The Last Strike by A.R. Henry

Chapter 16

Fall break is quickly approaching, and for the first time since my teaching career began, I’m not ready for the break. Mostly because I know I’ll be missing a certain parent who I know is taking his little girl on a trip out of town. The past few weeks with Weston have been amazing.

Whenever he gets a few free hours, he spends it with me. We’ve been on another hike, he’s taken me up into a little mountain town where we spent the afternoon exploring the shops there, and we even took Cami to a local fair where she and her dad rode the roller coasters until they both felt sick. Life was sweet, and I didn’t want it to stop.

Which is why I was dreading the whole week I would have to myself. I didn’t know what I was going to do here all alone since Ash was out of town on a business trip. She said her new boss was being a real hard ass and dragging her along everywhere he went. I think she secretly was in love with him, but I would let her open that can of worms when she was ready.

So, while I was eating ice cream on my couch at ten thirty the first night of fall break, I suddenly decided that I was going to be spontaneous for the first time in my life. I called my brother Hale and booked the first flight out to NYC.

New York is gorgeous in the fall. Everyone always thinks it’s the prettiest in the spring, but they’re wrong. Not that I’m biased. I love the fall colors, and the smell of coffee coming from the street cart vendors.

I also may have watched Hocus Pocus on my flight here to get me in the mood, even though it wasn’t even October yet. Sue me. The day you can’t watch Hocus Pocus is the day I don’t want to live anymore.

Hale and I were in a cab headed towards the West Village location of The Butcher’s Daughter. I had been dying to try their eggs benedict ever since I saw a foodie post a picture of it on their Instagram.

The past four days in New York, spending time with Hale and exploring the city, was the exact distraction I had been needing. We went to fancy restaurants, explored Chinatown, and he even introduced me to some of his work colleagues—mostly by accident, as they were at the same bar we were at. I could tell when one of them started hitting on me that Hale was regretting introducing us.

“What are you thinking so hard about over there?” Hale quietly asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Just reminiscing on my trip with you. I’m glad I came.” And I really was. Hale and I always got along growing up, but when he moved to New York we had grown apart with the distance. I missed my big bro dearly, and these past few days have been good for my heart.

“Aww Sis,” he teased, grabbing me in a head lock as he messed my hair up with his other hand, “You know you can see me anytime, and you can call me when you need some big bro loving.”

I playfully shoved him off of me and got out of the cab.

The meal was every bit worth its Instagram-worthiness. It was delicious, and surprisingly, even Hale was impressed. He usually only eats breakfast in the form of a protein shake, but he had indulged his baby sister since it was my last morning here. I had a flight out later tonight. Once we paid the bill, we decided to hoof it back uptown since we didn’t have anything else planned for the day.

We had just walked into the entrance to Central Park when I saw a familiar looking little girl holding hands with a man who looks just like a baseball coach that I know. Immediately I turn away because I must need my eyes checked, but my head turns to do a double take before I can change my mind.

Sure enough, walking towards us is Cami and her dad. He’s seriously going to reconsider the stalking thing after this.

I tug on Hale’s shirt, but he’s too busy on a phone call to pay attention to my antics right now.

For whatever reason I angle my body towards Hale as we walk and turn my face down, but I keep my eyes locked on Weston. Just as we’re about to pass by each other and I think I’m in the clear Weston looks up from Cami and his eyes lock on mine. We both come to a halt at the same time like our bodies are connected. I see the shock in his eyes before it turns to something I can’t discern. A smile spreads across his beautiful face.


Jesus. Just like that I’m soaked. This man has me at his complete mercy whenever he says my nickname like that. It’s not even a question. He says my name in ownership, like he has the rights to my body.

Which he totally does.

I signed myself away the day he spilled light beer all over me.

Slowly, I bring my arm up and awkwardly wave like the shy nerdy girl who has the football captain’s attention. I open my mouth, but before I can say anything Cami is running over wrapping her arms around my torso in a hug. “Miss L! What are you doing here?”

Wrapping my arms around my favorite student, I smile down at her, “Hi Cami, I’m visiting my brother.” I point at my brother who stopped a few feet away to finish his phone call. He looks over in our direction and he and Weston do that man chin tilt thing to acknowledge one another.

Slightly embarrassed, I tell Weston, “I didn’t realize when you said you were taking her out of town that you were coming here. I swear.” Hoping to Christ he doesn’t think I really am stalking him now.

He laughs at my nervousness, and immediately puts me at ease, “Court, what did I tell you? If you want to look at me all you gotta do is ask.”

And I’m bright red. I can’t believe he just said that in front of his daughter.

At least he doesn’t think I’m crazy.

For now, anyway. One day he’ll realize that all women have a little psycho in them. Why else would Deadly Women exist?

“I told you. I’m here to see my brother,” I say through my smile somehow hoping that Cami doesn’t realize that my tone is partly in anger but mostly in embarrassment.

