Mustang by Piper Stone

Chapter 5



Unbridled freaking lust.

Or maybe I had a screw loose.

Not only had I fucked a stranger in the empty barn on the ranch, it was the naughty vixen from the auction. Jesus Christ, any one of the ranch hands could have ventured inside at any time since preparations were being made to bring the cattle we’d recently purchased to this location. What the hell had I been thinking?

And I didn’t even know the girl’s name.

But dear God, there wasn’t a part of me that didn’t want to toss her in the cage I’d thought about before, keeping her like a sweet little pet.

Training her.

Tasting her.

Fucking her.

I studied her as she jerked on her jeans, her face redder than the effects of spanking her bottom. I resisted grinning as I thought about the experience, realizing I hadn’t been this excited in years. Maybe ever. The obnoxious girl still did something to me even if she was a handful.




Shit. I wanted to spend the rest of the day taming her, but I had work to do. What I didn’t know is what the hell she was doing here. Her accusations had stuck in my craw, leaving me questioning what she could be getting at. Let alone who else had told her I was dangerous? I chuckled at the thought since it had been the very word I’d used. While I’d yet to mention the down and dirty at the auction with Hawk, I could be forced to soon if she didn’t spill what she knew.

“Okay, sunshine. Out with it. Why the hell are you here?”

She finished fastening her jeans, taking her time before looking me in the eyes. “This was a mistake.”

I snorted, uncertain whether she meant being caught red-handed or the incredible round of sex. If I had to guess, I’d say both. I fastened my belt then yanked my boots off the floor. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. You still thinking I’m involved in some criminal activity?”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Why the hell do you think that? Who are you anyway? Some animal lover determined to stop the beef industry, like tying yourself to a steer to keep it from being slaughtered?”

The flash in her eyes was like a blizzard occurring on a summer’s day. “Hardly. While I do care for animals, all animals I might add, I’m not the kind of woman to do crazy shit like that, thank you very much.”

“So, accusing just about everyone involved at the auction wasn’t crazy?”

Her nostrils flaring, she jerked on her boots then moved as far away from me as possible. “I had a tip from an anonymous source. That’s all you’re going to get. I don’t know you and I certainly can’t trust you.”

A laugh erupted from my gut before I could stop it. “You mean the hot sex we had didn’t make us bosom buddies?”

Another flush shot up both her cheeks.

“Can I leave now?” she demanded. “I think you’ve taken your pound of flesh.”

I thought about her request, as well as the statement she’d issued. What kind of tip had this girl received? “You know what? Let’s cut this thing off at the pass. I’m going to venture a guess that you’re looking to see if the Big Meadow Ranch is harboring injured animals for some sick reason. Am I right? Maybe you’re thinking some level of fraud?” I knew about the shit happening in the industry. I was well aware there were some bad seeds out there, determined to exploit good people out of their hard-earned funds. What I’d never heard was anyone putting Big Meadow on some kind of radar. That made me angry as well as raised red flags.

She gave me a hard look before nodding.

“All right. Then come with me. Maybe I can prove to you otherwise.” When she hesitated, I lifted my eyebrow. “I ain’t gonna bite. At least any more than I already have. Although, I do think you enjoyed our… second meeting.”

As she swept her hair over her shoulders, I realized my cock was already twitching again.

“All right. Maybe I’ll be the one doing the biting,” she huffed, wincing as she walked toward the stairs.

This time, I couldn’t keep the evil grin off my face.

She gave me another hard, cold stare, her eyes searching mine condescendingly. The woman was definitely a brat, but formidable in all kinds of ways. Hmmm…

When I opened the passenger door of my truck, she exhaled in an exaggerated manner. I couldn’t help but notice she seemed confused at the sight of my truck, as if expecting something else. She raked her hand through her disheveled hair before climbing inside, her jaw clenched. I’d obviously pissed her off all over again. While I’d been working on my patience since returning from Afghanistan, this woman was yanking every single chain.

The passion had been amazing, but not enough to continue allowing her bad behavior or her unfounded accusations.

Remaining quiet, I roared onto the road that intertwined the various areas Hawk’s brother had already established before his death. Even as I attempted to ignore her, at least at first, I couldn’t take my eyes off the gorgeous cowgirl. She certainly made my blood boil.

“Something special about my truck?” I asked as quietly as possible.

“Nope. Just looking.”

She was guarded about something and I didn’t think it had to do with me.

“Since you know my name, don’t you think it’s fair that I learn yours?” I asked after a couple of minutes.

“Not really.”

