The Condemned Highlander by Donna Fletcher


“Never!” Brogan said as they walked to the dwelling. “Never would I intentionally place you in such danger. Besides, you cannot be sure Gunna is with the mercenaries.”

“I tell you, it is the one place no one would expect her to hide, and no one would dare attempt to look,” Annis said confidently.

“While that does make sense, what does not make sense is having you intentionally abducted by them. It is never going to happen, wife,” he warned. “We will find another way.”

“Of course, another way can be found, but how long will it take us? How much more time do we waste?”

“I do not care. I will not chance losing you to save others,” he said with a growl, his temper mounting.

“You refuse to see reason,” she accused and snatched her hand out of his to hurry several steps ahead of him.

“And you are being unreasonable,” he said with an angry shout.

She stopped and turned to argue, “I am more reasonable than you.”

He smiled and laughed as he drew close to her. “That is the first untruth you have ever told me, wife.”

She loved his smile and laughter; both always sent a flutter of pleasure through her… but not this time. “You call me a liar?”

He stopped in front of her. “You honestly think yourself more reasonable when it comes to this matter?”

She threw her arms up in frustration that he simply refused to see reason. “We have no more time to waste. It has taken longer than I had hoped. I am relieved to know Lord Odran keeps Elysia safe. But every day that goes by I fear more and more for Bliss’s safety, especially with what your father had to say about her.”

His heart ached for her, seeing the pain and torment this quest had caused her—he had caused her. For if had not been for the curse, she would not have suffered or continue to suffer so badly and yet if it hadn’t been for the curse, he would have never met her, and his heart ached even worse at the thought.

He had to make her see reason. “Believe me, I understand that, but what if the plan goes array and you are harmed or worse killed? What happens to your sister then?” He bit his tongue trying to keep from saying it since it sounded selfish, but he couldn’t hold back. “What happens to me? How do I sleep at night without you in my arms or wake in the morning and not find you there wrapped around me? How do I live life without you?”

Tears gathered in Annis’s eyes and as they began to run down her rosy cheeks, she flung herself into her husband’s arms.

Brogan caught her, his arms shooting around her to hold her tight, keeping her there against him, never letting her go… if only it was that simple.

She raised her head, tears continuing to fall. “I know the same fear, but mine comes from leaving you caught in this curse, never free of it, left to suffer forever. My heart breaks at the thought and I cannot, will not, let that happen to you. This curse must be broken if we are to have a life—a good life—together.”

He rested his brow to hers and shut his eyes for a moment. “I am truly blessed with a wife who loves me with the courage and strength that you do, and it also frightens me to the depths of my soul the chances you are willing to take for those you love.”

“Finally, you see the wisdom of my plan,” she said, relieved.

“I have always seen the wisdom of your plan, but it still is not one I am willing to take,” he said and pressed a firm finger to her lips when she went to argue. “We will make a small change to it. I will be abducted with you and do not bother to argue with me on this. We do it my way or not at all.”

“As you say, husband,” she said and while it was not as planned, at least she would have a chance to infiltrate the mercenaries and find Gunna.

Relief washed over and through him. “You do realize that Gunna is here to protect the MacWilliam woman. She will not give up the woman’s identity easily and years with the mercenaries may have hardened her resolve even more.”

“I must convince her that we mean the woman no harm and have no intentions of revealing her identity to anyone and that I only want to speak with her. I pray that I can persuade her.”

“Then watch that sharp tongue of yours, wife,” he warned with a chuckle.

Annis frowned. “My tongue is not sharp. It is blunt.”

He laughed again. “That it is and can do much more damage than a sharp one.” He was surprised when he did not receive a punch in the arm, not that he would mind. He thought them more as love taps since they never truly caused him any pain. He was, however, cautious about the wicked grin she turned on him. And when she ran her tongue over her lips slowly, he knew what was on her mind and his shaft hardened fast.

“And here I thought you loved my tongue,” she said in a tempting whisper.

“You play with fire, wife,” he warned.

“So, I have ignited you?” she asked, her smile tempting.

“Nay,” he said and scooped her up to toss her over his shoulder. “You have set me ablaze, wife.” He smacked her backside playfully. “Now you will learn what it is to play with fire.”

* * *

There had beena frenzy with their lovemaking as of late. Maybe it was because they had little time alone together or when they did have precious time, like now, they had to stay alert to their surroundings.

It did not matter to Annis as long as she got to make love with her husband. She had come to enjoy—much more than she expected—the intimacy of marriage. It was a time she could honestly say she felt his love in his every touch and kiss and in the way he made sure to pleasure her. Even in their frenzied lovemaking, when his touch and kisses were more than gentle, there was a comfort—a trust—she would have never thought possible. It filled her heart with deep happiness and brought a strange comfort to her soul.

