The Blush Factor by Deborah Bladon

Chapter Twenty-One


Dear Diary,

I had dinner at Matthew’s apartment tonight. Seriously. Dinner at his apartment with him.

I was so nervous and couldn’t stop staring at the tattoo on his arm. When he stood up to get another bottle of sparkling water, he reached over the table to grab the empty salad bowl. I caught the briefest glimpse of his stomach under his shirt.

That was everything I ever imagined and more. I saw abs and a thin line of trimmed hair that disappeared under his jeans.

It almost felt like he was flirting with me, but that had to have been my imagination.


There’s no way in hell Dr. Hawthorne thinks about me the same way I think about him - with no clothes and condoms involved.


After reading my diary entry from the other night, I snap the cover shut and shove the book into my backpack. I do up the zipper for good measure because the last thing I need is to drop my diary again.

I lived through that horror once and came up relatively unscathed. I don’t want it to happen again.

From where I’m sitting on a bench, I look to my left and then my right, quickly realizing Gwynn is a no-show.

We agreed to meet near the fresh fruit market I like to grab some toppings for pancakes. That was our stay at home cheat meal plan for tonight, but obviously, she had a better offer.

I fire off a text message to her.

Faith: I’m going home to eat the best pancakes ever by myself. I hope you’re okay.

Her response is almost instant.

Gwynn: Oops. My bad for not texting you sooner. I met someone while I was on my way there. He’s buying me dinner!

That’s followed by a bunch of random emojis, including a peach and an eggplant, so Gwynn’s evening plans far outreach mine by a long shot.

I shoot her another text and a reminder.

Faith: Have fun and be safe.

I stand and take a second to smooth my hand over the front of my jeans. I brush away the crumbs that gathered there as I ate a package of crackers I found in my backpack. I skipped lunch today in favor of studying. It was worth it, and besides, I’m thirty minutes away from eating a stack of fluffy pancakes topped with fresh berries and maple syrup.

“Hey, FU!”

I turn as soon I hear that because the voice melts me from the inside out.

I spot Dr. Hawthorne wearing a gray sweater and black pants.

“What the hell is your problem?” A man at least two decades older than Matthew charges toward him with a shopping bag in his hand.

As horrified as I am at the man’s assumption that Matthew was yelling at him, I hold in a giggle.

Matthew stops, holds up a hand, and gifts the man and everyone looking at them with a gorgeous smile. “Not you. I wasn’t talking to you.”

The angry man stops too just a foot away from Matthew. “Who then?”

Matthew points at me before he offers me a full-handed wave. “Her.”

The man’s shoulders tense. “Not cool, man. No one should talk to a woman that way. Listen, I had trouble with my wife, but I kept it together because some things can’t be taken back. Fuck you is one of them.”

Matthew lets out a chuckle. “Agreed. It’s a nickname because F and U are the initials of that lovely lady over there.”

The man steals a glance over his shoulder at me. “Odd nickname, but you do you.”

“Unique nickname.” Matthew shoots him a smile. “As unique as the woman herself.”

The man walks away, muttering something about unique women and his wife.

Matthew approaches me with quick steps.

He tilts his chin up, his dark eyes raking me from head to toe, taking in the white blouse I’m wearing that’s tucked into the front of my jeans. I know he can see my black bra underneath.

I got dressed in a rush this morning. It’s not as though I was planning on seeing him today.

Our paths haven’t crossed since the night I was at his apartment.

Since then, I’ve been focused on studying. I haven’t even taken a moment to peer out my peephole, but that’s because I’ve spent most of my time off-campus in bed. What’s better than being under the covers when you’re trying to cram science facts into your memory?

“Today must be my lucky day.” Matthew stops just short of where I’m standing.

I’m curious, so I ask the expected question. “Why?”

He glances over my shoulder. “I was headed home to find you.”

“Because?” I stick with the one-word queries.

He laughs. “Because I wanted to see if you had time to accompany me to the best hospital cafeteria in the five boroughs.”

Studying him, I suck in a deep breath. “You want me to go to the hospital with you? Are you all right?”

He skims both palms over the front of his sweater. “Never been better.”

I bite the corner of my bottom lip. “Would our trip to the hospital be related to your friend? The one who works in the Emergency Department?”

He nods. “Dr. Gavin Fuller. Saver of lives and the shittiest poker player you’ll ever meet.”

I laugh. “Really?”

“When we were in college, I learned the easy way that if I needed some spare cash, all I had to do was invite Gavin to play cards.”

Smiling, I narrow my eyes. “I’d love to meet your friend.”

“Does the subway work for you?” he asks. “It’s the quickest way to get there other than inside an ambulance.”

“The subway works,” I say, feeling my heart fluttering inside my chest.

I don’t know if it’s Matthew’s smile or the way he looks at me, but I’m feeling very lucky that I get to spend more time with my secret crush, even if it is inside a hospital.