Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



I barely fucking slept last night- just thinking about Brooke out on a date with that idiot Connor had me all twisted up inside. I blame it on my wolf- he’s all fucked up; thinks he has a claim on her for some reason. It must be because she’s the only female I’ve spent an extended amount of time around, the only one that my wolf and I have really gotten to know that isn’t family.

It’s a problem.

Sutton was eye-fucking me across the dining hall all through dinner, tried to get me to go back to her room with her afterwards, but my wolf wasn’t having it. It’s a damn shame because Sutton’s a great lay. I just couldn’t do it. I had to let my wolf out instead, go for a run.

It took the edge off, but only minimally. I ran for hours, gave over control and let my wolf lead me around the forest. In the end, he led me back to the complex, around the side to the edge of the parking lot. Right as Brooke was returning from her date with that fucking guy.

I hid in the brush, watched Connor go around and open her door for her. Watched him take her hand, help her out of his crappy car. She looked fucking incredible. Blue dress, a shade darker than her eyes. Coiffed hair and tan heels that made her calves look fantastic. She may not be the ‘type’ I usually go for, but she’s beautiful in her own right, fucking stunning. And seeing her walking with Connor, hand-in-hand, made me want to tear the guy’s arm off.

My wolf wanted to follow them, wanted to rip Connor apart for touching our female. He already thinks she’s ours, which is absurd- a girl like that would never actually mate with a guy like me. My wolf’s delusional, and I must be, too, if I’m letting myself get jealous over her.

I don’t do jealousy. If I want a girl, I go for it. If she doesn’t want me, I move on to the next one. I don’t get hung up on women. That doesn’t gel with my playboy image.

I had to run for another hour before my wolf calmed down enough for me to shift back, tuck him away. And then I spent the next several hours laying in bed staring at the ceiling, listening to that damn playlist Brooke sent me, chasing sleep.

Even when it came, I tossed and turned, woke up fucking exhausted. I skipped out on training with the squad this morning, thought about skipping rounds in the IT hub this afternoon. I can’t, though, because even though the mere thought of Brooke Eastwick is driving me fucking crazy right now, I still wanna see her.

When I get to the hub, I make my rounds quickly, then pull a chair over to Brooke’s desk to settle in.

She’s wearing the same grey sweatshirt that she put on that night we hung out in her room in Denver, along with a pair of skinny jeans with the knees ripped out. Her long blonde hair is tucked behind her ears, black-framed glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.

She doesn’t look nearly as perky as I’d expect her to be after a date with mister nice guy- she’s staring at her computer screen with her brow furrowed, nose scrunched, gnawing on her bottom lip. That look of intense concentration that I’m starting to find so fucking adorable.

“Hey kid,” I breathe as I sink down onto the chair, peering over at her.

She turns to me almost like she’s startled- was she really so focused that she didn’t hear me pull the chair over? – and then her expression softens, pouty pink lips spreading into a smile.


As quickly as the smile appeared, though, it fades. She turns back to her computer, long fingers gliding across the keyboard as she taps the keys.

I stretch out, kick my boots up on her desk. Lean back in the chair and get comfortable.

Brooke’s still typing away, working on her program as usual.

Click. Click. Click.

Damn, I’d hoped she’d just tell me about the date so I didn’t have to ask. But I have to ask- I need to know if I still have a shot here.

“So how was it?”

Brooke doesn’t stop typing right away. She finishes the line she’s working on, then sighs, pushing back and spinning in her chair to face me. She crosses one long leg over the other, folding her hands in her lap.

I hold my breath.

“How was what?”

I blow it out, rolling my eyes. “The date.”

Brooke pauses. “It was nice.”

“That’s it?” I ask, arching a brow.

She blinks those big blue eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Well I just expected a little more context, considering how you couldn’t stop talking about the date yesterday. Was the food good? Did he pay? Did you fuck him afterwards?”

Brooke’s eyes fly wide. She looks around in a panic to see if anyone overheard, then returns her gaze to me, brow furrowing, eyes darkening. She scowls. Folds her arms across her chest. Leans in and drops her voice to a whisper.

“No, I didn’t… sleep with him,” she hisses through clenched teeth. “It was our first date.”

“Blowjob, then?”

Brooke swats my arm with the back of her hand, the contact with the leather of my jacket sleeve making a smacking sound. “Would you stop?!”

I shrug, smirking, leaning my chair back on two legs. “I mean if the guy bought you dinner, he at least deserved a handy.”

Her scowl deepens.

Fuck. It’s like my mouth is moving before my brain can work, my crass commentary spilling out like word vomit. I know this is absolutely the wrong approach, but I can’t stop. The sting of Brooke choosing Connor over me has me lashing out- even if I was never really a contender in the first place.

She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose, then folds her arms again. “If you must know, we… kissed.”

Damn. Now it’s my turn to scowl. I look away for a moment toward the window, steady my expression. Get back on my cocky bullshit before facing her again.

“So I was right, then.” I scoff. “It was boring.”


