Dragon with the Girl Tattoo by Julia Mills

Chapter Nineteen

Lennox was mysteriously absent for two days. When she called and questioned, he’d chuckle and say, “I’m planning the most gorgeous Mating Ceremony any Dragon has ever given his Mate.”

Of course, it worked just as he’d planned. Tessa was swooning and her Mate was able to carry on with his covert planning until he returned to her after the sun had set.

No matter how many times she asked or tried to ply with him kisses to find out what he’d been up to, Lenn refused to do anything but smile and tell her he loved her. On his way out the door, the morning of their Mating Ceremony, he smiled and said, “Don’t go far from the house. One of your surprises will be arriving soon.”

True to his word, the doorbell rang not soon after he’d gone. Running through the house, she threw open the door and jumped up and down at the sight of her mom, all four of her sisters, as well as Timon and Aly, the Mates of her eldest sisters.

“Holy crap!” She shrieked. “Did y’all charter a plane?”

“Your Mate did,” Vanessa winked. “He called and said a limo would pick up us up and take us all to the airport because we were invited to the Mating Ceremony of the century.”

Hugging her around the neck, Tessa chuckled, “Sounds like Lennox.”

“Well, you’ve really got a good one there,” Amara chimed in, pushing her way to the front of the crowd as they entered the home Tessa and Lennox would share.

“I do, don’t I?” Tessa couldn’t keep the dreamy tone out of her voice. Lennox really was everything she could’ve ever wished for in a Mate, and he just kept proving it every day.

Hugging her youngest sister, she burst out laughing when Amara whispered, “It’s so romantic. You’ll only ever be drinking Lennox’s blood for the rest of forever. I can’t wait to find my Mate.”

“Your time will come, Sweetie. Be patient, because finding the right one makes all the difference in the world.”

Never one to waste a minute, Vanessa set her bag on the floor, clapped her hands together, and said, “Okay, where do we start?”

“Well, according to Lennox, my dress will be delivered in about an hour.” Running her fingers through her hair, she grinned at her two oldest sisters, Aura and Mila, “I have to do something with this hair, and I guess I should attempt some makeup.” Waggling her eyebrows, she teased, “Know anybody who owns a makeup company and a string of salons all over the world who might be able to help with that?”

“We do,” they chorused, their happiness and sisterly love filling the whole house

“Then let’s get to it.”

No sooner had she uttered the words than Tessa was whisked up the stairs to befussed over for the next three hours. An hour into their fun, her dress arrived just as Lennox had promised.

Listening closely, she laughed along with her sisters when Aura’s Mate Timon answered the door with Sly, Mila’s Mate, along for the ride. Listening to Kayne give the two Vamps a hard time was fun, but it was even better when he laughed out loud and invited, “Y’all need to be sure to be at the reception. My dad sent over three barrels of Chouchen. It’s sure to be one helluva party.”

“We’ll be there,” the male Vamps emphatically accepted, which had all the women laughing even louder.

When Sly appeared at the door of Tessa’s dressing room carrying a large white box tied with a light blue satin ribbon, she couldn’t help but tease, “So, you were bitchin’ and moanin’ about the frivolity of Mating Ceremonies, but now that you’re gonna get to have your fill of the Drink of the Gods, you’re all good, huh?”

“Damn straight,” the tall Nordic Vamp exulted. “When the son of Lugh offers to share the exquisite wine of fermented honey and fruits that was created in 500B.C. and only the gods themselves were allowed to partake of its sweet, rich goodness, girl please, you accept and drink till you can’t drink no more.”

“Hear, hear,” Timon yelled from the other room. “What he said with a hell yeah added for good measure.”

“Okay, you goofballs,” Tessa laughed. “Just don’t embarrass me with my new family.”

“Wouldn’t hear of it,” the Vamps reassured.

Unable to wait another second, Tessa jumped up from her dressing table and ran to the bed. Opening the box, she gasped as everyone else ooohhh’d and aaahhh’d.

