Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



I don’t know what possessed me to invite Theo to stay in my room tonight. I was lost in the moment, not thinking about the ramifications of what could happen or what it would mean. Blinded by the connection of the mate bond and my own reckless desire. It’s what I want, and for once, I’m not over-thinking or proceeding with caution; I’m allowing myself to be bold, free. To live in the moment. To be the person I always wanted to be but was too afraid to become until Theo walked into my life and started knocking my walls down.

I know we’re in a suspended state of reality right now. This happened the last time we were in Denver, like we were in our own little bubble. Like all we had was each other. And today only intensified those feelings, because when I walked into that chaos unfolding at the hive, when I felt that fear curling in my belly, the first thing I thought of was Theo. And then he was there, and through the madness, the only thing I needed was Theo. His presence calmed me, kept me centered. Made me feel safe.

Astrid wasn’t kidding about the huge spread they prepare for dinner in the packhouse. A lot of people must reside there, because an entire counter in the kitchen is covered in large serving trays with a variety of offerings, enough to feed a small army. Theo and I pile our plates full of a little bit of everything, settling at one of the four large kitchen tables to eat. It feels a little rude to dig in without our hosts present, but I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until I smelled the food- and I’ve never eaten so fast in my life. Theo puts down a second plate before we head for the guest quarters.

My heart races as we walk side by side down the darkened corridor, the motion activated lights flickering on overhead in succession as we make our way toward the same rooms we stayed in during our last visit. We pause when we reach them and I glance up at Theo, our eyes meeting, locking.

“I guess I’ll just, uh… grab my stuff?” Theo asks, throwing a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the room across the hall.

I just nod, wordlessly, reaching for the door handle of my own room. I twist it and push it open, not bothering to close it behind me as I flip on the light and cross the room to where my duffel is resting on a chair. I unzip my bag and start fumbling through it when I hear footsteps in the hallway, turning to look over my shoulder.

My breath catches in my throat. Theo’s standing in the doorway, filling it with his large stature. His energy is so dominant, so predatory, but I’m not afraid. He’s magnificent. All of my instincts are telling me to trust myself in this moment- to trust my heart, not my head. To let go.

I straighten, my lips curling into a smile on their own accord. “What are you waiting for?” I ask, setting a hand on my hip. “Another invitation?”

Theo grins, stepping inside and dropping my backpack and his own duffel onto the ground beside the door, pressing it closed behind him.

He gives a little flick of his head, beckoning me. “Come here, beautiful.”

I’m not sure I even make the decision to move before my feet are carrying me across the room toward him, the magnetic pull of the mate bond yanking me in his direction.

He doesn’t wait until I reach him- he stalks toward me, crashes into me, scoops me up by my waist. As soon as my feet leave the floor, my legs wrap around his torso, my arms around his neck. His lips crush against mine in a hard, bruising kiss. I moan into his mouth, tug at his hair, feel his hardness at the apex of my thighs.

I let go. Because I trust myself, and because I trust Theo. He doesn’t just want sex; he wants something more- something permanent. Something we can only give to one another.

I break the kiss, pressing my forehead against Theo’s and staring into his eyes. His wolf is showing, and I’m sure mine is looking right back. We’re both breathless.

“Not to be presumptuous, but… should I grab a condom?” Theo asks, his voice gravelly, his chest rumbling against my body.

“Ugh!” I wriggle against his hold, dropping my feet to the floor. “Way to kill the mood,” I grumble, rolling my eyes.

Theo laughs, pulling me tight to him as I try to push against his chest. “Hey, I was just asking! Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

I sigh, shaking my head, though I can’t wipe the smile off of my face. I look up at him through my eyelashes, mischievous. “Yeah,” I whisper, waggling my eyebrows. “Grab one.”

His own brows shoot up. “Really?”

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, nodding.

Theo drops his arms from my waist, nearly tripping over his feet as he turns to grab for his duffel on the ground. I chuckle as I watch him start rifling through it, toeing off my sneakers, yanking my socks off. I pad over to him right as he’s tossing his bag back onto the ground, foil packet in hand.

I reach out for him, dipping my hands under the hem of his black t-shirt, running my fingertips over his hard abs. It feels like electricity is flowing from his body into my hands, white hot and urging me on. I cruise my palms up his hard chest, out over his broad pecs. He feels so good- so hard and rugged and manly. All the while he just stares down at me, drawing ragged breaths.

