Mary and the Minotaur by Honey Phillips


Eight months later…

Sendat scowledas a flyer approached their beach.

“I’m not sure why I ever considered this place isolated. We have more visitors than the Royal Palace.”

“Oh, hush,” she said, looking up from where her son, Likat, was nursing at her breast. Her beautiful, perfect son, with Sendat’s soft brown pelt, her blue eyes, and adorable little nubs where his horns would grow. “The villagers are just being friendly.”

And helpful.Ever since the baby had been born, they had been bringing them a constant supply of food and gifts for the baby.

“That isn’t a villager,” he said grimly, and she followed his gaze to where the flyer had landed.

A Tajiri male emerged, and even from this distance, she could see that he bore a distinct resemblance to Chinit. He looked younger, and was far less elaborately dressed, but he was clearly a close relative.

“A Situni?” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. She had almost forgotten that the house didn’t belong to them. What if they were going to lose the home they had worked so hard to create? “Does that mean we’re going to have to move?”

“It could be worse than that, little one,” he said gently, his big hand closing over her shoulder. “I am a wanted male, remember?”

“No one knows about Chinit,” she protested.

“Unless Arulo spread the word. But even if he didn’t, there’s still the matter of Mokuu’s murder.”

“You have to get out of here,” she said frantically. Her distress disturbed Likat, and he jerked away from her nipple.

“Go quickly,” she urged, climbing to her feet. “While he’s preoccupied.”

The Tajiri male was clearly arguing with someone inside the flyer.

“I’m not going to leave you,” Sendat said. “If necessary, I’ll eliminate—”

The rest of his words faded away as the second occupant climbed out of the flyer—a tall, gorgeous woman, her red hair gleaming in the sunlight.

“Lily,” she whispered, scarcely able to believe her eyes.

Unfortunately, Kaiyo had not been in a position to investigate any connection between Lily and the Situni Tower. She and Sendat had discussed the matter repeatedly, but in the end they had decided that any other attempt to search for her friends also risked drawing unwanted attention to them. And they were both reluctant to ask Jabbwa for assistance, despite his previous help.

Most of the time she was able to convince herself that they were probably fine and as happy as she was with Sendat, but the reality of seeing Lily alive and well created a wave of overwhelming relief.

“Here.” She thrust Likat into Sendat’s arms, and as soon as he had a firm grip on the baby, she darted past him, ignoring his immediate protest.

Her feet raced across the sand towards Lily, the other woman’s eyes widening as she saw her. They fell into each other’s arms, laughing and crying simultaneously as they hugged and tried to talk at the same time.

“Oh, Mary, it’s so good to see you.” Lily’s eyes were wet with tears.

“Miri,” she corrected happily. “I go by Miri now.”

“Why? Did someone make you change your name?” Lily immediately gave her a suspicious frown.

“My aunt, a long time ago,” she laughed. “Miri is actually my real name.”

“Then good for you for taking it back.” Lily’s eyes widened as she looked over Miri’s shoulder. “Holy shit. Who’s that?”

“My mate,” she said proudly.

Lily’s mate stepped in front of her, glaring suspiciously as Sendat approached, still carrying Likat. Lily’s eyes widened as she looked from Sendat to her.

“Oh my god, you have a baby too!”

“Too? You have a baby?”

If she had, she had recovered with remarkable speed—she still looked as thin and gorgeous as ever.

“No, not yet. But Kate does—with an alien octopus man!”

“An octopus man?” She stared at Lily in shock. “Well, she was always talking about how much she loved the ocean.”

“So do I, but that might be taking it a little too far.” Lily started to laugh, and Miri joined her, filled with happiness.

As much asSendat enjoyed seeing his mate so happy, he did not like this situation one little bit. The male glaring at him was so clearly a Situni, and he didn’t trust the fact that he had suddenly shown up on their beach. Well, technically, his beach.

“I am Leotra va Situni,” the Tajiri said stiffly. “Who are you?”

“Sendat,” he said briefly, ignoring the flash of annoyance on the other male’s face. At least it wasn’t recognition.

“I assume that this is Mary?”

“She wants to be called Miri, and of course it is,” Lily interrupted. “How many human females do you think there are running around this section of the galaxy?”

“Since the planets still appear to be revolving in their normal orbit, I assume not many,” Leotra said dryly, but his tail curled affectionately around his mate’s waist. She rolled her eyes, but patted his tail.

