Serve ‘N’ Protect by Tee O’Fallon

Chapter Six

“Kade, let her go!” Markus pushed from the sofa, instantly regretting it as he nearly doubled over in pain.

Ghost hopped off the sofa, leaning against the side of Markus’s leg and bolstering him up so he wouldn’t fall.

Heat flushed through Markus’s body, but he didn’t know if it was from his injuries or the uncharacteristic surge of protection he felt toward Cassidy.

Matt rushed forward, steadying him and urging him to sit, but he shrugged off his friend’s efforts. Kade had backed away from Cassidy, still looking as if he was ready to hogtie her if she made another move to leave.

“I mean it, Kade.” He took in Cassidy’s wide-eyed, frightened stare. “Leave her alone.” If anything happened to her because of him… You dumbass. Something had already happened to her. She’d nearly been shot trying to help him. “Cap?” He looked at McMurray, who stood there frowning. If the captain didn’t give his blessing, Markus wouldn’t have authorization to read Cassidy in on what was really going on.

McMurray growled then nodded, albeit reluctantly.

“Cassidy.” When she didn’t budge but planted her back flat against the door, he added, “Please?” For emphasis, he extended his arm, holding out his hand and hoping she’d stay. Not only did he not want Kade or Matt tackling her to the floor, he really did want to explain.

She looked up at Kade, fear tinged with a not-so-tiny bit of pissed-off evident in her face.

Kade held up his hands. “Sorry. Just following orders.”

Hesitantly, Cassidy came back into the living room. Markus breathed a sigh of relief. Not that he understood why, but it was important to him that she wasn’t afraid of him.

“If you’re the police, prove it.” One by one, she met each of their gazes. Matt, Kade, and even Captain McMurray pulled out their creds, flipping open the standard issue black leather cases to reveal their badges and federal credentials. “What department are you with?”

“I’m with the CIA,” Matt said.

Kade moved closer so she could see his badge. “Homeland Security.”

McMurray held up his creds for her to inspect. “I’m Captain Michael McMurray. United States Secret Service, Uniformed Division.”

Unable to stand a moment longer, Markus began lowering to the sofa. More like falling. Matt reached for his right arm, while Cassidy reached for his left. Both helped ease him down gently. Right before his ass hit the cushion, he caught Matt and Kade exchanging surprised looks, and he understood why.

Even under these bizarre circumstances, when Cassidy might have rightly concluded that she was under house arrest or in mortal danger, she was concerned for his well-being. Ghost jumped back on the sofa, snuggling up to him with a throaty whimper. Markus patted the cushion on his other side. “Please, sit,” he said to Cassidy.

Surprisingly, she did. He half expected her to hit him over the head with her cane.

Her brows scrunched and she frowned, calling attention to her lips. “Alex Markus Adessio isn’t your real name, is it?”

“No.” He tugged out his creds from the jacket pocket, opening it. “It’s Markus York.” Surprise flared in her eyes, and she reached out to touch her fingertips to the gold badge. “I’m with the Secret Service’s Emergency Response Team. So is Ghost. He’s my partner.”

Hearing his name, Ghost snorted.

Her mouth opened then closed as she absorbed what he’d just said. “You’re all with the federal government. What’s really going on here?”

He stuffed his creds back in his pocket. “A week ago, two Secret Service officers were attacked while off duty. One—Jack Barnes—died instantly. The other—”

“It was you!” Her eyes lit with comprehension. “You were the other officer. I did hear about it on the news. I remember, I had the TV on in the background while I was making cookies. I don’t remember all the details, but the reporter said one officer died and the other lived. I’m so sorry. Were you close to him?”

Markus shook his head. “Mostly, he worked at the Treasury Building. Ghost and I patrol the White House grounds.”

Her eyes widened. “The White House? The White House?” When he nodded, she looked at Ghost. “Oh my God. Not that I doubted it after today, but someone really is trying to kill you. Why?”

“That’s what we need to find out.” McMurray recrossed his arms, planting his feet wide and looking a lot like General McArthur surveying his troops. “In the meantime, Markus’s orders included staying hidden and keeping his head down. No one was supposed to know he was here.”

