Tempting Him by Isabel Lucero


When I walk backinto my office Tuesday afternoon, I stop short when I find Jay sitting in the chair opposite mine.

With a glance at my watch, I note he’s early.

“Making up for yesterday, I see.”

“Your secretary let me in, but only after I charmed her with my smile and a free coffee.”

“Sometimes bribery will get you places.”

“I think she likes me,” he says. “Kinda hot.”

“Is she?” I ask, removing my jacket and hanging it up.

“So, not bi, then,” Jay says with a grin.

I ignore him. “Any new thoughts regarding the festival?”

He places his coffee down and opens up a notebook. “Yeah, so I was thinking, this is about music, so obviously getting spots on some of the local radio stations would make sense. The DJ’s can talk about it, host a giveaway or something. Would a billboard be too expensive? Anyway, flyers are easy, and I can get them on campus no problem.”

“Have you thought about getting clips of the bands performing, and broadcasting those on social media, so people know what they’ll be buying tickets for? The clips don’t have to be long, and I have a list of the performers.”

“Yeah, that would be dope. Let me get that list. The contact info is there, too, right?”

“Of course.”

“Maybe we could get a local TV station to play them along with info about the festival.”

I nod, and we continue working and fleshing out his plans.

The three hours that he’s here go by quickly, and before I know it, he’s minutes away from having to leave. He doesn’t attempt to flirt this time around, which makes it easier for me, because I don’t have to turn him down once again.

“All right, so we’re doing pretty good, I think,” he says as he gathers his stuff.

“Yeah. Tomorrow, I’ll introduce you to Luther. He’s working on this, as well as a couple other seasoned employees. Luther will help with the ins and outs of digital marketing, showcasing the difference in social media management versus social media marketing. Soon, you’ll start to create and coordinate campaigns, and use social media apps to build, track, and engage with people who fit the music festival demographic.”

“Luther? I thought I was working with you?”

“For me.”

“Oh, boss man.”

“That’s right.”

He shakes his head, a grin on his lips as if he doesn’t believe me. “This Luther? He hot?”

I flatten my lips and send him a look. “He’s probably not your type.”

“I don’t know. I like them in all shapes, sizes, colors, genders.” He pauses. “Ages,” he finishes with a wink.

“Well, we’ll see about that.”

“Jealous?” he teases.

I grab my suit jacket and give him a slight chuckle. “No.”

“What if I flirted with your secretary out there?”

“I’d advise against that.”

“Why?” he asks, amusement in his tone.

“Not for the reason you think.”

“Then, I can?”

I face him. “You can do whatever you like, as long as it doesn’t put your position at risk.”

“I thought you said you’d make sure I didn’t lose my spot.”

“Yeah, for sleeping with me. Not for any other reason.”

He chuckles. “So, I take it you’re on the boss’s good side if you’re confident in that promise.”

My lips pull up slightly as I study him. “I guess you could say that.”

“Then maybe we can get away with a little more.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“I’d say persistent.”

A knock on my door breaks up our banter. “Come in.”

It’s Linda Thompson, my secretary. “Sorry, Mr. Drakos. I’m heading out, but Mr. Lewis called and had to change your meeting from two to three tomorrow. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine. Thank you.”

“Hey, Linda,” Jay says, walking toward her. “Let me walk you to your car. You never know what kind of people might be lurking around.”

“Ms. Thompson is how you should address her,” I admonish.

“It’s fine,” she says with a grin, pushing her blond hair behind her shoulder. “I don’t think I have anything to worry about, Mr. Brooks, but you can join me.”

“Oh, you gonna protect me? Do you work out?” he flirts, knowing damn well he’s the size of a professional football player and doesn't need any protection. Linda is five foot six at best and fairly slim.

“Have a good night, Mr. Drakos,” she says before stepping back through the door.

“Yes, goodnight, Mr. Drakos,” Jay offers. “See you tomorrow.”

“Oh, sir?” Linda adds, popping next to Jay. “I meant to give you this.”

“Let me,” Jay says, taking the card. “Rest your feet. Those heels look killer.”

Linda shakes her head, but hands the card to Jay. He glances at it before handing it to me. “Oh yeah, I wanted to ask. What does MGD stand for?”

“Oh, you don’t know?” Linda muses from the doorway. “M and G are his parents initials. D is, well, his last name.”

I take the card and study his face. He glances back at Linda. “Whose?”

She laughs, a little disbelieving. “Mr. Drakos, of course. This is his company.”

His dark eyes find mine, his lips parting slightly.

I smirk. “Have a good evening, you two.”