Three Thousand Roses by Viola Grace

Chapter Twelve

She was in her sitting room downstairs and eating the snack of tiny sandwiches that Yorgi had provided. It wasn’t even close to what she wanted, but she ate it so that she wouldn’t get hangry.

Yorgi must have left the door open because a tiny furry face jumped onto her desk carrying a kitten. Misha put the kitten next to her hand and purred before disappearing. Lexa looked around and got a throw, creating a nest on the desk and covering the teeny kitten. The next kitten showed up, and Lexa took care of it. By the time the fourth was there, Misha lay in the nest and nursed her babies with her narrowed eyes looking at Lexa.

She stroked the cat and smiled at her. “It’s important to put them somewhere safe. Sorry that I caused a riot in your room.”

“Ah, so this is where she brought them. It is a good choice.” Grigory was wearing a surprising outfit. Jeans and a t-shirt. It was quite a change from the suits.

She swallowed the drool. His shoulders were huge, his body was thick with muscle, and he had thighs that she wanted to climb onto... again. He crossed his arms, and his muscles flexed, and she wanted to thump her head against the table.

“She’s here with them; you can take them back.”

He shook his head. “No, I don’t like to disturb her. What did you end up wearing?”

“I think Sascha and Natalya got together.” She stood up, and it was a super-soft blouse and skirt. The skirt was full, made of three panels of fabric, and it formed a huge circle when she twirled. The shirt slid off her shoulders no matter what, and the bra straps kept her decent, but the blouse was so very soft that she just wanted to make bedding out of it and curl up in it.

“You are still wearing Yirra’s necklace and earrings?”

“It’s the only jewellery I have, so...” She reached for the clasp. “If I shouldn’t wear it, I won’t.” She released the clasp and put the necklace on the desk. She felt sad at having to remove it. She removed the earrings and set them on the table.

He came to her and knelt at her side. “I thought dancers like you got all kinds of pretties from admirers.”

She swallowed. “I sold it all to pay Hailey’s tuition.”

He winced. “Please, let me put them back on you.”

She was confused, but she nodded. He put the earrings in carefully and then moved behind her to put on the necklace. “Treasure, your neck is healed.”

“I know. Delun and the surgeon healed it this morning.”

“I mean, I can feel the link to Arthur.”

She smiled slightly. “I know. And he felt everything as well.”

He settled the necklace and chuckled. “Good to know. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It didn’t come up.” She had pulled her hair into an approximation of her updo from earlier, but she knew Delun would know that this wasn’t the same hairstyle that his sister had sent to him earlier.

Lexa nibbled at her tiny sandwich, and she lifted her head when Grigory started rubbing his thumb along her neck and shoulder.

It suddenly hit her. “Oh, that’s why none of the casual stuff covers my shoulders. All to display marks.”

He sighed. “I asked Yorgi. Your other clothing was packed up and stored.”

She snorted. “Of course, it was. Fortunately, I can buy some cheap and nasty stuff if I need to.”

He kissed the top of her head. “You won’t need to.”

She looked up at him. “I am used to going from comfortable to starting over. I hate it for Hailey’s sake, but if you all change your mind, I will be fine... eventually.”

“You already have a mate mark. You will be protected.”

She turned and stood up. “I have had that mark under scars for five years. No one protected me. No one came for me. The marks don’t mean to me what they do to you. The specialness died a long time ago.”

He sighed and nodded, hugging her. “I hope to prove you wrong one day, treasure. The members of my family who met you love you.”

“I am sure there were a few roleplaying betas that they thought were adorable, too.”

He froze, and his voice was strangled. “Who told you about that?”

“I danced with a woman named Daisy, who spoke highly of you. I didn’t realize it was the same person until after you stopped me from taking your knot. That rang a bell.”


“And your aunt mentioned it. And Sascha mentioned it. So, yeah. I know I am not special. It’s fine.”

She felt a wave of cold running through her. It wasn’t like her to stay this resentful, but part of her was really mad at him. “Grigory?”

His voice was thick. “Yes?”

“Why do I want to hurt you?”

He paused. “What kind of feeling do you have?”

“There is something cold and angry in me. It also wants me to hit you in the face with my keyboard, but I am not going to do that.”

Delun walked into her office, and he chuckled. “Did Grigory scare you today?”