Damn, the woman was guarded as hell. “Okay, then I’ll just call you sunshine. You’re right that I don’t own the ranch, although I may own a percentage of the corporation in the next few months. Big Meadow is owned by a buddy of mine, Jake Travers, although his buddies call him Hawk.”

“Hawk and Mustang. Who else do you have in your posse, Dog and Beast?”

I shook my head. The girl had a chip on her shoulder the size of a boulder, and I thought mine was oppressive. “They’re call signs and mean something to us.”

She slowly turned her head. “Ex-military?”

“Yup. Marines. Anyway, Hawk inherited the ranch from his father and brother, and we’re going to make it something special. It’s a privilege to work with him as well as the almost two hundred men and women who help keep this ranch going.”

“Why the empty barn?”

“Bringing in additional stock. We’ve been preparing for a couple of months.” The awkward tension remained between us.

As well as the explosive electricity.

I drove slowly past several of the fields, allowing her to get a good look at our livestock. I was damn proud of what we’d been able to accomplish in the few months and had even fallen in love with the place.

She didn’t seem impressed, although she sat on the edge of her seat, scanning the horizon.

“There’s something special about Montana. The mountains. The clean air. The beautiful rivers. I’d forgotten how much I missed the place.” I wasn’t certain why I’d bothered to tell her anything personal. It was unlikely we’d ever see each other again, even if the Neanderthal side of me still wanted to claim her as my own.

“How long were you gone?” she asked in a quiet voice, which was entirely different than before.

“Let’s just say long enough I hadn’t wanted to come back at first. I didn’t think I’d find anything that would feel like home. Funny thing about that. Memories can be the beginning of a new life.”

“Or they can be nothing more than a continuous nightmare.”

Her answer wasn’t one I would have expected, but I knew better than most that there wasn’t a person alive who didn’t have some form of demon living deep inside their psyche. I just couldn’t seem to exorcise mine. “Yeah, I suppose.”

I continued the drive, pointing out some of the new fencing, waving to several of the ranch hands as I passed.

Once again, she was quiet.

“Up here is Hawk’s residence, the first barns that were built housing the family horses. Up ahead we have the real meat of our organization.” I continued driving, moving past the majority of the workers.


The single word from her luscious mouth was likely the only one I was going to get. I’d take that as a win. As I made my way out the back entrance, heading to where I’d located her truck when I’d driven in, her entire body tensed.

“What, you didn’t think I figured out that we likely had an intruder on the facility?” I asked as I pulled next to the aging vehicle.

Her mouth furrowed and she gripped the dashboard for a few seconds before reaching for the door handle.

“So, does that satisfy your insistence that we’re not abusing animals?” I continued.

She climbed out before bothering to answer. “Looks can always be deceiving.”

Jesus Christ. The woman had a sharper edge to her than I did. “Let me give you a piece of advice, sunshine. If you’re going to case a joint, don’t leave your truck out in a wide-open space.”

I heard the slight huffing sound and wanted nothing more than to drag her back over my lap. I doubted anything would be able to get through to her or teach her a lesson.

“Danni. My name is Danni.” With that, she shut the door with a hard thud.

* * *


I patted Snickers, rubbing my hand across his mane as I stared up at the mountains. The sun had just dipped below the top of the mountains, leaving the sky like a vibrant painting. I chuckled from even thinking the sentiment. Hell, I wasn’t a romantic kind of guy. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever paid attention to the mountains, let alone the color of the sky when I lived here before.

No, I’d been more interested in causing trouble. Skipping school. Stealing. I’d even been considered a bully, something I wasn’t proud of.

“The Marines are gonna whip your ass, boy. They won’t take any of your bullshit.”

My father’s sentiment had remained with me and he’d been right. I’d been reduced down to the basics, no longer able to hide behind the troubled boy syndrome.

And I’d had my ass kicked more than once.

Including by Snake, who’d refused to allow me to get away with stupid antics.

“You can’t go through life basking in humiliation of others,” Snake growled as he took a fighter’s stance, prepared to issue another hard swing.

I rubbed my jaw, laughing before lunging in his direction, pitching us both onto the ground. Within seconds, he twisted his body, forcing me under his, his arm digging into my throat. “You ain’t no match for me, tough guy. I suggest you get your shit together.”

The memory was the same as the others, bittersweet, but Snake had been there by my side through boot camp, refusing to allow me to get kicked out. Sighing, I could swear the bear of a man was looking down at me from heaven.