“Take it off,” I whisper, and in a flurry of movement and black fabric Theo tears his shirt off overhead with one arm, tossing it to the ground.

Then he’s on me again, arms sliding around my waist, pulling me in tight as he leans down to devour my mouth in a hungry, possessive kiss. My lips part, our tongues tangling. He claws at my t-shirt and I break the kiss to step back, help him yank it off.

“Holy fuck,” he growls, raking his eyes over my chest.

I opted for a lacy black bralette today instead of my usual sports-bra, and from the look on his face, Theo approves of my choice.

He reaches forward with both hands, swiping his thumbs over my nipples, visible through the lace. They pebble up at his touch, liquid heat flooding my core.

“That’s sexy as hell,” he murmurs, cupping my breasts in his huge hands.

A breathy moan falls from my lips and his eyes fly up to meet mine, clouded with desire. He grabs me by the nape, pulling my mouth to his, claiming it. His fingers clumsily fumble with the button on my jeans as he kisses me hard, like he means it, like he’s starved for it.

He frees the button, slides the zipper, and I wriggle as he tugs the tight denim down my hips, revealing a black lacy pair of panties to match my bralette. I nearly trip as I try to step out of my jeans, kick them away, but Theo catches me, his eyes roaming my form.

“Jesus, Brooke,” he rasps, taking a shaky step back to get a better view. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

I’ve never felt sexier in my life than I do right now. I can see the hunger in Theo’s eyes, the desire burning behind his gaze.

I point at his jeans. “Take those off,” I say, my voice husky as I do a half-spin and start strutting over to the bed. I toss him a sultry little glance over my shoulder, his eyes trained on me as I make my way across the room.

I remove my glasses, setting them on the nightstand. I hear the rustle of his jeans coming off as I slide onto the bed, wiggling closer to the center. I get comfortable, lying on my back, positioning my head on the soft pillows, acutely aware of Theo’s movements as he stalks toward me.

The mattress dips with his weight as Theo climbs onto the end of the bed, crawling toward me on all fours wearing nothing but his boxers. His hazel eyes are intense, predatory, locked on my own.

He climbs over me, his large body hovering above mine as he dips his head down to plant another kiss on my lips. My breath catches on a sigh when his mouth moves to my neck, teeth grazing the tender skin as he nips and sucks, licking down to my collarbone.

“Theo!” I gasp as he paws at my breasts through the lace of my bralette and I lean up, sliding it off, tossing it to the floor.

An appreciative growl starts in his chest when my bare breasts are exposed to him. “Fuck baby, I love these little tits,” he growls, covering them with his hands, kneading them roughly. Then he attaches his mouth to one of them, a breathy moan escaping my lips.

His hands stay glued to my breasts as he peppers my stomach with kisses, slowly moving down my body. I whine as he starts kissing along the waistband of my panties, pressing my thighs together in an effort to alleviate the throbbing between my legs.

Theo slides his hands down my waist, hooking his thumbs in my panties on either side, dragging them down slowly. I arch my back, lifting my butt so he can take them off, panting as I feel his fingertips glide down my thighs, my calves. He leans back to sit on his heels as he tosses my panties away, eyes feasting over my body again.

Then, painfully slowly, he trails his fingertips back up my legs, leaning back in, nudging my thighs apart with an elbow. I throw my head back, press my eyes closed, feel his warm breath fanning over the apex of my thighs.

Then I feel his tongue. Hot, wet, licking along my slit, probing inside.

“Oh my god,” I gasp, hands clutching at the sheets, back arching. A scream tears from my mouth when he attaches his mouth to my clit, sucking and nipping as he slides one of his thick digits inside of me.

Fuuuuuck!” I cry out, my hands flying to his head, tugging at his hair. “Yes yes yes…”

I’m panting, writhing, overcome by the torrent of pleasure crashing through my body delivered by his skillful mouth.

Theo pulls up to watch me for a moment, still pumping his finger in and out.

“You taste so fucking good,” he murmurs, then dives back in, flicking my sensitive clit with his tongue, wrapping his lips around it.

Normally I find his foul language offensive, but right now, when he’s doing that? It’s driving me even crazier. I clamp my thighs against his ears, my body trembling, teetering on the edge of climax. He starts pumping his finger faster, sucking my clit harder, and I careen over it, fireworks exploding behind my eyes as my body shudders in an explosive, toe-curling orgasm.

