Tempting Him by Isabel Lucero


My timein Michigan went by too quickly, but being in Chicago again means more steps closer to permanently being in the same town as him.

We’ve already chosen a new CEO, so the transition period starts now. I’ve taken care of almost everything I need to, even if that means delegating certain tasks to people I know can handle them. I’ll be readily available for any problems that arise, but I’ve made it to where the company can run without me needing to be a constant presence.

However, it’s already the weekend and Jay’s here to help break the news to his parents about our relationship. I hope Cal will take it well, and I hate the idea that it could impact their relationship, but I have high hopes that he’ll love his son enough to move past any issue he has. He has to have heard about there being a new CEO, so I’m sure he has questions, but he’s done his best to avoid me since returning to work.

I leave the office for the day and make my way back to my place where I know Jay awaits. I wasn’t able to get away to get him when he landed, but I gave him my address and instructed the doorman that he was to be let inside.

When I open the door, I don’t see him right away, but after removing my jacket and dropping my briefcase on the couch, I spot him looking out the floor-to-ceiling window.

When he hears my steps, his head swivels, and a grin stretches across his face when he sees me.

“This view is incredible.”

“It is,” I reply, not talking about the city or Lake Michigan.

He spins, his back against the glass as I trap him between my arms, pushing my body into his as I kiss him like I haven’t seen him in years rather than days.

Jay cups my ass through my pants, moaning into my mouth before pulling away. “Happy to see me, boss?”

I thrust my hips into him. “Can’t you tell?”

He smirks before turning around, pushing his ass against me. “But really, this view.” His head angles over his shoulder. “Too bad there’s not a balcony. We could bless it.”

“There’s a terrace pool a little lower, but it doesn’t offer as much privacy,” I reply, resting my chin on his shoulder. “How was your flight?”

“It was good. Also, I don’t think you should be able to call this an apartment. I wasn’t expecting so much opulence.”

I chuckle. “Have you talked to your parents yet?”

“Yeah. They know I’m here. They’re expecting me in an hour.”

“You ready?”

“I think they’re already suspicious, but yeah, I’m ready. Do you want to come?”

I step back and then lean against the window as I watch him. “I’m not sure if that’s the best idea. Maybe you can soften them up first.”

He chuckles. “Just drop me off and linger around in case the coast is clear.”

With another kiss, I say, “Okay. Whatever you say.”

“Mm,” he murmurs, an eyebrow perfectly arched as his fingers dip into my waistband and yank me forward. “I might like that game.”

“Maybe we’ll get to play later. I guess we should get ready to go.”

He sighs. “Fine, let's get this over with.”

* * *

After a quick shower,we travel down the sixteen floors of this building in the elevator and make our way to my car. Traffic makes the trip about forty minutes, but we still manage to arrive with five minutes to spare. I park around the corner from his parents place, choosing to sit inside a coffee shop while Jay goes ahead. Only a few minutes go by before he’s back, stepping inside the small café, eyes landing on me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, standing up.

“Nothing. I want you with me. Let’s do this together and face it together.”

“You sure?”

He nods. “Yeah.”

I take a deep breath. “Okay.”

I won’t lie, my heart pounds a little as we make our way up the street, passing multiple townhomes before we get to theirs.

“Ready?” he asks before knocking on the door.

“As I’ll ever be.”

The door opens, his mother’s face coming into view, a large smile stretching her lips until she spots me. It drops briefly before she gets it back—this time, more tense. “Oh,” she says simply, her eyes bouncing between us.

“Hey, Mom,” Jay greets.

Her friendly smile is back as she opens her arms to bring him in for a hug. “Hi, baby. I’m so happy to see you. This is quite the surprise.”

“Yeah,” he says, pulling back. “Is Dad here?”

Her eyes find mine again before she nods. “Yeah. Come on in, Aleksander,” she says with a grin. “It’s good to see you again.”

“You too, Caroline. Thank you.”

I don’t think that she’s too unhappy that I’m here. It seems to be mostly surprise and hesitancy because she isn’t sure how Cal will react.

We follow her through the house, passing the dining room and bypassing the long, narrow kitchen before entering their cozy living room.

“Have a seat,” she says, gesturing to the couch. “I’ll go get him.”

As she heads upstairs, Jay rubs his palms over his jeans, glancing at me. “Mom was never really the issue.”

I nod, and then the clicking of footsteps descending the stairs gets my attention. Caroline gives us a smile, but Cal is emotionless when he spots us.

He puts whatever he might be feeling aside to hug and greet his son, and I stand up alongside him, but he doesn’t extend his hand for a shake.

Jay’s parents sit across from us in the loveseat, clearly awaiting some sort of announcement. When nobody says anything for what feels like an eternity, Caroline speaks up.

“So, what’s going on? This is a surprise,” she says, gesturing between us.

