Midnight Renegade by Anya Summers


Brody shifted and cracked an eye open. Curled against his side, with her head resting on his chest, was Reegan.

One of her arms was haphazardly tossed across his torso. He had an arm around her slim waist. But it was her face that garnered most of his attention. She was stunning, even with a tiny bit of drool at the corner of her mouth. The wealth of her long, inky hair was spread around them in a tumbled mess. Strands clung to his chest, encircling him in her intoxicating coconut scent.

Jesus, he’d grown so damn attached to her. And that attachment had more to do with the woman and less to do with the frequent sexual encounters. Although, those couldn’t be discounted. He had never been with a woman—whether submissive or not—who was as responsive to his touch or matched his passion like Reegan.

Fuck, it still amazed him that Reegan was willing to speak to him, let alone granting him an all-access pass to her stupendous form. This was where she belonged every night from here unto eternity. It had always been her, from the moment they had met.

He remembered that first meeting as if it were yesterday. It had been his senior year. His frat had been hosting a party celebrating the new pledges at the frat house, and in had walked Reegan. Tall, sleek, daring any man with that sheen of queenly confidence that hovered around her aura. She had been in this slinky, fire engine-red number that had given every male within spitting distance a prime glimpse of her mile long legs. In her heels, she had been almost eye-level with him.

She had fascinated him with her big-hearted laughs, and exuberance for life exuding from every pore of her existence.

That had been the first night they had spent together. His frat brothers had believed Brody had scored with the little freshman. Admittedly, he’d been enough of an egotistical prick back then not to correct their assumption.

But all they had done was talk all night long on a secluded bench by a copse of trees, about everything and nothing at the same time.

Looking back on his life, he knew it had been the most intimate night of his existence, even with all the scenes he had engaged in at the club.

He’d left her at her dorm room door the following morning, after one of the most beautiful sunrises. He’d given her a chaste kiss on the cheek, and had promised to call.

Only he never did. What she’d made him feel was something he hadn’t been ready for at all at twenty-two. She had been this force of nature, like a damn comet streaking through his life, and a part of him had yearned to grab on for a ride. But he’d feared those feelings, most likely because he had known, the moment he touched her, that he would be a goner.

At the time, Brody had been looking ahead to graduate school to learn his trade. Working to score a summer internship with an architecture firm, and spending his Saturdays in the offices of the construction firm he’d worked at the prior summer, learning all about building houses. He had been refining and focused on the career he wanted, not on settling down.

And he had been aware enough even then to know that Reegan would never be a once and done, not for him.

He stroked his fingers through her hair, amazed at the smoothness of her silky tresses.

He had been the one to suggest their deal with the parameters of no emotions or commitment, but that had been a ruse to hook her. When he’d promised his mom before she passed away that he would find a woman to be with, it had been Reegan he had seen at his side.

Perhaps he was being foolish, considering she was holding parts of herself back from him even as she submitted her body. And being the greedy bastard that he was, he wanted all of her, not just pieces. Unfortunately, he had no clue how to move their relationship past the blockades she had erected to keep him out. Even with her concession last night that she belonged to him, he didn’t feel it. But by god, he craved the chance to topple her walls.

Because he was no longer content with half of her, he wanted all of her. And not just for a handful of hot nights, either. He was playing for keeps.

If that meant he had to amend the terms of their deal, batter relentlessly at her defenses until she offered up the rest of her submission, then he would. Because holding her through the night, waking with her snuggled in his arms, felt right. A piece he had never realized he had been missing clicked into place—because it was Reegan. She was his missing piece.

He had feelings for her. Deep ones. Perhaps he always had, even when he’d been in denial about them. But then, she had always evoked a response in him. More often than not, it had been fury over the last handful of years, but she always got a rise out of him.

Hell, the first time he had seen her at The Eros Pit five years ago, it had been a sucker punch to the gut. Because he had known then just how badly he had messed up in college with her. She was his equal. And he’d been too much of a pussy to do anything about it back then.

When he had approached her—in her tiny leather miniskirt and corset—with his tongue damn near hanging out, all it had taken was a condemning, haughty stare from her goddess eyes to cut him to the bone.

