The Virgin Replay by Lauren Blakely



On the way to work, I pop into my favorite florist, grab a bouquet of dahlias, and thank Frankie.

“You’re the best with blooms,” I tell the woman who owns the shop by my home.

“And you are aces with compliments,” she replies.

I head to the bar, and when I set the pink dahlias on the counter, already the place feels even more like my home.

I smell the blooms and have just begun my prep for the evening when my phone pings with a text. It’s in the Clementine and Trish chat.

Trish:I heard. I hereby officially am ordering you to spend two nights at my wedding instead of one. Who spends one night in Hawaii???? Only workaholic robots like YOU. Turns out our room block has an extra room, so I’m using it as a gift-y for you! You can’t say no!


But I have so much to do to prep for my expansion. After Trish’s wedding, I have an overnight trip to Vegas to check out a potential new hire. Plus, I already booked my ticket to Maui for her nuptials and made my plans. I fly in the night before, and I’ll join the gals in the afternoon for hair and nail prep, then attend the ceremony and reception. I’ll catch a red-eye home that night, sleep on the plane, and be back in San Francisco well in advance of happy hour.

I planned it to the minute.

I’m about to reply with a thanks but I can’t accept this when my phone pings with another text.

Chance:Save the best seat at the bar for me tonight—I’ll be stopping by later. Let the great Cougars convincing begin. P.S. Are you still going to Trish and Blake’s wedding?

I am, I am, I am!

Because I have no game, I write back stat.

Sierra:I’ve got Maui on my mind. And you know I always save the best seat for you. Let’s see if you can convince me.

Chance:Just as a tease—the Cougars have awesome hats. And on that note, I’ll count down the hours till this evening. Look for me around eight-thirty.

My stomach flips. A time. He gave a time. Who gives a time unless he’s flirting?

Who says he’s counting down the hours unless he feels a spark too?

I don’t believe in signs, except maybe this one.

Maybe I should say yes to Trish and Clem. What if I can swing one more night in Hawaii? One more night where this man will be.

Could that night be my opportunity with Chance?

I turn around and hunt for my manager, Zoey. She’s at the chalkboard, writing the names of the drink specials, her red hair piled high in an artful bun. “Zoey, what are the chances you could fill in for me—”


“But you don’t even know when—”

“Yes. It’s a blanket yes.”

She lowers her arm. With chalk in hand, she sets her palm on my shoulder. “Sierra, you need a break. Whenever you need me to fill in, the answer is yes.”

So, it’s that obvious.


Maybe this trip is everything I need to recharge.

And to finally have sex.

A twofer?

“Thank you,” I say, then give her the date.

“Consider it done.”

The stars are aligning, and all I have to do is take a big breath and lay my panties on the line with the man I want.

I write back to Trish and Clem and tell them I’ll take them up on their fabulous offer.

* * *

At 8:28, the door swings open.

Chance strides in, taking up all the space in my mind.

Dark, wavy brown hair. A bearded jaw that I bet would feel fantastic rubbing against my face, and elsewhere. And that smile. Confident, and a little dirty.

My skin flashes hot.

Should I ask him my big question tonight or at the wedding? If I ask him in Hawaii, we both might be feeling the Maui magic as the ocean waves gently loll against the shore. The soft night breeze will kick up the scent of tropical flowers and the sea as we grab champagne and toast to the happy couple. Then I can ask the man if he’d please deflower me.

I’ve known he’s the one I wanted since the night he walked me home.

I don’t want to have a one-night stand with a stranger. I want the first man I sleep with to be a guy I like. But he should also be a guy who won’t expect anything more.

I’m married to work. I have nothing more to give.

Chance is the same with his job. That makes him perfect for my I’m ready plans.

Just the thought of what he might do to me in bed sends a hot shiver through me, reminding me what I’m wearing.

Black lace.

If he only knew what I wanted him to do to my lingerie.

As he heads to the bar, he flashes me a smile that’s both sexy and sweet. He holds a pink cap in his hand, and I’m pretty sure that’s for me.

Screw waiting. I’m going to ask the man tonight.