Bariloche Sector by Lexi C. Foss

Several Days Later

Andorra Sector

I stared at the door, studying its hinges and smooth wooden exterior.

Behind it lay a part of me I would never get back. A destroyed soul that had withered and died a painful death. One of my choosing.

Because I was no longer that female.

No longer broken. No longer a shattered fragment of existence. No longer an Omega slave.

But Kari Mickelson, mate to Sven Mickelson.

And we were finally headed home.

I pressed my palm to the wood, saying goodbye for the final time, and leaving my old world behind. We’d burned my father’s head in that room. I’d cried. Not for the loss, but for the pain he’d brought upon me, the destruction he’d wrecked upon my soul, and that dark part of me had perished along with him.

Because he couldn’t hurt me anymore.

Sven did that. He saved me. He gave me hope. He turned me into a new woman, one born of strength and hope.

He was the perfect mate, the other half of my soul, and as I turned to face him now, I realized he was my forever.

“I love you,” I whispered, telling him the three words I’d held back since saying them to him over the video feed. I’d meant it then, but not like I did now. Part of me had been scared and worried about her mate. But now I knew he was healthy, alive, and very much mine. So I said them with purpose, meaning the heartfelt statement, and showing him with my eyes how deep my love for him ran.

He reached for me, pulling me into his arms. “I love you, too,” he murmured, his lips ghosting over mine. “Now let’s go home.”

I nodded.

Norse Sector was where my future lay, and while I still felt that tickle of unease, I chose to trust in my fate. To trust in Sven. To trust in myself and my inner wolf. She’d been there for me when I needed her most, and now, I would follow her instincts as well as my own.

“Yes,” I said softly, taking his hand. “Let’s go home.”

With my mate.

With my love.

With my fully healed soul.

The future had never looked more bright. And now I had eternity on my side.

To fate, I thought, glancing one final time at the suite that had changed my life. To life.

Thank you for reading Bariloche Sector, the final story in the X-Clan Series.

Sven and Kari were definitely different for me to write, their relationship an emotional whirlwind that destroyed me at certain points, but their end was worth the pain and suffering. I hope you found the light in their happily ever after. And I hope you’ll join me as I continue exploring this world with Kieran and Quinn’s story in Blood Sector.

I’ll also be revisiting this world in Hunted: Sector World Captives. Because Enrique’s story isn’t done. And that plane he just piloted didn’t reach its final destination. I’ll be joining USA Today and International Bestselling Authors Mila Young and Jennifer Thorn on a journey to the islands of the South Pacific where a plane of Omegas has just crash landed in the heart of feral Alpha territory. The survivors are about to become theHunted…