I shifted in the saddle, turning my attention to the moon already shining brightly in the sky. The one thing I had done year after year was stare at the moon. I couldn’t even remember what I’d been wishing for. Now I felt blessed.

At least I was alive.

My grip on the reins tightened as another brutal memory refused to be denied.

“Watch out!” Hawk bellowed as he dragged Vader toward the helicopter. “We have to get the fuck out of here!”

As Scorpion snagged Reaper, yelling at him to get the fuck into the bird, I jerked Hawk’s arm. This was a bad call. While the damn Afghan informant had been used before, this felt more like a setup than anything. I had no idea what the fuck Hawk had been thinking by dragging us here. We had limited backup and there were insurgents coming from every direction. The sound of rapid gunfire was explosive, and I had difficulty breathing, the sand and dirt suffocating.

“Go. Go. Go!” I yelled, although the sound was muffled by the whirl of the helicopter blades.

As the other men of the expeditionary unit jumped inside the bird, Vader refused to let go of Hawk’s arm, although blood seeped through his uniform.

Fuck. Where the hell was Snake? Damn the asshole. He was always going off on his own. One day he was going to get us all killed.

“Wait,” Scorpion yelled, his call drowned out by a series of explosions.

“We can’t leave him out there!” Vader exclaimed, gasping for air.

Fuck, the man was going to bleed to death if we didn’t get him out of here.

“Get the fuck inside,” Hawk bellowed as he pushed Vader into my arms, giving me a hard glare. “Get him on board.”

“Where the fuck are you going?” I hissed. “We need to get the hell out of here.”

“I’m not leaving without Snake.” The rapid popping of continuous gunfire was getting closer.

Scorpion moved toward the door, but Reaper yanked him with force, whispering hoarsely, “There’s nothing we can do right now. We will come back for him.”

“All for one and one for all, remember? We do not leave a man down!” Scorpion insisted, fighting to get out of Reaper’s hold.

“Then we’ll all fucking die!” I snapped as I hung out of the bird, keeping my weapon moving from side to side, prepared for any sign of the enemy. The assholes were closing in on us. It was only a matter of time before we would be surrounded.

“He’s right, Hawk. We have about twenty seconds to get the fuck out of here or we’re all going down,” Reaper snarled as he jumped out of the helicopter and grabbed Hawk. “Come on, buddy. You know the drill. We have to get back to the base. You must save your men.”

Where the fuck was Snake going? Goddamn it.

As Hawk roared, a spray of bullets hit the hull of the helicopter. I called out again as I opened fire, firing several rounds in an attempt to give Snake cover.

Oh, God. Oh, God!

The vision was even more jarring than usual, every image crystal clear. The wind was sucked out of my lungs as I waited until they faded away. Why the hell had it hit me so hard this time? Maybe because I’d heard gunshots in the distance twice that afternoon. Fuck. I hated the sound of gunfire even more than before. I couldn’t think about the ugliness any longer. It was crushing down on me with enough pressure I knew I would break.

“Come on, Snickers. Let’s get you back to the barn.”

When the horse whinnied, I was grateful. It seemed to bring me down to reality. Then my thoughts drifted to Danni.

At least she’d told me her name.

As if it mattered.

Shit. Why had a single thought about her brought back my desire to possess her?


The old adage just might prove to be true. Couldn’t live with them, couldn’t live without them. The ugly truth was I hadn’t been able to get the girl out of my mind.

Her voluptuous body.

Her sultry eyes.

Her pouty lips.

And I’d fucked her like some wild stallion in the middle of an empty barn. That decision certainly hadn’t been my finest hour, but I’d enjoyed the carnal episode. I hadn’t been thinking, at least with the head on my shoulders, but damn it, her taste lingered on my lips, her scent covering every inch of my body.

Goddamn, the first kiss alone had been more electric than a live wire in the middle of one hell of a thunderstorm. But the feel of her body undulating against mine had almost set the world on fire.

I’d asked around at the auction, but not a single cowboy had admitted he knew a damn thing about her, although I’d seen the discord in a few pairs of eyes. Exactly what Tanner had mentioned. She’d struck more than just a nerve with the few ranch hands who’d helped with the auction. I had a feeling that was an innate trait on her part. When I’d found her in the barn, I hadn’t determined whether it was my lucky day or if I should be one pissed-off cowboy.

Then I’d spanked her.

Then I’d fucked her.

Like a barbarian.

I rode Snickers into the barn, easing off and patting him on the flanks. The majority of the crew had either gone home or retreated to the bunkhouse. I didn’t mind being alone, spending time with the horses. “Let’s get that saddle off you.”

