Sinful Kisses by Emily Bowie


With shaky legs, I step onto the stage floor. The lights shine on me, placing me front and center. My hand instantly covers the top of my eyes as I search the sea of people for Romeo. I hear my father’s voice, the lights dim slightly, and the huge crowd becomes visible. Shadows of strangers all stare up, and I feel dirty. The room smells musky with hints of cigar.

My mouth dries as I realize this is not the feeling I was hoping for. My stomach flip-flops. I wanted empowerment to surge through me. I wanted Romeo in the front row. Instead, I get strangers who lick their lips at me. I search each face, every single one unrecognizable. Until I land on Alfonso. He gives me a confident smile, and I move my fingers in a slight wave at my side.

The room is quiet. My knees wobble. I have to shift my weight to stop the tingling of pins and needles from exploding up my body. Each of my heartbeats is faster than an ’80s band’s drummer.

My brother walks into the room. He’s furious that my father would allow me to be in this position. I tried to explain that I wanted this. This is my decision. Maybe I should have listened to them?

The bidding starts. Each bidder looking scarier than the other. I wait for Alfonso to raise his paddle, but he doesn’t. My heart strums fast, causing me to shake.

I don’t want to be a sex slave.

Why didn’t I listen to my father?

Another stranger bids. My eyes plead with Alfonso. My plan has backfired on me terribly. I swore Romeo would come. The urge to run fills my veins. Surely, my father would let me back out. I turn to leave, but a man is standing there, spinning me back around.

There are a few snickers, and the bidding goes faster. They like that I’m scared.

I feel Romeo as soon as he enters. Relief floods through me. My eyes instantly tear. I try to blink to cover my emotions. It does nothing. I thought he wasn’t going to come. I was trying to prepare to live a life without him. My hormones are everywhere. He came.

Romeo wastes no time in bidding for me. Another wave of relief hits me. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. His face is emotionless. Stoic.

Right after Romeo, Alfonso bids for the first time. My hearing ping-pongs between the announcer calling out Romeo and Alfonso’s bids. They begin a bidding battle. I wait for my father to tell Alfonso to stop, to let Romeo win, but it never happens.

My father sits on the side with deep frown lines on his face. I close my eyes, scared of the future. The relief that once washed over my body is now burning with anxiety.

I’m going to lose Romeo before we even have a chance. My hand goes to my stomach. He will never know about the precious baby we created together.

Needing to block everything out, I focus my eyes on him. He hasn’t looked at me once. If I could catch his eye, I could show him that he’s the one I love.

Bang!A gunshot rings out. No weapons are allowed, yet from up here, I see everyone has one. I stand frozen, on display for everyone. My feet refuse to get the message that they need to move. I hear a bullet fly past me. And still, I can’t move.

I watch as everyone scatters, and it becomes a free-for-all.

My eyes search for Romeo, but he’s nowhere to be seen. The tightening in my heart is like a metal clamp. Another bullet goes past me. I see both my father and brother coming toward me. Then I’m pushed to the ground. I land with a hard thud. My side aches with a heavy body on mine.

My breathing is hard as I stare up at Romeo’s handsome face. Each breath is a gasp, the impact compressing the air in my lungs. Romeo splays himself over me. He’s caged me in entirely. His woodsy scent surrounds me, reminding me of every precious memory we have. I’m protected completely, and I cry. Everything I’ve been holding in comes barreling out. He still hasn’t glanced at me. His eyes scan the area, looking for danger.

He picks me up, carrying me behind the stage, into the back. My hands hold on tight. My stomach recoils at the thought of the ambush, while my thighs clinch at the intimacy of the way he’s protecting me.

“I’ll cover you,” an Irish accent says, but he’s gone before I can see who was talking.

“Are you okay?” For the first time, he acknowledges me. I crave to look into his eyes. Needing the confirmation we’re still Romeo and Gia, and we haven’t let the outside world taint us.

Coming out of the warehouse, I see Max. His guns are out and ready to use at the first sign of trouble.

“What the hell is going on?” he shouts.

“All I know is that I was the last one to bid.”

Romeo won me.The realization slams into me like a brick. It breaks open my guarded heart, while healing it from the hurt it has endured over the last few weeks.

I pepper Romeo with kisses. Adrenaline surges through me. Electrifying currents race between us. It’s the natural high we get when we’re together. It’s addicting. Neither of us can stop the charge.

Romeo’s eyes dance with arrogance. “You are mine.”

“I’m yours,” I say breathlessly.

My feet land on the ground, my back against the car. His calloused hand caresses the side of my face, his eyes looking predatorial before he slams his lips to mine.

“We don’t have time for this,” I vaguely hear Max comment. It has Romeo kissing me harder. My hands are scraping at his arms, trying to pull him in tighter. This, what we have here, is what I never want to lose. As the world is exploding, we’re in our own bubble, not giving a damn.

“Motherfucker!” Max shouts as a gun goes off.

Within half a second Romeo has opened the door and tossed me in, his body acting as a shield to save mine. At the sound of wheels spinning, we are thrown backward from the momentum of the car racing away.

“You came,” I whisper.

“Of course I did.”

“What took you so long?”

“I’m pretty sure I made a deal with the devil.”

I bite my lower lip, not sure what he means. Two of his fingers grasp my chin gently. “It’s nothing I can’t handle. And by the looks of it, the devil might be a family problem.”

I look at him questioningly. “All I’m trying to say is that your brother has some dealings with him too.”

That has me feeling better. I search his face, and he’s relaxed. His eyes don’t crinkle with stress. He’s looking every bit as handsome and cocky as I’ve grown to love.

“I think it’s time that I meet your father.”

Automatically, my eyes widen at the thought. A thought that hadn’t crossed my mind yet. When it should have.

“Relax, Gia. Your father is an honorable man. He will honor his agreement. Once he realizes I will protect you at all costs, he’ll be happy to uphold the agreement.” He pecks my lips, a warm smile brightening his face. “I was born to love you.”

The world has a mysterious way of having things work out. My heart is holding on to the hope that Romeo is right. I’m not sure I could survive another disappointment. My heart wouldn’t be able to recover if it was ripped apart.

We arrive at my parents’. The blood in my vein pulses. Romeo steps out, confident, and places a kiss on the inside of my wrist.

“Everything will be fine,” he tries to convince me.

I grab hold of his muscular arm. “I need to tell you something. Just in case you don’t come back to me.”

“I’m coming back.” His words are perfectly pronounced, stressing his point.

“I’m pregnant!” I blurt, not wanting him to die or do something stupid to risk not being in our baby’s life.

His hand instantly goes to my stomach, touching it like it’s the most precious thing. “You are so lucky I’m in awe right now. You could’ve been hurt, shot.” He places a kiss over my dress beside my belly button. “What if I didn’t win?”

“I knew you would win. I knew you would come for me. It was the only way I could see a future for us. One that everyone was content with. One that would stop our families from warring with each other.”

“Hear that? Your mommy looks all sweet, but she knows how to get her own way. She’s sneaky like that. I hope you learn to be just like her, because she’s perfect.” He sighs. “Your father wouldn’t widow his youngest daughter, would he?” For the first time, he looks nervous. “It’s one thing to kidnap, but to get her pregnant? These Dons are old school, with the old country’s way of life and marriage.”

I pull him up and kiss him. “He’s going to love you. Once he gets over everything.” I try not to chuckle, but it’s rare to see Romeo not his cocky self.