The Lies We Steal by Monty Jay



Creativity wise this book was the easiest for me to write. I’ve had this idea in my head for a few years now and being able to put it down on paper was unlike anything I’ve experienced before. This world is something I’m proud to say I’ve created, these characters and all their flaws mean so much to me. I hope you enjoyed them.

Fletcher, for lending me a hand in the weaponry department. I still don’t want to know how you are so well informed on the different types of knives.

B, Noah, Clay, for guiding me in the art of torture, murder and the shady side of life. Thank you for always answering my questions Google didn’t have answers for.

Melisa, for being the friend I’ve always wanted. Never leaving my side. I am contentiously impressed by your strength as a woman, a friend and a mother. Thank you doesn’t quite cover it.

Saffron, I’m not sure who should thank you more, me or my readers. You gave me the courage I needed to write this story, to believe in my art. I’m forever thankful we became friends.

Steph, for getting excited when I get excited. Always knowing what to say and being with me on this journey.

My tribe, Stevie, Kristin, JC, Kat, I love you ladies to the moon and back. For all the nights you answered the phone, for all our zoom meetings, I’m in your debt.

Amber, Mary, Jen, Autumn, Jess, five of the best Betas a girl could ask for.

To everyone who helped make this book come together, amazing cover designer, editors, formatters, all of the above. Thank you.

And of course, to you, the readers unafraid to travel in the dark with me. From hockey, to a rockstar, now this. Every word you read, every page you love, is me falling a little more in love with you. I mean it when I say, you’re the reason my dreams came true. Thank you, and as always

With all my love,