Snickers snorted and pawed the ground, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes searching mine.

“What? Do you have something to say?” I laughed as I patted his nose. The beautiful creature had become a friend, allowing me time exploring the base of the mountains.

After removing the saddle and harness, I took the time to brush him down, making certain he had enough hay and water before heading out for the night. What the hell did I have to go home to? An empty house with little more furniture than the day I’d moved in.

Maybe I didn’t want to settle down, to plant roots as my mother would say. Maybe I wasn’t entirely certain I could remain in Missoula, the memories too intense.

Yep, I was still one big mess.

I stole another glance at the moon, drinking in the scent of a roaring fire coming from Hawk’s house. It smelled like snow even though the stars were shining brightly. I hated the night, the darkness always driving me to the ugly memories. I had a feeling tonight wasn’t going to be an exception.

Hissing under my breath, I shifted toward my truck. A sudden cry came out of nowhere, the animal in obvious pain. I opened the door to my truck, retrieving the weapon I carried with me at all times. While the last thing I wanted to do was cause an animal harm in any way, if it was an injured cougar or mountain lion, I had to be prepared for the creature’s attack. There was nothing worse than an injured beast. I snagged a flashlight and eased the door closed. Turning the light on low, I moved toward the sound.

The cry came again as I walked around the side of the barn, the pitiful howling yanking at my gut. I took cautious steps until I narrowed down where it could be coming from. There were several bushes planted along the back edge of the barn and the second I flashed the light into the center, two eyes stared back at me.


Another howl, even more intense than before sent a pang into my heart. I inched closer, keeping both the flashlight and the gun pointed at the bush. When the animal didn’t lunge or try to run away, I took a chance and hunkered down. Then I heard a tail thumping hard against the ground. What the hell? I moved a portion of the shrub, shining the light. The injured baby crawled forward until its head could clearly be seen.

A dog.


“Oh, puppy. What happened to you? Come on, boy. Can you crawl to me?” Fisting my hand, I reached toward him, remaining unmoving as he lifted his head, searching my eyes. Whatever the dog had gone through, I could tell he or she was in significant pain. After a few seconds, the dog finally crawled a little bit closer, licking my hand.

“That’s it. Come on.” I eased back a few inches, trying to encourage him to come forward as I flashed my light over his body. His entire hindquarters were covered in blood. My thoughts drifted to the shots I’d heard being fired. The coincidence was one I couldn’t ignore. The pup managed to crawl a couple more inches then collapsed. “Stay right there.” After locking the safety, I shoved the gun into my pocket and rushed into the barn, grabbing one of the horse blankets.

When I returned, I gingerly eased him onto the soft material, taking a few seconds to find out what I was dealing with. Definitely a male. From what I could tell, he’d either been mauled by a wild animal or had been shot by some asshole. Either way, the baby was in severe distress, his breathing shallow. I had to get him some help.

As carefully as I could, I lifted him into my arms, his cries barely audible. He was close to losing consciousness. I placed him into the passenger seat before racing around to the other side, jumping in and starting the engine. I had no idea about the location of a veterinarian. That wasn’t a part of my job. I roared down the road, the tires screeching as I made the sharp turn down the driveway leading to Hawk’s house. By the time I pounded on his front door, I was almost out of breath.

“Come on. Come on.” I pounded again until I heard footsteps, taking several glances back at the truck. When the door flew open, I let out the breath I’d been holding.

“Jesus Christ. What the hell? Are you okay?” Hawk asked, obvious concern on his face.

“I found an injured dog near the barn. Do you have any idea where the closest vet is? The pup is in bad shape.”

“Shit. They’re all about thirty minutes away,” Hawk responded. “What happened?”

“Gunshot. Animal attack. Hell if I know, but I don’t think this pup has that long,” I retorted, watching as Bryce rushed toward the door. His fiancée had captured my buddy’s heart, likely the man’s true salvation.

“What’s wrong?” she asked in little more than a whisper.

“Injured dog. I don’t know which vet to tell him to go to,” Hawk huffed.

Bryce glanced out the door, staring at the truck. “Um, from what I heard, there’s a new clinic that just opened up about four miles from here. Used to be Doc Forester’s place. I don’t know anything about the new vet, but I can tell you how to get there.”

I listened to her directions. For some reason, the injured dog bugged the hell out of me. Maybe Danni’s accusations continued to weigh heavily on my mind. My instinct was never wrong, and it screamed at me that something was going on.

“It’s late though. The clinic might be closed,” she said quietly.

