Ominous, Part 1 by K.V. Rose

First thank you always goes to you, my readers. I’ve said it over and over, and I mean it. I have the best fucking readers in the world, and I will never take that for granted.

Thank you, too, to my husband. Without you, none of this would be possible. I fall for you more every day, and I have so much gratitude for the ways you let me be me. Not once have you tried to change me, and it’s the best gift I could ask for: freedom.

Thank you to Liza James. Always and forever, until we die, we’ll be obsessed. Your friendship is unlike anything I’ve ever had before. You’re the light to my dark, and I don’t think I’d be able to see without you.

Ashlee O’Brien, who designed this cover, makes my teasers, and listens to my rants, raves, and spending addictions… thank you for being grumpy with me. I like you, or whatever.

Christina. Thank you for reading every single version ever of this book. Thank you for your artistic talent. For being my shoulder to doubt on. For pushing me through to actually finish this book. For loving Eli, and Eden, even when I thought maybe this was all garbage. Thank you for believing in me.

Taylor. TAYLOR. Thank you for beta reading, but more than that, thank you for checking in when I really needed someone to. Thanks for always texting me when I’m barely hanging on. You mean more to me than you know.

Thank you to Abby for not only being my PA and beta reader, but encouraging me, listening to my too-long voice messages when I go on a tangent, etc, etc, etc. Thanks for keeping everything on track because my mind is a runaway train.

Thanks to Kandace for beta reading, but also for always coming in clutch with the life advice. I need it, you know that. You’re wise as hell, and I know you’re probably just laughing at this, but it’s so true.

Thank you to Amy for getting this shit done with me.

To Vanessa Veronica for continually supporting and checking in with me.

To anyone on my street team and ARC team, to CE Ricci, Elijah, LUNA, Jacqueline, Marie Ann, Kae, HM Brooks, Katie, Allegra, Quinn, “Gigi”, Amy Jo Wilcox, May, Mia, Sum, Victoria Pauley, April, Sam, Stacey, Kristen, Brandilyn, Bluvsbook, Dani, and more. Everyone who has reached out to me, continually supported me, for years now, just… thank you so much. I really cannot express how much it means to me. To all of my newer readers, too, thank you for joining me on this crazy fucking ride.

If I missed you, I swear it’s only because my brain is currently fucking mush.

And lastly… shout out to myself for getting through this monster of a book. Some days, I wasn’t so sure it’d happen. Shit, some days, I wasn’t sure I’d get through the damn day, let alone a book. So good job, K. We fucking made it.