Three Thousand Roses by Viola Grace

Chapter Sixteen

She scared the shit out of Yorgi when he came in to make breakfast. She had already made waffles for twenty, sliced fruit, whipped cream, and was pulling bacon out of the oven and setting it next to the warming tray of sausages.

Yorgi grabbed one of the waffles and bit it. “Wow. This is really good. Can I do anything?”

“Coffee? I didn’t want to make it until this was ready. I hate stale coffee.”

“On it. Where did you learn to cook?”

“My mom taught me, and then, I was a short-order cook for a year until they changed my schedule.” She chopped a banana into half-inch slices, balanced it on her knife, and tucked it onto the platter with fruit in one long section.

“What kind of change?”

“I used to do brunches, and then, they wanted to switch me to evenings. I didn’t have childcare for the evenings, and I didn’t want to miss all of Hailey’s life. So, I quit and got a new job and then another and another.”

She looked around. “Right, well, I am going to have to wake sleeping beauties for breakfast.”

She soaked her hands in cold water and pressed them around her neck and over her marks.

Yorgi burst out laughing. She grinned and did it again until her phone started blowing up with notices that they were up and on the way.

She blotted her marks dry.

The guys all looked bizarrely awake when they came into the kitchen. She was snickering. Her marks went from her to her womb to their groin. They were just lucky she hadn’t grabbed ice cubes.

She sat at the table and was about to greet them, but she heard the thudding of smaller feet and got up from her chair to run to Hailey. “Mom! I have missed you.”

“I missed you, too, little bit. If all went well, I will not have to disappear like that for a year or more.”

“The house was so quiet, and Misha disappeared.”

Grigory set the sheet with the cat family down on a footstool in the corner. “She came looking for the other mom in the house.”

Lexa snuffled noisily at Hailey’s neck. Her daughter giggled.

Delun announced, “Time for breakfast.”

Lexa grabbed a plate and looked at Hailey. “Remember the drill?”

“Buffet collectors... activate.” She took the plate, and Lexa lifted her, settling her on one hip. Hailey held the plate, and Lexa loaded it up. When they headed to the table, Illyana applauded, and the males were appalled.

Lexa took a seat with Hailey in her lap. They attacked the food, and a rueful Yorgi went to make supplemental food. They had made a sizable dent.

They ate savagely and shared the plate. Hailey was stuffed and limp, patting her tummy. Lexa finished and sat back with a sigh. “So, doll face, what day is it?”

“Tuesday. Illyana is taking me to a new school for an interview today. Yesterday we went to Miss Olivia’s house and swam.”

“She’s a good swimmer. And technically, it is Mr. Ford’s house.”

“I know, but he said it was Olivia’s house, and if we said it often enough, she would believe it.”

Illyana smiled. “He said that as long as Olivia and her pride come home to him, it is her house.”

Lexa smiled. “That sounds like Ford. I am glad that she has him. He is teaching her what an omega should know about themselves. She learns more every day.”

The guys looked at each other, and Grigory arched a brow. “The alphas don’t mind?”

Lexa chuckled. “Ford goes into heat, too. He does not want kids. Well, doesn’t want to carry them.”

Grigory’s eyes went wide. “Oh. So, two omegas for the price of one.”

“Definite discount as Ford is rich and self-sufficient.”

Hailey pulled her down and whispered in her ear. She listened to the words and pressed a kiss onto the girl’s forehead.

“No, Hailey. We don’t have to pay to be here. We were invited. Invited means we are wanted.”

She looked around and whispered again.

Lexa held her and whispered back. “They won’t change their minds, love. They are family now, and real, chosen family doesn’t run, doesn’t change, and doesn’t abandon part of them.”

There were chairs sliding back, and she and Hailey were encompassed in a group hug. Hailey was laughing as they were pulled up and squeezed by three bears. It was just right.

Lexa was lying on Grigory, and Delun was massaging her feet. Arthur was dealing with Terrance, and he was grinning when he hung up. “My mother and brother have been served with the lawsuit. It was convenient with them being in jail for the attempt on Hailey.”

She looked at Arthur. “How much are you suing him for?”

“The estate of Maia Adders is suing him for ten million dollars. We are suing for Hailey to the tune of thirteen million. Your harassment is a second suit because it is harder to prove. Parental abandonment and neglect, as well as interfering with the safety of a minor, is an easy win. Terrance is way better than my mom’s lawyers.”

Delun smiled. “It is also a suit that is being fast-tracked. There was an extreme miscarriage of justice in your case, and the court system and police were part of it. It is going to get a lot of press.” He massaged her feet thoroughly. “You are going to need a lot of pampering, plenty of family events and support. We can provide it all.”

Grigory chuckled. “The party plans are already in action for Friday night through the weekend. Hotels are being booked, cars are being rented, and drivers procured.”

Delun laughed. “My family is coming in; my mother and sisters are looking forward to meeting you. My father and the uncles are coming.”

“Mine, too. It is going to be loud.”

She chuckled. “We should invite the neighbours.”

