Runaways by Nicole Dykes

It took over a month to fully get over my cold. But thanks to Rae and Hayden, I’m recovered. And we’re getting used to living on the streets. As weird as that sounds. I’ve found a few gigs, just a little here and there for all three of us. Enough to feed us and save some to hopefully rent a place soon.

I won’t be able to live with myself if I keep Rae on the streets too much longer.

Although, she’s not doing too bad out here. I watch as Hayden and she play with two little kids living with their mom. They’re tiny. Three and four years old. Cute as hell, but I can’t help feeling sad for them, growing up out here. Their mom hasn’t said much, but I get the idea she’s afraid of someone.

Rae, however, has really taken to the kids, always bringing them extra treats when we buy food. I smile at her when she looks over with the little one on her lap. She smiles back and then goes back to talking to the kids’ mom.

I’ve talked to Nash once. I bought a burner phone from a guy out here for a cheap price and destroyed it after I talked to him. And no, I have no idea if that helps with them tracing it or not. I don’t know how it all works.

According to Nash, Colin has told everyone I kidnapped Rae. That I should be considered dangerous, and that they only want her back home. And there’s a hundred thousand dollar reward at stake.

That revelation certainly sent a cold fear through me, straight down my spine. Who wouldn’t sell us out for a hundred grand?

I look over at Hayden, and he winks at me happily. I laugh and go back to sketching on the cardboard that has been serving as our home. Yeah, Hayden wouldn’t. I have no idea how I’m so sure of that fact, but I am.

He’s helped us. Guided us through this mess since the very beginning. He’s unwavering, and when Rae caught my cold and I wanted to drag her ass to the doctor, he offered to sell his to pay for it.

Of course, we didn’t let him do that. We swiped more cold medicine and nursed her through it just like they both did for me. I meant what I said, even though I was in a fever-induced coma at that time. He’s not selling himself any-fucking-more. Never again.

If I can help it, no one will ever touch Rae or Hayden without them wanting it. I smile over at Rae again, noticing her blond roots are starting to show. It’s been a while since she dyed her hair.

But we can’t afford hair dye right now. We can’t afford much of anything.

Rae and Hayden come back over when the kids go for a walk with their mom and sit down next to me. Rae lays her head on my shoulder. “I like that.”

I smile down at her pretty face and then go back to my sketch. “Yeah?”

She nods, her head rubbing on my t-shirt. It’s finally been warm enough to let my hoodie breathe for a bit. “I do. The sunset, even though it’s in black and white, I swear I can feel the colors.”

“Uh-oh, Rae’s hungry. She’s gone loopy,” Hayden teases, and she sticks her tongue out at him.

“Shut up. I’m serious.”

I chuckle and continue my drawing. “I wish I would have brought my paints.”

She looks troubled by that, and Hayden hops up. “I’m going for a walk. You two are depressing.”

He winks at me again before leaving, and I put the pencil down and wrap my arm around Rae, just breathing her in. We went to a truck stop Hayden showed us this morning and snuck into the showers. God, the water felt fantastic.

She smells like soap and looks up at me happily, brushing her lips over mine. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I was getting scared.”

“You were sick too.”

Her lips make the briefest contact, and man, it feels good. “Not as bad. Your cough . . . It was scary.”

I was starting to get a little worried too, afraid it had moved into my lungs with the fucking rattling in every cough, but I’ve healed. I’m okay. She’s okay. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

“I missed you.” Her words are quiet, and I know what she means. She doesn’t mean when I was sick and out of it. She means the past five months.

“I’m sorry, Rae. I’m mad at myself.”

“What?” She pulls back to look into my eyes. “Why?”

“Why?” I laugh but not with humor. Instead, maybe a little self-deprecatingly. “I haven’t been able to keep you safe. Not ever. Not from the very beginning. You’ve been hurt and propositioned. I haven’t done dick.”

She holds my face in her hands, and her gaze is completely serious. “You saved me, Lawson. Every step of the way. When I was a lonely, sad kid. When my mother hated me. When Colin threatened me. All I had to do is close my eyes and think about you, and I felt safe and loved. That’s everything.”

“You are loved.”

Her eyes close, and her forehead rests against mine as she breathes in and out. “God, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that.”

Fuck, has it been that long?

“Shit, Rae. Look at me.” This time I take her face in my hands and look into her pretty eyes. “I love you. I’ll always love you.”

She smiles, her eyes glistening with tears and gleaming with mischief. “So, does this mean you’re through being mad at me?”

I grin. “You done running away from me?”

She nods, my hands still holding her face. “I’ll never run from you again. I swear it.”

I look into her eyes, not seeing a hint of deception. “Okay. Then I’m done being pissed.”

She grins and leans in, her mouth connecting with mine for what feels like forever, and fuck, it feels good. Her small body moves onto my lap, straddling my thighs as she kisses me, her tongue sweeping inside my mouth, and I gladly accept the intrusion. My hands move over her back. I’m lost in the moment. Lost in Rae.

Until I hear a loud whistle.

I lean my head back against the brick. “We need our own place.”

She looks down at my lap and my obvious erection. She visibly shivers, which is not doing anything for my aroused state. Letting out a shaky breath, she nods. “Yes. We do.”

I’m going to make it happen. Somehow.