The Spark Between Us by Stacy Travis


Readers, thank you. I’m grateful for every word you read, every kind review, every thoughtful click and comment. I could not do this without you.

Jay, Jesse and Oliver: thank you for walking the dogs and doing your dishes so I could tap tap away on the computer. Big love to you three giant men with the best hair ever.

Amy Vox Libris and Nancy Smay - the edits, the feedback and the SOS phone calls got me through this one. Thank you.

Mike Noone, my firefighter/paramedic friend, thank you for answering all of my questions and providing expert knowledge of your field. You are a true hero.

Shannon, this cover is gorgeous - thank you, thank you. Thank you Jenn and the Social Butterfly team for expert advice, brilliant execution, and other superpowers. Catherine and Shan, I’m happy to have you in my corner - you make the PR part a breeze.

Bloggers and bookstagrammers—thank you for embracing my books and exposing my writing to readers. I couldn’t do it without your help. Glad to have you in my village.

And to my fellow authors: you lift me up. Thank you.