Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding




Weeks later, Catherine wore pink on her wedding day. The gossamer gown clung to her petite form. As she gazed in the mirror, Abigail affixed a pearl necklace around her neck.




“You look so beautiful, Catherine,” she said, smiling.




Catherine brought her fingers up to feel the cool pearls. “I never expected that this day would finally come. Oh, Abigail, I am so happy, both for myself and for you.” She turned to her friend and looked into her shining eyes.




“Can you believe that Felton and I shall be wed within the month? I do not know how I found the courage to say yes. I merely could not resist any longer. He is the only man for me. It was all too apparent.”




“I knew it all along,” Catherine said knowingly. “You were meant for one another. Now, you can live the rest of your days married to the man that stole your heart.”




“As can you,” Abigail replied warmly, bringing her hand to Catherine’s cheek. “I should like to make amends with Selina, but it seems too soon. She tried to warn me off Felton, just as she tried to warn you off Jasper. I cannot for the life of me decipher what she was thinking!”




Catherine felt her heart sink. “Selina will come to understand that she took the wrong course of action. Despite her bad behaviour, I do trust that she will come around. I, too, wish to make amends. There is no feeling more horrible than longing for a wayward friend.”




Abigail turned downcast. “I agree. I do wish that she could be at our weddings.”




Catherine sighed deeply. It was a decision that she did not want to make. Not inviting Selina to her wedding was more so for her own protection than anything else. She did not want anyone meddling with her perfect day.




“Let us not think of these things. Today is a celebration! I intend to enjoy myself as best I can.” She returned her attention to the mirror. “Jasper is getting better and better,” she said softly. “It is as though, after this new diagnosis and the new remedies from the shaman, he is blossoming before my very eyes. I could not be more grateful for it.”




Abigail placed a hand upon her shoulder. “He is so lucky to have you. Where would he be right now if it were not for you?”




“I am sure that he would be all right, but it gives me peace of mind to think that I have contributed in some way.”




Just then, there was a knock upon the door, and Abigail said, “Who is it?”




Felton poked his head through the door. “Are you ladies almost ready? The guests are waiting.”




“We are late,” Catherine brought a hand to her chest.




“Felton, avert your eyes,” Abigail instructed. “You are not allowed to see the bride!”




“Catherine is not my bride. You are, and I will give my eyes their fill whenever I wish,” he replied lovingly.




Abigail rolled her eyes. “Not on our wedding day. You shall follow the rules!”




Felton smiled broadly and blew a kiss to Abigail. “I shall meet you both downstairs.”




The wedding was taking place at Jasper’s estate. Catherine was more than pleased with this because the day would be simple. As Jasper had promised, there were only a few select guests, and the wedding breakfast would take place out of doors. All in all, Catherine could not conceal her joy. Everything that she wished for in life was now hers. She would be allowed to venture to London whenever she chose to meet with the shaman and learn everything she could. Then, one day, she would open her own apothecary shop in Bath. Everything was falling into place in just the right way.




“Come, let us go,” Catherine said, inspecting herself in the mirror one last time.




“You are an absolute vision.”




“I feel happy. That is all that matters.”




Abigail helped Catherine down the stairs by holding her long train. There was a bouquet of fresh flowers in her hand, and her heart began to beat wildly in her chest. This day had finally arrived! After all the suffering and the turmoil, Catherine was free to be happy, knowing that she was loved by a man like no other.




Stepping out onto the veranda, Catherine gazed out at the pristine green lawn and the guests that were standing by the flower-covered gazebo. Abigail held her hand as she came down the steps onto the lawn. As she approached, Catherine saw Jasper standing there, the vicar just behind him. Never had she seen him so handsome in his fine grey suit. He waited patiently, but his face beamed with happiness.




As she came down the aisle, Catherine spotted her parents, also beaming, as well as the Dowager Countess, who had tears in her eyes. Everyone was aglow with pride and anticipation. She finally reached Jasper and watched as he inhaled sharply, never taking his eyes off of her.




The vicar began to read from the Book of Common Prayer, and all the while, Catherine was lost in her husband’s eyes. Once the recitation was done, there were cheers from the small audience, and Jasper took Catherine in his arms, giving her a passionate kiss, which brought a blush to her cheeks. Yes, today, they could finally consummate their love. Jasper had told her that there was nothing to fear, but Catherine still felt a tinge of nerves. She had no idea what to expect.




They came back down the aisle, and the breakfast was already laid out on a table on the veranda. Champagne was served in flutes, and the smell of fresh eggs, ham, and biscuits filled the air. Despite this delicious repast, Catherine still did not have an appetite! She was ravenous for only one thing, and that was her husband.




Jasper leaned over and whispered into her ear, “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.”




Catherine could not help but smile. “And you are the most handsome man. I cannot believe how lucky I am.”




“Nor I.”