“How did you end up here?” Leotra continued, focusing on Sendat once more.

“It’s rather a long story.”

“Sendat was running a slave auction so he bought me, but it was okay because he’s really an undercover cop, even though he’s been setup to look like a bad guy, and now we’re in love and have a baby,” Miri said cheerfully.

“Or maybe not that long,” he sighed, uneasily conscious of the suspicion flaring on Leotra’s face.

“Were you part of that warehouse sale?” the other male demanded.

“Yes, I was trying to find out the people behind the slavery operation.”

“My father was behind it.”

“You knew?”

“Not until we raided it. Everyone was gone by then but an old drunk Ceekat.”

“That was Trothar. Yakshi killed him,” Miri said sadly.

Lily’s eyes widened. “That horrible guard? He followed you here?”

“Yes. You were right about him all along. He chipped me when he put me in the pod, and then came looking for me. But Jabbwa took care of him,” she added. “Are you the one who broke Chinit’s arm?”

“You’re damn right I did. Wait a minute—how did you know about that?”

“Because he kidnapped me,” she said. “I’m sorry, Leotra.”

“It is I who should apologize to you. I had him imprisoned after he attacked my mate, but unfortunately, he still had enough influence to escape. We couldn’t find out what happened to him after that. Do you know where he is?”

“Dead,” he said briefly, hoping that the other male wouldn’t ask for details. But although Leotra gave him a sharp-eyed look, he didn’t pursue the matter.

“It is just as well,” he sighed. “He has brought enough shame on our family.”

“He’s the reason we’re here,” Miri added. “This is where he brought me after he kidnapped him. I’m sorry we’ve been squatting on your property.”

“Not at all. From what I can see it has been sadly neglected and you have helped to restore it.”

“We came to see what kind of shape it was in,” Lily volunteered. “After visiting Kate, I realized how much I missed Cosmo Beach and the ocean.”

“Oh, me too,” Miri said, just as Likat began to squirm restlessly in Sendat’s arms. “Oops. Someone is about to get noisy. I interrupted his feeding when you arrived.”

She reached out and took him, then smiled at Lily. “Come talk to me while I feed him. I want to hear everything.”

“Not everything,” Leotra warned, but Lily only giggled.

“You boys play nice,” she called, as she followed Miri back to the veranda.

“She wishes us to play?” he asked, frowning at the other male.

Leotra laughed. “It is one of those human expressions. She is telling us not to fight.”

“I have no wish to fight with you. As long as you don’t mean any harm to my female.”

“I do not. And I assure you, my female would never forgive me if I did. I suspect she is already going to be very annoyed about the fact that my father harmed Miri.” Leotra sighed. “He has brought shame to the entire House.”

“It was his fault and his fault alone.”

“That’s what my grandfather says. Now, tell me everything you know.”

After a brief hesitation, he did just that. If he was going to trust anyone, the mate of Miri’s friend seemed like the best choice.

When he was finished, Leotra asked for the recording. “I will see that it is delivered into the right hands.”

“You realize that it clearly implicates your father?”

“I told you that I was already aware of his involvement. I refuse to let some misplaced sense of familial pride hinder any efforts to put an end to such practices.” His eyes traveled over to his female, telling Miri a story that had her giggling helplessly. “I wonder. Would you care to accept a position in my security force? They are all Bukharan and good males.”

“You don’t even know me.”

Leotra shrugged. “I know enough. It’s not your fault that your captain was a dishonorable male. And I believe our females would enjoy being close together.”

He was sure they would, and yet… he had enjoyed these past months. The simple, tranquil lifestyle with Miri at his side had eased the burden of guilt from his undercover work and helped him to find peace. The thought of returning to the ways of a warrior was no longer appealing, nor was the idea of life in the city. And he knew Miri felt at home here.

“I will discuss it with my mate, of course,” he said slowly. “But I don’t think we will accept your offer. We will look for a place in the village. That way we will still be close by whenever you and your mate visit.”

“A place in the village? Why? Are you dissatisfied with this house?”

“Of course not, but it is Situni property.”

Leotra waved a dismissive hand. “Which hasn’t been used in years. I have every intention of transferring the deed to you and Miri, regardless of whether or not you decide to accept my offer. If you join me, you can still come here for holidays. If you do not, you can simply remain here.”

