In Compromise with the Earl by Ava MacAdams


It was nearly daybreak when the Constables, the same Davis and Toole who gone to the church to confront Leo, took the man’s broken body off the lawn of the Tennesley Hall to the morgue. The mystery of who killed Claire had finally been solved and while things were still troubling, a load of worry had been lifted.

Oswald’s physician had been called and while he attend to the man, Aphrodite was sitting close to her husband, and heard the man say, “It’s the second time I’m stitching you up in less than two days. Try not to let this one split My Lord, your skin is tender.”

She rested a hand on his thigh. “I suppose this is what you mean by having things to tell me.”

His free hand grasped hers and held it tightly. “I do.”

The physician packed up his materials. “I’ll will check on you in a few days, My Lord. Remember, no strenuous activities that might rip the stitches and cleanse it with warm water and gentle soap.”

When the man left, Oswald poured out a glass of whisky. “I’m too keyed up to sleep and I must tell you what happened in the last two days.”

As they were in his study, he went to his desk and pulled out two notes, and handed them to Aphrodite.

I know your dirty little secret.

You’re wasting your time. I am not a part of the despicable whorehouse, but I still know your secret. How will your lovely wife feel about you laying with filth?

“A few days ago, I got those in the mail and I knew that the blackmailer meant the time I had gone to the bawdy house to, I suppose, escape my reality. I only started after Claire had been killed and it was my getaway for many months. I must admit, the things I did then, they are salacious and made me ashamed.”

She reached out and held his hand. “You should have told me. I would have understood.”

“I know, Sweetling and I told myself that if I did not find out who the blackmailer was I would tell you,” Oswald said. “Sadly I didn’t get the chance to do so. The very night I came to tell you, I was attacked.”

Succinctly, he told her about going to the club to get the Madam to search for any spy she had in her ranks and then when he went off to follow Duke Strathmore and ask him if he had been behind it.

“The comment he made at the theater concerned me,” he said. “But it was not him and as I left that night to come home to you, men, assassins attacked me. They killed my driver, I got shot in the arm and I fell unconscious on the side of the street.”

“Oh, no,” she whispered.

Patting her hand, he said, “I came back to myself and managed to get to the square where I paid a hackney to carry me to Leo, not knowing that he was the cause of all my problems.”

“And I didn’t make it better,” Aphrodite sighed. “When your mother and I got that box of your…activities, I ran to Leo to get some help, I suppose. I saw the dagger there, Oswald, and I went directly to the Constables to tell them about it. As I left Bow Street, they went to the church, but I supposed Leo reasoned that I had seen through his façade and came here to get ahead of me.”

“It’s all for the best, I suppose,” he said while sipping the whisky. “Now, Claire’s spirit can rest in peace.”

“And so can we,” Aphrodite replied. “We can move on from this.”

“Yes,” he set the glass aside and grasped her hand. “And I promise, no more secrets.”

“Thank you,” she replied.

The Dowager cleared her throat from the doorway. “I’m sorry for intruding, but I overheard what you did, Aphrodite. I would never have imagined that Leo was so despicable, or I would never have left you with him.”

Oswald cocked his head. “What do you mean, Mother?”

Coming into the room, the Dowager took a seat. “I never truly trusted Leo, but I had no evidence to prove my suspicions true. I noticed things you did not Oswald. When you were not here and Claire had him over for tea and such, I saw how he looked at her but then most men looked at Claire that way.”

“You thought he was responsible for her death?” Oswald’s brows furrowed.

“Again, the most I thought that was between them was some inappropriate flirting, but never could I have suspected that the two were involved, before you and right under your nose as well,” the Dowager grimaced.

“I loved Leo like a son but when I saw how ready he was to kill you and steal your life, I am not so sorry he is gone,” Henrietta said. “I am sorry that soul will live in torment but that is the price evil people pay for their sins.”

“It’s horrible,” Aphrodite agreed.

“And as for you,” the Dowager said, her face plaintive and beseeching. “I misjudged you for far too long and now that I saw how faithful you are to Oswald, I must apologize for all the things I put you through. It was wrong of me, and I am sorry.”

“I have forgiven you a long time ago as I know you were only protecting Oswald,” Aphrodite said, before putting her palm on her belly. “And you might have another reason to be happy, I believe I am with child.”

Oswald knocked the empty glass on the table to the carpeted floor. “What? Are you sure?”

“Mostly,” she replied. “I have to wait a few more days to be sure but I think so.”

Reaching over, Oswald wrapped his arms around her. “I am so happy, Sweetling.”

“Me too,” Henrietta held her hands to her bosom. “My first grandchild.”

Pleased, Aphrodite leaned into his hold, and smiled at the hold he had on her belly. “I think we can get some rest now, shall we?”

* * *

A Week Later

When news broke about how one of London’s most mysterious murder cases was solved, Oswald and Aphrodite were back in Bath at his townhouse.

He ran his knuckles along her cheek. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight, Sweetling?" he asked.

"Yes,” she replied, while his hand dropped to her bare belly as they had just finished making love. “Very much so.”

Ever since she had told him that she was with child, Oswald found every excuse to touch her belly. She did not mind as his warm touch and soft rubs were soothing and would be even more so to her soon-expanding belly.

“What do you think we will have, a boy or a girl?” he asked, while kissing her ear.

“Well, I know your mother wants a boy first so he can be in line for the Estate,” Aphrodite said while she traced her fingers through his chest hair. “But it does not matter much to me. Times are changing, dearest. A girl can inherit our Estate as well as a boy.”

He kissed her. “That’s right, isn’t it?”

“And you?” she asked. “What would you prefer?”

“Now that you explained it to me that way,” Oswald grinned, “I only care that we have a healthy child.”

“Only one?” she asked while trailing her hand down his stomach.

He grabbed her hand before she got to her goal and swiftly spun her on her back. “Sprite, if that is the case, why don’t we work on giving my son or daughter a sibling, hm?”

Giggling, Aphrodite arched her back when he kissed her neck. “I do not think that is how it works, Oswald, but who cares, as long as you keep kissing me like that, I will give you anything you want.”

“Good, because you’re mine,” he growled while palming her breast.

Clutching at his hair, her eyes fluttered close, and she replied, “And I am so glad you’re mine too.”

The End?