Bariloche Sector by Lexi C. Foss



My inner animalsnarled in recognition and annoyance at knowing our competitor. A royal princess. A former Beta. How did you become an Omega? I wanted to demand. And what do you want from my Sven?

He is not mine!I shouted back at myself.

Fuck, I’m delusional. I’ve completely lost my head over this man.

Snow snarled back at me, the sound equally fierce and underlined with a hint of concern. “I’m not in the mood, Kari,” she said. “But I’m glad to see you’re all right.”

I paused, stunned by her words. You’re glad I’m okay? Why? We barely knew each other. I’d been a gift for her betrothed. An Omega to knot because Snow couldn’t… But she’s an Omega now. I could smell it all over her. Just like I scented another Alpha embedded in her skin like a claim.

She stalked through the door, clearly done with our conversation, and started to explore.

I followed her, curious, and a little bit annoyed that she felt like she could just invade my space. Not my space, I corrected for the thousandth time as she investigated the kitchen. There was another tray of food there, one I suspected had been meant for Alpha Sven to enjoy after he finished feeding me.


“Wow,” she breathed, admiring the fridge.

I followed her gaze, not sure what she found to be so impressive.

Then she eyed the claw marks I’d left in the dining table—something I’d done the other day in my effort to redecorate the suite—and then she went into my room.


I called upon my human form, wanting to tell her to stay away from my nest. “Okay…” she said, turning right into me as I finished my shift.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, my tone a bit more aggressive than I’d intended. But she was standing too close to my nest.

“Trying to find the outside area Alana mentioned,” she replied.

I wasn’t sure who Alana was, so all I could do was say, “Oh.” Then I nodded and showed her to the door at the back of the room that led to the outdoor patio. “It’s a greenhouse,” I said, noting the trees. “I suppose it’s all right for a glorified prison cell.” Which left me wondering why she was here. I’d sensed her on the plane the other day but had thought it might be my imagination. And I’d forgotten all about her since arriving.

The memory of it had me asking her why she’d snuck onto the plane. To which she countered, “Why didn’t you tell them I was there?”

I blinked and admitted I wasn’t sure if she’d been real or not. Then I glanced around and added, “I’m still not convinced this is real.”

It was all so strange and foreign to me, and my inclination to claim Alpha Sven only further drove that point home.

At least he didn’t leave with an Omega, I consoled myself.

Then I nearly growled because that shouldn’t appease me. I should hate him. “They’re not good men, you know,” I said, more to myself than to Snow. “He continues to lie. To trick me. But I know better. All Alphas do is seek and destroy, and I won’t let him destroy me.”

There. I’d said it. That made it true.

Then why is my chin wobbling?


I swallowed down the urge to scream and took a step away from her, only to stiffen as the sounds of Alphas howling in the distance graced my ears. Oh no. Oh, no, no, no! I knew that sound. Battle. Destruction. Aggression. Fuck.

The Alphas of Bariloche Sector often engaged in violent acts with one another to expel some aggression, only to need an outlet to soothe that aggression later.

It’s happening.

They’re coming.

Sven left me here… because he intends to introduce me properly now.

My knees buckled as I scooted as close to a corner as I could, my arms covering my head as I began to rock. It’ll be okay. I haven’t eaten today. I’ll survive the pain.

Fuck, I shouldn’t have pushed him away. I should have… I should have just… I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t sure at all!

Snow’s voice echoed around me, but I couldn’t hear her over the howls on the wind. They were so angry. So violent. So savage.

The Omega beside me started talking.

I didn’t understand, her words gibberish when mingled with the snarls below.

But after a few minutes, her statements began to register. She said something about Alpha Enrique, how he’d planned to kill her, causing my lips to curl down.

Alpha Enrique would never do that, I thought. Unless it was to protect you.

Maybe he knew she was an Omega and planned to put her out of her misery before the others could use her like me and Savi?

She continued into how she went into estrus after arriving, something about suppressants hiding her true nature. Which explained her Beta scent.

Then she told me about Alpha Kazek, how he’d claimed her. And now he was being punished for taking an Omega without permission—an act that confused me even more. Weren’t all Alphas allowed to take without permission? Or maybe because he’d claimed her without approval from the Sector Alpha?

“I think that’s why they’re howling,” she concluded. “He said I’d be able to hear it but not see him.”

I wasn’t sure who he was, or what exactly she meant. But her explanation soothed me a little because it implied this wasn’t about me at all.

It’s about her.

Ice drizzled through my veins because that was almost worse. She didn’t seem to understand what was going to happen to her next. She was innocent and unaware of the fate Alpha Enrique had tried to save her from.

Poor Snow.

I no longer considered her a rival, but a companion.

An Alpha began speaking below, his voice loud and carrying and showering goose bumps down my arms. He sounded big. Powerful. Terrifying.

