Work Wife by Dee Ellis

Chapter Five


Need is a filthy bastard, I decide.

Bringing Karina to my place was driven by need. By my need to have her in my space and have her close. Need I have felt build over the last months of working together. Keeping her at my place until we head to The Pillars, pretending we had to get this marriage act down right, was pure, selfish need. A need to be able to touch her whenever I want, to not hold back, and to stop pretending I don’t want her.

That very first night sealed my fate. For months, my attraction to her grew. We shared lunch and some business dinners but making dinner with her and sitting together to enjoy it was something else. All the things I tried to ignore about her before became bright, vivid, and beautiful.

How her laugh is louder with me than anyone else. Bolder, brighter. As if she doesn’t hold back with me. I noticed how she leans into me whenever I talk and watches me closely, listening to every word. And how when I do the same with her, she flushes because she doesn’t like the attention. But she likes when I touch her or tease her a little.

After dinner that night, I tried to keep my distance. Until I heard her shower turn on. Knowing she was bare down the hall from me snapped my control. Going to her was a bad idea. Just another added to my pile of terrible ideas lately. Bad idea or not I went to her, unable to stay away a minute longer. And at her door, I heard her voice. Heard her breathy pants and then a long, sexy moan and then, the deal breaker.

“Kolt,” her voice moaned my name as she came while she touched herself.

“Fuck, Karina,” I grunted back, working my cock.

I was done for. There was no going back once I heard her come and say my name. I came moments later, making a mess right there in the hall. I did not give a fuck. I even knocked on her door, hoping she was still needy. Hoping she needed me enough to let me destroy the thin line between boss and assistant. Her door never opened but the damaged had been done.

“You need a ring,” I decided the very next day.

Karina’s eyes shimmering as I slid a huge pink diamond on her finger sealed both our fates. As she slid a platinum band on my finger, right there in the shop, I knew I was in deep. There was no coming back from that feeling. It was no longer a ruse for me and soon, she would see that. She would feel that.

Right now, it may be for show but soon, it will be forever.

Once I put that ring on her finger, no way in hell I was letting her out of my sight. I took her to her place to get some things and we have barely been apart since. At work we became a fine-tuned machine and at home, it was the same. We make sense in and out of the office. And the need is there for both of us. Need we barely veil now, even at the office. Touches that lingered before now are intimate, seeking, and crossing lines I stopped caring about.

“Anything you need?” her sweet voice breaks into my thoughts.

It’s Friday morning with my good assistant at my side. Asking what I need. What I need. Just counting the days until I can tell her what I truly need. Her beneath me, crying my name as I bury my cock inside her so deep, I never find my way out. I can’t tell her how badly I want to rip her pretty cardigan open and suck on her soft tits while I strum her clit. Not the time or the place for that—if there is ever a time or place for a boss to tell an employee he wants to bang her more than he wants to breathe.

Aboard the company jet, we’re headed for The Pillars. It’s a short drive by car and I had hoped to steal more alone time with my lady. But Jase and Milo decided to let their wife fly us up. It’s her new hobby so the company jet was more of a gift for her than an actual business expense.

Beside me, Karina is anxious. I know she hates to fly. Reaching out, I take her hand and bring it to my lips. I want to kiss away her fear. Leaning over, I touch my nose to hers, telling her to breathe. And when she does, soft and sweet, I smile, answering her question against her lips.

“Sticky bun? Just need you to calm down, sweetheart,” I whisper gently.

Her jade eyes lock on mine and I see the heat there. And the same need I feel pulsing through me. My cock is so hard, and I can do nothing to ease the ache. Last night, I stood outside her door again, stroking my cock, willing her to feel me. To sense me out there hungry for her. We came together, and I could swear this morning, I saw in her eyes that she knew it.

“I am scared,” she whispers, her lips fluttering as she lets out a shaky breath, “not of the flight. Of making this work. I don’t want to let you down.”

“Oh, Karina,” I rasp, shaking my head as I brush her dark hair back gently, “you could never let me down. Right now you tell me if I am asking too much of you. Tell me and we won’t even go. I do not need the deal that badly,” I say it and I mean it. I forget why I even cared about it.

“No. I want to. Tell me we can do it,” her voice deepens.

“Convince a few folks we are crazy about one another,” I tilt my head, brushing my words at her mouth, “like some newlyweds? Yes, sweetheart, I think we can do it.”

“When did we get married?” she says softly, eyes closed as she reaches out to grab at me as we start to take off.

“Last year. Two months to the day after we met. We went to the justice of the peace and then I took you to Paris,” I repeat the backstory we spent the whole week perfecting.

“And next month is our anniversary. You want to take me to Paris again,” she hums, her fingers clutching at my bicep as the plane shakes.

“Breathe, sweetheart,” I murmur, moving closer and almost bringing her into my lap, “I will take you to Paris. After we renew our vows,” I add something new to the script and she smiles wider, her nose brushing mine.

“With your cousins and their wife there,” she plays along, trembling slightly when I lick my lips just to taste hers.

“With whoever you want there. You deserve a wedding, and I would give you whatever you want. Tell me your name,” I growl now, fingers tangling roughly in her hair as I tug her head back.

“Karina Masters. Mrs. Kolt Masters. Because you are old fashioned. Or possessive. Or both,” she grins but she is breathing heavy, and I know she feels the truth dancing between us.

We sit huddled together for most of the flight, making up more of our story. By the time we’re almost ready to land, she is fully in my lap. Curled up against my chest, her soft body fits with mine just as it is supposed to. I stroke her hair and brush my lips over her cheek as we talk softly. When we begin descent and turbulence kicks up, she starts to shake in my arms.

“Hush, I got you sweetheart,” I murmur gently.

“Kiss me,” she whimpers, stealing away the very last of my control.

Crushing my mouth to hers without hesitation, I give into our need. Her mouth opens to my tongue and her sweet sounds wreck me. Karina tastes sweet and like my forever. Whatever rules we followed back home or at the office, they’re gone now. They don’t matter—if they ever did at all. All that matters is we let this need have room to breathe because it is as hungry as we are.

Cradling the back of her head, I ravish her mouth, months of wanting to taste her, to claim her, coming undone. She moans into the kiss as our tongues tangle, and I eat that sweet sound up. Sweeter than any sticky bun. As I slide a hand up to cup her breast, I hear the doors to the plane open. We have landed and neither of us realized. I grunt in despair, and she laughs, biting playfully at my bottom lip.

“Come on wife, work to do,” I whisper, but it’s a lie.

Truth is the only work I care about is making my work wife my real wife.