It was that demanding touch now, after stripping her naked, that fired her passion, his fingers teasing her nipples a bit roughly. Or was it the way, after discarding his own garments, his fingers slipped between her legs to delve inside her and torment her with a taste of what was to come? Or maybe it was the way his hands moved quickly to settle at her waist and lifted her feet just enough off the ground to move her to the bed as his mouth ravished her with kisses that stole her breath? Or how when he dropped her on the bed, following her down that his arm slipped around her waist and with a possessive lift of her body settled her beneath him perfectly.

There was no denying he was in command of their lovemaking and there was no denying that she loved every moment of it.

He buried his face in the crook of her neck, his teeth nipping down it and along her shoulder and back up again to tug gently at her ear before he whispered, “I am going to make you come hard, harder than you have ever come.”

The thought his enticing words provoked rushed a desire through her that left her wet, so wet that she feared she would come much too soon.

His lips teased at her nipples, moving from one to the other, licking, suckling, nipping as his hand squeezed each breast, forcing the hard bud to attention.

Annis slipped her hand down to try and take hold of his shaft, but he pushed it away.

“Nay, not tonight, my love. Tonight, I command our lovemaking,” he ordered.

And he did with every demanding kiss and intense intimate touch.

Annis was soon lost in a feverish pleasure, her moans filling the cottage and a shout of delight when her husband’s manhood thrust with force inside her. She loved the feel of his powerful shaft and the way he moved with strength and determination.

Her eyes rested on his, the usual soft blue color now deeper and filled with an intense passion that sparked with love. She fought back the happy tears that sprang to her eyes. Now was not the time for them, but they were insistent and fell from her eyes of their own accord.

His movements stilled when he spotted her tears. “Annis, do I hurt?”

Concern could be heard in his voice and seen in his narrowed brow, which only made her cry more. She shook her head, too choked up to speak.

“Tell me why you cry.” He wiped at her tears and went to slip his shaft out of her.

“Nay,” she cried, grabbing tight hold of his arms so he could not move, not that it would help. He could easily break her hold on him, but thankfully he didn’t.

“Tell me,” he insisted, continuing to wipe at her tears.

“Happy tears,” she managed to say with an awkward smile.

He shook his head, a smile starting to spread across his face. “You make me love you more each day.”

Annis sniffled back her subsiding tears. “Do not stop. I love the feel of you inside me.”

He brought his mouth to hers for a searing kiss and began to move inside her once again.

She was grateful his shaft had remained stiff, but then his passion overpowered just as much as hers did, and it did not take much to reignite it—his kiss alone did that.

His thrusts soon turned more potent, and she responded raising her hips to meet his robust tempo.

She moaned or was she crying out his name, she could not be sure, and it did not matter. She was lost in a whirlwind of pleasure. It built and built and built, and she knew that he would do as he said—make her come harder than she ever had.

Annis screamed out his name when she exploded in such a powerful climax that she thought it would surely kill her.

When his wife let loose with a fiery roar, he let loose with one of his own and shattered in a forceful climax that nearly buckled his legs. He shuddered as the last of his climax drifted away along with some of his strength.

“Good Lord, husband, that was unbelievably fantastic,” she said through quick breaths.

He slipped out of her and dropped down beside her, needing to regain his strength. “Love… it makes a difference.”

Annis turned on her side to face him, resting her hand on his chest. “You are right. It does and I am so happy I found love with you.”

“Only with me. Only ever with me,” he said and cringed at his own words. “If I were to die young you will find a good man to protect you and keep you safe, though you do not have to love him. At least, not the way you love me.”

She sat up and poked him in the chest. “You are far more generous than me, since if I die young, I expect you to retreat to a monastery and become a monk.”

Brogan grabbed her hand to prevent any more pokes, jabs or punches, and laughed. “A monk, you say?”

“That’s right, a monk,” she said and poked him in the side with her other hand. “So, you better keep me safe, or you are doomed to a celibate life.”

He laughed and she poked him again which made him laugh even harder, and before she could poke him again, he grabbed her other hand and yanked her across his chest.

His laughter died and his eyes narrowed. “I want only you, wife. No other woman would be as entertaining.” He laughed again.

“Just you wait until my hands are free,” she threatened.

He yanked her closer. “I do so love you, wife.” He kissed her gently. “Every beat of my heart beats with love for you and always will.”

It was as if Annis could feel his love flow over and through her, and she sighed, “You redeem yourself, husband.”

He released her hands and eased her off him to settle her against his side, then pulled the blanket over them, her body taking on a slight chill.