Reegan shifted, and rolled onto her back.

Christ, the woman had gorgeous tits. He moved onto his side. Trailed his fingertips over a rouge tip. The nipple beaded at his touch.

He couldn’t help himself, not where she was concerned. He wanted to gorge on her killer form again and again. If he had his way, he would never let her out of his bed.

Brody lowered his head and flicked his tongue over the taut peak, biting back a groan at her sweet flavor. He sucked the bud into his mouth. Trailing his hand down her smooth abdomen to her pussy, he slipped his hand between her thighs. Dipping a finger into her slit, he lazily swirled his finger through her folds.

Reegan shifted, opening her legs, granting him access. But her eyes remained closed as he stroked her sex. His dick grew erect against her hip. Suckling at her breast, he teased the nipple before drawing it deep into his mouth.

Her pussy grew damp as he stroked her clit. Pinching and flicking the nub, he shot his gaze to her lovely face as he pressed a finger inside her tight heat.

He hissed as her cunt squeezed his finger.

She gasped, and rocked her hips in her sleep. Fuck, he loved the little sounds she made and just how responsive she was to his touch.

Before long, he was thrusting two fingers in her hot cunt, stretching her to take his dick. When he could no longer stand it, he removed his fingers. Then he lifted her left leg up and placed it over his hip. The move opened her thighs enough to allow him access.

Brody lifted his mouth from her tit, wanting to watch her face as he entered her.

Fitting the head of his dick at her entrance, he painstakingly thrust inside, slowly. In this side angle, she was so tight, she was nearly strangling his cock. And he watched emotions and feelings race over her face as she woke with pleasure shrouding her features.

Her eyelids fluttered up and she looked him square in the eye. Desire infused her bright blue gaze.

“Morning,” he murmured as he withdrew and slid home, loving the way her eyes widened and her mouth fell open on a sigh.

He kept his thrusts measured and slow. There was no rush this morning. They had torn up his sheets for the better part of the night, and gotten all the hot hands and fierceness out of the way. Besides, he wanted to draw it out before she left his bed. Because he had a feeling the moment she was up, she would high tail it home.

He slid his palm over her belly and dipped between her cleft, stroking his fingertips over her nub as he thrust in and out of her grasping heat.

“Brody,” she sighed. Her left hand clutched at his shoulders while her right grabbed onto the sheets beneath them.

“That’s it, babe. Take all of me.”

She writhed, arching her back as her lids grew heavy.

“Take your pleasure, babe. Don’t hold back.” He kept a steady, relentless pace, thrumming her clit with his fingers.

Reegan climaxing was a sight to behold. The first volley of tremors began as she arched her back and cried out. Her pussy spasmed around his dick. He hissed at the pleasure sparking through his veins.

Brody withdrew for a moment, but only because he wanted to get into a better position. While she was still flying high on her climax, he rose, and situated himself between her limp thighs. Leaning forward on his hands, he guided his dick back into her quaking channel, and hissed.

“Look at me,” he demanded, seated fully in her cunt.

Reegan lifted her lids, and then he cut loose. The first part of their lovemaking had been for her, to wake her up with lazy morning sex. But now his need had grown in strength and size, blotting out the sun.

Propping himself up on his hands, he began to fuck her, power driving his dick inside her. Her mewls and moans added to the incendiary flames as he thrust deep. He grunted as he fucked her.

Her hands slid around his waist and, as the ardor between them rose, they slipped down to cup his ass. Her nails dug into his flesh. It was like she was trying to pull him even deeper inside. Those long legs of hers were hooked around his hips. Sweat rolled down his back.

But as he kept his gaze trained on hers, he found himself drowning in those bright blue depths. She was right there with him, thrust for thrust. But it was more than that. So much more than a simple screw.

He saw his future and his past. He saw the possibility of passing the decades with her beside him. He even saw the glimmer of new life. The images flashed through his brain at a quick pace. It rocked him, and not with fear, but with a yearning so potent, it was damn near corporeal.

