesus. Good. I dragged my tongue across my lips, blinking several times. This was surreal, or maybe this was as real as life could get. A smile crossed my face seconds before he brought the spoon down hard and fast, the thick wood hitting almost every inch of my bottom as well as the tops of my thighs.

Pain exploded, my mind reeling, the cry I issued strangled. “Oh. Oh!” I hadn’t realized I’d closed my legs until he jerked them open again.

“You’re still disobedient. I can see this is going to take a long time.”

“No. No! I’ll be good.” The same damn word reverberated in my mind. He was having none of my pitiful wails, smacking me again and again. My toes curled, my pulse skyrocketing as the pain shifted into anguish. When I heard him dropping one implement and picking up another, I couldn’t hold back a series of moans.

“Your pretty pink pussy is glistening, sweet Danni. I can’t wait to shove my cock inside.” He pressed his fingers against my swollen folds, flicking the tips back and forth.

Damn him. He was toying with me, shoving me to the very edge of an orgasm then yanking back, issuing another hard volley of smacks on my bottom. The heat building in my lower torso was incredible, leaving me panting and writhing. I lost count as he continued, my bottom already sore, my body wriggling. I flexed and twisted my hands, fighting the twine that seemed to dig into my skin the more I struggled. I was breathless, my whimpers more like scattered breathless moans.

“Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.” My cries went unheeded as he spanked me long and hard, finally moving to the spatula, which was stiff and barely pliable. The sound the damn thing made was something I would remember for some time to come.

Growling, he caressed my sore ass cheeks, every move so gentle. “So wet. So hot.”

I wanted to scream out that there was no way I could be, but my body had betrayed me minutes before. There was no use in lying. I allowed my face to rest against the cool counter, trying to catch my breath as he teased my pussy, rubbing the tip of a single finger up and down. When he swirled it around my clit, I bucked all over again. “Oh, God. Oh…” I wanted to beg him to fuck me, but I knew that would come later.

When he was ready.

The second he slipped the same finger into my tight channel, the electricity that had been coursing through my body exploded, leaving me breathless and unable to think clearly. I realized I was struggling to get closer, longing to have several fingers thrusting inside.

“Six more,” he said, although his words were more like music than a statement.

I wasn’t counting, was unable to even think about the time of day or why I was getting spanked in the first place. An incredible feeling of utter euphoria had slowly allowed the pain to subside, morphing into something spectacular. I was barely cognizant that he’d dropped the implement, but I did feel his hands as they caressed my shoulders, kneading the remaining tension away within seconds.

“You are very beautiful,” he half whispered in his usual husky tone. He leaned over, pressing his lips from one shoulder blade to the other, taking his time as he darted his tongue across my heated skin.

I had no words, no coherent sentences. All I could do was purr as he rolled his thumbs up and down the knots in my back, leaving me relaxed, my pussy clenching and releasing several times.

“But so hardheaded.” This time, he chuckled and continued his massage, moving to the middle of my back. He ground his hips back and forth across my bruised ass as if to add emphasis.

“No. Yes. I mean…” I tossed my head from side to side, fighting the damn bindings. I wanted to be free to touch every inch of his gorgeous body, but he had other things in mind.

Teasing me.

Tormenting me.

I would get him back. There was no doubt in my mind.

“I know the truth even if you don’t. You have no patience and no respect regarding danger. Both are something you’re going to learn.”

“Through your efforts?” I half purred.

He swatted my bottom twice.

“Ouch!” I moaned.

“You should be careful, little lady, and learn to have some respect for me.”

I bit back a retort as he slowly rubbed his hands down the length of my back, digging his nails into my hips as he leaned over, nuzzling into my neck.

He knew he was driving me crazy and enjoyed every minute. Yet as he licked and nipped my earlobe, I didn’t honestly care what or how he did anything to me.

However, the second he moved away, I whimpered involuntarily, struggling to see what he was doing. As I heard the sound of his belt buckle being unfastened, I bristled, sucking in my breath.

“Now, I’m going to fuck you, sunshine. Just like you enjoy being fucked.” Within seconds, he gripped my hips again, holding me in place as he pushed the tip of his cockhead past my swollen folds.

“Oh!” I jerked up as much as the bindings would allow me, hard enough the drawers holding the twine in place rattled. This was so damn sinful and filthy, yet delicious in its sordid moment. When he did nothing for a solid ten seconds, I moaned my discord. “Don’t tease me or you will get it.”

His guttural laugh was my reward. “Maybe I should just walk away and leave you like this. Would you like that, baby girl?”

“You do and I will hunt you down.”

