Snake Keeper by Alexandra Norton


THE FATHER’S PLANETOIDwas just beginning to peek into view through the membrane when I awoke in the nest. The outer ring was not visible in our present orientation, but it was there, an Ouroboros in its perpetual dance around the miniature planetoid worlds at its center. The thorned flower sitting before the membrane breathed its waking greeting, blood red petals opening up in my direction.

I was alone, which was strange. I’d gotten used to feeling the warmth of Xioumar’s body against me each morning for the last year and a half, to waking up to the steady flow of current between us. The nest was chilly without him; goosebumps prickled my skin.

I stretched the sleep from my joints and got out of bed, slipping my silkskin on with a flick of the wrist. I padded to the sliding door and, distracted by the view through the membrane as I stepped into the hall, nearly collided with Zeetha.

Kaliuthro, Emily!” She grabbed my shoulders and held me in place. “How are you this morning?”

I caught my balance, craning my head into the hallway to look this way and that as she tried to push me back into the nest. “Uh… good? What’s going on?”

“Nothing. Why would you think anything is going on? Why are you looking at me like that? Come, sit, I want to explain some Xiorn customs you haven’t learned yet. Important ones.”

I ducked out of her grasp and made for the door once more. “You’re being weird. Where’s Xioumar?”

“Oh, he’s nowhere.” She jumped in front of me once more, blocking my way.

“He’s nowhere? Now I’m worried.”

“No, I mean… It was meant to be a surprise,” Zeetha pulled me by the arm.

“I’m here, my Kept,” Zeetha looked visibly relieved at the Keeper’s entrance. She made a nondescript apologetic whimper in my direction and scuttled out of the room - as much as a Xiorn, inherently elegant of manner and movement, could scuttle, anyway.

Xioumar reached the bed in one long stride and sat on its edge, sinking into the firm foam. It took me far too long toggle my attention from his muscled chest to the large wooden bowl in his hands.

My heart leaped.

“Fruit? Real fruit?!” The bowl brimmed with stacked oranges, passionfruit, apples, strawberries, fat grapes moist with fresh condensation…

Is that a pomegranate?

It was.

“Come,” Xioumar beckoned, setting the bowl in his lap.

I settled beside him eagerly, brushing my hand against his to feel the pleasant spark slide between our skin. I could hardly resist reaching out to grab for a rich purple grape, and sat on my hands instead to keep them still. Xioumar followed my gaze and picked the grape I was eyeing from its stem with slow, careful fingers. He brought it to my parted lips. I closed my eyes and took a deep sigh as the flesh popped between my teeth, glorious juice filling my mouth with a sweetness that was so familiar, yet so far away.

We sat in silence as I devoured the contents of the bowl. Xioumar tried some. It wasn’t his thing. I couldn’t help but laugh at the pained expression on his face as he forced himself to swallow his bite of apple.

“There’s something more,” he said as he watched me pop a blueberry into my mouth. He held out a folded piece of paper.

I realized I hadn’t seen paper since I left Earth. The Xiorn did not partake in the written form. In over a year on the base, I had never seen a single script, symbol, or drawing on any part of the base. I frowned and accepted the folded sheet of lined paper. Turning it over in my hand, my heart skipped a beat. My name was written on the folded note in wonderfully familiar, messy cursive.

“Dad,” I whispered, tears welling in my eyes as I brought the note to my chest. I wanted to open it, to read it a thousand times, but soon. It took all of my willpower to put it aside.

“How did you get this?” I searched Xioumar’s crimson eyes.

“A Solari scout rotation changing shifts. They send a new scout to monitor your galaxy for signs of other conglomerates over the evaluation period. I sent word to the replacement… they owed me a favor.”

Xioumar looked at the nearly empty bowl in his lap: “I’ve never seen you eat so much. I didn’t realize how much you missed these… plants.”

I took his hand in mine. I pressed it to my heart, then to my full belly, enjoying the comforting hum of tuned energy passing between us.

“Well, I am eating for two, my dear Keeper.“

I stifled a giggle as I watched him frown in momentary confusion. Xioumar’s gaze slid to our intertwined fingers on my belly. Fruit scattered to the marble floor as he let the bowl slip from his grasp. The Keeper’s powerful arms enveloped me, pulling me on top of him. Our melded life force sizzled in the air around us as he crushed his mouth to mine.




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I very much look forward to your feedback.

Warm wishes,

Alexandra Norton