Delayed Penalty by Shey Stahl

13. Light the Lamp

To score a goal. A light above the net turns on when a goal is scored.


This girl is going to be the fucking death of me and the reason for my frequent need for cold showers. Never in my life have I one, enjoyed a cold shower, or two, had to take care of my own needs as much as I have in the last week. Every fucking day, sometimes twice a day. It’s pathetic.

I’m dying. I can’t take much more of it.

Saturday morning, I leave Ami sleeping in my bed to get breakfast. I end up bringing her donuts, which she says she loves, and coffee.

When I return to my condo, Led Zeppelin’s “D’yer Mak’er” is blasting, and Ami is dancing around in my old junior hockey jersey and a pair of my sweatpants rolled up just to fit. The combination suits me just fine, but I’m completely taken aback that she’s dancing around my condo.

Also, there’s an orange and white kitten sitting on my couch. A cat I never seen before.

When she sees me, her eyes light up like a Christmas tree. “Dance with me, Evan!”

I’ll tell you something though. There’s no telling her no, not when she’s in my jersey. The problem? Dancing with her. Being that close provides temptation. Temptation I’m trying hard to ignore. It’s the energy radiating from her that pushes me forward. I step toward her. “You’re wearing my jersey,” I point out, eyeing her. “It’s hot.”

She grins, dancing around me. “You can’t tell me you’ve never had a puck bunny wear your jersey.”

“Stop talking to Leo. Give me your phone.” I pat the pockets of the sweatpants, searching for it. “I’m deleting his number.”

We wrestle around on the couch for a minute, and then I stare at the cat glaring at me. “Get off my couch, you little jerk.”

“Leo dropped him off. Isn’t he cute?” Ami laughs, removing herself from the couch and reaching for the coffee.

“That asshole.” I try to reach down to pet him, testing the waters, but his hiss proves my theory that cats do not like me. “Did he just drop him off and leave?”

“Yep.” Ami takes the kitten from the couch and cuddles him to her chest. “I’m gonna name him Ice.”

“Cute,” I mumble, completely irritated Leo did that. Growling, I reach for my phone in my pocket and send Leo a text.

Me: Fucker. I’m going to get you back for this one.

Leo: Every man needs a loyal pussy.

Nasty motherfucker.

I stare at Ami holding the cat and set my phone on the table in front of the couch. The kitten jumps out of her arms and takes off down the hall. “He’s probably going to pee on my bed.”

“I think he’s potty trained.”

“How do you know?”

She points to a plant in the corner with a grin. “He left you a present in that pot.”

“Jesus Christ,” I groan, flopping back against the couch.

Ami sits on my lap. “Did I tell you that I’ve always wanted a kitten?”

“You do realize they don’t stay kittens, right?”

“I know.” She stares at me, her arm draped casually over my shoulders, her stare on my lips.

So I kiss her, unable to stop myself. I don’t want this to be moving so fast, but it’s clear we have an attraction to each other, both mentally and physically. Her age bothers me. I’m three years older than her, and in my head that’s a big gap given her situation compared to mine.

Ami giggles against my lips when somehow I have her pinned to my couch and I’m between her legs again. And then I have quite possibly the stupidest idea yet. Maybe, if I give her something, not sex, but something, maybe we can slow down a little.

“What do you like?” I whisper in a low, husky tone, grinding myself into her.

Her eyes flutter closed, her neck arching. “I don’t know,” she whispers back hesitantly, almost questioningly. Her eyes close as her breathing hitches. I press my lips to her skin, just below her ear and then lower, trailing down her neck until I reach the collar of my jersey she’s wearing.

“You don’t know?” I slide my hands down her back and let them slip beneath the fabric and find her skin, the tips of my fingers dipping lower. “Why not?” I don’t think she can speak. Her heart is pounding so hard I can feel it against my chest, as if it’s trying to beat for mine. My lips return to her skin. “You can tell me what you like.”

“I don’t know what I like. Just kiss me,” she demands, letting out a moan.

My lips find hers and her hands drift over my chest, stroking down my sides until they reach the bottom of my shirt. Following my lead, she boldly slides them under my shirt.

At the contact, I moan, a low, throaty sound, and deepen the kiss. Sighing, her legs widen and she urges me forward, rocking against my erection.

I pull my lips from hers, still grinding into her, desperate for the friction. I watch her, waiting to see what she likes, what makes her eyes flutter and her cheeks heat.

And then Leo knocks on my door. I know it’s him by his stupid knock that sounds like a drum beat to a Pixar movie.

Fucking jerk.

“Go away!” I yell, resuming what Ami started, and I intend on finishing. In some way. I want to get her off. There’s no harm in that, right? It’s not sex. It can make her feel good, safe, without all the pressure that comes with sex.

My eyes lock on hers, moving my hips against hers. Her fingers clench in my hair as she tightens her legs around me. I want to do it again, feel the friction once again, but Leo is still knocking.

“Motherfucker,” he yells. “You make me late and I’m gonna board your ass.”

He’s clearly not thinking because I can lay Leo out flat in seconds, but I do realize I’m late.

Sighing, I kiss Ami once more and rise up on my hands. “I’m late.”

“I know,” she pants, adjusting the jersey that kept creeping up.

Swallowing, we untangle ourselves, and I stand up, reaching for her hand. Her fingers link with mine. Her heavy eyes tell me she wants nothing more than to pull me back down on her. I want that too. “Pick up where we left off later?” I ask, my voice husky in her ear.

She nods eagerly. “I’d like that.”

I trail a kiss down the curve of her neck. “In the meantime, think of what you like,” I hedge, hoping she picks up on what I mean.

I end up leaving her standing there, wide-eyed, and think maybe I can take this in a different direction tonight. A direction both satisfying and safe.