Every Other Memory by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 10


It’s been a month since I moved back home to Indy, and there has not been a single day that I’ve regretted my decision. I get to fall asleep with Cadence in my arms and wake up the same way. I get to hold my daughter, give her baths, and read her stories while her momma feeds her at night. I get to hold both of my girls in my arms, and there is nothing more in this world I could ask for.

Well, maybe one thing. A bigger house. This two-bedroom is cramped with the three of us. I have most of my things in storage. We’ve been looking at houses, but nothing has jumped out at us as being the one. Not to mention, we still have my house in Lexington on the market. As soon as we get that sold, we’ll have more flexibility with what we can purchase. I want a home. I want the big yard and plenty of space for our growing family. I want Hazel to feel settled, safe, and secure, just like Thea and I were as kids.

Not just Hazel, but Cadence too. There is a pain in my chest anytime I let myself think about how she grew up. I want her to have everything she’s missed out on, everything she’s ever dreamed of. I won’t stop until I do. That’s what you do when you love someone.

And I love her.

Not just because she’s the mother of my child, I love her spirit. I love coming home to her, and I love knowing that we’re a team. I could sit here for hours and list off items that make me love her and fall harder every day. However, I don’t need to. I know it’s her. It’s who she is as a person.

Raising my hand to knock on my sister’s door, it opens before I get the chance. “Hey,” Scott greets me. “You’re home early.”

“So are you.”

“Yeah.” He grins.

“What’s going on?”

He looks over his shoulder and pulls the door shut. “Nothing, I came home early, that’s all.”

“You do remember we’ve been best friends since kindergarten, right?”

“Fuck. You can’t tell her I told you,” he says. There’s a smile on his face, and he runs his hands through his hair. A sign he’s excited or nervous.

“Spill it.”

“We’re pregnant.” I swear I’ve only ever seen him smile like he is now when it comes to my baby sister.

“Congrats, man.” I give him a half hug.

“Thanks. We weren’t trying, but fuck, man, I’m stoked.”

“Spare me the details of how my nieces and nephews get here,” I joke.

“We need a bigger place.”

“I know that feeling. We’ve been looking,” I say as my phone rings. “Hello.”

“Mr. Hubbard, this is Alice from Lexington Realty. I wanted to let you know I sent an offer to your email. Full asking,” she says excitedly.

“Perfect. I’m picking up my daughter now. I’ll log in as soon as I can and sign it.”

“That sounds like a plan. I’ll be in touch.”

“Thanks, Alice.”

“Good news?”

“Yeah. I sold my place in Lexington. Full asking.”

“Congrats, man.”

“Thanks. I’m going to get Hazel, and you and my sister can celebrate. You want me to take Clint to our place?”

“Nah. I want him close.”

I nod because I know how he feels. No matter how much time I spend with my girls, it’s never enough. “If you change your mind, let me know.”

“Thanks, man.” He opens the door, and I follow him inside their apartment.

“Hey, you’re early,” Thea says from her spot on the couch. She has Hazel in her arms and Clint sitting next to her. Both kids are sound asleep.

“Looks like Aunt Thea has the magic touch.”

Her eyes flash to Scott. “Something like that.”

My sister is glowing, much like my best friend. “I’ll take her.” I gently lift Hazel from her lap and cuddle her in my arms, pulling in her baby scent. If you would have told me a year ago I’d be sniffing babies and finding comfort in that, I would have told you that you’ve lost your damn mind. Now? Now, it’s what I crave.

“Everything okay? You’re never home this early.”

“Yeah, it’s all good. Cadence works late tonight. I decided to come home and get this little one bathed and in her jammies and have dinner ready when she gets home. That way, we can have our family time before Hazel has to go to sleep.”

“Aww,” Thea says, her eyes welling with tears. “I love the way you love them.”

“Nothing in life is worth doing halfway.” I wink at Thea, give Scott a nod, and gather Hazel’s things. “Thanks, sis.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Hey, we’re looking to move. We want you to keep watching her if you’re interested.”


“We’re looking too,” Scott adds.

I nod. “Well, maybe we should discuss locations. We can maybe buy in the same area for convenience.”

“Good schools are a must,” Thea says.

“We agree with that. Nothing has to be decided now. I just wanted you to know we’re looking but want you to continue to watch her. The thought of a stranger keeping her doesn’t sit well with me.”

“We feel the same way.”

“Thanks. We’ll see you in the morning.” I wave to them and head across the hall to our apartment. Since Hazel is still sleeping soundly, I pick up the living room, unload the dishwasher, and start a load of laundry. Thankfully this apartment complex offers a small closet in each unit for a laundry room. I’m just finishing tossing the first load into the dryer and starting a second when Hazel wakes up. We go through the routine of giving her a bottle and reading a couple of books. She’s so still in my arms as I read to her.

“It’s time to start on dinner,” I tell her. “We’re going to set you up in your swing while Daddy gets lasagna in the oven.” I chatter to Hazel the entire time I’m cooking, and she babbles right back. I love every second of my time with her.

“Now that that’s done, it’s time for you, Miss Stinky Butt, to get a bath.” I pick her up and fly her through the house like an airplane, and she laughs. Her little baby giggles are the best sound on this earth. Bath time is fun. The older she gets, the more splashing and playing she does.

I’m zipping up her pajamas when I hear Cadence’s keys in the front door. “Mommy’s home,” I tell Hazel, lifting her from the changing table into my arms.

“What’s going on?” Cadence asks.

“Dinner is almost ready, and this one just got her bath.”

“How did you manage to do all of this? I’m only, what, an hour later than usual?”

“I left the office early. I know you’ve had a long week with your patient load, and I wanted to take some of this off your plate. I know you’ve been missing your snuggle time with dinner and bath each night getting home later, so we did it all before you got here.” I step toward her and slide my arm around her waist, pulling her into me and kissing her softly. “Sit. I’ll make you a plate.” Hazel is already reaching for her mom, so we make the switch, and I turn to walk away.

“Trev?” she calls out. There’s a quiver in her voice.


“I love you.”

The room stills, but my heart keeps on beating like a bass drum in my chest. In two long strides, I’m standing in front of her. Cradling her face in the palm of my hands, I stare into her eyes. “I love you. So fucking much,” I say, kissing her.

I take my time tasting her, showing her with my kiss how much she means to me. Pulling out of the kiss, I press my forehead against hers. We both laugh when Hazel mimics us. “I love you too,” I tell our daughter.

I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to tell her, and this moment, it’s another one to add to my long list of unforgettable. That’s how it should be. Every other memory is them. My girls and I wouldn’t want it any other way.