“Now, I do.” She started fidgeting with her hands. “I won’t tell anyone, I swear it. You can trust me on that.”

“I know,” Markus said, meaning it.

“Keeping his identity and his location a secret until we get to the bottom of this is absolutely essential.” McMurray gave Cassidy a pointed look. “His life depends on it. Murdering a federal officer, let alone trying to kill two, is serious business, young lady. After today, it’s safe to say they’re still trying to finish the job they started.” McMurray turned his pointed look on Markus. “You know I can force you into protective custody. I can make it an order.”

Markus held his breath, holding his commanding officer’s gaze and silently praying he didn’t get shipped off to a safehouse. His entire life had been spent perfecting his independence, honing it to a razor-sharp edge. His entire career involved protecting others. Including the First Family and the most famous house in the world. Being relegated to official protectee status would make him feel weaker and more incapable than he already did.

Matt cleared his throat. “My offer’s still good for you to stay with me and Trista until this is over.”

“You’ve got your hands full as it is.” Matt already had one toddler with another due any day. “But thanks.” He did appreciate the offer. His friends would always be there for him.

“What about assigning one of us to stay with him, Cap?” Kade asked.

“No!” Markus said more curtly than he’d intended. Like Matt, Kade was also one of his best friends, but burdening any of them with his safety was a no-go. Watching his back while on official duty was one thing. Babysitting him like he was a five-year-old child was something he couldn’t stomach. “Sorry, man. You guys are locked into working shifts all week at the Capitol. I can take care of myself. All I need is Ghost.” He shut his eyes, dead-tired as he wiped more sweat from his brow.

“Could Ghost have driven you to the hospital?” Cassidy interjected.

Slowly, he opened his eyes to glare at her. “Not helping.”

“She has a valid point,” McMurray said. “Even if whoever was shooting at you can’t figure out where you’re hiding, look at you. You assured me you had recovered sufficiently to take care of yourself. Apparently, you lied to your commanding officer. If you weren’t already sitting on your ass, you’d fall on it. Who’s going to be there to help you up again?”

Work the problem.

Markus looked at Cassidy, an idea taking shape in his head, and she’d given it to him.

“We can hire a nurse or a homecare worker to stay with him,” Kade suggested.

“No,” Markus said flatly. This could work. He just had to pitch it right. To his captain and to Cassidy. “You said yourself, Cap, we need to keep the circle of people in the know tight.”

“True,” McMurray agreed. “It would take time to get someone like that vetted.”

“I have a better idea.” He looked directly at Cassidy, trying to gauge whether she’d go for his proposition.

“What?” She raised her brows in question. Markus knew the instant she’d picked up on his brainstorm. She shook her finger at him. “Oh, no.”

Markus glanced at McMurray, who gave his typically curt nod of agreement.

“The federal government would pay you,” Markus said, and when she kept shaking her finger, added, “A lot.”

That got her. “Exactly how much is ‘a lot’?” she asked, then narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “And what exactly would I have to do to earn this money?”

“Not much. Checking in on me periodically. Helping out with grocery shopping.” In reality, he didn’t plan to utilize her in any way. He’d just needed something to placate his boss, so he’d be left alone to recuperate in peace and quiet, without an official nursemaid or going into protective custody.

Her eyes narrowed more as she considered his offer. “Just how much money and how much checking in are we talking about? I do work, you know. I’m a freelance accountant, and I’m just getting my business up and running. This would have to be worth my time.”

“Of course it would,” he agreed. Figures she’d have to be an accountant. Counting money was her thing. “Cap?” Since Uncle Sam would be footing the bill, it was up to his boss to set the price. Frankly, if it wasn’t enough to convince her, he’d make up the difference out of his own pocket.

McMurray massaged his chin, deep in thought as he took his sweet time. “A grand a week. One check, issued when this is all over. Until then, we don’t want a paper trail.”

Cassidy’s brows shot to her hairline. Slowly, they lowered. Either she was playing it cool, or she was about to hold out for more. If she didn’t agree to his proposition, McMurray would ship him out of here faster than he could spell D-O-G.
