The Condemned Highlander by Donna Fletcher


Anger smoldered in Annis, but she wisely held her tongue while she silently plotted an escape if things should go bad. She did not believe Brogan would simply turn her over to his father, but his father could command it and Brogan had no chance of stopping twenty warriors, no matter how superior his skill as a warrior.

He could, however, slow them down and hopefully it would give her enough time to run to the hills where the fog would devour her and where the warriors feared to tread.

Brogan took an abrupt step toward his father. “You and I, Father, will talk.”

His father dismissed him with a wave of his hand. “I have no time for talk. You will obey me.”

“Unless you want a bloody fight on your hands, leaving several of your warriors dead, I suggest you take the time and talk with me,” Brogan said, stunning his father and causing the warriors to cast worried glances at each other.

“YOU DARE THREATEN ME?” his father bellowed.

Annis thought the man would explode his face turned so red. Not so Brogan. He remained calm and in command.

“Aye, I do,” Brogan said, and his hand went to grip the hilt of his sword.

His father dismounted, his face continuing to glow red and his nostrils flaring in anger. “Make haste, we leave when you are done talking.”

“We will talk in private,” Brogan said, then turned his attention to the warriors still atop their horses. “Anyone dares to lay a hand on this woman,” —he pointed to Annis— “DIES!”

His father looked ready to dispute his command.

“Don’t, Father, or I will lay half of your troop dead at your feet,” Brogan warned and walked away, leaving his father no choice but to follow.

Annoyance poked at Annis that she could not be privy to what they discussed. This did, after all, concern her, and Brogan had little, if nothing, to bargain with. How then could he stop his father from doing as he commanded?

“If you can make it to the mist, they will not follow,” Una whispered, coming up beside her.

Annis smiled as she turned. “We think alike.”

Una continued to keep her voice hushed. “I am glad you give it thought. Lord Balloch cares for nothing but his rules and strict obedience to them. Fail either, and his punishment is swift and harsh.”

“Even with his son?” Annis asked curious, the man not having shown Brogan anything but anger since his arrival.

“Some believe Lord Balloch is even harsher on his son. They say he wants his son ready and capable of ruling the clan when the time comes and is annoyed that Lord Brogan shows little interest in it.”

Una’s words struck a chord with her. Brogan smiled and charmed, but was there a different man beneath that façade? Would he rule like his father? Did he want to rule Clan MacRae? One thing Annis knew for sure—Brogan was nothing like his father.

“Plans have changed,” Lord Balloch announced once he and Brogan ended their discussion and joined the others. “Rudd, you will remain here with nine men and see to restoring this village under my son’s dictate. I expect you to keep me updated on the progress. Also, I see,” —he gave a nod to the partially constructed stone shed— “a storage shed is almost completed. See that it is stocked for winter.”

Astounded by Lord Balloch’s orders, Rudd took a moment to respond. “Aye. Aye, Lord Balloch. It will be done.”

Lord Balloch turned a scowl on Annis. “You will serve my son well, or it is the dungeon for you.”

Annis tried to hold her tongue, she truly did, but as usual she failed. “Not likely.”

Lord Balloch’s eyes rounded in shock and anger, and he sputtered as he searched for words.

“I have no allegiance to your clan; therefore, I need not serve your son.”

Brogan ran his hand through his hair, then shook his head. “Let it be, Da.”

“She needs to learn—”

“And she will,” Brogan said and sent Annis a warning look.

She was about to ignore it until she caught the hint of a slight plea in his gorgeous, soft blue eyes and she held her tongue out of consideration for him.

Her silence pleased his father, and Annis locked her lips fearful of what she might spew.

“One other thing, son, before I take my leave,” Lord Balloch said. “Chieftain Cowan of Clan MacFarden is kicking up a fuss with Lord Fergus of Clan MacBridan over some land. I fear it may turn troublesome and if so, Lord Fergus will call on Clan Loudon for help. If that should fail, he will demand his son’s return to settle it. Odran is your longtime friend. If you should hear from him, let him know that trouble is brewing.”

“The problem is that serious?” Annis asked.

Lord Balloch glared at her and turned to his son. “Her tongue is far too free.”

Brogan stepped in front of Annis when she took a rushed step toward his father. “If you hear any more on the trouble between the two clans, let me know.”