“Oh, my Great Goddess,” Amara breathed. “It’s gorgeous, T. Just perfect.” 

“It is,” she breathed, unable to take her eyes off of it. “And Lennox had it made just for me.”

“Okay,” Aura prodded, adding a snap of her fingers. “Get over here and let us get you finished or that Dragon will be left waiting.”

Sooner than she imagined, they pronounced her done and turned her chair towards the mirror. Tessa hardly recognized her own reflection. With her hair down and curly but adorned with tiny Scottish Primrose blossoms and baby’s breath, she looked like a princess.

Mila had done a fabulous job of keeping her makeup light and natural looking. Tessa especially loved that her cheeks were highlighted with a soft pink that matched her lipstick and her eyes were done with a smoky eyeliner and light mascara.

Next came her dress. Her hands shook as she lifted it from the box. The soft white gossamer fabric floated to the floor like a petal on the wind. Holding it up to her front and looking in the mirror, she couldn’t stop smiling. Strapless with a sweetheart neckline she had no doubt would showcase her ample bosom, Tessa rolled her eyes and teased, “With a bustline like this, the whole place will know that Lennox designed the dress.”

“Boys will be boys,” Maisa chuckled, her comment causing everyone to laugh along.

“Okay, girlie. Let’s get you into that beautiful creation.” Amara winked. “You don’t want to be naked when those Dragons boys come to get you.”

Taking the gown from Tessa’s hands, her youngest sister added, “Now, get outta that robe, Woman. Let’s get this show on the road.”

Doing as she was told, loving every minute she shared with her family, Tessa held up her arms as Amara and Maisa slid the silken fabric over her head. The bustier bodice was a perfect fit and the tiny pearl buttons on either side added an elegant touch. Looking more closely, she noticed the intricately embroidered light blue flames and black paw prints sporadically decorating the bodice and skirt to represent Vulcan and Pandia.

“It is just magical,” her mother sniffed, happy tears filling her eyes. “He’s thought of everything.”

Hugging her mom then all her sisters, Tessa nodded, “He always does.”

“Okay, enough of the girlie touchy-feelies,” Amara giggled. “Turn around and let me put this ribbon around your waist.”

Turning first one way and then the other, Tessa fought to hold back the tears of pure joy and utter happiness. “Y’all have made me look so good,” she gushed, meeting her sisters’ eyes in the mirror. “I just don’t know how to thank you.”

“It was easy,” Mila beamed.

“Because you’re the most gorgeous of us all,” Aura finished, her voice just barely cracking.

“Aww, thank you so much,” Tessa gushed. “I owe it all to Lennox.”

“Oh, no you do not,” Vanessa shook her head. “You have always been the prettiest of us all. You follow your heart in all things, my sweet girl and that makes you special beyond compare.”

“Oh, mom,” she sniffed. “Thank you so much. I love you.”

“And I love you.”

“We all do, Sis,” Amara piped up with all Tessa’s sisters behind her nodding, crying happy tears, and smiling with pure joy.

Slipping her feet into the ballet flats that matched her dress, Tessa made it as far as the living room when the doorbell rang. Hugging, kissing, and thanking her family, she spun one more time and asked, “Are you sure I look, okay?”

“You look absolutely gorgeous, Goofball,” Amara giggled. “You always do. Now, go Mate that Dragon of yours and we’ll see you at the party.”

“Thank you again. I love you all so very much,” Tessa called over her shoulder, placing her hands on the arms of Pearce and Kayne as the door closed behind her to a chorus of, “We love you so much.”

Dressed as if they’d walked right off of the set of a Knights of the Round Table movie, she kidded, “Okay, so I know I shouldn’t be surprised. Dragons have been around longer than any of us, but you two look really good.”

“Why thank you, ma’am,” Kayne grinned. While Pearce bowed his head, and smiled, “Glad we could oblige.”

“Oh, you more than oblige,” she giggled. “I just gotta ask, how the heck do you get those boots so shiny? I bet I could see my face in them.”