For a moment, his pride objected, but then he looked around at all the work they had done and, most importantly, at Miri’s smiling face. He knew she loved this house.

“Miri would be happy to stay here,” he admitted.

“And you?”

“And I would as well. Thank you.”

“Think nothing of it. I have far more houses than any male needs. And hopefully, it makes amends in some small fashion for my father’s horrendous behavior.” Leotra’s eyes went back to Lily. “Although I warn you, I suspect we will be neighbors before long. I rather think Lily will insist on visiting—often—so it might be better to build our own house.”

“You will always be welcome here,” he said sincerely.

“Thank you. We will be happy to visit, but I think Lily would enjoy designing a place that suits her. Although she will undoubtedly insist on keeping it far too small,” he sighed.

Sendat laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with small.”

“I suppose you’re right. At least it means that your mate is always nearby.”

Somehow he doubted that Leotra was ever far from Lily’s side, but then again, he liked to stay close to Miri as well. And she was currently too far away.

“Shall we rejoin our mates?” he asked, already standing.

Leotra rose just as eagerly. “An excellent idea.”

“This is justlike being back at Cosmo Beach,” Miri said happily to her friends a week later.

Lily had immediately sent word to Kate that she had found Miri. Over her husband Prince A’tai’s objections, Kate had insisted on coming to join them. Cool, logical Kate married to a prince—it still boggled Miri’s mind.

Leo had quickly thrown his resources into restoring two additional bedrooms. She suspected he would have redone the entire house if Lily hadn’t put her foot down and told him that Miri and Sendat preferred to do the rest of the work themselves. He had reluctantly agreed.

At least he had been successful in getting Sendat’s name cleared. Although it made no practical difference in their lives, the knowledge that he was no longer wanted was a great relief to her—and she suspected to Sendat as well.

Now the three women lounged on the veranda while Baratom, one of Miri’s friends from the village, watched over Likat and Marli, Kate’s adorable baby. Kate had named her baby after her two friends, just as Miri had done.

“Not exactly like Cosmo Beach,” Lily said dryly as A’tai rose out of the ocean, still in his water form, his tentacles clearly visible.

He really was an octopus man. Of course, why should that surprise her? She had married a minotaur after all. Lily’s choice of a feline alien seemed almost tame in comparison.

Sendat and Leo were a little further down the beach, competing in a knife-throwing contest, and from the annoyed look on Leo’s face, Sendat was winning. But Leo was too good-natured to hold a grudge—and he and Sendat had already become good friends.

There was a soft gurgle from inside the house, and both she and Kate froze, but silence followed and they relaxed again.

“I can’t believe our babies are so close in age,” she said. “They’ll be able to grow up together.”

“I do find that an appealing idea,” Kate agreed. “As long as you don’t get any foolish ideas about them getting married.”

“Now why would I do that?” she protested, even though the idea secretly delighted her. “Although if it should happen…”

Kate laughed, but Lily’s eyes filled with tears. Miri and Kate exchanged a worried glance. Lily never cried.

“Are you all right?” Miri asked softly.

“I’m fine.” Lily waved her hand impatiently. “Stupid hormones.”

“Hormones?” Kate frowned at her. “Does that mean you’re pregnant?”

“I think so, but I’m not entirely sure so don’t tell Leo—”

“Don’t tell Leo what?” her mate purred, appearing behind her, and Lily jumped.

“Stop eavesdropping!” Lily demanded. “And don’t tell me it’s just that you have excellent hearing.”

“But I do have excellent hearing. What’s more, I have an excellent sense of smell and can confirm that you are most definitely pregnant.” A triumphant grin split his face as Lily’s eyes filled with tears again.

“You knew?”

“Of course I knew. I suspect you did as well. I was just waiting for you to be ready to admit it.” Leo’s eyes heated. “And now that you know, I think we should celebrate.”

Before Lily could respond, he snatched her up in his arms and started stalking towards their room, his tail lashing eagerly.

“I’ll see you at dinner,” Lily called, then giggled as Leo muttered something. “Or maybe breakfast.”

A’tai appeared a moment later, frowning down at Kate.

“You need to rest.”

“Would you stop that? I’m just fine. All I’ve been doing is sitting here.” Kate tilted her head, her eyes sparkling. “I think I actually need a little exercise.”

