Sing You Home by Ava Hunter

Luke wakes up with Sal’s mouth pressed against his ear, her light breath warming his cheek. He turns to move, to check if she’s asleep, but can’t. He and Sal anchored hip to hip. Her bare legs tangled with his, one lean thigh of hers tossed over his hip, the other tucked between his knees. Gently, Luke untangles himself. He raises himself up on his elbow and stares down at Sal. After last night’s nightmare, he’s relieved her face is finally peaceful. Brushing a thumb across her full bottom lip, Luke drinks in his wife’s delicate features.

The light freckles over the bridge of her nose. The high arc of her cheekbone. The small scar over her eyebrow where, years ago, she butted heads with a foal.

Luke runs a hand over the slight curve of her hip. Places a protective palm against her dark mop of disheveled hair.

God, she’s gorgeous.

He can barely believe this moment. Nine months ago, Sal was gone, presumed dead, leaving Luke’s world destroyed. Today, he’s got the woman he loves in his bed, lying in his arms, looking too beautiful for words. Good Lord, he’s a lucky man.

Luke closes his eyes at the memory of last night. Sal’s soft curves, her sweet lips pressed against him like the two of them were unbreakable. Unshakeable. Luke can’t deny that Sal wanting him had made him all kinds of crazy. The way she responded to his kiss, no hesitation, all insistence. Her fingers clutching at his hair, her bronze skin, her needy whimpers, her heartbeat pumping with life.

He was a damn saint last night. Not that he’d minded. Sal was exhausted from her migraine; he was still reeling from her question. Do you love me, Luke?

Luke swears softly under his breath. God, how could he have been so stupid? All this time he thought he was giving her space, when she was doubting his love for her. He told himself that would never happen again. And so, in answer to her question, he kissed her. Roughly. Desperately. He needed her to believe that. To prove to her what she meant to him. He only hopes she knows that he can’t possibly love a woman more. Hopes she knows that he’ll wait until she’s ready. He’ll go slow, take his time. Anything Sal wants, he’ll give it. Just having her near is enough.

Sitting up, Luke swings his legs over the edge of the bed. He checks his phone and groans. Missed phone calls from an unknown number. Missed calls from Mort. He’s got a full day on the agenda, but he ain’t exactly happy about spending less time with Sal.

As he goes to rise, there’s a soft hand on his back. A silvery voice saying, “Don’t go.”

Luke turns. Sal’s curled up in bed, catlike and lazy, her green eyes drowsy with sleep, fixed on him.

“Good mornin’,” he says, leaning down to kiss her gently on the lips.

“Morning.” She pulls back. Her mouth kicks up at the corners. “No nightmares.”

“No nightmares.” He smiles. “Glad I came in handy for once.”

Sal laughs. “I’d say more than handy.” She sits cross-legged in bed. The thin T-shirt slips low on her chest, giving Luke a flash of pink, pert nipple.

Stretching her arms above her head, she asks, “So, what’s on the agenda today?”

The mischievous smile on her face tells Luke there’s nothing she’d like to do more than spend the entire day in bed. With him.


Luke smears a hand through his hair, grips the back of his neck. He hates to be the buzzkill, but he’s got to. Ever since Sal’s been home, he’s been meaning to bring something up to her. The worst time, hell yes, judging by the way Sal’s looking at him, but it’s got to be done. For Sal’s sake, he can’t wait any longer.

A saint. Like he said.

“Listen. I’ve been wantin’ to talk to you about somethin’.” He takes Sal’s hand in his, inhales a steady breath. “I think you should see a doctor. Someone you can talk to about what you been through.”

Her eyebrows lift. “You mean, when I disappeared?”

Kidnapped, Luke thinks, and his fists curl in unbidden anger. Taken.

“I got some numbers for the best doctors in Nashville, darlin’. They’ll see you whenever you’re ready.”

Sal’s silent for a long moment, her green eyes distant and wary.

“But only if you want that,” he continues. “It’s your choice. I won’t push. Tell me what you need and I’ll get it.”