The rest of the morning was spent mingling with guests, dining on the lavish breakfast, and enjoying the cool morning air. The sun shone brightly but there was a soft breeze that Catherine felt in her skirts. She could not wait for the warm embrace of her husband. Finally, they were able to enjoy one another freely and without fear. This thought alone captivated her.




Felton approached and said, “To the happy couple.” He lifted his glass and drank.




“Where is your future wife?” Jasper asked.




Felton frowned. “Mingling with guests. She is ever the social butterfly, and all that I wish for is to have her by my side.”




“Abigail must be herself,” Catherine imparted. “Simply know that you have her love and always will.”




“Yes, this is a fact that is still hard for me to fathom. I will always want Abigail to be herself, knowing that at the end of the day, she shall sleep in my bed.”




Jasper clasped Felton on the back. “You are not supposed to say such things aloud.”




Felton laughed. “Pardon me. But you know what I speak of.”




Jasper’s jaw clenched. “I most certainly do.”




Felton departed, and Jasper turned to her. “Let us go now. I wish to have you alone.”




“But there are still guests here.”




He lifted his brow. “It matters not. There is only one thing on my mind.”




So, Jasper was suffering from the same affliction that she was. He wished to be alone with her, and Catherine wanted nothing more than to be alone with him. “Should I say goodbye?” Catherine asked.




Jasper did not reply with words but merely shook his head softly. So, this was the moment that she had always dreamed of. Catherine felt her heart quicken as he led her off the veranda and back into the house. She did not anticipate that this would happen so quickly. She thought for sure that they would wait until the evening, but it could not be delayed. They craved one another deeply, and if they waited for the evening, the hours would pass by far too slowly.




She was led up the stairs and into his room. Even though there was the light of day, a candle was lit, and there were rose petals upon the bed. “Did you arrange this?” Catherine asked in shock.




“Indeed. You deserve no less.”




Now, Catherine began to panic. “I am unfamiliar with what to do.”




In the silence, Jasper began to slowly undress her and all at once, the pounding of her heart ceased. She felt entirely safe in his company. And even when she was in a state of full undress, her husband’s eyes upon her body, she did not feel afraid. She felt entirely safe.




Catherine began to slowly undress her husband, her skirts lying down at her feet. As she exposed his bare chest, she admired his taut muscles and placed her warm hands upon them. Jasper closed his eyes in ecstasy. Boldness overtook her, and she came closer, placing her lips upon his strong neck. Her husband moaned, then grabbed her hair and pulled her back.




“I am sorry,” he said. “Was that too forceful?”




“No,” she breathed, enjoying the sensation of it.




Next, he was the one to bring his lips to her neck, and she closed her eyes, her mouth slightly open. Catherine felt a dampness form between her legs. This was now a familiar sensation that was aroused by her husband. He brought his hand down, placing it between her legs and feeling the dampness. She instinctively brought her hand to his trousers to feel his firmness. He was rock solid, and Catherine could not help but undo his trousers, setting his manhood free.




Jasper was a large man, and that fear returned. He took her hand and placed it upon his manhood. “This is just me. There is nothing to fear.”




Just then, Jasper took her in his arms and placed her upon the bed. They were both entirely bare now, and Jasper brought his lips to her lower stomach, slowly kissing her entire torso from bottom to top. He finally arrived at her lips, and Catherine grasped his head, bringing her hands into his hair.




“I might cry out,” Catherine said breathlessly, as he positioned himself between her legs.




“I hope that you will,” he said darkly.




It was all softness until Jasper thrust himself inside of her. The pain was striking and brief, but once it was done, he began to slowly push and pull himself inside of her. The sensation was so extraordinary, Catherine heard herself moan again and again. He was so deep within her, and everything about it felt completely right. She could not help but claw his back, willing him to continue.




“Oh, Catherine,” he said, his voice strangled.




“My love,” slipped from her lips.




His pace grew more feverish, and soon Jasper was thrusting into her with force. She screamed again and again from pleasure, and Jasper continued, consuming her neck as he did so. This continued for some time before he called out in torture, emptying himself inside of her as Catherine felt herself filled with him. All of him.




He collapsed upon her chest. Their sweat intermingled as she continued to hold him tightly. He was breathing heavily, and she stared up at the ceiling, wondering if this dream of pleasure could be something that she would anticipate every evening. Surely, she could, for it was her husband who lay in her arms at that moment. She wished to never let him go.




After heaven knows how long, he finally pulled out of her, gazing into her eyes. There was something impossibly charming about how sleepy he looked.




“Again?” Catherine asked.




Jasper smiled. “Yes, my love.








Can't get enough of Catherine and Jasper? Then make sure to check out the Extended Epilogue to find out…


What kind of big event will Jasper and Catherine attend?

How will Abigail react to Selina’s unexpected request?

Who will crush the wedding and how will everyone react?


Click the link or enter it into your browser



(After reading the Extended Epilogue, turn the page to read the first chapters from “A Lord's Roguish Game”, my Amazon Best-Selling novel!)