Untaming Lady Violet by April Moran

Chapter 26

Still trembling from the orgasm Tristan coaxed from her, Violet hesitated, unsure just how one went about removing a man’s garments.

Licking her lips, she stared into the dark brown eyes watching her so closely. This business of removing his clothes should be no different than removing her own. But the logistics of it eluded her.

“It is of no matter, kitten,” Tristan said soothingly, his hands covering hers. “I should not ask something so wicked of you.”

Violet did not understand what came over her when she abruptly sank to her knees. Her hands, still captured within Tristan’s larger ones, rested at his waist. Tilting her head back, she met his startled gaze. The air between them swirled thick and heady, like a garden bursting with fragrant blooms in the warmth of a late spring afternoon.

“Don’t you know, Tristan? I want to be wicked. I want to be wicked with you. For you.”

Untangling their hands, Violet’s fingers rested on the buttons of his trousers. The impressive bulge of his shaft jumped in response.

“Violet,” he growled.

She ignored the desperate warning in his tone. Shifting on her knees only moved her closer. Carefully, she unfastened the trousers’ buttons. As the fabric gaped open, more of his lower abdomen was revealed. There were slabs of muscled flesh there, too, and chiseled, matching grooves defined his hips.

Violet swallowed hard, smoothing her palms over those V-shaped divots.

Where her own body was soft and pleasingly rounded in certain areas, Tristan’s seemed crafted of iron. There was nothing forgiving or tender in the planes and lines of his physique. Realizing that this male perfection was hers to fully explore made her hands shake the slightest bit.

Tugging further on the garment revealed the upper swell of Tristan’s cock.

Her exhaled breath of surprise swept over his flesh. Deep inside her belly, arousal launched another quivering arrow.

Tristan muttered a fierce curse.

“Kitten, if you do not stop, I shall lose control. And for this, I shall need a great deal of control.”

“But I want to see you,” she whispered, gazing up at him through lowered lashes. Her fingers slipped inside the opening of the trousers, encountering crisp hair before gingerly closing around the bulge she found so curious.

Touching Tristan was like nothing she expected. He was so wonderfully warm. And smooth. Velvet-wrapped granite.

In the flickering lamplight, she was shocked when he grew even larger, the length of flesh hardening until it practically throbbed within the circle of her hands.

How extraordinary that I can feel his heartbeat…

A quick peek revealed Tristan’s jaw locked in an unforgiving clench, his eyes closed as if in prayer. One hand hung frozen in the air just above her head, fingers twitching just enough that Violet wondered what his intent might be.

It seemed he wished to slide his fingers through her hair. Maybe caress her cheek, or something similar. Violet wasn’t quite sure what, but whatever he decided, she would let him.

Distracted by the pulsating shaft within her grasp, her hands began moving in exploration. Up and down. Cupping. Circling. Tracing.

“You are so incredibly… hard, and yet, soft at the same time. I never expected…” Her words trailed off when Tristan let out a guttural groan. Both of his hands abruptly closed into tight fists.

“For fuck’s sake, Violet. Do not do this to me. And do not breathe. Do not move. Do not—”

Violet did not wish to stop, but perhaps she was hurting him. He certainly appeared to be in pain. And if it would help him to touch her while she discovered the mysterious differences between a man and woman’s body, she didn’t mind at all. In fact, everything inside her was screaming that he should place his hands on her once more.

With a small frown, her hands squeezed the hard flesh. “You may touch me, Tristan. I want you to.”

“You will be the death of me,” he muttered, his hand delving into the ruined remains of her once elegant updo. “I swear you are killing me now with your hands around my cock.”

The weight of her hair cascading down her back felt incredibly erotic. While the word he used in describing his member was unfamiliar, Violet immediately recognized its significance. Tristan’s current state was the direct result of her own bold actions.

Is it my inexperience that causes him pain?

As the thought crashed through her brain, Violet instinctively sought to make things better. She would ease Tristan’s discomfort. Offer a small portion of herself in supplication.

In a sweet kiss of apology, her lips delicately brushed the head of his shaft.

Tristan’s hand abruptly tangled in her hair, tightening with such intensity Violet let out a small cry. Pleasure, deep and almost painfully sharp, seized her. The primal thrill shocked her senses.

