Highlander’s Frozen Heart by Shona Thompson


Fin looked more and more like himself every day, and Adelleine couldn’t be happier about it. Not only had he survived the baron’s torture, but he was making a speedy recovery, his wounds and bruises healing well under the care of the clan’s healer.

“You look beautiful,” Fin told her.

His fingers were wrapped up against two twigs as his broken bones healed, and he still had a black eye and some swelling, but Adelleine couldn’t help but return the compliment.

She looked at herself in the mirror, staring at the wedding dress that the maids had sewn for her. The emerald fabric made her eyes shine and twinkle, and the trimmings were made out of the most delicate lace she had ever seen in her life; it was clear to her that Magnus had spared no cost.

“I’m nervous,” she admitted.

She wished Isla was there with her, but she was running back and forth between her chambers and Magnus’ own, ensuring that everything would run smoothly and generally being in Mrs. Blair’s way as she tried to organise everything herself.

“Don’t be nervous,” Fin told her, “You have nothing to worry about. I’m sure that everything will be perfect, with those two madwomen running around all day.”

Adelleine laughed softly at that, shaking her head at Fin. “I think it’s wiser if you simply let them do what they wish to do. I wouldn’t get in their way.”

“Oh, no,” Fin said, “I won’t risk any more bodily harm any time soon. I’ve had my fair share of it.”

Before Adelleine could reply, the door burst open and Isla ran inside, looking more frazzled than Adelleine had ever seen her before. For a moment, she even worried that something was wrong, but Isla was quick to disprove her suspicions.

“Are ye still gettin’ ready?” she asked, “It’s time, Adelleine! Come, come! It’s time to go!”

“Isla, I’m sure that everything will be fine if I’m a little late,” Adelleine said, “Besides, you were the one who told me to make sure that I look good.”

“Aye, and ye do!” Isla said, “So why are ye still here?”

“Do you know that you’re just as bossy as your brother?” Adelleine asked her, only to have Isla roll her eyes at her.

“Nay, I’m much worse than me brother,” she said, “And ye havenae seen anythin’ yet, but ye will if ye dinnae get to movin’.”

Isla disappeared just as suddenly as she had appeared, and soon, Adelleine could only hear her shoes as she stomped on the floor, rushing off somewhere else. When she turned to look at Fin, she found him staring after Isla, his mouth hanging open.

“Is she involved?” he asked.


“With a man,” Fin said, “Is she involved with a man?”

Adelleine cocked a curious eyebrow at that. “Fin . . . are you fond of Isla?”

“What if I am?”

“Well, you’re much too late,” Adelleine informed him, “She’s already betrothed to Hendry.”

Fin was quick to get over his heartbreak. He shrugged a shoulder, and offered his arm to Adelleine as the two of them made their way out of the room, heading towards the chapel.

“Well, there are many beautiful girls here,” he said, “I’m sure I’ll find one.”

“So, you’re staying?” Adelleine asked him.

Magnus had been the first to offer Fin a place in the clan, and at first, Fin had seemed uncertain, claiming that he should head back to England to see his mother. It seemed like he had changed his mind, though, and Adelleine couldn’t be happier about it.

The clan was her family, of course, and so were Magnus, Fergus, and Isla, but it was good to have someone there, someone who had known her for her entire life.

“I am, yes,” Fin confirmed, “I thought I might as well stay . . . it’s a change of scenery, and to be honest with you, I don’t know if I wish to go back to Mother. I love her, but . . .”

Fin didn’t need to finish his sentence. Adelleine understood his hesitation perfectly, as she knew how overbearing her aunt could be.

“We are more than happy to have you here,” Adelleine assured him, “Who knows? Perhaps this is the kind of home that you’ve been looking for. Do you think you’ll settle here?”

“Oh, I can’t say just yet,” Fin said, “Depends on if you find me a woman.”

Adelleine laughed, though she didn’t know how much of a joke Fin’s words were. She was fully prepared to find him a woman if it meant that he would be happy, though.

When the two of them reached the chapel, Fin let go of her and turned to look at her, reaching to fix a stray lock of hair that had fallen off from her updo.