A little line appears between her brows. “Okay. Sure. I guess I can talk to someone if you . . .” She sags back against the pillows. Her voice trails off, lost, helpless. Luke’s eyes widen in stunned surprise. She thinks Luke’s done dealing with her problems.

She ain’t believin’ that. Not for a damn minute.

“Darlin’, you can absolutely talk to me.” He clasps her hand to his chest. He gives all his focus to Sal, his eyes never once leaving her face. “Whatever you want to tell me, whenever you want to say it, I am here for what you need. And I will hold it with you. But I also think you should talk to someone. I’ll give you everything I can, but it still might not be enough.”

Sal nods. Her lips, pressed together in a thin white line, tremble.

“What do you think?” he asks. “I’ll go with you. Waiting room, or beside you on that couch. I’ll be there.”

“Thank you.” Her eyes glisten with unshed tears. She curls her fingers into his palm. “I couldn’t do this without you.”

“Yeah, you could.” He grins. “But you ain’t got to.” He runs a hand down her shoulder, gently cupping her elbow. “I won’t push you, but maybe in a week or two—”

“No. Today.”

Luke blinks. Sal’s expression is eager and determined. “I want to go today, Luke. I want to remember. Especially you.”

Luke takes Sal’s face in his hands. Her eyes flutter closed and she tilts the curve of her cheek into his palm. With a soft sigh, she brushes silky lips over his tattoo.

His heart jerks. Last night’s kiss wasn’t enough. He has to say it out loud. He can’t wait anymore. This time with Sal is a gift, and he’ll be damned if he wastes another breath.

“I love you, Sal.”

Her eyes open.

The words linger in the air between them. A memory. A promise.

“I love you,” he repeats. “I love you more than the music, more than my life.”

Sal smiles, then sobers, worry creasing her pretty features. “Luke, I—”

“You ain’t gotta say it. You ain’t there.”

She places a palm against his cheek. “I will be.”

“That’s good enough for me.”

Luke stamps her lips with a kiss.

Sal wraps an arm around his neck, tugging him back toward the bed. Luke drapes his body over hers as they lengthen together. A small sound escapes Sal as he drags his lips across her collarbone. Then, Sal’s hand finds his cheek as she brings his mouth up to hers.

He listens. Obedient. What his wife wants, she gets.

At the sweep of Sal’s tongue against his own, Luke lets out a growl. He kisses her roughly.

And Sal moans. Arcs into him, her breathing ragged. Her body on fire.

Telling him she wants more. More of him.

Luke hooks an arm beneath her back, hauls her into his chest, and—

A tapping on the door. “Sal? You okay in there?”

Luke groans at the sound of Lacey’s insistent voice. The blissful moment broken, peace shattered. Sal freezes guiltily beneath him, looking like a teen being caught in the backseat with her boyfriend.

Rolling off Sal, Luke flops back into the pillows and shoots the bedroom door the finger.

“Sal, she’s your sister, but she’s killin’ me. Killin’ me absolutely dead.”

A laugh bubbles up in Sal. She presses her face into the crook of his arm, trying to muffle her giggles.

Another voice now. Dry. Pissed off.

“Jesus, Lacey. Give ’em some fuckin’ space.”

Luke smothers his face with a pillow as he listens to Seth and Lacey bicker in the hall. They need a bigger house. A purging of people. Too many interruptions making Luke a weary man. At this pace, he’s gonna have a hard-on for Sal for the next five fucking years.

He peers out at his wife from beneath the pillow. Her cheeks are red with embarrassment. “They’re gonna have to move out soon. Get their own place.”

“I one hundred percent agree.” Sal yanks the pillow away from his face, her smile teasing. “I mean, if we wanted kids, we would have had one, right?”

Luke freezes.

Before he can respond, Sal slides off the bed. Her step a lazy swagger, her smile dreamy as she disappears into the bathroom for a shower.

Luke closes his eyes.

Sal needs to know. Now he just has to figure out how to tell her.