Lord Balloch dismissed his son’s concern with a quick wave of his hand. “It is not your concern. It is Fergus’s problem. Cowan should have been dealt with years ago. He thinks himself important when he is actually dispensable. Waste no worry over it.”

Annis watched Lord Balloch take his leave without so much as a good word to his son or a firm pat on the back. The man demonstrated no affection for his son, and it so incensed her that she wanted to grab a rock and throw it at the heartless man.


If Lord Balloch was heartless, why had he agreed to leave Annis here in peace and restore the village? She turned to Brogan. “What did you say to your father that had him completely reverse his decision?”

Brogan winked. “I worked my charm on him and promised I will have you tamed in no time.”

Annis got hysterical. She laughed so hard that she had everybody laughing with her, even the warriors.

“My stomach hurts,” Annis said, her hand pressed to her stomach as her laughter finally calmed. That’s when she realized Brogan had not laughed at all, though he was smiling.

Brogan leaned close to Annis to whisper, “I like you wild and free, but if I wanted you tamed, I would see it done, mo ghràdh.” He stepped away. “Come, Rudd, we will discuss what needs to be done and you and the others can get started on it.”

Annis set a glare on his back. She was wrong. She was not falling in love with the arrogant man. She could love no man who thought to tame her. And worse—if there could be anything worse than being tamed—he was going to discuss the building of the village when she had confided her thoughts of how she would love to do just that. So much for trust.

“What’s keeping you, Annis? I said we, meaning you and me. After all, you are the one with a vision for this village,” Brogan called out.

“Hurry,” Una urged, shooing at Annis. “He respects your talent. My dream is coming true. We will have a home again. Bless you and Lord Brogan.”

Annis had to shake herself before she hurried to catch up with Brogan. Maybe she was too hasty about not falling in love with him. Maybe she would give him another chance.

* * *

Annis saton the ground staring at the hills, mist capping the tops. Another day lost in her search for the witch. After speaking with Brogan and Rudd, the day turned busy. The extra, strong hands had the stone storage shed finished in no time. Now trees were being cut for dwellings and warriors had returned with meat. Una, Maddie, and Luella and Odell, two other women out of the ten people left in the village, were busy cooking it. And with news of Clan Loudon possibly having to battle alongside Clan MacBridan, Annis worried for Elysia’s safety.

It was the first thing she asked when Brogan approached her. “Should I worry for my sister?”

“Walk with me, so we may talk,” he said, holding his hand out to her and yanking her to her feet when she took hold. He wanted time alone with her, something that was going to be difficult to get with his father’s warriors here. He walked them away from the village and into the woods. “The trouble is with Clan MacBridan and Clan MacFarden. Your clan—Loudon—will send warriors to help Clan MacBridan if necessary. It shouldn’t affect your sister,” Brogan explained.

Annis was not mollified. “It would affect her husband, if she wed. Saber would be called away to fight. She would be left on her own.” That Brogan did not respond immediately worried Annis. He either took the time to weigh his words or he believed her worry valid.

“Saber appears to be an honorable man and if he wed Elysia, he will see her kept safe. Though, Elysia is not as fragile as you or Bliss think.”

“She is trusting and far too kind,” Annis argued.

“Which is why others in your clan will protect her.”

Annis looked ready to return to the village. “I should go and bring her here.”

“Nay,” Brogan said and hurried to finish, seeing Annis ready to argue with him. “It is not safe to travel with unrest in the area and it will delay your quest to help Bliss. If we hear of things growing worse, I will go bring Elysia here to you. You have my word on it.”

She nodded, trusting his word. “Now tell me how you managed to change your father’s mind about putting me in the dungeon.”

Brogan chuckled. “I told him there wasn’t a guard in all the world that would be able to tolerate your willful nature.”

Annis jabbed him in the arm. “You said no such thing. Besides, your father would torture me and be done with it. And while I would like to think I would be strong enough to sustain whatever torture I suffered; I am wise enough to know otherwise. However, you do have me wondering why you will not give me a reasonable answer.”

Brogan halted his steps and squeezed her chin playfully. “I told my father I was thinking of taking you as my wife and I needed time with you to see if you would be a feasible choice.”

Annis thought he teased her and was about to jab him in the arm again when she saw he was serious. “Did you say that to appease him?”

