Possessive by Lena Little



Acrooked smirk twists my lips. I lift my newfound princess off my lap, her tiny feet finding the floor as I rise from my stool, towering over her.

“A little girl who’s dying to please her Daddy just as much as he’d break his back walking to the end of the earth to please her. That’s game over right there, little girl. That’s put a ring on her finger and wife her before anyone else gets any ideas. Before anyone else even thinks he’s got a shot at what’s mine. Now…you ready to take a shot at pleasing me?”

She nods. “But, I-I’m not sure how.”

“I’m gonna guide you through it. Don’t worry.”

“I’ll try.”

“That’s my girl,” I say, cupping her cheek in one hand and adjusting the bulge in my pants with the other.

I unsheath my throbbing flesh, stroking myself roughly with a firm grip from root to tip.

Poppy’s little mouth is going to have a helluva time fitting this all in, but we’re gonna make it work, just like when the time comes for me to shove all my thick inches inside her and breed her for the first time of what will become our constantly expanding family.

Her kisser moves rapidly as if she’s doing math calculations, or reciting a prayer. In that vein she drops to her knees and puts her little hand over the top of mine as I continue massaging my length, showing her just how Daddy likes it.

“Just keep on like that. Same speed, same force,” I say, slowly sliding my hand out from underneath hers and letting her take over. But clearly what takes over is self-consciousness, as she sticks out her tongue in concentration. “You’re trying too hard, Baby Girl. Just make sure you enjoy it and we both will.”

“Are you sure?”

“Oh, I’m sure. And if you do it right Daddy will have a present for you at the end.”

Sick. Fuck. That’s what I am, or how I should feel but at this moment it doesn’t feel wrong it feels right. Right in a way I can’t explain. Correct beyond comprehension. Perfect past perception.

“You’re not gonna hurt me,” I add, and she tightens her grip, a strangled groan immediately leaving me.

“I’m hurting you!” she cries out in fear.

“No. That means you’re doing it right. Don’t stop, Beautiful. Don’t stop.”

Her eyes wide as silver dollars and her lower lip trembling, I guide my erection toward her mouth. Before I even reach her she lunges forward for it, sliding the salty weight of me deeper than I could have ever expected…and immediately starts choking.

“Slow down, Little Mama. We’ve got all night.”

Nodding her head, she starts again. I’m trying not to rush her but she’s trying her damndest to please, in rapid fashion. This time she takes my cock in her mouth more slowly, a curse sliding past her pretty lips and it almost shocks me. But once the tip of my dick stamps the inside of her cheek, and I watch her mouth balloon outward like a chipmunk storing seeds for the winter, it’s a sight that puts me on the precipice of my spend exploding in her mouth so hard it might damn near rip her head clean off.

I look away, trying to slow my heartbeat and a climax that is already approaching. But when I look back I see a tear in her eye and hear her stuttering breaths and I have to offer her a ripcord.

“We can stop if this is too much.”

I reach for my cock, to pull it out of her mouth, but her little hand comes up and slaps at my hand. Hard, or at least harder than I could have expected. She looks up at me with a pinched expression and rage in her eyes. “I finish what I started,” she commands, her feisty streak shocking me. I’ve got a lot to discover when it comes to my treasured doll.

She tucks my hardness back into her cheek and cups my balls.

My own hand reaches forward and I gently tug her jaw down so she can take more of me in her mouth.

“Oh fuck yeah. That’s it, Little One. Right fucking there. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

I reach out for something, anything, to keep my balance but come back empty handed. I spread my feet, trying to get a wider stance so I don’t fall forward from the dizziness that’s taking over and impale her in the process.

My hand fists her hair as I catch my balance. Even as she’s clearly in control there’s something about the kind of man that I am that I can’t give up control, at least not completely.

My Little Bit jerks my cock out of her mouth with a popping sound and licks the underside of my crown before licking the bead of milky white cream from my erect inches, polishing my knob as she swirls her tongue around the head of my dick.

My eyes roll back and forth in their sockets as I feel like I’m going in and out of consciousness. I loosen my grip on her hair, trying to stroke her skull more than jerk her head around. More tenderness and less aggression, but as she continues to play with my tip her little hand shaking as she grips my shaft, I’m losing the last of my control rapidly and aggression is threatening to win the tug of war.

I slide my hand to the back of her head. “You ready for Daddy’s gift?”

“I want it, Daddy. I need it.”

