Egotistically Yours by Hayley Faiman

Chapter Thirty-Four


After we playwith Tucker for a while we sit outside on the balcony. When he’s finally tired enough, he eats, and I bathe him and put him to bed. Then we head to our bedroom.

Wordlessly, I walk toward the master bathroom and start the shower. Stripping out of my work clothes, I open the door and step inside, letting the steam wash over me along with the hot water. It’s been a long and exhausting day, which seems to be every day anymore.

I hear the shower door open and I look behind me to see Laurent stepping inside with me.

“Hey,” I call out softly.

His lips curve up into a smile and I’m glad that he no longer seems angry. I didn’t think that he was mad at me or anything, but the anger was radiating off of him, it was almost palpable. He is not at all happy with Cody and his antics, which is about how I feel about Melody and hers.

I should probably ask details about Melody’s little office visit, but I don’t. I can’t bring myself to know anything about it. Between Zara and Melody, Laurent has women throwing themselves at him and it makes me feel even more self-conscious than I already do.

I do not look like the woman that should be on Laurent’s arm. I’m not the supermodel type, I’m nothing special. I’m just an average curvy girl with so-so blonde hair and a pretty, but plain face. It’s Laurent who is beautiful. He deserves someone who matches him.

Laurent’s arms wrap around me from behind. Then I feel his lips touch the side of my neck as one of his hands slides up to my breast, the other slips between my thighs. His fingers gently glide through my folds. I let out a sigh, my head falling back against his chest and I turn, touching my lips to the side of his neck.

When we’re like this, when he touches me, I feel like I am worthy of being at his side, he makes me feel that way, even if it’s not true. Even if nobody else sees why he’s with me, even if I don’t see it, I feel it right now.

His fingers slide inside of me, his palm grinding against my clit as he pinches my nipple and tugs gently with his other hand. It’s so much, but not too much, it’s just right and my entire body tingles with the sensation of his hands on me, inside of me, he’s everywhere around me.

I’m close, my body moving, my hips thrusting without being able to control myself. I’m so close, I can’t stop even if I wanted to savor the moment, my body won’t let me.

Then, without warning, Laurent pulls his fingers from inside of me. I let out a whimper as he spins me around.

Reaching down, he wraps his hands around the back side of my knees and hauls me upward, pressing my back against the warm marble of the shower wall and he slams inside of me. It’s all in one swift move and my head falls back against the hard marble as I let out a long moan.

“Yes,” I cry as his hips begin to move.

He doesn’t speak, his jaw is clenched tightly as he watches me, his hips moving hard and fast as he slams into me over and over. My breath hitches as my body climbs closer toward the edge, I’m teetering again, so close that I know it will happen soon.

So soon.

Then it does.

I break apart in his arms, break into a million little pieces. Keeping my gaze focused on his, I come. My entire body trembles, I shake and my nails dig into his shoulders, my heels into his ass as I hold on for dear life.

Laurent only smirks, his eyelids are lowered, but he doesn’t stop. He continues to thrust hard and fast, searching for his own release. Thankfully, it doesn’t take him long. He buries himself deep inside of me and he comes, filling me with his release.

I take all of him, gladly, loving the way he feels inside of me. Attempting to catch my breath, I lick my lips and watch him for another moment. Laurent leans forward. His lips touch mine and he lets out a sigh that I swallow.

“Fuck, baby,” he murmurs against my lips.

“What?” I exhale.

He chuckles. “Nothing, just fuck.”

We finish our shower and head to bed, both exhausted from the day. Laurent wraps his arms around me and tugs me against his front. Sleeping naked isn’t really my thing, but I’m too tired and I feel too good to change at this point.

Laurent touches his lips to my shoulder, then I feel his breath tickle the back of my neck. His hand moves down from my hip to my belly and I try to suck in my stomach, but I can’t hold it for long.

He doesn’t mention it if he notices that I’m sucking in. Instead, he just holds me, then his breathing evens out and I know he’s asleep. Only then do I relax.

Closing my eyes, I attempt to sleep, but it doesn’t come easily. I lie there and think about every detail of the past few days. I think about Melody going to Laurent’s office. I think about Cody coming to mine.

Then there’s his secretary, Zara. He claims nothing happened, and that he let her go, but I’m not so sure. We haven’t been together long enough for me to blindly trust him. I know that Laurent can get scared of commitment, and Tucker and I are full of nothing but commitment.

I want to trust Laurent, not only because he’s Tucker’s father, but because I’ve chosen him to be my partner. I’ve chosen to trust him for life and if I can’t do that now, how will I ever be able to? I’m finding it really hard to blindly trust him though, we’ve had a little bit of a rough beginning.

Closing my eyes, I let out a long breath and try to force myself to fall asleep. Then, I wake what feels like only seconds later from Laurent moving behind me. He slides out of bed and I assume he’s going to the bathroom.

There is some rustling around the room, but I don’t hear the toilet flush. In fact, I hear him move around in his closet. I hold my breath as he walks out of the bedroom door. I wait for him to come back. He doesn’t.

I watch the clock for five, ten, fifteen, twenty minutes.

He doesn’t come back.

I wait.

And wait.

Then, I wait some more.

And I wait for so long that my alarm goes off. Sitting up, I look around the room and my entire body feels deflated. He’s gone. Left in the middle of the night, completely gone and didn’t even try to tell me where he was going. He literally snuck out in the middle of the night with not even an attempted lie.