Then I recognized his voice from the plane. This must be her Alpha Kazek. He spoke his name half a beat later, followed by his position, confirming it was him.

He continued into an explanation of whom he’d taken as a mate—Snow Frost of Winter Sector. Snarls followed that announcement, the wolves disapproving. But he remained undeterred, saying he was ready for their challenges. Then he warned them that he would duel to the death before submitting and concluded with, “I welcome your blood on my hands.”

I trembled. “That’s your mate?”

“Uh, yeah. That’s Alpha Kazek.”

I blanched. “He sounds terrifying.”

She didn’t reply, but I caught the agreement in her features. I suddenly felt fortunate that it’d been Alpha Sven who had tried to nurture me, not Alpha Kazek.

“What happens to you if he loses?” I wondered out loud, my voice soft.

“I’m claimed by a new Alpha,” she whispered back.

That didn’t make sense. “But if he dies, the shattered link will destroy you.” I glanced up at her, aware of what that would do to her. Because I’d watched it happen to my sister. “The bonds are supposed to be unbreakable.”

“Unbreakable?” she repeated, her tone confirming that she had no idea what was coming for her.

When Alpha Kazek lost… she’d become a slave. A broken Omega passed around and taunted and fucked until she longed for death. And only a kind Alpha would give it to her.

Of which, I’d only ever really met one. Alpha Enrique. He’d already tried to save her and failed. Just like he’d failed to save me.

Because I’d been taken before he’d been given a chance.

“Yes,” I whispered, confirming the unbreakable bond. “I used to believe my father ruining me was a blessing because Alphas won’t claim a broken Omega. Not bonding means my soul will never be connected to another, you see. But I found out the hard way that Alphas can destroy me in an entirely different manner.”

“Your father ruin—” Her words cut off on a sharp gasp, her midnight eyes flaring wide with panic as she crumpled to the ground and curled into a tight ball.

My eyes prickled with tears, the memories of my sister falling into that exact same position all those years ago flashing in my mind.

Her mate… she senses her mate…

“Snow,” I breathed, unsure of how to help her but feeling obligated to try. The howls outside grew, the angry aggression whipping across my senses and making me want to fall and hide alongside her. But I had to be strong, to help my new companion. It was all we had. All I could do.

I stayed with her, occasionally whispering her name and trying to offer comfort. She screamed, her agony piercing my heart. It went on and on, the scene eerily familiar. My heart broke for her, for my sister, for my mom. For all the Omegas who had suffered.

My cheeks were damp, my lungs aching from lack of breath.

Snow eventually stilled, her shoulders softening and no longer shaking. Too soon, I thought. Too soon to develop that dead look. It’d taken my sister months to reach that state. She’d screamed and cried and tried to kill herself so many times. But Snow… she calmed too quickly. And the howls outside subsided, too.

What’s happening?I wondered, glancing around and trying to discern the change in atmosphere.

“Snow?” I whispered. “A-are you…?” I couldn’t finish it, uncertain of what to really ask. All right seemed too weak a phrase. Of course she wasn’t—

“I’m okay,” she rasped, her voice deteriorated from all the screams.

I gaped at her, shocked by the miraculous recovery. Did that mean her Alpha had survived? Would he be used against her? To force her submission and compliance?

I didn’t dare ask, her posture and demeanor telling me she was hurt enough. I remained by her, offering her what little strength I had, attempting to bond.

Then froze as a strong presence taunted the edge of my psyche.

Incoming Alpha.




My wolf immediately took over, shifting me into animal form and ignoring the restructuring of my bones. I couldn’t let anyone touch Snow in this state. She was too fragile. They could deal with me instead. I’d take it. I’d be the punching bag for their aggression.

Snow curled into a tight ball, terrified.

And I stood before her, ready to face whoever entered.

It was a blond male, tall, broad-shouldered, and the spitting image of Alpha Sven. His father, I realized with a snarl. You won’t touch her! my wolf told him, taking up a defensive position.

He growled in reprimand, clearly unamused by my posturing.

And that was all it took to send my animal running off to the corner, my need to submit overpowering reason. I hate you, I thought at him, curling into a ball. I hate all of you!

“Don’t make your punishment worse than it already is, Omega,” he replied, a note of warning underlining his tone.

My wolf whimpered and tried to disappear into the wall. I wanted to call her a coward. But I couldn’t. This was the Alpha of Norse Sector. The age radiating off of him intimidated me, as did his air of superiority.

I could see where Alpha Sven had gained his own power.

These two were forces of nature that I stood no chance against. And I told him that by curling into as tight a ball as I could.

He watched me for a moment, then switched his focus to Snow.

And started to purr.

The sound wasn’t the same as Alpha Sven’s, and it irritated my wolf because he wasn’t the one I wanted to hear. I wanted my Alpha, the one my wolf had grown comfortable with over the last few days.

I’m in so much trouble.