“You could,” Kayne nodded. “But then one of those pretty little flowers might fall out of your hair.”

“And we wouldn’t want that,” Pearce added. “But seriously, polishing our dress boots is one of the first things a Guardsman is taught to do. We have to look our best for occasions just like this one.”

And they did. The men’s black pants were tucked into the top of their knee-high black boots, that shined brightly as the sun danced over the tops. The long-sleeved black undershirt they wore gave the perfect backdrop for the light blue of their surcoats, which were an exact match to the color of Vulcan’s scales. Silver braiding trimmed the top and sides, highlighting the magnificent Dragon in the throes of battle embroidered across their chests.

Taking a deep breath, knowing the answer but needing to ask anyway, Tessa inquired, “So where we off to, boys?”

“Nice try, Girlie, “Kayne chuckled. “You know we can’t tell you.”

“You’ll see when we get there,” Pearce smiled a serene smile, then added with a wink, “Lenn has been a very busy man.”

Walking through the garden gate decorated with a bouquet of blue and white flowers and beautiful ribbons of the same colors flowing in the wind, they followed the path of multi-colored patio stones to the back exit. Also decorated with the same design of flowers and streamers, the Demi-God led the way as they left the flowers and stepped onto a path covered in white stones.

Tessa thought she knew where they were headed but was surprised when they turned off the path and arrived at a small stone chapel with brilliant stained glass decorating the high gothic windows and doors. Looking at Kayne, then Pearce, she gasped, “I didn’t even know this was here.”

“Could it be because you’ve been busy with that crazy roommate of mine?”

“It just might be,” she chuckled. Looking back to the little church, she beamed, “But you have to admit, he picked the perfect place for our Ceremony.”

Huge white urns, overflowing with light blue hydrangeas and white lilies sat on either side of the four stone steps leading to the entrance. Stopping at the bottom step, her escorts smiled as they removed her hand from their arms. Stepping to the side, they each retrieved a single long-stemmed white rose from the vases on either side.

Handing them to Tessa, Pearce also gave her a card embossed with her name in beautiful calligraphy with her name. Reading it aloud, her heart skipped a beat. “Today, we become one. No longer shall we live in the past. Together we shall forge a bright, new future filled with love, hope, and the belief that we can do anything as long as we’re together. I love you with all that I am. Lennox.”

“The next steps…” Kayne began.

“The ones that lead to your Mate…” Pearce went on.

“You take alone,” the spoke in unison.

“Thank you so much,” Tessa gushed, looking to her left and her right. “Both of you are just the best.”

“Right back atcha, Kiddo,” the Demi-God winked.

“You are welcome, Tessa. Be happy,” Pearce bowed.

Stepping into the narthex, she was awestruck by the sight before her. Slipping off her shoes, she slowly walked into the sanctuary, her eyes darting from side to side as she tried to take in the vast array of stunning decorations. A light blue carpet flowed from the entryway to the platform at the front where six throne-like chairs sat waiting for the Elders of the Blue Thunder Clan.

“Wait,” she whispered to Pandia. “Aren’t there only four Elders?”

“That’s what I thought.”

“Well, hell, another surprise.”

Focusing on the bouquets of light blue hydrangeas and white lilies adorning the end of each of the eight tiny pews leading to the white wrought iron chair at the front she knew was for her, Tessa smiled at the extra touch of light blue ribbons woven through the intricate design on the back. Taking her seat in the chair, she tapped her foot nervously, not sure what to expect when the Elders she’d only briefly met appeared on the platform.

Rian was first as the Leader of the Clan and the Head Elder. He gave her a nod while the others—Niall, Stefan, and Marcas—all smiled in her direction. Then she saw her dad and a few happy tears slipped down her cheek. Her heart filled with even more adoration for her Dragon mate, not only had he made sure her mom and sisters were there for her, but he’d also made sure her dad was part of the actual ceremony.

