Tempting Him by Isabel Lucero


We made it six months.That’s all. Any longer than that and I might’ve lost my mind completely. We moved in together just last week. The past few months was him either staying the night here or me sleeping in his bed. It was clear we couldn’t get enough of each other, and the constant back and forth to get more clothes just didn’t seem worth it. We were living together part time, and we needed that full-time promotion.

I hadn’t quite made it a year in my apartment, but Alek paid out the remainder of my lease because my only option was to stay there a few more months and he wouldn’t have it. For now, we’re in his condo, which is bigger and better than mine, and as time goes on, we may find an actual house, but this is all we need.

“Hey, babe,” I greet when I push open the door to his office. “My parents will be here soon.”

He looks up and grins, patting his desk. I stroll over and perch my ass on it, and he rolls up in his chair, grabbing my hips. “Think we have time for a little fun?”

I run my fingers through his hair as he buries his face in my lap. “I wish we did.”

“Well, that’s unfortunate,” he says, his head coming up, but his hands finding their way under my shirt, caressing my skin.

“You better stop teasing me,” I warn.

“Or what?” he asks with a grin, arching a brow.

“I’m not about to give away my revenge plots.”

He stands, pushing his lips against mine. “Fine. No more teasing.”

“Well, not forever.”

He smirks. “Later then.”

I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck. “Have I told you how much I love you?”

“Not today,” he answers, his arms snaking around my waist.

“Mm. Guess I’m slippin’”

“Guess you need to make it up to me.”

“I will.”

He reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out an envelope, handing it to me. “Here.”

“What’s this?” I ask, flipping it over to open it up.

“You’ll see.”

I pull out several pieces of folded paper and read them over.

“We’re going on a trip?” I ask, my eyes wide. “To The Bahamas?”

“We’ll spend a couple days in Miami first, but yeah. I remember you talking about wanting to go to a proper beach. We’ll be staying at Atlantis Bahamas.”

My eyes scan the rest of the papers, looking at the photos printed, and all the details of what he’s planned.

“Holy shit,” I say with a laugh. “I can’t believe it. When?”

He takes a paper and brings it to the top, pointing out the dates. It’s a couple months from now, but I recognize the time frame. “That’s when we met. An anniversary trip?”

Alek nods, his smile wide. “I love you, Jay. It’s been an incredible ten months, and I can’t wait for everything we’ll do in the future.”

I squeeze him tight in my arms, kissing his neck. “Fuck, I’m so lucky. I have no idea how I managed to land you.”

“You were relentless, and beyond tempting.”

I chuckle. “True. I knew what I wanted.” I step back and study the papers again. “So, we’ll be in Miami for your birthday. Lots of celebrating to do.”

I found out later that he had just turned forty-one before we met, so our anniversary and his birthday are only separated by a few days.

The doorbell rings, alerting us that my family has arrived. It’s the first time they’ve been here since my graduation, but we’ve had a few conversations over the phone, and Dad has adjusted well to us being together.

I stuff the papers in the envelope and place it on his desk before giving him another kiss.

We make our way to the living room, and I open the door to reveal my parents' happy faces.

Mom hugs me first before saying, “Hey, Alek,” and wrapping her arms around him. “How are you?”

“Happier than ever.”

She beams. “Good.”

Dad enters, hugging me before extending his hand to Alek and giving him a slight nod. “Hey.”

“How’ve you been?” Alek asks.

“Pretty great.” Dad looks around. “This is a nice place.”

“Thanks. It’ll do for now,” Alek replies.

Janae enters, giving me a hug and saying hello to Alek before she starts touring the place. “This is the kind of apartment I want when I move out.”

“Then you better start making some money now,” Dad jokes.

She rolls her eyes and Mom laughs.

“Well, I’m starving,” Mom announces. “What do you say we make some dinner?”

“If you’re helping, I’m down,” I answer with a laugh.

“Boy, you still haven’t learned to cook for yourself?” she chides.

“I have a little, but your food will always be better. You’re the chef.”

She makes a face. “Mmhmm. Don’t butter me up. Let me see what you got here,” she says, heading for the kitchen.

Together, the four of us work in the kitchen, making a meal while talking and laughing, all while my sister hangs out in the living room, popping up from time to time to question my peeling or chopping skills.

Dad and Alek talk about work and they seem to be just like they were on that night in the bar in the hotel. They drink, talk about people I don’t know, joke, and it makes me smile to know their friendship will be okay.

“You look happy, baby,” Mom says, catching me staring at Alek.

“I am,” I reply. “I didn’t know I could be this happy. I thought I was before, but being with him has multiplied that.”

She chuckles. “Love will do that.”

Alek glances over at me, giving me a wink that makes my stomach do a flip.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“I always am,” she teases, pushing her hair over her shoulder. “And you’re cutting those wrong,” she says, pointing her knife at my carrots. “I want them to be julienne, and that’s more barot.”

I look down at my chunky carrot slices. “I don’t know what that means.”

“Thinner, baby. Here, let me show you.”

“I think I want to switch jobs. Dad and Alek aren’t even doing anything but watching the water boil.”

“Hey, it’s a very important job,” Dad says with a laugh.

Alek strides over, placing a kiss on my temple. “Okay, I’m here to learn from the chef.”

Mom grins and the two of them start dicing up more vegetables while I join my dad. We talk about work a little before getting into our usual heated sports debate. He prefers basketball, and obviously, football is better.

All five of us join together at the table and enjoy our dinner with casual conversation and lighthearted jokes. When they call it a night, leaving to go back to their hotel until tomorrow afternoon when we plan to meet up again, Alek and I breathe a simultaneous sigh of relief.

“That went better than I imagined,” he says.

“Definitely. I was afraid there would be awkward tension.”

“Your friends love me, your family loves me, so I don’t think we have anything to worry about now,” he says with a grin, tugging me into him.

“Now let me show you how I love you the most,” I say, unbuttoning his pants.

“You’re the boss,” he replies with a smirk.

“Mm. I love when I’m the boss.”

His breath hitches when my hand skates over his cock. “I love how you love me.”