My vision tunnels, but Theo doesn’t stop his assault on my pussy until he wrings every last bit of pleasure out of me, finally pulling up to look at me with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

“You’re so goddamn gorgeous when you let go like that,” Theo says, his voice gravelly.

I smirk back at him, crooking a finger to beckon him back up to me. I couldn’t move right now if I tried- I’m wilting against the sheets, still catching my breath.

Theo crawls up my body, planting kisses on my skin along the way. Even though I just rode out the most intense orgasm of my life, it’s not enough. I need more of him, all of him.


Brooke’s face is painted in a pretty flush from her climax, and she’s so fucking beautiful in the afterglow of her orgasm that it’s almost painful to look at her. My dick is throbbing in my boxer briefs, fighting against the confinement of the fabric, aching to be inside of her. Her fingertips reach out, brush against it, and my body jolts.

Fuck. I’m already about to blow- I don’t know how I’m gonna last.

Brooke slides a finger along the waistband of my boxers, teasing me.

“Take these off,” she whispers.

It’s the third time she’s demanded that I take something off, and it’s just as hot as the first time. She’s a little minx- so naughty, so uninhibited. It’s driving me fucking wild.

I have to keep one foot grounded in reality, though. This isn’t just any girl- it’s Brooke. She’s fragile, precious. If I’m going to do this with her, I have to mean it.

“Are you sure?” I ask, leaning back and hooking my thumbs in the waistband of my boxers, hesitating.

She nods, her flaxen hair fanned around her head on the pillow. She looks like a fucking angel. An angel I want to stick my dick in.

Yes,” Brooke breathes, reaching out to trail her fingertips down my chest. “I want you, Theo. All of you.”

I don’t need any more urging. I shove my boxers down, nearly falling off the bed as I try to kick them away. I grab for the condom that I tossed onto the bed earlier, ripping the foil packet open with my teeth.

I fucking hate these things. Most wolf shifters don’t use them- we don’t carry diseases and our females ovulate with the full moon, so we can time preventing pregnancy. I guess I’ve just never trusted enough to not use one, and now it’s automatic. I roll the latex onto my dick, crawling up Brooke’s body again so my face is hovering over hers.

“Spread those thighs for me, baby,” I murmur, nudging her legs open with my knees.

She complies so quickly, staring up at me with those big blue eyes, so wide, so trusting. Filled with unbridled desire.

I balance my body weight with one arm beside her head while I bring my other hand to my dick. It’s hard as stone. I position it between her legs, dragging the head up and down her slit, taking my time. Reminding myself to be gentle with her, even though all I want to do is plunge it in and take her hard, rough. Claim her as mine.

“Come on,” she coos, sinking her fingernails into my back, my bicep.

Slowly, I push the head of my cock against her entrance, going a millimeter at a time so she can adjust to my size. Holding back like this is fucking painful, but it’s also intoxicatingly erotic. My breathing becomes more labored as I keep inching forward, deeper inside, slowly grinding my hips.

Her beautiful face contorts when I breach her resistance, and I bring my thumb to her clit, press my lips against hers- try to take her mind off of the pain by giving her pleasure. I swallow her scream as I push farther in, all the way to the hilt, holding tightly against her.

“How’s that feel?” I whisper against her lips.

“So… good…” Brooke moans, scoring my back with her fingernails.

I grind my pelvis against hers, let her get used to my size. It’s fucking agony- yet the anticipation and steady build of this act is far more potent than the hard, fast fucks I’m used to.

“So… fucking… tight,” I choke, snugly positioned between her legs as my dick pulses, throbs.

“Just do it,” she gasps, wriggling her hips against mine. “Fuck me, Theo.”

Hearing her say those words sends me into an absolute frenzy. I pull out slowly, thrust in fast. She arches her back off of the bed, a wanton moan falling from her lips. I pull out slowly again, thrust in. Then again. The feeling of her pussy wrapped around my dick is like heaven.

Yes!” she gasps, clawing at my back. “Don’t stop!”

I slide my hands under her ass, pulling her to me so I can thrust deeper inside, eliciting more breathy cries from Brooke that spur me on. I start fucking her a little harder, a little rougher, her tight pussy clamping down on my dick with every thrust.

Shit. I’m gonna come. I feel my balls tightening, my body tensing.

