Their Tangled Lust by Catherine Tramell



I take a few deep breaths before inserting the key card into the hotel room door. Elijah brought Christian to the same room of the hotel again and told the front desk to give me the key upon my arrival. I should have arrived earlier, but I decided to hide in the park for a while to calm down.

A strong voice in my head convinces me that I could be wrong. Master claimed to have undergone a vasectomy two years ago. But he could have just claimed it, so I won't stop him from cumming inside me. I didn't ask for proof or ask Delilah about it. I only assumed that he told the truth.

Further, my heart beats differently at the thought that he's that man. It's making me ashamed of myself. For instead of worrying about my son's safety, excitement grows inside me – at the thought that I could be with that man again.

Christian is my life now, I keep repeating to myself. Whether or not Master is my son's father, I will not be seeing him again. I will not be his slave anymore. I will not be a slave to anyone after Kelly Smith.

Elijah’s assistant, Terrence, greets me and points me to the room where my son is. “They’re asleep,” he tells me. “You can wait in the other room or have some dinner if you want.”

“I’ll see my son first,” I open the door slowly and freeze from the pure joy that engulfs me.

Elijah lies on the bed with Christian sleeping on his chest. They look so heavenly at peace with each other. Like they’re indeed father and son. I close the door quietly and carefully walk closer to the bed to check on Christian.

"Hey," Christian is wide awake but curling comfortably on Christian's chest. "You like it there?" I whisper, and he coos as a reply. I put my finger on my lips to give him a sign to keep silent. Christian rubs his eyes and smiles back at me.

My smile widens when my son looks similar to Elijah when the latter imitated Christian's expression. But the smile quickly fades when I shift my eyes to Elijah. My heart beats rapidly, more powerful than it did in front of my master. The hope that Elijah fathered my son is stronger than the faltering suspicion I have for the latter.

I close my eyes and sort my thoughts.

There’s definitely something wrong with me. Could Debbie be right? That I couldn’t get over Christian’s father because, somehow, that man awakened something inside me and turned me into his slave? I look at my son. No. That man didn’t awaken anything inside me.

Fate has been cruel to me. I don't want the same thing for my son. I only want everything to be perfect for him. That includes having his father by his side. Deep inside, I keep holding on to a hope that Christian's father would want him. And even if I refuse to admit it, I also hope that somehow, the man wants me too. It's sick that regardless of what he did to me, I still want to have a family with that vicious man. But I can do anything for my son, which coincides with my shameless desire.

But not every gray-eyed man can be his father. Just as not every father could love their children. Devon, the man who sold me to Christian’s father, made it clear to me. Christian’s father wants him gone.

I look at the sleeping Elijah, whose hands secure Christian on his chest lovingly. He's not Christian's father. Master? He can't be the father, too. If he was, he would have known who I am. Master would have had us disposed of by now.

I return my gaze to Elijah for a while. My forehead wrinkles as I compare his face to my master. They have the same muscular jaw and nicely-shaped lips. Their hair colors are also the same. I haven't seen Elijah half-naked, but even his neck seems to have the same length and size. The broadness of his shoulders, the width of his chest, and even his height are closely similar. Was I quick to brush off the idea that Elijah is also Master?

I raise my hand and cover Elijah’s eyes. Before I could take a look, Elijah grabs my hand and pulls me close to him. Tingling heat swarms all over my nerves, tickling the back of my ear and shocking my heart with a sudden jolt of electricity. I tremble at his hold but remain a statue from where I stand.

“E-Elijah,” I choke on a single word.

He hugs Christian in one arm to keep him secure in his chest before moving his other hand to the back of my nape. My eyes widen, and my lips quiver when Elijah pulls my face closer to him. His eyes pin deep into mine. Elijah. No other man has entered my head at that moment except for him. Neither the man in his silhouette form nor a man behind a mask. Just Elijah and his beautiful gray eyes that look so much like my son's.

And as if it was a dream, Elijah pulls me closer and slides his lips between mine. Loud thundering sounds echo in my ears as his kiss almost makes my heart explode. His kiss is so familiar. My body is aware of his heat, and the passion brings more joy than confusion.

"Elijah," I moan when we pull away from each other. I blush after realizing my reaction to his kiss.

“I’m sorry,” Elijah tells me while I remain startled. He carries my son carefully and rises from the bed.

I blow a shaky breath and fake a short laugh. "You must've been dreaming about Kelly," I frown at the thought of that woman. His husband dreams of her, but she's hiding a dark secret from him. Worse, she pulled me into that secret, too.

Elijah kisses Christian's head and smiles. "I've been wanting to do that."

“Kiss Christian on the head?” My eyebrows curve.

Before I could ask a follow-up question, Elijah pulls my face closer to him again and kisses me with the same passion as he did before. His tongue slides gently into my mouth and teases my tongue with its tip. My body reacts by itself and allows his tongue deeper into my mouth. We kiss deeply with our tongues dancing with each other. I move closer to him and cling to his shoulder with one hand while holding my baby's back with the other.

It's an image I've always dreamed of before getting married. Kissing my husband while he holds our child. I pull away from Elijah. What am I doing? I had just run away from a man who I thought was Christian’s father. Now, I’m jumping into the arms of another man, who I wish to be my son’s father.

“I think you’re still dreaming, Elijah,” I utter while taking my son from his arm.

"I'm not, Allyson. I know what I did and what I want to do," Elijah declares. "I couldn't stop thinking about you since our time at the mall."

My head hurts from processing everything that’s going on around me. Elijah’s words flutter my heart, but strangely, I feel like it’s not the truth. He’s hiding another reason – the true one – from me. But his eyes. The way they look at me declares that he does want me. But it still feels bizarre.

Why would a devoted husband suddenly want to cheat on his wife? Something must have happened between Kelly and Elijah. Did he find out her secret?

I shake my head and step away from Elijah. He’s upset with Kelly, and he’s making me his rebound girl. He doesn’t want me! “I’m sorry, Elijah. I don’t know what I did to make you think that I’m into this. But no. The last thing I want is to be somebody’s mistress.”

"Allyson, if you could let me explain. I want to be with you and Christian," his voice turns pitchy at the mention of my son's name. "I know I'm being fast, but I'm not the type who dilly-dallies. I want you, Allyson. And your son."

“No!” I tell him in a loud voice. Elijah’s face twitches into a frown. His hands turn into fists. “Please, Elijah. I don’t want any trouble. Let’s forget we had this talk.”

I hug my son and hurry out of the room. When I turn around to look at Elijah, he has turned his back to look out of the window, but his hands are still closed into fists. I kiss my son’s head and continue to walk out of the hotel suite.

A man wants my son and me. And it's not just any man. He's someone who can provide us what we need – protection and a future. But will Elijah still love me after knowing that I'll be a slave to his wife? And how can I become a mistress to the husband of my new master?