Next came the biggest surprise of all, dressed in a tux that had obviously been made just for him and a bow tie and vest the same shade of emerald as his eyes, came Max. Tall suave, and as debonaire as always, her cousin stopped and bowed before following her dad. “How will I ever be able to thank Lennox enough for all he’s done for me?”

“You’re gonna love him like nobody’s ever loved their Mate before,” Pandia immediately responded. “Cause girl, we got the real deal with our Mate.”

“We sure did.”

Rustling to the right drew her attention as the Guardsmen of the Aherne Force appeared. Watching the men file in, she noted the slightly different hues of blue of each man’s surcoat. Rory’s was royal blue with swirls of green highlights throughout. Brannoc’s was the blue of the ocean and Kellan’s so dark, the blue looked like black. Declan’s primary blue matched the straightforward man she knew him to be. And lastly, was Pearce, whose surcoat had an iridescent glow added to its cobalt blue that made her imagine how brightly the scales of his Dragon would shine in the sunlight.

“Wow!” She mused to Pandia. “He changed clothes quickly.”

“I bet he’s done this before,” the Pantheress chuckled.

Smiling, she waved at Maddox in his deep blue surcoat, and mouthed, “You look good,” to the Dragon she knew would always be there for her and her Mate. Then there was Royce, the tallest of them all, in royal blue with faint green highlights, followed by Kayne who’d changed into a golden surcoat so bright and beautiful it was most certainly fashioned from cloth made of sunshine.

Appearing from the same direction as the others, Lennox, in his surcoat of the lightest blue, looked good enough to eat. And when he smiled at her, Tessa felt it in every fiber of her being. No sooner had he taken his place in front of the other Guardsmen, than did she get to her feet.

Knees trembling and her hands shaking, she did everything possible to control her nerves. But the anticipation of mating her Dragon had both woman and Pantheress ready to pounce.

Second by excruciating second, time slowly ticked by. Finally, when she thought she might lose her mind, Rian began to speak, his deep baritone voice ringing loud and clear in the chapel.

“Long ago, when Knights and Dragons fought side by side for King and Country, it became apparent that Dragonkin was no longer safe from those who wanted to expose and destroy them. In an effort to preserve not only their race, but their mission, these brave Kings sought to join with the Knights who had so valiantly fought by their sides during so many battles. Thus, through Magic and the will of both Dragon and Knight, the Dragon Shifters were born.”

“In the infinite wisdom of our Founding Elders, Clans were set up, one for each color of the Dragon Kings whose soul we carry within our own. Each Clan was assigned a region in which to make their home and to protect. Over time, some flourished, some ceased to exist, and others were born from the joining of many. As the Leader of the Blue Thunder Clan, it is an incredible honor to stand among those of not only my own Clan, but my brother Royce from the Golden Fire Clan and our distinguished guests, Maddox MacQueen and Kayne MacGréine. I am also honored to have Thomas Mooreland, Master of the Mooreland Kiss of Vampires and our new allies. As well as Maximillian Prentice, King of the Big Cats and cousin to our dear Tessa. The Universe has truly blessed the union of these two souls. Thank you everyone for your presence and your blessings. We are family in blood, family in battle, and family in loyalty.”

“Gathered in the place so sacred to our Kin, I can feel our Ancestor’s joy at the union of one so special and her family to our own. Extraordinary Mates continue to bless our Clan and make us even stronger. Every one of us that finds the light of his soul knows how sacred she is. It is an honor to witness the power of what the Universe put into place at our inception. Tonight, we acknowledge and bless the mating of Lennox O’Lachtnáin to the one the Universe made for him, Tessa Alexandria Mooreland. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward?”

Pearce stood with his usual serene smile on his face and addressed the Elders. “We, the five of the Aherne Force of the Blue Thunder Clan, wish to witness and offer our blessing to one born of our blood and the Mate of his heart. May their lives now and forever be a testament to all we hold dear…love, honor, and loyalty. As you are one, let your strength see you through many years and the children of your children’s children smile upon you.”