“Only if you can free yourself, which I doubt. I’ll send someone in a day or so.”

I bucked my hips as my answer, wriggling back and forth.

“You are a tease and very tempting,” he growled. “I don’t know.”

“You said you were going to fuck me.”

“I’ve changed my mind.”

“Don’t you dare!”

“Then ask me nicely. Tell me what you want,” he commanded.

I had to swallow twice before I could answer. “Fuck me. Please, fuck me.”

“Not nice enough. Manners and respect.”

I jerked as hard as I could on the bindings, grateful the dogs were far too exhausted to pay any attention. “Please, sir, will you fuck me?”

Mustang shifted back and forth. Then his grip on my hips became even firmer. “Yes, I think I will.” When he slammed his cock into me, the force ripping away my breath, stars floated in front of my eyes.

“Oh. Oh. Yes. Yes!” The man filled me completely, his cock throbbing against my aching muscles.

His breath sounds skipping, he growled as he fucked me, driving in brutal and fast thrusts. He was taking what he believed belonged to him, enjoying every minute of complete control.

I had difficulty breathing, the continued ache from my reddened bottom heightened by his massive body slicing against mine.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.” The guttural sounds were the only ones I could make, my heart hammering so hard against my chest. I kept my eyes closed, surrendering in a way I never would have only weeks before. He’d not only broken through my defenses, he’d tossed out every layer, subjecting me to his complete dominance. I was entranced by the moment, a smile remaining on my fact.

He pumped harder, using both his hands to split me wide open. I was yanked to the brink of one wicked orgasm, my entire body quivering. I clenched my fists, panting like some crazed dog. “Yes. Please. Um…” When he suddenly slowed down, shifting back and forth, I could tell I’d murmured something, but for the life of me had no idea what.

“Do you want to come?” he asked gruffly.

“Uh-huh.” I was exhausted, every muscle in my body straining, begging for release.

“Then ask me nicely.”

What did the bastard think he was doing? “Can I come?”


The hard single smack across my backside forced me to yelp. “Please, may I come, sir?”

“Better. I can see this is going to take a significant amount of time.” He pulled his cock free, leaving only the tip inside. “I’ll grant it.”

I could rip out his eyeballs for tormenting me. The second he started to pump in wild and crazed abandon, his husky sounds mixing with my ragged pants, there was no way I could hold back. Almost instantly an orgasm shot through me, pushing me like a bottle rocket straight into nirvana. “Yes… Yes!”

He refused to stop, driving in the same brutal manner as before. One climax flew into a second, the giant blue wave like a spinning sea of ocean current. This time, my scream was bedraggled, the crazy sensations bursting into every cell and muscle. The tingling refused to stop for at least two minutes and when it did, I fell into utter exhaustion, simply trying to learn how to breathe again.

“You’re even more beautiful when you come, your skin shimmering,” he whispered yet every word was still as authoritative as before, only more sensual. He took his time brushing his fingers over my skin, lulling me into a moment of pure bliss. “But bad girls get fucked in the ass.”

My eyes opening wide, my body tensed all over again as he pressed the tip of his cock up and down the crack of my ass. I clawed the edge of the island, trying desperately to push up. Even my legs kicked out before he planted them as wide as possible once again before positioning his cockhead just inside my dark hole.

“Relax, baby girl. I’m going to make you feel real good.” He methodically pushed his cock past my tight ring of muscle.

“Oh, God. Oh…” I fisted then flexed both hands, the pain rushing down the back of my legs. When he shoved the last couple of inches inside, I threw my head back and wailed.

“I love how damn tight you are. So freaking hot.” He stopped moving altogether for at least ten seconds before pulling almost all the way out. Then he plunged the entire length deep inside once. Twice. Three times. With every savage plunge, he growled, becoming the true beast he was.

I could only hold on for the ride, trying my best to relax my muscles until the pain began to subside, morphing into another moment of dirty yet fulfilling ecstasy. Within seconds, I was trying to meet every hard thrust with one of my own, our collective sounds primal. We were nothing but beasts in the wild mating. And I loved every minute of it.

“Yes. So good. So… damn… good.” His voice was almost unrecognizable, his deep baritone scattering across me like a warm breeze.

As I fell into his rhythm, no longer bothering to try to think or focus, I could tell he was close to coming. I bit back a smile as I squeezed my muscles, relishing the sound of his husky roar. He erupted deep inside, filling me with his seed. The moment he did, a single crazy and surreal thought entered my mind, one that left me shaking for an entirely different reason.

I could fall head over heels for this man.

This cowboy.

This Marine.

This… brute.

And it scared me to death.