“I gotta take that chance. Thank you both.” I headed off the porch.

“Let us know what happens,” she called after me. “I don’t like this.”

Backing away, I noticed that Hawk scanned the perimeter, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Why did I have a very sick feeling in the pit of my stomach?

As I climbed back inside, I pressed my hand on the pup’s head. At least his tail thumped a few times, although I could tell he was getting weaker. “Hold on, little guy. I’m going to get you some help.” I pushed down the accelerator and rolled, heading out of the ranch and toward the location. I only hoped that Bryce was right. The ride was bumpy, the dog crying the entire time. I kept the heater vent wide open, trying to make certain he was at least warm enough.

What the hell was I doing? This experience would likely shove me into another dark cataclysm, dredging up the kind of memories I couldn’t afford to have. Swallowing hard, I eased my hand next to him, trying to give the pup some level of comfort. It was time to let go of the past.

I kept the pedal floored, weaving my way along the curvy roads, thankful there was no one else out tonight. When I got closer to the address Bryce had given me, I finally noticed the sign for the clinic. The old owner’s name was still on the plaque. Doctor Benjamin Foster, DM. God, I hoped Bryce was correct. The trees were overgrown, the drive down the narrow gravel lane dark as shit. When I came up on the series of buildings, there was no sign of activity, not a single light highlighting the outside.

“Fuck!” I slammed my hand on the steering wheel, cursing until I noticed the small house located off the side. And there was a vehicle parked on the side. As I drew closer, I could tell there was a light on somewhere inside. I threw the gear into park and rushed out, pounding on the door.

When there was no movement for a full minute, I pounded again. “Come on. This is an emergency.”

Finally, I heard footsteps as well as the rumbling bark of another dog. When the door was opened tentatively, a huge dog raced out, jumping on me immediately, his growl deep-throated, the outside light turned on.

Then I heard a cry of surprise.

And perhaps one of disgust.

“Zorro. Whoa, boy. I’m sorry. He’s my guard dog. It’s obvious that I need one.”

I would recognize the beautiful voice anywhere, but my gut told me this wasn’t going to be a pleasant exchange. “Danni. I’m not here on a social visit.” I continued to rub Zorro’s head, offering a smile even as my heart continued to race.

“While that’s a damn good thing, I’m not interested.”

“So you’ve said more than once. I need your help.”

“Oh, this should be good.” As Zorro eased onto his haunches, Danni stood with her arms crossed, a mixture of animosity and curiosity crossing her face. “On second thought, maybe I should allow Zorro to eat you. He hates bad people. You can bite him if you need to, Zorro.”

When Zorro wagged his tail, nuzzling against me, she rolled her eyes.

“Look, I don’t know what the hell you have against me, but we can play games later. I have an injured dog with me, and I need some help. If you really are a veterinarian, I’m not asking for me. I’m asking for the pup huddled on my passenger seat who might be bleeding to death.”

She shifted forward, glancing toward the truck. “Your dog?”

“No, I found him at the ranch, but he’s hurt pretty badly. Maybe a wild animal attack. Maybe worse.”

There was no more hesitation. She immediately raced off the porch in her bare feet, moving quickly toward the passenger door and throwing it open, blinking as the light highlighted what she was dealing with. She threw her head in my direction, grimacing. “Jesus. What the fuck happened?”

I took long strides in her direction, watching as she carefully peeled away the blanket. “I wish I knew but if I had to venture a guess, I’d say he’s been shot.”

“Who the fuck would do this?”

“I have no idea.”

“Yeah. I just bet you don’t.” She shot me a hateful look then pointed to the other building. “If you really give a damn, take him to my clinic. I need to grab my keys.”

Hissing, I watched as she bounded into her house. While I couldn’t understand the utter hatred she felt for me, I refused to allow her nasty attitude to interfere with the dog’s care. “Come on, buddy. Let’s get you some help.”

By the time I’d carried him to the door of the clinic, she was already approaching, replacing her bare feet with tennis shoes, and wearing a white coat over her pajamas. In her hand was a set of keys. I couldn’t help but notice her hands were shaking as she attempted to find the right one, finally jamming it into the lock. She opened the door, immediately flooding the area with fluorescent light, moving quickly to another room and flipping on a switch.

“You can put him down on the table inside the room. I need to gather some items.” Just before she headed toward a small hallway, she tipped her head, looking in my direction. “This is going to be a long night. I suggest you settle in. Or you can leave if you need to. I will certainly understand.”