His tie was hanging loose, and he introduced himself to Misha.

Grigory nodded. “Yes. I wanted to see where her heat was.”

“You growled at her?”



She grumpily answered, “Yes.”

“She’s getting even.” Delun picked up a sleepy kitten. “She’s not a mate yet; she doesn’t have the backing of a mark to bind you to her. She doesn’t trust your apology because she can’t feel it.”

Grigory groaned. “Fuck.”

“Yeah, so you either have to wait until you mark her or prepare for her to find every emotional hotspot and dig in. You didn’t do anything else, did you?”

Grigory frowned, and she tapped the necklace. “I may have insinuated that it wasn’t right for her to only wear jewellery from your family.”

“She is wearing clothing made by yours.”

“Oh. Right.”

Delun looked at her. “Lexa, can I have a greeting, petal?”

Lexa went past Grigory and stroked her hands up Delun’s chest, and he kissed her slowly. When they broke, he checked her mark and smiled. “Perfect healing.”

He lifted his head. “Also, Grigory, I can tell how close she is to heat by taste. She’s forty hours away.”

“You are a honey tongue?”

Delun nodded. “I am.”

“Well, hell. I could have avoided her plotting to destroy me.”

“Yeah, you could have. So, your option is to set a mark or deal with whatever she says about you to your family at every opportunity.”

She had been planning to submit herself to both of them at her earliest opportunity, but she was going to have to fight her instincts. She did not like being growled at by someone she was trusting with herself. Huh. Her own brain thought she was worth being protected. That was new.

She heard high-pitched voices in the house and walked out in her soft velvet boots. She walked until she could see Hailey, and her daughter froze. “Mom, you look really pretty.”

Lexa blinked. “Um, thank you. Can I have a hug?”

Hailey shook her head and was careful as she hugged Lexa. “Um, you feel soft, and you smell good.”

Lexa blinked. “Is that a problem, sweetie?”

“No, you just normally smell kinda smelly and a bit like your car or motorcycle.” Hailey smiled. “I will get used to you being soft and pretty. The necklace is pretty. Are you going to keep it?”

“Um, yeah. I should be able to keep most of the shiny stuff I get now. Unless you think I shouldn’t wear it.” Lexa was having as much trouble with the change as Hailey was.

“No! It’s nice.” Hailey smiled. “Illyana is going to help me with my homework.”

“Oh, right. If you need me at all, let me know. I’m around.”

Hailey grinned. “Okay.”

Lexa crossed her arms and watched her daughter walk over to her nanny. She hugged herself and headed outside for a bit of fresh air.

The yard was wide, and she was guessing that it extended far past the treeline. She started walking. The soft velvet boots were cute, and they matched the outfit. They did just fine on the grass.

She saw a small thing in a neighbouring field, and it came toward her, and it turned into a jeep with a familiar brunette and three passengers. She smiled when Olivia pulled up to her and stopped. Olivia looked at her as she approached. “Holy shit, Lexa.”

Lexa smiled softly. “That bad?”

Ford looked at her, and heat came to his eyes. “Damn, Lexa. Aside from the height, you are an omega poster child.”

She wanted to preen, but she said, “You still look like an asshole, Ford.”

Ford walked over to her, and he started sniffing her. “Roses and... spices?”

Yemeen walked to her, and his nostrils were flaring. “You and your mates are getting along?”

She hugged herself. “Shut up, Yemeen.”

Dexter leaned against the jeep. “Have your mates started to buy a lot of jewellery?”

“Uh, I have no idea. This set was a gift from Delun’s sister.”

Dexter grinned. “Is jewellery buying a thing?”

“I have no idea.” She shivered.

Olivia looked at her. “You look upset.”

“One of my mates did something to test my heat status, and part of my mind is outraged and fucking hostile.” She blinked. “I really don’t know how to deal with that.”

Ford laughed. “What did he do, growl while he fucked you?”

She gave him a dark look, and he earned himself a growl.

He stepped back, and the laughter faded. “Aw, honey.”

He put his arms around her and hugged her. “It’s okay, Lexa. He hasn’t dealt with an unbonded omega before. He still wants you.”

“No, he doesn’t. He hates me. They all hate me. Even Hailey doesn’t want me.” She started crying, and she pushed away from him, breathing heavily.