The first flutters of her climax rippled around his plunging shaft, and he lost all control. He rammed inside her again and again as she wailed, “Brody,” as she came. His dick lengthened. Lightning electrified along his spine. And the spasming clench of her cunt led him over the edge of the waterfall to plunge into ecstasy.

He came. Hard.

So hard, he saw white spots behind his closed lids as he poured himself inside her, thrusting repeatedly until he was spent.

He collapsed on top of her, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “I’ll move in a minute.” As soon as he got movement back in his body.

Her hands lightly traced lines over his back. She pressed her lips against his neck. And he knew without any doubts, no matter what it took to convince her, he was never letting her go.

She was his. She always had been, from the moment he met her. Now that he had a second chance, he wasn’t going to waste it.

“That was quite the wakeup call,” she murmured against his neck.

“Liked that, did you?”

She sighed. “Yep. It’s almost as good as that first sip of coffee.”


Brody finally lifted his head and glared down at her, only to find her grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“Oh, you think you’re funny, do you?”

“I’m a riot, and you know it.” She playfully slapped his chest.

“I’ll show you funny.” He leaned down to take her mouth but then heard her stomach growl.

“Sorry, but I’m starving. I always wake up hungry. And in about two minutes, it will shift from hungry to hangry. It’s a whole Dr. Jekyll deal that will get me into a lot of trouble. I’m here to tell you now, I won’t be held accountable for my actions when I’m hangry.”

He kissed her briefly. “We wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

“Nope. Believe me, you don’t.”

“I’ll feed you but then I want you back in my bed. I’m not done with you yet today.”

“Okay, but I will have to leave by midafternoon at the latest. I have a big project this week I need to get ready for, and I don’t have any clothes—well, not any clean ones. And while my bosses aren’t strict about my work wear, they will get rather testy if I show up in wrinkled, smelly clothes.”

“That gives me plenty of time.”

“Yeah, well, we’d better use it properly. I don’t know how much free time I will have this week with this project. I have a feeling it’s going to be an eighty hour week.”

They would see about that. While he commended her on her work ethic, he wasn’t going a full week without taking her to bed. They might just need to make some adjustments and concessions. They didn’t always need a full scene. “I can always stop by your place, save you a trip.”

“Well, that would definitely help. But we’ll have to play it by ear and see how the launch goes.”

He rolled off her and tugged her up off the mattress with him. When she dug her heels in, he shot her a confused glance.

“I need something to wear. Give me a second to locate some clothing.”

“No, you don’t.” He stopped her before she could move past him.

“But… what if someone sees?”

He chuckled at the embarrassed flush rising up her neck. Her insecurities were endearing. But he reassured her. “No one is going to see you but me. I don’t have neighbors. You’ll be fine.”

She shook her head with a stubborn frown marring her forehead. “Sorry, but this is a hard limit for me. I won’t cook breakfast, and possibly burn my skin with grease, because that’s stupid. I just need a tee shirt to cover up the important, more sensitive bits.”

Realizing that he wasn’t going to get any further with her on this point, he conceded. If they were going to fight, he would rather it be over important things, not stupid inane items.

“Fine.” He went over to his dresser, yanked open a drawer, and tossed her one of his tees. While she put it on, he donned a pair of boxers he fished out of the top drawer. She did have a point about cooking nude, and grease splattering on bits that he would rather it didn’t. He just didn’t want to let her out of his bed for longer than it took to eat.

And the way she looked wearing his tee shirt, all he could think was: damn. Possessiveness filled him. She was so beautiful, she made him ache. Even more so in his shirt, with stubble burn on her elegant neck, and her tousled hair spilling around her slim shoulders. The woman would look good wearing a trash bag. No matter what she wore or didn’t, he wanted her. And it seemed the more he had her, the more he craved.

“Keep looking at me like that, and I will never get my breakfast,” she commented with a visible tremble. Her nipples beaded beneath the top.

He fought against the rising tide of his ardor. Food first, slaking his lust second. “Like what?”

“Like I’m good enough to eat.”

“You are. And I’ll prove it once I’ve fed you.” He took her hand in his and led her to the kitchen, where he delivered on both promises, a few times that day.