Fuck. It’s only been five fucking minutes!

I stop thrusting, shoving deeper and slowly grinding against her instead. Brooke’s not having it, though. She arches off of the bed, rocks her hips against mine.

Don’t stop,” she whines, and I’m a fucking goner.

I grab her ass again with both hands, lift her up. Throw her legs over my shoulders. Pound into her with all I’ve got. Give it to her rough, dirty, exactly how I want to. She’s screaming, moaning, egging me on to go faster, harder.

Then I slide her legs off of my shoulders, slip an arm behind her back. I lift her off of the bed, bringing her upper body crashing into mine. I crush my lips against hers, explore her mouth with my tongue while I grip her hips, slamming her down over my cock over and over again.

This position totally works for her. The friction works her clit and her breaths come out in short pants, her eyes rolling back in her head.

Oh my god, Theo, oh my… It feels so good, so good, so… Theo…

Hearing my name roll off of her lips like a prayer in that breathy voice has my balls tightening again, my climax close.

Fuck. I’ve gotta get her there first. It takes everything in me to hold back.

“Your pussy… so tight… it feels so good, baby,” I growl, “So good wrapped around my dick…”

I’m babbling, so lost in the throes of bliss with my female. “Mine.”

Shit, did I say that out loud?

Yours,” she echoes in a breathy moan, and I fucking lose it. My thighs tense, stars dancing behind my eyes. My canines descend, my wolf wanting to mark her. Even though I’m right on the edge, I still have the wherewithal to shove him back, stay in control.

I’m gonna…” I hear Brooke say, and thank fucking god, because it’s too late for me. I explode in the most intense, earth-shattering, mind-numbing orgasm I’ve ever had, gripping Brooke’s hips with brutal force, spraying my seed into the condom. Her body shakes as she throws her head back, wrapping her arms around my head, squeezing my face into her chest as a scream tears from her lips. I feel her pussy clamping down on my dick as she comes with me and my body jerks like I’m coming again, the sensation too much, my vision tunneling.

When I start to plummet back down to reality, my face is nestled in the soft flesh of Brooke’s perfect tits and I don’t mind one bit. I plant little kisses there, nip at her skin. Her body goes limp in my arms and I hold her tight, my dick still buried inside that incredible pussy of hers. It’s like a drug- I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.

I draw back to look at her, looping my arms around her waist, holding her up. I bring a hand up to brush her unruly hair from her face, staring into those gorgeous eyes, shimmering with silver.

“You sure that was your first time?” I tease, running my hands up and down her back, savoring the sensation of her soft skin against mine.

Brooke’s cheeks flush. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I chuckle softly, leaning forward with Brooke still in my arms, laying her down on her back gently. “You’re fuckin’ incredible, babe, you’re like a pornstar.”

She crinkles her nose, shoving at my chest. “Don’t you dare compare me to someone who does porn,” she scowls.

“Why not?” I laugh. “I just meant that you’re good at it.”

She pushes at my chest again, shaking her head, though I can see the hint of a playful smile on her lips.

I begrudgingly pull my dick out of her, holding the condom in place as I climb over Brooke and off of the bed. I pop into the bathroom to toss the rubber in the trash, coming back in the room to find her sliding a sheet over her body.

“Nuh uh,” I say, shaking my head, pointing a finger in her direction. “What’d I tell you about hiding from me?”

Brooke’s cheeks flush the most gorgeous shade of pink as she smiles coyly, lowering the sheet to expose her tits.

Fuck, I don’t know how I’m gonna get through the night with her next to me like this.

I flick the lights off and pounce onto the bed beside her, grabbing her by the waist, pulling her back against my front. I give one of her great little boobs a firm squeeze, nuzzling her neck.

I’ve never done this before- cuddled a girl after sex. It’s weird, both the act and how much I’m enjoying it. I love having Brooke in my arms. Love fucking her. Love being with her.

“Do we have to go back tomorrow?” she mumbles sleepily, stroking her fingertips against my forearm.

I blow out a breath, pressing a kiss to her hair. “Let’s worry about tomorrow, tomorrow,” I say. Because truthfully, I’m not ready to go back. Things are so good right now just as they are- I want to stay here with her, like this, forever.

“Okay,” she whispers, snuggling in closer to me.

I smile contentedly in the dark, breathing in my girl’s sweet scent, holding her warm body in my arms. “Okay.”