“I have no intention of leaving.” Damn, the woman could get under my skin. I’d never had a single woman challenge me the way she did. While a part of me appreciated her moxie, the majority of me wanted to require her submission. I’d always been a dominating man, but she brought out every concept of enforcing surrender that I’d buried deep in my psyche.

“Have it your way.”

Why in the hell was the ballsy woman determined to rile me? What in the hell had I ever done to her? Well, other than spanking and fucking her. I found it difficult to take my eyes off her long, copper-colored hair. Even in the ugly lighting, the blonde highlights excited my senses. Damn, my cock ached from the longing I felt for her.

I walked into the other room, slowly easing the injured pup onto the table. His breathing was even more shallow, the poor boy no longer able to wag his tail. I was able to tell in the light that he was likely a yellow lab mix of some kind. I pulled the jacket from my shoulders and when I attempted to leave the room, the pup whimpered.

“It’s okay, boy. I’m not going anywhere.”

Within minutes she returned with various supplies in her hand, smiling as she peered down at the pup. “You’ve never seen this dog before?”

“Nope. Can’t say I have.”

She adjusted the blanket, her touch gentle as she examined the injury, hissing under her breath.

“Well, he’s lost a lot of blood and by looking at his fur, this is no animal attack. The dog has been shot. This will be a close call. I hope you’re not squeamish because I’m going to need your help. I haven’t hired an assistant yet.” The look she gave me was one of disdain, but there was no doubt she was concerned about the dog’s condition.

“Don’t worry about me, sunshine. I know how to handle myself. It seems you’ve already forgotten that I was in the military. I’ve seen a hell of a lot worse.”

Her eyes flashed, more out of an understanding of what I was saying than her frustration at being in my presence. “Roll up your sleeves and go wash your hands. There is a pair of gloves in the box over there. You got it?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I moved toward the sink, doing exactly as she asked.

“Hi, sweetheart. I’m going to give you a sedative, baby. You’ll be asleep in no time and when you awaken, you’ll be good as new.”

The pup lifted his head, scratching at her arm as he whimpered.

“Help me keep him quiet,” she commanded.

As soon as I touched the dog’s shoulder, using a gentle amount of pressure, he quieted immediately, allowing Danni to administer the shot. After a few seconds, the dog calmed down.

“It seems you’re made a good impression,” she half whispered.

“Well, at least I did on somebody.”

She shot me another look before starting to clean the wound. “Someone did this on purpose. The shot came from close range and a small caliber. Jesus, I hate people.”

My anger roared to the surface and for the first time since I’d met the feisty gal, I agreed with her. “Just take care of him, Danni. I don’t want him to suffer.”

When she lifted her head, a slight smile crossed her face. “Don’t worry, cowboy. I haven’t lost a patient yet and I don’t plan on starting now.”

As she began to work on the dog, another vision crept into my mind, one that I hadn’t experienced in months.

“What do we have here? What a little baby.”

I rounded the corner, hearing Snake’s cooing sounds, half laughing until I noticed what he was fawning over.

A dog.

The compound sprawled across a couple of acres, the security boundaries not even close to the sleeping quarters. How had the dog managed to get through the barriers?

The dog lifted his head, his eyes glistening. The pup couldn’t have been more than a few months old, but he was skin and bones, his ribs showing. He was filthy from head to toe, flies buzzing around him. I was shocked that he was able to wag his tail.

“Where the hell did he come from?” I asked as I walked closer.

Shrugging, Snake gave me his usual exuberant smile. “He suddenly appeared just outside the door. Pretty little thing, if you can get through all the filth.”

I knelt down, gently placing my hand on the pup’s head, my gaze falling to what appeared to be several old injuries. “He’s been abused.”

“Yep. Bastards.”

“What are you going to do with him?”

Snake was the kind of soldier who’d never let any man down. He refused to follow the rules, determined to ensure that everyone had a chance to survive. I already knew the answer before he made the statement.

“I’m going to nurture him back to health. What the hell did you think?” Snake brushed his hand over the pup’s muzzle, smiling when the dog crept closer. “And I’m going to name you Apollo.”

As I gazed down at the beautiful dog lying on the table, his sleepy eyes penetrating mine, I knew there was no way I would allow him to suffer another day at the hands of the same monsters who’d abused him.

He belonged to me.

Just like the beautiful vet with the cold eyes would.

Even if she fought me every single step of the way. She’d awakened the sleeping beast, the man who’d refused to believe he could ever give a shit about anything ever again.

I would feast on her.

I would take her often and without remorse.

And I would own her.