His Revenge by Charlene Raquel

Their Vengeance by Charlene Raquel

Secret Society Book Three


Bang! Bang!

Two deafening blasts echoed through the room and ricocheted through her pounding head, rousing her. A migraine would have been preferable to how badly her head was hurting. Gwen tried to swallow, but she her tongue was sticking to the top of her mouth. What happened?

Trying to open her eyes had been a huge mistake, so she closed them tightly again. The blinding light caused shooting pain to pulsate through her already aching head. Even her own voice groaning caused harm.

Her whole body felt on fire but at the same time so heavy she couldn’t move her arms or legs. Something was very wrong with her. She tried to think, but it was impossible. Thankfully, the darkness sucked her back in.

“Take care of that. I don’t want her to wake up here and see the mess. It’s no way for us to start our relationship.” Parker waved to the two dead bodies that were currently bleeding out on the cheap hotel carpet.

“Are you going to move her?” Eric asked, turning his nose up. He’d never set foot in such a low scale motel. They were going to have to pay off the manager, but that wouldn’t be too hard. The moron had given them a room key for only fifty bucks.

Parker scowled. “I’m not going to have my girlfriend wake up in a cheap hotel. I’ll move her to my house where she’ll feel more comfortable. After all, I saved her life. She now belongs to me.”



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