“Oh no,” Adelleine said, her hand immediately going to her hair, “Does it look terrible? Do I need to fix it?”

“How long did it take for those maids to do your hair?” Fin asked.

“I don’t know . . . a few hours,” Adelleine said.

“Does it sound like you have time?”

Adelleine didn’t have time, and she knew that, but she could hardly walk into the chapel looking anything less than perfect. She was marrying the laird of the clan, after all; Isla had made it crystal clear that nothing could go wrong.

“You look perfect, Adelleine,” Fin assured her, as though he could read her mind, “Come now, no more delays.”

With that, Fin walked into the chapel, and after a few moments and a few deep breaths, so did Adelleine. The entire clan seemed to be there, men and women taking up all the free space in the chapel, and the moment that she felt all their eyes on her, she froze. It was only Fergus’ smile that kept her walking down the aisle, bright and eager, and his hands, which gestured at her to go to the altar.

The wedding itself was over before Adelleine could realise it was even happening. By the time they were at the feast, she could hardly believe that she and Magnus were married, but all the people who were congratulating her were quickly proving the opposite.

“When will you get married?” Adelleine asked Hendry, who was sitting next to her, watching Isla as she walked around and talked to the other members of the clan. Hendry turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow, and Adelleine couldn’t help but laugh at his expression.

“Why?” he asked her, “What have ye heard? Did Isla tell ye anythin’?”

“No, but perhaps if you wait too long, then my cousin will get there before you,” Adelleine teased.

“He can verra weel try if he wants to be found hangin’ from that oak tree in the courtyard,” Hendry said around the rim of his cup as he took a sip of wine, “Ach, why are ye tellin’ me this, lass? Noo I have to go and ask her to marry me?”

“Don’t you want to?” Adelleine asked.

Hendry didn’t reply, but he didn’t have to for Adelleine to know that he was only scared to ask Isla for her hand in marriage. The flush on his cheeks told her more than words ever could.

“How do ye reckon I should do it?”

“I don’t know,” Adelleine said, “All I know is that you shouldn’t take any advice from Magnus.”

“What are ye two sayin’ about me?” Magnus asked, as he came back to the table, sitting down between them, “Hendry, why do ye always talk about me behind me back, lad?”

“I do nay such thing, m’lord,” Hendry assured him, “I was only askin’ Adelleine here how I should propose to yer sister.”

Magnus’ hand tightened around his cup, it seemed to Adelleine, his knuckles going white. He was still not used to the idea of Hendry being with his sister, but something told Adelleine that he would have to get used to it soon; soon, they would be a married couple.

“Dinnae propose,” Magnus said through gritted teeth, “Problem solved.”

“Now, now . . . it’s either Hendry or Fin,” Adelleine teased, “Which one would you prefer?”

“Neither,” Magnus said, “I’ll send her to a nunnery.”

“Och, aye, I’m sure that’ll go weel with her, m’lord,” Hendry said, before he drained his cup and slammed it on the table, “Now if ye’ll excuse me, I must dance.”

When Hendry was gone, Adelleine turned to look at Magnus, only to find him staring at her with a smile on his lips. She couldn’t help but press a kiss on them, soft and chaste, but it seemed like Magnus had other ideas for the rest of the night.

“We’ve been here long enough,” he said, “I think it’s time that we head to our chambers, dinnae ye think?”

Adelleine could hardly refuse. She took Magnus’ hand and allowed him to lead her out of the room and up to their own chambers, where he was quick to lock the door behind them. Then, he all but pounced on Adelleine, his hands pawing at her dress as he tried to get her naked, drunken fingers fumbling with her garments. When she was down to her shift, he all but ripped it off her, stepping back for a moment to look at her.

“Yer so verra bonnie, Adelleine,” he told her, as he pressed her against the door and fell to his knees in front of her, urging her to put a leg over his shoulder.

Adelleine’s head hit the door when she felt Magnus’ lips against her, her knee buckling and threatening to send her toppling over, but Magnus was right there to catch her with a hand on her hip. His attentions drew a moan out of her, and Adelleine could only stand there, hips undulating as she tried to chase the feeling of Magnus’ tongue against her sensitive flesh.