Then she found herself pulled tighter against his body, held firmly in place between his thighs. Fear swamped her desire. Would he push himself inside her in this manner? Breach the barrier of her teeth with force as lust overtook him?

But Tristan did nothing more. Although his hand trembled, he did not move, perhaps aware he danced far too close to crossing an imaginary line.

A strange calm washed over Violet.

He will not harm me.

Nor would he demand more than she was willing to give. It was somehow liberating to realize she needed his hands on her like this. Gripping her with restrained fierceness. She liked how he seemed on the verge of going a little insane at the thought of possessing her. It matched her own internal madness to have him at any cost.

Before another heartbeat passed between them, Violet surged forward. Her mouth closed over the cushiony soft head of his cock in curious, inexperienced exploration.

That brief moment, with his body pressed so intimately between her lips, ignited a firestorm.

Tristan clutched Violet’s shoulders, hauling her up from the floor with such speed she was momentarily dizzy.

She was then crushed against him, his voice a fierce growl in her ear.


He devoured her mouth, kissing her hard and deep. Kissing her until she was so caught up in the wild splendor of it, she did not realize he had kicked out of his trousers and was lowering her to the velvet settee. Her body was shifted until Tristan had her positioned as he desired, with her head resting on the upholstered softness of the low, decoratively carved arm while he sprawled between her opened thighs.

“Are you ready to become mine?” The whisper was murmured against her lips, his mouth searching and ravenous.

I’ve always been yours. Forever, Violet wanted to say, but she held her breath, swallowed the words instead. Drowning in his dark brown, gold-flecked eyes, she slowly nodded her head.

“It shall pain you for a moment, but after that, I promise nothing but pleasure, Violet.” He rocked against her, making her shockingly aware of his shaft. “And there will be no chance of a child, I swear it.”

Could something that large, something so hot it could be a lit flame against the tender flesh between her legs actually fit inside her?

It would. And she grew weary of waiting for him to claim her. This, this was fate in all of its glory.

“I trust you, Tristan. I know you will not harm me if you can avoid it.” Her arms wound around his neck. “Please, I want you so desperately, I ache with it. Do not stop, even if I cry out.”

Tristan’s forehead touched hers while, at the same time, his cock pushed against the damp folds of her cleft. “My wild girl. Forgive me for this. Forgive me for needing you to the point I cannot think clearly enough to determine right from wrong.”

“Nothing about this is wrong,” Violet declared with a stubborn lift of her chin.

His smile was a bit wistful, but he nodded in agreement. “Hold tight to me now, love.”

One second, Violet was empty; the next, Tristan was filling her, steadily inching forward, stretching and burning her until she felt the need to squirm away. When she did move, Tristan grasped her hip, his fingers biting into the soft flesh.

“Do not move, my sweet darling. Be still just a moment longer,” he said in a harsh mutter. His hips flexed, and Violet gasped as the pressure increased until it felt she was overflowing. “I’m barely inside you, and there is still more to come.” Pressing fevered kisses to her mouth, her neck, her jawline, Tristan’s other hand came up and braced on the settee arm above her head.

Capturing her gaze, he held it with such force Violet felt almost frightened. He looked like a Viking plundering a new treasure trove.

“Do not look away from me, Violet. I want this moment seared on your brain for an eternity.”

She nodded, unsure what he meant by such a fierce declaration.

Surging forward, Tristan quickly broke the barrier of her virginity and sealed their fate.

Her heartbeat pounded in her ears. A wordless cry of pain rose up from her throat and was swallowed with a tiny whimper.

Tristan’s eyes smoldered with possessiveness. With lust. With something so elusive Violet could not place a name to it.

“I’m sorry.” He dropped another kiss to her lips. “Remember, the pain is fleeting.”

He was right. The sharp ache was already receding as the seconds passed. But steady and patient, Tristan waited, waited for something inside her to shift and accept this intimate invasion. Their breaths collided and mingled while the bombardment of her senses was processed and analyzed.

There was the dull throbbing, of course, but also fullness and heat. Flickering flames grew and spread, sparks firing like Chinese firecrackers.

Tristan’s body buried so deep inside her ignited every nerve ending, prickling her skin until goosebumps rushed over her in waves. His broad chest brushed the tender peaks of her breasts, his stomach pressed intimately against her lower belly. Violet was so sensitive, every touch or caress, no matter how featherlike, sent unfamiliar tingles cascading through her veins.