Winking at Tessa, he added, “I am especially honored to be giving this blessing. You are one very strong and miraculous woman, Tessa Mooreland, and if you ever need any of us to kick your Mate’s butt, you have only to ask.” Stepping back to his place, he smiled and nodded.

Royce then stepped forward and faced the Elders. “I am here from the MacLendon Force of the Golden Fire Dragons. As I grew up with Lennox and consider him a brother, as I do all of the Guardsmen in the Blue Thunder Clan and wish to witness and offer my blessing to the union of these two souls, two halves of the same whole. May they live long, fight hard, love harder, and produce many young to flourish when their souls have gone to the heavens.” Smiling, he stepped back, and bowed his head.

Then it was Kayne and Maddox who came to the front. The Demi-God looked at Tessa as he spoke. “It is with the power of Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun, that I offer the blessing of this union. May the sun always light your path, chase away the darkness, and shine upon you and yours all the days of your lives and theirs.”

Maddox winked and un an unprecedented show of happiness actually grinned at her before adding, “From the oldest among us to the youngest, I stand as testament to the power of the Dragons and offer this blessing from the Ancestors who have gone ahead to prepare us a place in the Heavens. Live long, love often, and never look away from the light of your soul. The Universe does not make mistakes. She has given you both life that you may share it. Be happy, as that is Her fondest wish for all her children.” The Mad Dragon paused and then said, “I love you both as if you were my own, which makes it my duty to praise you when you get it right and be there to catch you when you don’t.”

The silence in the chapel as the Demi-God and the Mad Dragon nodded to the Elders then returned to their spot next to Royce was a testament to everyone’s surprise at Maddox’s unusual show of emotion. It took a few extra seconds before Rian spoke again and when he did, it was with a huge smile on his face. “Your witness and blessings have been acknowledged and accepted Aherne and MacLendon Forces, Kayne, Son of Lugh and Maddox, Keeper of the Ancients. It is truly a blessed event to have such honorable Clans and guests together. Lennox O’Lachtnáin, you may go to your Mate. Please escort her to the Sacred Circle before the Elders assembled here.”

Shocked to see she’d missed the circle of white roses in front of the platform, Tessa’s eyes went right to Lennox when he appeared before her. Taking the roses from her hand, he placed them on her chair, and gently slid his fingers through hers.

Slowly walking backwards, he led her to the Sacred Circle while letting all the love and adoration he felt for her fill their Mating Bond. She’d known from first look that Lennox was extraordinary but now there was absolutely no doubt in her mind that their life together would be a legendary love story.

Once they were in place, Rian spoke again, “The Blue Dragons were born of sea and sky. They are symbolic of the vastness of our existence and the infinity of our souls. They possess the ability to experience life from all aspects. They are highly protective and incredibly Magical. Blue Dragons are known for their patience and loyalty. The blue of their scales symbolizes the boundless sky and the deep calmness of the waters. Blue Dragons will see every advantage in battle, protect home and family with their very lives, and welcome the rising tide of change with calm acceptance. To mate a Blue Dragon is to accept all that they are and honor the power shared between Mates.”

It was then that her father’s voice filled the sanctuary with love, as he spoke the words that would bind them together for all time. A quick look at his smiling face showed exactly how much Thomas approved of Tessa and Lennox’s union. “As the next Queen of the Mooreland Kiss and the one who shares her Soul with Queen Pandia of the Panthera Pride, Tessa Mooreland, daughter of my heart and soul, do you accept this man and his Dragon as not only your Mate, but also the Mateof your Vampire nature and your great Black Panther?”

“With all that I was, all that I am, all that I will ever be, and all that we are together, I accept Lennox and Vulcan into my heart and my soul. I will share everything that I am with both of them every day of our lives, both here and in the Heavens.” Her heart soared as the bond she shared with Lennox strengthened within the depths of her soul and Pandia roared with untold joy.

To her Dragon, Thomas asked, “Do you Lennox O’Lachtnáin, the Mad Bomber of the Blue Thunder Clan of Dragons and the remaining Elder of the Ghorm Éadrom Dragons, do you accept this woman, her Black Panther and her Vampire nature as not only your Mate, but that of your Dragon?”

