Blinded By Prejudice by KaraLynne Mackrory


One day when my home girl Jane Austen and I sit down to tea on the grassy knolls of heaven, I hope she will think I paid proper homage to her unparalleled talent and incomparable wit. Therefore, it is only proper that my first thanks be to her for writing stories that inspire the heart, for creating characters I wish would live past the pages upon which they originated, and for, frankly, being such a cool lady.

Thanks must also go to my family who humor this side gig of mine and pretend that my books bring smiles to their faces, despite the many forms of neglect they experience from my hands in the writing of my books.

I also want to acknowledge my publisher, Quills & Quartos, for their eagerness for a good story and their drive to pull one out of me. Additionally, in a turn of events I did not anticipate, it was a pleasure to work with Gail Warner as my editor. We first worked together in the infancy of my writing career and to renew the relationship again for Blinded By Prejudice was like meeting with an old friend after a long while.