More Than Once by Dominique Wolf



enelope and the baby are fine,” Giovanni explained. “They are going to keep the little one in the NICU just to be safe but the doctors are confident he'll be just fine.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I am so glad they're both okay.”

I strolled through the airport towards my gate. I was thankful that it didn't take long for sleep to find me last night but when I woke this morning, I was reminded of all the reasons I had to be anxious. Thankfully, Penelope and the baby were not one of them anymore. I was so relieved to hear that they were fine.

“Me too. Alvaro was beside himself when he met his little boy.” There was an unusual distance in his voice.

“And you? Are you sure you're okay?”

His distanceness and the strange interaction from last night didn't help the uneasy feeling nagging in my stomach. It made me more anxious to get back to Barcelona and see him. I'd feel better when I was with him again.

“Yes,” he answered quickly. “Are you at the airport yet?”

“I am. I've just checked in so I should see you soon. I'll probably take a cab back t-...”

“I'll fetch you,” he interrupted.

I appreciated the gesture but I couldn't ignore the feeling that there was something else going on. “That would be great, thank you.”

“Have a safe flight and I'll see you in a couple hours.”

“See you soon.”

We ended the call and I went to my gate. That entire interaction left me feeling worse than before. Something was different in Giovanni's voice - I could hear it. I knew him well enough to recognize when there was something missing. Was there something else going on? Or was it just the whole situation with his nephew that had him on edge? I couldn't quite place it but I reminded myself that overthinking the situation wasn't going to help it at all. I couldn't wait to get back home. I left Reyna a message letting her know I was on my way back. They eventually started allowing passengers to board. I handed them my passport and made my way down the corridor onto the plane. After finding my seat and placing my earphones in, I got comfortable and allowed sleep to overcome me as we ascended into the air.


Two hours and ten minutes later, I was back on Spanish soil and all the animosity and anxiety I was feeling started to leave my body as soon as I stepped off the plane. Giovanni was on his way to fetch me and I couldn't be more excited to see him. I pushed all unnecessary thoughts out of my mind. I was back home now and everything was fine again, in both our lives. I was ready to get back to my new routine with him. I made my way through passport control with my bag in hand. Thankfully, I didn't need to check in any luggage and I could head straight to the parking lot to meet him. I strolled past one of the convenience stores they had in the airport with a huge Oreo display. I decided to grab a couple boxes for Giovanni knowing how much he loved them. There was a line in front of the counter so I stood patiently waiting my turn. Out of the corner of my eye, a familiar face caught my eye. I turned to the display of newspapers and my stomach dropped. Spread across the front page of one of the tabloids was a picture of Casey and Giovanni leaving a hospital. They were standing close together and looked deep in conversation. I grabbed the paper to get a closer look at the headline.

“La modelo, Casey Fonseca sale con su papá, Giovanni Velázquez, por primera vez desde que anunció su embarazo.”

Of course, it was in Spanish and I didn't understand a word that they were saying. I quickly grabbed my phone and translated the headline.

“Model, Casey Fonseca steps out with baby-daddy, Giovanni Velázquez, for the first time since announcing her pregnancy.”

I was going to be sick. Casey was pregnant and Giovanni was the father.

What! The! Fuck!

My heart shattered. My breathing became ragged and unnerved. A wave of dizziness overcame me and I couldn't help the overwhelming amount of emotions that hit me like a slap in the face. I stared at the headline as the words repeated over and over again in my mind. I didn't even hear the lady calling me until someone tapped my shoulder as it was my turn to check out my items. I couldn't do that. I turned abruptly and shoved the newspaper back on the rack and dumped the boxes next to it. I couldn't care less about what I was doing, I just needed to get out of there. I pushed through the crowds of people and made it out of the store. I leaned against the wall, trying to get control of my breathing.

Casey was pregnant with Giovanni's baby.

“No, no, no,” I kept repeating. “This can't be happening.”

Pools of tears started to form in my eyes. He didn't tell me anything. He called me and didn't even bother mentioning it. Was that who he was with yesterday? I asked and he said it was no one but clearly I had every reason to doubt him. I was fuming. What the fuck? How dare he keep this from me? She was there at the hospital with him while Penelope was giving birth and he hid that from me. He lied to me. A single tear finally escaped my eye and I knew I had to get out of here before I completely broke down. I reached for my phone from my handbag and turned down the corridor towards the exit. I was just about to leave when I heard a familiar raspy voice from behind me call my name.

No. Way.

It can't be.

“Isabella!” The voice repeated and I slowly turned around to face the familiar blue eyes I hadn't seen in months.

“Nate.” I breathed.