Yemeen stepped toward her with his hand out, and a low growling started behind her.

Arms went around her, and she went quiet. Arthur.

Olivia looked at him, and her eyes narrowed. “Are you the one who scared her?”

Arthur said, “I have been at work. What happened?”

Grigory’s voice was flat. “I tried to assess her heat and forgot that we weren’t bonded yet. I scared her pretty badly, and she hid under my bed. It took me ten minutes to coax her out and another five to let me get close again.”

She flinched at his voice and huddled against Arthur. Yemeen stared at Grigory. She didn’t have to see her massive angel know what Yemeen was looking at.

Olivia’s eyes were wide, and her mouth was in a perfect O.

Ford grinned. “Grigory. Who knew we would be neighbours one day?”

Delun stepped up, and he stroked her cheek. “Petal, go and take Grigory’s mark.”

Arthur held her tighter. “She’s afraid of him.”

“She’s mad at him. There’s a tremendous difference. With the mark, he will feel her fury and be able to soothe her. Right now, she is looking for a connection, and she can’t find one. She’s insecure and frustrated. She’s not going to calm down until she has an anchor point.”

Arthur lifted his head. “My marks...”

“Faded and untended. Grigory freaked her out; he needs to fix it.”

Olivia reached for Lexa and lifted her head in her hands. “Lexa. Things will be fine. If not, send me a text, and I will get my butt over here. With entourage.”

Lexa smiled weakly. “This was as small as you could manage?”

“I skipped the obnoxious two.”

Delun spoke softly. “Lexa, ask Grigory for his mark.”

She looked sideways at him. “I don’t wanna.”

Delun reached to stroke her neck, and he said, “Take his mark, and then, you can ask for mine, petal.”

She set her jaw and glared at Grigory.

“Misha’s kittens are more ferocious, treasure.”

Delun spoke to Arthur, and Arthur simply picked her up and handed her to Grigory. She squawked, but he didn’t hesitate and headed to the house.

* * * *

Olivia watched her friend, uncharacteristically sulking, in the arms of the largest alpha Olivia had ever seen. She looked at her neighbours. “What do you feed that guy?”

The Asian male smiled. “Tiny omegas.”

Ford snorted, and Yemeen growled.

Introductions went around, and Dexter said, “If you are Delun, your sister has excellent taste in jewellery.”

Delun laughed. “We pass around jewels and chains at nearly every occasion. Be warned that you might become very busy if you want our business.”

Olivia fretted. “Do you think she will be okay?”

Delun smiled kindly. “He wouldn’t harm a hair on her head; he just did something prematurely. It was rather like telling an off-colour joke to someone you just met versus someone you have known for years. He made the joke too soon. Her omega got scared.”

Olivia still frowned, and Dexter wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her temple. “She will be fine, cougar, and it’s just next door. You will see her after, and she should be fine.”

Yemeen flared his nostrils. “When is her heat?”

Delun chuckled. “It should be starting Thursday and over by Tuesday. She tastes like a long, slow burn.”

Ford narrowed his eyes. “Can we see her Wednesday? Maybe bring over some treats?”

Delun laughed. “Our families will have it covered. Next Friday we will have a party. You can either come or bring a noise complaint.”

Ford grinned. “I like them already.”

Olivia looked at Delun. “What did she mean about Hailey not needing her?”

He sighed. “I suppose that for a seven-year-old, having an adult alpha to show off and get her help with homework while her mom was transforming rapidly into an elegant omega is a bit of security. She has her for herself now, but if Lexa breeds, they will be sharing Illyana as well.”

“Illyana Binyova? She’s a stuntwoman.” Ford blinked.

“She’s one of Grigory’s nieces. When he mentioned being nanny for the family, she dropped everything.” Delun smiled. “His family and mine are getting ready to meet her post-heat. The party will last days if they find it is post-bonding.”

Olivia frowned. “A party?”

Delun chuckled. “A big party. Wrestling and drinking and stuffing the omega with treats. Lexa is too skinny. Presents given for a chance to be of use to her. My mother’s people and Grigory’s think omegas are lucky. The alphas who mate them certainly are.”

Olivia blinked. “It’s to make up for the lack of a wedding.”

Delun nodded. “It is. Financial compensation and support are nice, but knowing that your family supports and wants you is vitally important.”