I drag my feet off of her desk, sitting up in my chair. “No? Of course not, how could a date with such a niceguy be boring. Let me guess, it was magical, perfect, and now the two of you are going to ride off into the sunset together, right?”

Brooke just stares at me. Her eyes start to get glassy, and I can scent the salty smell of tears forming in them. My wolf howls in response, clawing at the inside of my chest, and the look on her face suddenly has me feeling so damn shitty.

I rake a hand through my hair, dropping my voice low. “I’m sorry, kid, I was just messing around.”

She shakes her head, turns away. Wipes at an eye with a sleeve.

A lump starts to form in my throat and my face burns. I feel like such a fucking asshole. Why can’t I ever just keep my damn mouth shut? Brooke’s soft, sensitive, and I’m all sharp edges. I had no fucking business talking to her like that.

I don’t know why, but I have this strong urge to comfort her, soothe her. I scooch my chair closer, reaching out to set a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey… I didn’t mean it…”

She shrugs my hand off of her shoulder. Swivels her chair back around slowly.

“You were right!” she laughs, throwing up her hands. She’s not full-on crying, but a single tear slips from her eye and she quickly wipes it away with her sleeve. “The date wasn’t as great as I thought it would be. The kiss sucked. Are you happy? You win.”

I do feel like I won, actually, but I can’t be happy about it while Brooke looks so fucking miserable.

“Fuck that guy,” I grumble, shaking my head. “You deserve a lot better than fucking Connor.”

Better than me, too.

She sniffles, shaking her head. I don’t see any more tears, but I can still scent them and it’s driving my wolf insane.

“It just wasn’t what I expected. It’s not his fault. I built it up too much in my mind.” She pauses, blows out a breath. Steadies herself. “I’m sure the next one will go better.”

I bristle, narrowing my eyes. “You’re going out with him again?”

Brooke shrugs. “Maybe. I don’t know. He’s really nice…”

I slump back in my chair.

“Honestly, I don’t even want to think about it right now,” she sighs. “It just stresses me out.”

She brings a hand up to her temple, rubbing it. Presses her eyes closed.

“You’re wound up too tight,” I mutter. “You need to get out, kid. Do something fun. Live a little.”

I pause, watching Brooke as her eyes flutter back open. I feel like I’ve got an ‘in’ here since ol’ mop top flubbed his date last night, and I’m not about to waste it.

“Let me take you out,” I drawl, flashing her my most charming smile.

Brooke looks at me curiously, like she’s trying to analyze me again. I can see silver swirls in her irises- her wolf peeking out. She gives a little shake of her head. “I don’t think I’m ready for another date,” she says quietly.

I sit up, trying to play it cool, casual. “It won’t be a date, it’ll be an anti-date. Just a couple of friends hanging out.”

She narrows her eyes. “Are we friends?”

“I’m pretty sure you’re my first female friend ever,” I laugh.

And it’s true- I’ve never taken the time to actually get to know a girl before Brooke. And I didn’t even do it on purpose, but now that I know her, I think I fucking like her.

Brooke tilts her head, considering. Bites her bottom lip gently.


“Yeah?” I ask, a little too enthusiastically. I clear my throat, reining it in a little. “I’ve got patrol tonight, but how about tomorrow?”

She nods. “Sure, sounds good.”

I grin smugly, maintaining my composure- but in my head I’m practically doing a victory dance.


“But it’s not a date,” she clarifies.

I throw up my hands. “No, not a date. An anti-date.”

I have no fucking idea where I’m gonna take her or what we’re gonna do. All I know is that whatever it is, it has to blow Connor’s stupid ass dinner date out of the water.

I bring a hand up to my chin, rubbing my thumb against my stubbly beard. “How about a motorcycle ride?” I waggle my eyebrows.

Brooke shakes her head adamantly. “No way.”

“Aw, c’mon,” I chuckle. “It’s not as scary as you think it is. I’ll take it nice and easy.”

The thought of Brooke on my bike with her long legs spread behind me and her body pressed to my back has my dick straining against my jeans.

She shakes her head again.

I roll my eyes. “Fine, I’ll think of something else. I’m gonna get you on my bike someday, though.”

“I doubt that,” she scoffs.

Brooke turns back to her computer, setting her hands on her keyboard. She doesn’t start typing, though- she pauses and glances over at me again.

Shit, is she gonna back out?

“Hey, can I ask you something?”

I blow out a breath. “Shoot.”

“Do you like Queen?”

I furrow my brow. “Like the queen of England?”

She laughs, and fuck it feels good to hear her laugh after I was a dick and made her cry.

“No, like the band.”

“Ohhhh. I’m not sure. Wait a minute, are they the…” I trail off, searching my mind for the melody. “Don’t stop me now, cause I’m havin’ such a good time…” I sing quietly.

Brooke’s eyes light up. She beams at me, nodding her head enthusiastically. Fuck, that smile. It makes me feel like a goddamn hero.

“Yeah, that song kicks ass,” I laugh. “Why?”

She just shrugs, still grinning. “No reason. Just curious.”

I narrow my eyes, studying her.

Whatever test that was, I think I just passed it.