Arthur leaned and kissed her. “Already done. Grigory, you are going to rub her breasts off.”

Grigory cupped the breast he was fondling. “Nope, it’s still there. Let me check the other one.” He mauled her gently, and she laughed.

Taking the day to recover was delightful. Delun had a thing for her feet, Grigory could live life with his hand down her shirt, and Arthur liked coming in for deep surprise kisses. She was as happy as a warm puppy right now.

She asked Delun, “Is it okay that I didn’t go with Hailey?”

“They want to assess her on her own. That means she has to be with Illyana running escort and her doing all the talking. My sister runs a tight ship, but she is an excellent judge of character, and Hailey is a very bright girl with a lot of soul.”

Lexa smiled. “Yeah, she is.”

Grigory smiled gently. “Do as good a job with our babies, please.”

“Fine, but you will have to do the heavy lifting.” She glanced down at her breasts. “You might need to use both hands for that.”

She thought about the police at the school. “So, when do we have to talk to the precinct about the Morthiwens being at the school?”

Arthur shook his head. “You don’t. Delun does.”

Delun chuckled. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”

“Why, Delun?”

“He’s applying to adopt Hailey. He has the right to represent her as custodial parent.”

Delun grinned. “I have a friend coming with the papers this afternoon. After Hailey is back. And a family photographer.”

Arthur looked up with a smile. “Into the papers?”

Delun smiled. “Into the papers. My family is traditional. Well, my mom is, and everyone goes along with her.”

Lexa blinked. “What are you talking about?”

Arthur smiled. “What would be a pack announcement. In our case, we are announcing our sloth, our marks, and our completion of a first heat together. It will also list our daughter, Hailey. This will be circulated to friends and family, as well as the local social circles, so they know how many of us are required for invitations to events.”

She was mortified. “I had no idea that you announced a heat.”

Delun stroked his thumbs down her insteps. “It is basically as close to a wedding announcement as we come. There is handfasting as well, but that is only used when some of the members are not bond mates.”

“But photographer?”

Grigory murmured, “We want everyone to know that we belong together, as a set. It also helps folk recognize you when they see you at our places of work. Delun’s bailiff will let you into his chambers, and my bouncers will let you in.”

Delun nodded. “And we need a photo of your marks for my family archives.”

Grigory smiled. “Mine as well.”

Arthur grinned. “So, have hair and makeup been arranged?”

Delun and Grigory looked at him in surprise and said as one, “Of course.”

She chuckled and leaned back against Grigory, and he continued to pet and stroke her breasts. Worrying could wait. For the first time in seven years, she wasn’t worried. She didn’t have to solve all the problems. She had backup. It was a weird feeling, but she wanted to trust it. If she left it long enough, she might just manage it.

Hailey had been delighted with the school, passed her entrance exam, and had the rest of the week off to get ready to resume class on Monday. That meant she could participate in all the parties that were planned to start Thursday night, as long as she kept up on the reading that Illyana wanted her to do.

Lexa was sitting next to Hailey as their hair was done under Yirra’s supervision by two of her stylists.

“So, what is happening today, Mom?” Hailey was asking for the third time.

“First, you are being adopted by Delun so that the nasty witch can’t come at you, and then, we are having family photos done with Delun, and then sloth photos done with all the guys so our whole kernel of family will be photographed. Then, we are all going out to dinner to celebrate.”

Hailey smiled. “You look happy, Mom.”

“I might not be tomorrow, but today, I am really happy.” She didn’t mention the mating endorphins of days of sex and the hours of cuddling with the guys.

Yirra met her eyes in the mirror and smiled. “And lovely, princesses. How Delun got so lucky, I have no idea, but we are all the better for it. You are wearing traditional dress for the adoption?”

“The traditional dress your mother provided for me? Yes. The guys all like it.”

“Good, your hair will be in a soft updo then with tendrils around your face. Hailey’s will be loose, and she will wear the matching outfit.”

Hailey’s eyes went wide. “Matching? Oh, I always wanted to match.” She asked. “Is it a dress?”

Yirra smiled. “Formal robe. Delun said your mother looked stunning in hers, so I brought along the child version from our aunt’s house.”

Their makeup went on, hair went up, and then the robes went on. It was easier with Yirra tugging and pulling the robe into position before the works were lashed in place with the wide sash. Hailey moved carefully around the divider, and she stopped. “Oh, wow, Mom. You look like something out of anime.”

She smiled, and Hailey grinned. “Wrong country, sweet.”

“Still. You look like a princess. Delun is a lucky dude.” Hailey’s expression was serious.

Yirra chuckled. “Yes, he is. As are the rest of your family.”

A knock on the door told them it was time to go downstairs for the signing.

Grigory opened the door and looked at them both, smiling. “Golden princesses. They are ready, and Judge Gallerov is waiting.”

Lexa took Hailey’s hand and led her to the door. Grigory took Lexa’s other hand and raised it to his lips. “Stunning.”

They walked down to the family room, where the judge was waiting with Delun. Delun was wearing an outfit to match theirs with icons of his family all over it. He looked at them and smiled.