Annis yawned. “I cannot wait until there is no worry left about the curse and life becomes more peaceful like this moment.”

“I am as impatient as you are for that,” he agreed, keeping her tucked close against him.

She tilted her head to look at him. “I am happy with you, and I know Elysia is happy with Lord Odran. I fear Bliss will never find happiness with Lord Rannick, but I do hope and pray that when the curse is broken, she can at least find peace.”

Silence grew around them and they hugged tight as they drifted off to sleep, ready to continue their quest tomorrow.

* * *

The horrific screams bounced off the trees in the thick forest, sending the echo far into the distance. Birds took flight, animals ran, and even the sun took cover behind a dark gray cloud.

A huge hand clamped over the small bairn’s face when she opened her mouth to cry out, sending a fright through her.

“Silence,” the voice warned in a whisper, “or her screams will not stop.”

The wee lass locked her lips closed as tears ran from her eyes. She wanted the screams to end. Wanted the men to stop hurting the woman.

“Be brave.” the voice whispered.

The wee bairn kept silent, fearful if she said a single word the woman would suffer even more. She raised her hands to cover her ears, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not drown out the sound of her suffering.

“Stay strong, little one,” the voice urged near her ear.

The words drifted past her hands and into her ear and she stiffened, resolving to stay strong.

After what seemed like forever, the screams stopped.

“Kill her and be done with it,” a man commanded.

The wee bairn gasped, but the hand over her mouth tightened, stopping the gasp from escaping. The large hand hurt smashed against her mouth, but she kept silent.

“She will not last. The wolves will feast on her,” a man said. “Besides, she is not who we search for, and we waste time here.”

The bairn listened as the ground thundered with horses’ hooves and faded in the distance.

“Stay here,” the man ordered when the horses could be heard no more. “Do not move and do not make a sound.”

The bairn watched past the bushes and trees as the man made his way to the woman, slowly and cautiously. He cast a suspicious glance around before he finally ran to her side. Words were exchanged that the bairn could not hear, then he lifted her in his arms and brought her to where the bairn waited.

The wee bairn was anxious to see the woman. She wished the man would hurry and get out of the way. When he finally did, the bairn stepped forward. Her eyes turned wide, and a scream started deep down in her tummy. She clamped her small hand over her mouth to stop her scream.

Blood—so much blood—the woman was soaked in it.

Her wee hand fell away from her mouth, and she screamed.

“Annis! Annis!”

Her eyes shot open to see her husband and she threw her arms around his neck and clung tightly to him.

Her horrific screams had woken Brogan and he had turned in bed, reaching for his sword, thinking they were being attacked. When he realized his wife was dreaming, he took hold of her arms and called to her in an effort to wake her from her nightmare.

“It is all right. You are safe,” he assured her, stroking her back and keeping a firm hold on her. “It was a nightmare, nothing more than a nightmare.” He felt her shake her head and he eased her away from him enough so he could look into her eyes. They were filled with fright. “Tell me.”

“Blood,” she said and turned pale.

“Do not think on that,” he ordered. “Tell me what else there was.”

“A woman’s horrific screams. Men hurting her. A man who covered a wee lass’s mouth to keep her quiet.” She shook her head again and paled even more. “Blood. So much blood.”

“No more,” he ordered. “Think no more on it, at least not now.”

Annis nodded, not ready to revisit her nightmare and search for answers.

“You are safe, my love, you are safe,” Brogan assured her as he eased her to lie back on the bed, keeping her tucked against him. “Sleep. I will keep your nightmares at bay.”

Her husband did just that. No more nightmares haunted her the rest of the night and she woke the next day, the disturbing nightmare filling her thoughts.

“You want to tell me about it?” he asked as they ate the food that had been there since last night.”

“Eventually, but not yet,” Annis said. “It is time to find the mercenaries and see what they know and hopefully find Gunna.”

“It may not be easy to get her to tell you where she left the bairn. Besides, the bairn is a grown woman by now. She could be anywhere.”

Annis disagreed. “Nay, with how important it was to Gunna to keep the bairn safe, she would have found a way to keep watch on her all these years.”

Brogan grabbed his wife’s cloak off the chair after he extinguished the fire in the hearth and draped it around her shoulders to tie at her neck. He kissed her quick. “You will stay close to me.”

She nodded and, after seeing to his own cloak, they left the dwelling.

A raven circled overhead as they walked along the path and she wondered, did it follow, or did it warn?

Her answer came soon enough as they reached Brogan’s warriors camped a short distance away.

Brogan rushed her behind him, seeing the band of mercenaries that surrounded his warriors.