Clearing his throat, Lennox looked deep into Tessa’s eyes. The sheer strength of the emotion filling her Mate and spilling over to her was the single most powerful feeling she’d ever experienced. Knees shaking, it took all her strength to stay upright, then he began to speak and she could’ve flown without wings.

“It is with everything I am, man, Dragon, and Warrior, that I not only accept Tessa as my Mate for myself and for Vulcan, the Dragon King with whom I share my soul, but I welcome Pandia and the Vampire nature inherited from the Mooreland Kiss into my heart and soul.”

“Tessa is my love, my life, and the Keeper of my Soul. There will never come a day when she does not come first in my thoughts, my actions, and most of all, in my heart. She is my everything and I will spend every day of eternity loving her with all that I am.”  

Leaning forward to kiss her Mate, Lennox chuckled and whispered, “Hang on. There’s more to come.”

“Excuse me, Mi querida prima,” Max chuckled. “I will only keep you and your Dragon for a moment.”

Feeling the heat of her blush on her cheeks, Tessa thought about not facing Max. But the fact that he used the name he’d called her when she was a little girl – my dear cousin - and that he was there when she knew it was against the strict rules of the Dragons, Tessa let out the breath she was holding and lifted her chin.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“It is my greatest honor, Muñeca.” Clearing his throat, her cousin, the King of the Big Cats began, “May your love be one based on freedom. For though your hands may touch, it’s your hearts that hold. Always remember, when you hold love within your heart, you radiate a light, which shall brighten all the days of your life and beyond.”

“Everything we truly love becomes a part of us forever. So, take your time with each other. Let your love’s seed grow and mature with the seasons, to provide you with warmth, serenity, joy and acceptance throughout all the years of your marriage.”

“Love is not a wall. It is a bridge. Love does not confine. It sets you free. It leads, as a pathway, winding, to places unknown and mysterious.”

“With love to light the way, you can meet any challenge, together. May your life together be as a pebble dropped in a pond — an example of love and unity spread outward to your family, your friends and to the wider circle of the Universe who makes all that we are possible.”

“Lennox and Tessa, you are a truly miraculous couple. Be good to each other and the rest will fall into place. You will always have me and mine at your back providing love and support.”

“Thank you, Max,” Lennox murmured, bowing his head as Tessa could only smile and let her love she felt for her cousin and all her family shine brightly in her eyes.

“Now is the time of the marking. May the Universe continue to bless you and yours all the days of your life.” Rian’s voice was filled with reverence and happiness as the Elders, her dad and Max left the platform and disappeared along with the Guardsmen, leaving the couple blissfully alone.

Staring at the man who owned her heart and soul, Tessa thanked the Universe for at least the hundredth time since entering the chapel. The longer they stared at one another, the brighter the green of his eyes became until she realized they were glowing.

“So are yours, Mo ghrá,” he grinned, reading her mind as he lowered his mouth to hers.

Electricity, hot and fiery, sparked between them as their lips touched. His voice in her mind whispered, “Tá mo chroi istigh ionat,” as their kiss took on a life of its own.

Lennox was everywhere. Everything was more intense, more real… more of everything that was good and right in their world. Tessa was set ablaze from the inside out, open body, heart, and soul to her Mate.

A sting on the left side of her neck let her know the marking was complete, but Lennox was far from done and that was just fine with Tessa. Wrapping her in his arms, he trailed kisses across her jaw and down her neck, paying special attention to the spot that told the world she was his.

Pulling back, she chuckled happily as Lennox groaned, “Please don’t leave me now.”

Placing her hands on either side of his face, Tessa waited until his eyes were open before she sassed, “Oh, no way, Mr. O’Lachtnáin, you’re stuck with me forever.”

“Well, that’s a damned good thing, Mrs. Moorland - O’Lachtnáin, ‘cause I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Until we meet again…