She doesn’t look angry at all, just curious. Cal, on the other hand, remains fairly stoic, but something in his expression tells me he knows what this is about. After all, why would we be here together after all this time?

“Well,” Jay starts, “I wanted to tell you guys about me and Alek. We’re going to be together, and I didn’t want to have to hide that from you.”

Caroline nods absently as she stares at her son. My eyes flicker to Cal.

“I have to tell you, I’m stepping down as CEO. The company remains mine, and all the work I do won’t be done from either building.”

Jay’s mom’s eyes widen. “So, you’re moving to Michigan?”

I nod. “I am. It’ll take a little time, but in order to give this a real chance, it’s the only way. I wouldn’t ask Jay to give up his job as he’s just starting out.”

She grants me a little smile before looking at her son. “This is serious then.”

“You were right. It did matter to me,” Jay tells her, referencing a conversation I wasn’t a part of. “The separation really put that in perspective.”

Cal remains silent, hands clasped as he watches the three of us talk.

“Dad, I know how you felt when you found out, but as I hope you can see, this is more than just a fling. Yes, it started out that way, and I didn’t anticipate actually falling for him, but I did. Nothing we’re doing now is inappropriate. He’s giving up a role in his own company and moving his life to another state, and I think that shows a lot. I hope you can understand that this is something we both want and hope to grow into something more. I’m sorry I happened to fall for your friend, but since you did like him enough to consider him one, you should know he’s a good guy.”

“Cal,” I say, jumping in. “Caroline, you too. I want you both to know that I really care about Jay, and I can admit he’s probably too good for me, but I’ll do everything I can to be better and to earn the right to be with him.” Jay’s hand lands on my knee, giving me a squeeze. I meet his gaze momentarily, smiling at him. “Our age difference has never been a huge concern or anything we felt we needed to devote a lot of time to. It’s obvious I’m older, but he’s such a brilliant and confident man, and I think I can speak for him when I say I don’t believe he ever felt like I was taking advantage of him.”

“I can put him in his place if I need to,” he teases with a grin.

“Well,” Caroline says, glancing back at her husband while she rests her hand on his leg. “I think it’s very admirable to make such drastic changes for our son, Alek. I can appreciate the effort you’re putting into this, and he must mean a lot to you to do so. Especially considering you aren’t sure how this may turn out.”

I nod.

“I figured something like this was coming,” Cal finally says, breaking his silence. “I knew you were hiring a CEO, and as soon as we got the call that Jay was in town, I put two and two together.” He sighs, running a hand over his beard. “I know I never allowed another moment for you to talk about Alek and what was going on between you, but I knew that night that it was more than a fling. I could see it in your reaction to him leaving. I could read it on your face for the rest of that week. You were affected heavily.”

Everyone sits in silence for a while, unsure of what to say, or where to go from here. He isn’t exactly excited, but he’s far less upset than that night in my hotel room.

“I only care that you’re happy,” Caroline tells Jay. “You know that. I’ve never cared about who you chose to spend your time with, I just wanted you to be happy. If being with Aleksander is what brings you happiness, I’m fine with that.” She turns to me. “My kids are my whole world, and I wish I could protect them forever, but he’s a grown man capable of making his own decisions. If he chooses to be with you, I trust he knows what he’s doing and I hope that you’ll protect his heart to the best of your ability. Just as I hope he does the same for you.”

“I appreciate that, Caroline. Thank you.”

“You have to understand how taken aback I was,” Cal says. “I never would’ve guessed, and yes, it’s probably more so because you were my friend and less about age. The boss and employee dynamic bothered me because I know how it can be for young employees to feel like they have to do certain things if the boss that they’re sleeping with says so. The power imbalance is why those types of relationships aren’t allowed, but I guess I should’ve known my son better.”

“I tried explaining that he wasn’t taking advantage. He attempted to do the right thing but I was the one who kept after him. Yes, he gave in, but I’m pretty charming,” Jay says with a smile.

His mom makes a face, but her lips quirk into a grin anyway.

“Well, this is your decision,” Cal says. “I hope everything works out the way you want it. You’re right, you’re both adults and I don’t have a say in your personal life, but like I said, I was just blindsided and didn’t know how to react.”

Caroline pats his knee, a small smile on her face.

“Thanks, Dad,” Jay says, standing up to give both his parents another hug.

Caroline embraces me, and Cal shakes my hand. He doesn’t look at me the same as he used to, but I supposed the knowledge of your friend fucking your kid probably changes things a bit. I can’t blame him. I still feel a slight tinge of awkwardness around them both.

After a while, Cal offers me a drink, and Caroline whips up a quick meal. Jayden’s sister comes home shortly after and gets caught up to speed fairly quickly, and is the only one who’s the least bit concerned.

A couple hours later, we leave their house feeling a lot lighter, and make our way back to my home with smiles on our faces and lots to look forward to.