This feels worse than when I stayed up all night long. I don’t know why, maybe because we had amazing sex, then he waited until I was asleep before he slipped out of the room. I hear Tucker wake up and I know that I have to start moving for the day.

I stayed in bed far too long, thinking about myself, about my situation, and feeling sorry for myself. Walking toward Tucker’s room, I scoop him up in my arms and give him a few kisses on his cheek, then change him before I sink down in the rocking chair in the corner to feed him.

That’s where I am when Laurent walks into the darkened room. He is wearing gym clothes and breathing heavily as if he’s just gone on a run. I doubt that he has. I just don’t see how he could leave in the middle of the night, be gone for hours, and come in here as if he was working out. He wasn’t.


Touchingmy lips to Bethie’s shoulder, I wait until her breathing evens out, but the wait causes me to nod off myself. When I wake up, I know that I need to get going if I’m going to do what I want to do.

Slipping out of bed, I quietly grab some athletic shorts, T-shirt, shoes, and socks, then I slip out of the room and quickly get dressed in the hall.

Hurrying down the stairs, I grab my car keys, leaving my cell phone upstairs. I can’t go back up there and risk waking her up. Slipping out of the house, I lock the door behind me, then jog toward the elevator car.

Once I’m inside, I touch the parking button and bounce from side to side, trying to hype myself up. This is going to be something that I definitely need to hype myself up for, too. Once I’m down in the parking garage, I jog toward my car and slip into the front seat.

Touching the start button, I shift the car into reverse and I drive. It takes me longer than I would like to get to my destination. Probably because although I’m hyping myself up, I’m also taking my sweet ass time driving.

I should not be here.

I reach for my phone but curse when I remember that I don’t have it here any longer. Clearing my throat, I pull up a few houses away from my destination. Gripping the steering wheel tightly. I stare at the house. It’s dark, all of the people inside no doubt asleep.

Opening up the car door, I walk toward the home. I don’t bother knocking or ringing the doorbell, I know that they keep their back door unlocked. Walking around the side of the house, I slip behind the gate, then open the back door.

I don’t want to wake up the kids, so I walk quietly up the stairs and toward the master bedroom. There is a light on beneath the door and I know that they must still be awake. I don’t bother knocking. I’ve already broken into their house, what’s the point?

Lifting my hand, I grab the knob and slowly twist as I push the door open. Closing the door behind me, I lift my head and cringe at the sight of the two people in front of me. They don’t even know I’ve walked into the room.

Melody is bent over, on her hands and knees, with only her ass in the air. Cody behind her, one of his feet flat next to her knee, the other knee is down on the bed next to hers and he’s fucking her ass.

She lifts her head, looking over to me with a smile and reaches between her legs. I watch as she begins to play with herself, her eyes on me, while Cody has no fucking clue that I’m even in the room.

I could let him finish, then do what I came here to do. But watching Melody’s cocky smirk, I realize I can’t let them win—at anything.

Making my way over to them, Melody moans, thinking that I must be here to fuck them both… I’m not. Clearing my throat, I reach up and grip the back of Cody’s hair in my fist before I yank him off of his wife and off of the bed.

He lets out a cry as I release him and he falls to the floor. Melody sits up, tits on display as she practically pants for me.

“Stand over there,” I order, jerking my chin toward the corner of the room.

She scrambles off of the bed and runs over to the corner of the room as I’ve demanded. Although she doesn’t look as scared as I’d imagined she would look. Instead, she is smiling and smirking at me, licking her lips and jutting her tits out.

God, she’s fucking pathetic.

Clearing my throat, I look down at Cody. “I was going to wait, maybe go to your office to do this,” I state. “However, the element of surprise seemed a lot more fun, especially since you did just that with Bethie earlier today.”

“What?” he gasps, attempting to act surprised.

Shaking my head, I make a tsking sound. “I’m not playing any more games with you, Cody,” I say.

He stands to his feet, his cock having shrunk up almost inside of his body out of fear. I smirk at the sight. Without saying a word, I reach backward and ball my fist before I thrust it forward, slamming it into his cheek.

Then, I do the same thing with my other fist. I repeat the action over and over until he’s nothing but a bloody mess on the floor. What I don’t do is take it too far. He’ll recover without needing any plastic surgery.

Narrowing my eyes on him, I growl. “Come near Bethie again and I’ll kill you.” Taking a step back, I look across the room to Melody, who is half scared and half panting like a fucking animal. “You come to my office, to see Bethie, or anywhere near us again, you'll regret it.”

Without another word, I turn from them and walk away. I should feel guilty, I should feel really fucking bad for beating the shit out of him and threatening her, but I don’t. Not in the slightest.

Walking out of their home, I make my way toward my car and slip into the driver’s seat. Heading toward the condo, I decide that I can’t go home, not yet. Instead, I make a detour and go to Lawrence’s. He’s not awake, but he will be by the time I’m done with him.

Lifting my hand, I knock on his door and wait for him to answer. It takes him a few minutes, but he finally opens the door and shakes his head slowly, as if he can’t quite believe that I’m standing in front of him.

“Oh good, another night with no sleep.”

“You’re young and single, you’ll be fine,” I grumble.

He snorts. “Yeah, whatever. Come on inside and tell me all about it.”

Slipping into my brother’s apartment, I do just that.