Judge Gallerov was sitting at the table, and he was shocked when Grigory led her in.

He kissed her cheek and whispered, “Now, I go and get ready for pictures, though I can never match your magnificence.”

He swatted her on the backside, and she broke the mood when she muttered, “Jackass.”

Delun laughed and beckoned them over. “Lexa, please, meet a good friend, Andri Gallerov.”

She walked around with Hailey being on good behaviour. She said, “Pleased to meet you, Judge Gallerov.”

He held out his hand. “Andri. Please.”

She held out her hand, and her sleeve covered nearly her entire hand to her fingertips. “Lexa Adders.”

Hailey stuck out her hand. “I’m Hailey Adders.”

The judge smiled and shook her hand. “Mr. Gallerov.”

“If you are finished drooling over my mate and basking in the glow of her daughter, can we make her my daughter?” He looked spectacular as he quirked his brows at his friend. Lexa was dazzled.

Judge Gallerov looked to Hailey. “Do you know what is happening today?”

“Mr. Delun Hall has said he will be my dad, to make me part of the family and for protection.”

“And because you make everything brighter, Hailey.” Delun smiled.

Hailey looked shy and hid her face against Lexa’s waist.

Lexa stood through the lecture about sharing legal custody of Hailey.

“Considering your active omega status, it is understandable that you are seeking to share the responsibility of this young woman.”

Lexa nodded. “I am aware of my legal designation. I just want her to have as much childhood as possible while things continue to change. Delun can help her keep that when I can’t.”

Delun inclined his head. “I can, and I will.”

They signed, Judge Gallerov’s assistant came in to witness, and Hailey printed her name on the adoption certificate with a happy face behind her name.

“I now pronounce you a father, Delun. Congratulations. It’s a doll.”

Hailey looked at him with a frown. “Can I call you Dad?”

He blinked and grinned. “Yes, you may. Can I call you Hailey?”

She giggled. “That’s my name.”




She looked at him with big eyes and nodded.

“May I have a hug?”

She nodded and walked toward him. He held out his arms, and his robed sleeves were flung wide, and she jumped into his arms. He hugged her and then stood with her perched on his arm. He held his other arm out to Lexa, and she stepped in, resting her head on his shoulder before looking up and catching his kiss. Hailey giggled.

A click of a photo being taken started, and they leaned back and smiled at each other before she leaned her head on his shoulder, and she looked up at him for the next photo.

The family room was arranged for the other photos, and she stood in the centre with her arms around Hailey, who stood in front of her. The other three were arranged with Grigory in his glittery Russian finery behind her, Arthur in a tunic, trousers, robe, and boots with his family crests marching along every hem.

They stood together seriously, and then, the photographer sighed. “Can you look less like a still life?”

Lexa snickered, and then, Grigory’s arm came around her from behind. Arthur picked up Hailey, and Delun stood in front of all of them.

Yirra snorted. “If you use that photo, Mom is going to have kittens.”

They changed their arrangement around, and what ended up being the approved selection was Lexa holding Hailey and being cradled by Grigory while the other two had arms over his shoulders and hands protectively across Lexa’s hips.

The photographer was excited, and they all had satisfied and happy expressions, being with the family they had chosen. It was not a standard mating announcement.

Rya came in, and Hailey was taken for ice cream while the images were taken of the marks. Yirra had left the robe low on her shoulders, so the marks were easily visible.

Couple photos were taken with the male’s face near his mark in tender poses, and then face-to-face images and side-by-side images.

The air was filled with roses by the time the photographer was done. He smiled at Grigory and said, “So, what time is the party starting?”

“Setup is all day Friday, but the party starts around five and will go until Sunday afternoon.”

He grinned. “I will be there. Your family looks like fun, cousin.”

“Oh, we can be, Alexi. Send me a few of the proofs so I can send the photos to family. I want to make sure that Hailey isn’t questioned by anyone. She needs to belong from the moment that family arrives.”

“Understood. I will have some proofs for you this evening.”

Lexa bit her lip and fidgeted. She wanted to ask Alexi a question, but she didn’t know how.

He met her gaze and smiled. “Would you like to ask me something, cousin?”

She blinked and looked at her guys. “Uh, yeah, but not here.”

She walked up to him and took his arm, walking him into the next room. She faced him and asked him a blunt question.

He paused and grinned. “I can do that.”

She hauled him to her nest, and when they came out ten minutes later, she was nervous, and his eyes were overheating.

He paused by the curious Grigory, “You are one lucky bastard.”

Lexa kept her face innocent and said, “So, should I change before dinner?”

Arthur wrapped his arm around her waist. “Absolutely not. You look amazing, and Hailey looks adorable.”

Delun slipped his phone into his sleeve. “The car is ready. The reservation is in half an hour.”

Rya came with Hailey, and she was wearing a robe as well. Lexa knew it before they arrived at the discrete downtown restaurant. They were meeting Delun’s family, who was now Hailey’s family. She was now Hailey Adders-Hall. This was her party.