Suddenly, it did not hurt as badly as it had moments before. Suddenly, something raw and all-consuming was swamping her senses. An urge to move, to undulate, to kiss and be kissed rose inside her, and with a moan, she surrendered.

Would he kiss her as he had before? Would his hands roam her flesh, finding new points of pleasure and driving her insane with need?

Tristan’s smile was both wicked and warm. “Has the pain lessened, kitten? Are you ready now?”

Violet offered a softly murmured, “Please”, in response.

He never looked away and neither did she as he began moving inside her.

Shallow, exploratory movements soon morphed into full, demanding thrusts where his pelvis collided with her sensitive pearl, his cock hitting so deep it touched another magical spot inside her. Her legs came up, instinctively wrapping around his narrow hips as she hesitantly matched the rocking lunges.

Was this the right response? She didn’t know. She only knew that everything he was doing felt heavenly. She felt both owned and dominated as Tristan’s hand gripped her hip, holding her in place for the taking.

Her own body’s response startled her. Her movements become increasingly focused while, at the same time, strangely erratic.

Because even if Tristan’s deep plunges sent tiny frissons of pain trickling over the pleasure, she could not remain still.

Her hands tunneled through his dark hair, clutching fiercely each time he kissed her or took the peak of her breast into the inferno of his mouth. Her hips rose and fell in tandem with Tristan’s, accompanied by his murmured encouragement. Something wonderful and terrifying commanded her now. There was no stopping or hiding from it.

And she could no more stop herself from loving him than she could keep the sun from rising every morning.

The pleasure grew. More. More. More. Until her eyes fluttered shut against an overwhelming tide of emotion.

She was drifting. Flying.


Look at me, Violet.” Whiplash sharp, Tristan’s voice dragged her back to him.

She obeyed and the glittering, possessive want in his eyes split her universe apart, rushing her into a dazzling world of sensation. A low, choked sob broke free from her throat as she arched against him. It echoed in the quiet of the room, and Tristan growled with satisfaction as her climax rolled over them both.

“Yes, that’s it, my beautiful girl. My sweet kitten. You’ve given me your first kiss. Your first climax. Everything. And now this. No one else shall have these things from you. They. Are. Mine.”

With a half-intelligible, strangled curse, he began thrusting harder and harder until Violet wondered if the world would explode with the exquisite tension.

Then abruptly, without warning, Tristan tore himself away, pulling out from her body.

Violet cried out against the loss, but he was already moving back from her, erecting space between them.

“I can’t hold back… I can’t.” Rising on his haunches, Tristan gripped his cock in one hand, stroking and squeezing while Violet watched in startled, but dreamy fascination. Despite their bodies now being separated, his dark eyes burned into hers until everything felt a hundred times more intimate.

At that moment, she could see into his soul. And she wanted nothing more than to drown there in the velvety depths of his desire.

“Violet…”The words spilled out as he exploded with a guttural cry. Hot seed pumped from his shaft in a visceral display of lust, splashing onto her bare stomach. Throwing his head back at the culmination of climax, hair disheveled from Violet’s fingers, he could have easily been mistaken for a wild creature celebrating a fresh kill.

And Violet was utterly, completely entranced.

Shuddering from release, Tristan partially collapsed on top of her. His arms slid beneath her shoulders, keeping the bulk of his weight suspended so she wouldn’t be crushed.

Violet’s fingers threaded through the thick waves of Tristan’s hair as he nestled into the crook of her neck. She stroked the dark locks while his breathing eased back to normal and their hearts lessened their brutal pounding.

Pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, he held her even tighter, his breath warm against her ear.

How Violet wished they could remain like this forever, although the settee was becoming uncomfortable, and the fluid on her stomach, smeared by the contact of their bodies, was turning damp and sticky.

She would pay a king’s ransom if it meant they would never have to leave this room.

The words he’d uttered while possessing her were stamped into Violet’s brain, turning everything crystal clear and clearing away the fog of incredible pleasure.

Tristan Buchanan might be determined to fight whatever had grown between them, but perhaps the unthinkable had occurred.

Perhaps, she had wormed her way into his heart after all.