Dexter hugged Olivia. “Yeah, it is. I am glad my parents came around. They weren’t a fan of the age difference and were definitely not convinced that Olivia was an omega.”

Olivia grinned and blushed. “Uh, yeah, they came around.”

Dexter chuckled. “We were stuck at the family home with Olivia in heat for about two hours before Lexa could get a car and haul us home.”

“She drove you home for your heat?” Delun smiled.

Olivia nodded, embarrassed. “The guys didn’t have anyone they could call who wouldn’t be affected, so she had to let our driver use her bike, get us all in the SUV and then got us home with protection, safely. Then, she got us supplies, and we were able to have a nice time that I was actually able to remember. Hailey likes the cats as well.” She smiled. “She wants to be in a video.”

Ford chuckled. “That song she wrote is getting tons of donations for women’s shelters. They have collected over a quarter of a million dollars across the country.”

Arthur looked at Delun. “Did she ask for a percentage?”

Ford shook his head. “No, she said that the shelters needed it. Not every woman was an omega, but the abuse was abuse.”

Delun nodded. “That is sounding like the woman we are learning.”

Olivia asked Arthur, “You were the first guy? The guy who marked her. The one in the video.”

Arthur nodded. “It was that video that brought me to your door. It didn’t look like what the hotel told me happened, but a few minutes of research pointed me in her direction.”

“Do you know who did that to her?”

“Yes. My family, so I went looking for ursine alphas who had strong families who would appreciate a strong omega.”

Delun inclined his head. “When we learned that she would want us for our bodies, it was strange to consider, but she actually prefers a male with our particular physical appearance.”

Yemeen blinked. “She kept calling me skinny boy. She really prefers her guys...”

Olivia chuckled. “She likes bear hugs.”

Delun grinned. “Exactly.”

Arthur nodded. “She did before all of this happened. She looked at me like I was the prettiest thing she had ever seen, and I was so careful with her. I could have taken her to bed at any time. She told me as much fairly baldly. But I wanted to wait. Now, I think that if I had strengthened our link by even one week—”

“They just would have attacked her one week earlier. You would still have mentioned it to someone who told your family, and they still would have come for her.” Olivia shrugged. “Everything would have been the same.”

Arthur paused, his brown eyes sombre. “It doesn’t give me comfort, but it does slow the pity party. Thanks for that.”

Olivia smiled. “That’s what I am here for.”

Another vehicle roared up, and Ambrose was radiating a scowl through their mark. He came over to her and eased her from Yemeen. “What’s going on?”

She smiled. “Just being friendly and visiting with the new neighbours.”

“Where is she?”

Olivia said casually, “Off getting marked by the biggest, scariest dude I have ever seen.”

He chuckled. “I thought I was the scariest dude you had ever seen.”

Dexter snorted. “You have not seen Grigory.”

“Wait. Does he own some clubs?” Ambrose paused.

Arthur nodded. “He does. Twenty in our city, eighty others across the country.”

“Lexa is screwing that?”

Delun growled low, and Arthur followed. Olivia pinched the bridge of her nose. “Ambrose, you met Arthur, but this is Lexa’s other mate. Delun.”

Delun extended his hand for a handshake. “Judge Hall.”

Ambrose’s brows rose. “Ah. I am surprised that Arthur was able to find all ursas.”

“Says one of the only prides in the state. You came together for Olivia. We came together for Lexa. As it should be. We don’t advertise, but we are easy to spot.” There was a calm sort of pride coming out of the massive man.

Olivia smiled. “Well, Lexa is head over heels, so I get the feeling she is in good hands. If she needs me for anything, she can call.”

Ford grinned. “And I am going to look through the songs I have in my inbox and see if one matches a cuddly warrior princess. Her new look is adorable.”

Delun nodded. “Just wait. Both my family and Grigory’s wrap our omegas in luxury and a distinctive look. She will not be mistaken for anything but a cherished member of a very large family.”

Olivia grinned. “I look forward to seeing it. I will try and keep her calm as she is decorated.”

Delun smiled. “That is our job.”

Olivia looked at the huge wall of a man, and she blinked. There was a calm in his eyes that would be beneficial to Lexa, and as long as Hailey was going to be fine, things would be a new start. Olivia wanted to see it.