Sing You Home by Ava Hunter

I always wanted to have a book and now I have it. So, yay me! But this dream wouldn’t be possible without the fine folks below.

Thank you to my husband, Daniel, for supporting my writing, for always bringing food to my writing cave, and for putting up with me when I go writer-crazy. You are the true H of our story.

Thank you to my sister, Christina, for always reading my writing, for kicking my ass, and for reminding me it’s okay to make my own yes.

Thank you to my daughter, Scarlett, who always reminds me there is a time to write and a time to play, and yes, baby, I will play with you.

Thank you to my family, especially my parents, who never really know what this writer thing entails, but for always supporting it and being the cheerleaders in my corner.

Thank you to those who pushed me to make the book better. My awesome beta readers, my agent, Jess, the trauma fiction group on Facebook, my editor, and my cover designer. You all kicked ass in your own way and because of you, this book got to where it needed to be. Which is. . .

In the hands of the readers! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my words. I couldn’t do this without you.