Miri watched in fascination as gold flickered across A’tai’s strangely textured skin. A second later, he had Kate in his arms and he was halfway to their room. Ah. That kind of exercise. Which gave her an idea…

Sendat wentto join Miri as Kate and A’tai disappeared into their room.

“All of our visitors seem to be tired all of a sudden,” he said dryly.

“A little afternoon nap never hurt anyone,” she said, giving him a teasing look from under her lashes.

“Are you tired, my love?” he asked, immediately concerned.

“Not too tired.”

“You should lie down,” he insisted, following A’tai’s example and sweeping her up in his arms.

“You know, Sendat, it’s been over a month since Likat was born.”

“And yet I already cannot imagine life without him.” As always, the thought of his son filled him with pride.

“Me either, but that’s not what I meant.”

“What did you mean?” He carried her into their room and placed her on the bed. Before he could move away, she grabbed hold of his horns.

“I mean that I am fit and healthy and ready to play.”


She sighed and freed one hand long enough to pull down the top of her gown. Oh. That kind of play…

His mouth went dry as he took in the enticing sight of her naked breasts. Always generous, they were even more lush and full since the birth. Her nipples were darker now, a deep ruby red, and they were already erect and waiting. He ran a tentative finger across one taut peak, and a pearly drop of milk appeared. Capturing it, he brought it to his mouth, then groaned with pleasure. As sweet and delicious as Miri herself.

“Mmm. Do that again,” she whispered.

He brushed his thumb slowly back and forth across the tempting bud as more drops appeared. Unable to resist, he bent his head and curled his tongue around her nipple, licking and tugging.

“Have I ever mentioned that I love your tongue?” she asked, her voice dazed with pleasure.

He was too busy to answer, sucking on her now and letting her sweetness wash over his tongue. Her hands went to his horns, urging him on as she arched against him.

“Sendat, I need you,” she said desperately.

His cock throbbed in urgent agreement, but when he bared her glistening pink folds, he hesitated. She still looked so small, so delicate.

“Are you sure? We can wait.”

“I don’t want to wait. I want you inside me. Now.”

Fuck, he loved it when she got demanding. “Then you will have me.”

But he refused to hurry, working his way slowly into her tight little cunt, letting her body adjust to each thick inch, making sure his piercings touched all of her most sensitive spots. Gods, he had missed this.

She cried out before he was even halfway inside her, and he almost panicked, but then he felt her sweet little channel pulsing around him. The exquisite sensation almost triggered his own climax, but he clenched his teeth and held on, determined to wait.

When she finally stopped shuddering, he pressed deeper. By the horns, she was even hotter and slicker now, and his control started to fray.

“I intended to be patient,” he muttered, as his hips snapped forward, filling her in one quick thrust.

“You can be patient later,” she whispered, her own hips rising to meet him.

“To take it slowly and worship every inch.”

“Worship later,” she urged. “This is one of those times to be forceful.”

His restraint vanished, and he moved harder, faster. Her blunt little nails dug into his shoulders, her lush breasts dampening his chest, as she urged him on. Fire raced down his spine, and he lost all control, his hand clamping down on her hip as their bodies locked together, her body tightening around his as he erupted in long, shuddering pulses.

He was still panting when he heard a quiet knock on the door, followed by Likat’s whimpers.

“Your son wants you, Miri,” Baratom called cheerfully.

“I’ll get him,” he said quickly, rolling out of bed.

“Put some pants on first. No one else needs to see your magnificent cock.”

She laughed when he almost tripped over his pants. It didn’t help when he opened the door and Baratom gave him a knowing smile.

“Magnificent, eh? Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”

He muttered something that could have been interpreted as a thank you, then he carefully took his son and immediately closed the door. When he turned around, Miri was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes.

“Why did you do that?” he demanded, as he helped her sit up and adjusted her pillows.

“Because it is magnificent. You’re magnificent. Maybe I just want everyone to know how lucky I am.” She smiled at him as she lifted Likat to her breast and he latched on as eagerly as Sendat had only a short time before.

Lucky? I’m the lucky one, he thought, as he sat down and put his arm around her, both of them watching Likat.

“I love you, Miri,” he said quietly.

She looked up at him, her eyes shining. “Then that works out perfectly, because I love you too.”

He brushed a kiss across her lips, then wrapped his arms tighter around his mate and his child. His family. His to protect. His to love. He would never let them down.