Luckily Hale breaks the looming tension, “Hey man,” he nods at Weston before turning his attention back to me, “Sorry Tater Tot but I’ve got to head into the office.” He side eyes the man whose gaze is burning into me like fire. “You can get back okay? Do you want me to order you a cab?”

I open my mouth to let him know I’ll get my own cab, but before I can get anything out, I’m interrupted by a bossy, deep voice that I’ve come to love hearing. “She’s coming with us. I’ve got her.”

That has me snapping my head back to meet Weston’s gaze. I lose all the fight I might have had a few seconds ago because the look he’s giving me tells me not to argue, and that he’s every bit as happy to see me as I am to see him.

Hale leaves me with a quick kiss on the cheek, and a promise to be done in time to take me to the airport later. I watch him walk off into the park, and turn back towards Cami and ask, “Well, where to?”

She beams up at her dad and says, “We’re going ice skating! Right Daddy?”

The look he gives her is pure joy and almost brings me to my knees. How I ever thought this guy had no heart is beyond me.

“You got it Bunny. Let’s go. Grab Cherry’s hand.”

And she does, not even questioning why her dad was calling her teacher something other than Miss L. I wonder if he talked about me with her since he had that conversation with Amber.

Nah, there’s no way. I mean we aren’t even dating or anything...I think?

We make our way to Bryant Park where there’s a steady crowd of skaters and people waiting in line, but we skate—ha—past the line because apparently Mr. Hot-Shot-Baseball-Man has connections. That or he’s just that good looking type that can get by with just about anything. Including skipping a line of pissed off looking tourists.

I notice that a man comes to greet us with three pairs of skates in hand. How he knew I would be joining them, I have no idea, but I don’t question it. We move to a bench and my heart squeezes yet again when Weston bends down to help Cami put her skates on. He tells her to stay close by, and as soon as her skates are tied, she’s off. We both watch as she skates away effortlessly.

“Wow, she’s a natural.”

He doesn’t rise from where he’s still bent from helping Cami, and motions for me slide over in front of him. “Yeah, she takes lessons at a rink in Knox. Come on baby, let me help you with your skates.”

“Oh no. I seriously couldn’t. You know how clumsy I am. Plus I’m in a dress. I don’t think the City should be objectified to the horrors that would come from me putting those skates on.”

He doesn’t accept my attempts to get out of ice skating and does this kind of manly grunt that I can imagine Jason Momoa doing while he was in the woods chopping firewood. Basically, it was the hottest noise I’d ever heard. He pulls me over to him and starts taking my Veja sneakers off for me. It was one of the most non-sexual but ultimately sexual experiences of my life.

It felt like he was kneeling for me, like a king bowed to his queen. Showing me that he would take care of me even when I didn’t need it because he and I both knew I was capable of something like putting skates on, but I didn’t need to if I had him.

Once we both had our skates on, I slowly rose to my feet with his assistance. I know someone was taking a video of me to post on their TikTok page because I looked like a freshly born giraffe attempting to take my first steps. I literally shook in my boots from fear of falling on my ass in front of all of these people, but my man—holy crap my MAN? Okay I can roll with it—my man saw my fear and wouldn’t let me succumb to it.

“Courtney, baby, look at me. I won’t let you fall.”

I smiled at him like he was my savior. “I know.”

He smiled back.

That was one of the greatest afternoons of my life. Weston took his time with me. He didn’t get frustrated when I almost fell time after time, and he didn’t let me quit when I begged after the one time he failed to catch me and I did actually fall on my butt. He just pulled me back up and kept pulling me along as he skated in front of me.

It was hot. Especially after a group of teenagers bumped into me and almost knocked me over. He went full head-coach-alpha on their asses and chewed them out. Needless to say, if Cami hadn’t skated back over to check on me, I would have jumped his bones right there in the middle of Bryant Park.

After we finished skating, he took us to lunch in the Village, and before I knew it, I was back in a taxi with Hale headed to the airport. Right before takeoff as I was switching my phone to airplane mode a text came through.

Weston:I’m glad you embraced your inner Michael Myers, Cherry. Maybe I’ll return the favor when we get back.

My face heats at his obvious jab at my stalking him.

Courtney: I did not follow you here! I came to see my brother!!

Weston: It’s okay baby. I told you I like it when you come for me.

Holy Mother Fuck. He didn’t. He did not just make a sexual innuendo.

There’s no way I’m going to make it through this three hour flight if I’m turned on. I need to shut this down right freaking now.

Courtney: Flights taking off! GTG Bye!!!! X

What the fuck was that? I haven’t used that many exclamation marks since 2012.

Of course, he texts me back immediately.

Weston: I know you’re lying to me baby girl. I don’t like it when you lie. You know what happens to bad girls who lie?

My fingers fly over the keys trying to squeeze in a response before the plane takes off.

Courtney: What happens to them?

Weston: They get punished.

Weston: Be a good girl and text me as soon as you land and when you’re home with the doors locked.

Weston: Be safe, my little Cherry Bomb.

God, I love it when he’s in bossy dad mode.