“You sure, Baby Girl. It’s gonna come fast and hard and it might hurt, it might sting your throat and you’re sure a shit gonna choke. You ready for that commitment.”

“Yes. I want it. Give it to me, Daddy.”

The time and place to tell her who makes the rules is not here and now, especially in my mental state, or lack thereof. My mind is floating. “Hold on. In three…two…one…” I hold her head steady and thrust deep. “Suck on it like you love Daddy’s come. Like you’ve already got a taste for it. Like you’ve got a sweet tooth for his big fucking lollipop.”

She does just as she’s told, my cock jammed deep inside her mouth, so much so I can feel her wisdom teeth scrape my shaft a little and the sick fucker that I am is just turned on that much more.

“Daddy loves you, Poppy. Now he’s going to show you how much.” My balls tighten and I unload a rocket ship of come straight onto the back of her throat, my cock jerking in her mouth as she coughs and gags. “Now be a good girl and don’t spill a drop.”

My seed continues vacating as she licks and sucks her way toward one spurt of appreciation after another. I’m coming buckets until I’m throwing creamy, hot white ropes down her throat. Just as I think I’m done hot lava climbs my shaft and erupts into her mouth with a force so hard her lips come off my cock, my excess spend spurting into the air and falling to the floor with audible drips.

I collapse. I. Fucking. Collapse. My arm breaks my fall as I go down, grabbing the side of the table as I hit the deck.

“Are you okay? Say something,” she says, slapping one side of my face and then the other as she’s perched over me.

One eye cracks open and all I can see is my hot spend plastered all over her face and know her sticky sweetness is equally coating my own mug.

No clue why, but I bust out laughing…and luckily she does the same, falling into my arms as she lays on top of me and we laugh like two people sharing a secret that the rest of the world just isn’t privy to…and never will be.

Is this what love feels like? Is this that thing that I thought was complete bull shit all these years? Is this the thing that makes so many men act castrated and lose their damn minds?

I have no clue and to tell the truth, I don’t care. Because I don’t have a care in the world and I don’t give a damn about any other person on the face of the Earth right now…only the one in my arms. That’s the only one that matters because she’s everything.

Moments turn into minutes and eventually our laughter dies down. “Let me grab us some towels,” I announce, carefully lifting her body off mine, pissed the fuck off that we’re not connected as we just were. I go to stand and forget my pants and boxer briefs are still around my ankles. My sudden clumsiness, or more accurately loss of sense and reality, has us laughing all over again. She puts an arm on my shoulder and we laugh and laugh and laugh some more, something that’s completely foreign to me.

“Second take. I got it this time.” And I do. Making my way to my feet I slowly move to the bathroom in the back of the shop, splashing water on my face and leaning over the sink for a second as I shake my head at myself. “You lucky fucker you. The devil stole the number one angel. Better get a ring on her hand before heaven knows she’s missing.”

I smile yet again, my mind still blown. But that feeling of happiness, completeness, and finally discovering what life is really all about comes to a screeching halt as I hear the lock on the front door turn over, and “Kickstart My Heart” play announcing the door is opening…as she runs.

“Poppy! No!”

I take off running toward the door but her thin little legs are faster than I expected, not that I expected this in the slightest.

Watching as she quickly becomes a speck in the distance down the unlit street in the night, my stomach turns. If something happens to her I’ll throw myself off a fucking cliff.

Just the thought that she’d run after what just happened is like a bucket of cold water being dumped over my head. But I’m not a pussy who tucks his tail between his legs and whines and moans when things don’t go his way.

I walk back into my shop and do the one and only thing I know. Start potting. How. To. Get. Her. Back.

Mr. Hyde makes his presence known inside me, and I completely flip, turning into a madman. I’ve got to keep my head on straight though. I have to stay focused so I can figure out how to find her. And I won’t stop until she’s mine, or I’m six feet under. The former is the only way, the latter? Not gonna happen. She will be back in my arms again.

You don’t get outta Shawshank without crawling through some sewage in the rain. I’ve done my time already and seeing her run the opposite direction from me is worse than any time I served. Worse than solitary confinement, because just knowing she’s out there alone in the night.

Without thinking I turn and twist my hips, generating enough force that my fist drives straight through the floor to ceiling glass that makes up the front of my shop.

“I’m coming for you, princess,” I threaten the world as I pull my fist back through the hole I just created. “And if anyone gets in my way, God have mercy on their soul.”