Runaways by Nicole Dykes

The next day, I’m not sure I’ve been more nervous. I know Rae likes it here and doesn’t want to leave, but I’m not sure Amanda will be willing to keep this secret for us. I wake up early and head downstairs where I find her at the front desk.

She looks up at me, her face projecting that same look of hurt she wore last night. “Have a good night?”

I shake my head and stand on the opposite side of the counter. “Not really. I was kind of worried about my friend.”

She rolls her eyes, but it’s not full of anger. “I wanted to be more than a friend to you.” Her cheeks pink, and I nod knowingly.

“I’m sorry. But it’s always been Rae for me.”

“Rae.” She tries out her real name and sighs. “I should have seen it. I just thought you were a protective older brother, but there’s so much more there.”

“I’m in love with her.”

She nods. “Her stepfather was really that bad?”

I nod, my expression darkening just thinking about that fucker. “Yeah. And her mother wasn’t any better.”

“I’m not going to tell anyone.”

Relief washes over me as I take a deep breath, but everything is still uncertain. “Thank you.” I still have to ask, “And our jobs?”

She takes a deep breath also. “I’m going to keep calling you guys Jack and Rose. And so are all the guests.”

“Small price to pay, I guess.”

She smiles sweetly at that. “I really should have known with those ridiculous names.”

I chuckle, “We really are sorry.”

“I know. I wasn’t even that mad. Just . . . hurt, I guess.”

“I’m sorry,” I say again. She walks out from behind the counter and gives me a hug.

“I hope someday I can find a guy who loves me as fiercely as you do her.”

I don’t know what to say to that. “You will.”

She smiles, and I go back into my room where I left Rae snoring under the covers. It took a long time for her to fall asleep last night, and I didn’t mean to wake her when I came in. But she sits up, her dark hair all over the place as she looks at me with a worried expression. “Law?”

“Hey.” I sit down next to her. “She’s not going to tell anyone.”

“Really?” She looks up at me with big, hopeful eyes.

“Really. We have to use our stupid fucking fake names, but it’s going to be okay.”

“She’s not even going to tell her brother?”

I didn’t ask, but I trust Amanda. “No. I’m pretty sure our secret is safe with her.”

She sighs and leans into me, her face resting against my chest. “That was close.”

“I know.” I smooth my hand over her head.

“I like it here. I’ve never felt safer in my life, Lawson. And that’s fucking terrifying.”

I grin, cupping her face in my hands and lifting her eyes to meet mine. “I know, but you don’t have to be scared anymore. This is our home. The worst happened. Amanda found out in a horrifying way, but we survived it.”

“Can it really be this good?”

I kiss her softly. “Yes. It can, and it is. We’re staying.”

“Hayden likes it here too.”

I nod, laughing as I think about how easily he slipped into life here. “Yeah, he really does.”

“So, we still have to pretend?”

“With everyone but Amanda and Hayden. Although I think Amanda would rather we pretend around her too.”

“Well, as long as she keeps her hands off you.”

I laugh. “I like possessive Rae.”


I don’t know what the future holds for us. All I know is that she’s my future, and I’ll go or stay anywhere she wants me to.