The sensations swelled and crested, bursting like fireworks behind her eyelids. She could feel Magnus everywhere around her, surrounding her, his touch, his scent, the feel of his stubble against her skin making her beg for more with her body.

Just as her pleasure washed over her, toes curling with the force of her climax, she clamped a hand over her mouth, trying to keep quiet. Her groan vibrated through her entire body, though, and Magnus replied with a moan of his own as he placed her back on the floor gingerly, his lips tracing a trail up her body, until he reached her breasts. His hands found their way there, too, and then moved back towards her buttocks, grabbing her and lifting her in the air.

Adelleine squealed as Magnus carried her to the bed, placing her down on the edge of the mattress before he began to undress himself. Adelleine helped him, her fingers making quick work of his buttons until he, too, was undressed, and then she took him in her hand, stroking him as he reached down to kiss her.

“Turn around,” Magnus whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down Adelleine’s spine.

She did as he asked, and Magnus pulled her closer, until her hips were hanging off the bed, before he slowly pushed himself inside her, the two of them crying out each other’s name in unison.

Magnus curled over her, scattering kisses on her shoulders as he set a punishing pace with his hips, one that had Adelleine gripping at the sheets, her body flooded with pleasure. Magnus’ hands found her own, and he laced their fingers together, all the time whispering in her ear about how beautiful she was and how much he loved her.

It didn’t take long for Adelleine to reach her completion once more, her entire body thrumming and throbbing with it. Magnus was feverish against her, his skin just as hot to the touch as her own, and soon, he reached his own climax, emptying himself inside her.

Afterwards, Magnus gathered Adelleine in his arms, holding her close to him, his hand brushing through her hair. Adelleine couldn’t wipe the smile off her face even if she wanted to, and she began to scatter kisses on Magnus’ cheeks and his jaw, eager to enjoy those moments that she had with him as much as she could.

She often had to remind herself that those moments between them weren’t small, stolen moments anymore. They didn’t have to hide, and Adelleine didn’t have to do her best to gather as many of them as she could, fearing that they would come to an end. They were husband and wife, and she would have so many more of those moments to look forward to for the rest of her life.

“Yer Lady MacRestus noo,” Magnus said, humming as though it sounded odd to him. Adelleine had to admit that it sounded odd to her own ears, as well; she had never thought that anyone would ever be obligated to call her lady. “How does that sound to ye?”

“It sounds very nice,” Adelleine said, “Though I’m sure that it will take me a while to get used to it. So . . . what are my new duties as the lady of the clan?”

“I dinnae think yer duties will change at all,” Magnus said, “Though yer nay obligated to look after Fergus all day noo, I assumed that ye’d still like to do so . . . but I do have a governess for him.”

“You assumed correctly,” Adelleine assured him. She loved nothing more than to spend time with Fergus, to raise him as her own, and once she and Magnus would have their own children, too, she couldn’t imagine anyone else raising the lot of them. “I like taking care of him. I don’t know what I’d do all day in this castle if I didn’t have him.”

“I’m certain that Isla would find ways to keep ye occupied,” Magnus teased, “But we’ll do as ye wish. I’m sure Fergus will be happy to ken that nothin’ will change, too . . . the last thing that the lad needs is more changes around here.”

“Speaking of changes,” Adelleine said, “Fin decided to stay.”

“Aye, he told me,” Magnus said, “Are ye glad?”

“Very much so. I’m only worried about Aunt Victoria,” Adelleine admitted, “I know that she’s done many things that seem . . . questionable, at best, but she’s not a bad woman. Perhaps she wishes to see him.”

“Ach, lass, that’s for Fin to decide,” Magnus pointed out, “Dinnae ye worry about those things. Come noo . . . we should rest. Ye ken that the festivities willnae stop for at least a week, dinnae ye?”

Adelleine sat up on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows as she looked at Magnus with wide, shocked eyes. Magnus just laughed, before closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep with a fake snore. Adelleine couldn’t even be mad at him.

The End?