“I have given it much thought since we last spoke about marriage and decided you might make a good wife for me after all.” He held up his hand to silence her again when she looked ready to debate it. “But if you say you have no interest in marrying me, I will not force you.”

This was where he had to pray hard, maybe even beg the heavens she would agree, since he would not force her. He did not have to, since she was already his wife. He preferred the choice be hers, but in the end would she understand that or accuse him of manipulating her?

That she did not immediately refuse him or worse laugh at him, gave him hope.

“I am not sure what to say to that,” she admitted. “That my first thought was not to refuse you gives me reason to pause before answering you. What that means I am not sure. I need time to think on it, but right now Bliss must come first.”

“When this is done, we can decide,” he said and turned a sinful smile on her and kissed her gently. “That’s a reminder of what you enjoy about me.”

Annis ran her thumb faintly over his lips as if she needed, wanted, more from him, and the spark his kiss had ignited flared to life. “You make me feel things I do not quite understand.”

He understood the heated passion she felt since he felt it himself and tried to fight it, had been fighting it far too often. But his arousal was gaining strength thanks to their kiss, her innocent touch, and simply being so close to her. He would be wise to return to the village with her, but at the moment passion ruled rather than wisdom.

He slipped his arm around her waist and drew her close against him. “I want to make you feel so much more.”

His lips came down on hers again and she responded with the same overpowering need that he felt, her arms locking around his neck to hold on tight. His hand drifted off her waist to her backside, squeezing it, then urged her forward to meet his hardened manhood.

He almost shattered in pieces when she fit snug against him and he tried to stay still, tell himself it was enough to feel her there tight against his shaft, then she began to move. He tore his mouth off hers.

“You need to stop,” he warned, though he did not want her to.

“I-I do not want to,” she struggled to say. She rested her brow to his chest and moaned. “You feel so good, so thick, so strong, so hard.”

He groaned and warned himself to push her away, but he feared it was too late for that, but it was too soon for this. He reached up and unlocked her arms from around his neck and with a strength he did not think he possessed, stepped away from her.

The bewildered look on her face tore at his heart. “This is not right for your first time.”

Her chest heaved and her eyes widened as understanding dawned on her. Her hand went to rest between her legs, and she gasped. “That’s how it feels?” She shook her head. “I never expected it to drive all rational thought from me, to think of nothing but wanting you inside me.” She kept shaking her head. “It completely consumed me to the point of—” She gasped.

“Surrender,” he finished for her.

“I will not surrender to you,” Annis said, the thought frightening her.

“It is not me who you surrender to,” Brogan said, and her brow narrowed in confusion. “It is yourself.” He wanted badly to take her in his arms, comfort her, satisfy her, but not here, not like this. Her first time should be more than a hasty coupling in the woods. “We should go,” he said, and she nodded.

They returned to the village, keeping distance between them.

* * *

Annis layin bed unable to sleep, her thoughts jumbled. She had talked with Una, rather Una did the talking, excited about the changes taking place and the chance for a different, better life. Annis was glad to see the young woman happy, she even commented that some of the warriors were fine looking men. Annis agreed with her, though she had not truly taken notice. No man could compare to Brogan, and she did not even care to look at another man.

Una fell asleep shortly after that and Annis was left with thoughts of Brogan and the incident in the woods. She had had no interest in the intimate deed between husband and wife. She had been too busy thinking on constructing things, seeing what was needed to build a sturdy and durable structure. She had no time to think about coupling with a man and why should she, she had had no man to consume her thoughts. Not so now and especially after the incident in the woods with Brogan.

She moaned softly. Never had she experienced such an overwhelming sensation that it all but consumed her. If it felt that amazing, how would the complete act of coupling feel? Of course, now she was curious, though only curious of how it would feel with Brogan. She cringed at the thought of it being with any other man but him.

She bolted up in bed. Was that love, wanting only one and no other?

She dropped back on the bed and let a long, silent moan ripple through her. This was not good. It was not the time for this. She could not let anything interfere with her quest to save Bliss. Tomorrow she would wander that path even if she had to go alone. Maybe it was better she did. Brogan was a distraction. She needed to remain focused.

Annis nodded. Tomorrow she would rise early and make it to the hills before Brogan woke and explore the path alone. She would find the witch and save Bliss.

She moaned silently, wondering if the time would come when she surrendered to herself in Brogan’s arms.