Three Thousand Roses by Viola Grace


Lexa looked at the balance in her bank account once again. Thirteen million dollars was just sitting there. Twenty-five million had been awarded to Hailey, and she was in trust until her twenty-first birthday.

She swallowed.

Arthur rubbed her shoulder. “Sweetheart. Are you okay? You are staring at the bank balance again.”

She whispered. “I’m fine. I just... that number means it’s over. I don’t have to think about her again. She’s not going to jump out of the woodwork and get Hailey or me. She can’t touch us anymore. It just happened so fast.”

Arthur rubbed her shoulders. “She realized that when the Omega Centre employees were investigated, it would look far worse for her. This stings, but it won’t cripple her. But the restraining orders in place against her and my brother will now lock them in their own corner of the world. They are leaving the country and starting over. It was kind of you to offer the option of contact when Hailey is twenty.”

“I wanted to make sure that if she manifests, we have time to start interviewing packs or whatever.”

Delun looked up from his files. “We will make sure she is properly situated or off to the college of her choice.”

Grigory smiled. “Or we will help her start a business that she is passionate about. The world is open to her.”

“Oh, speaking of the world, I have my passport application.” She held it up. “And my non-flattering photos.”

It had been four weeks since the first party, and she was ready to move on to the next portion of her life. That included seeing a bit of the world.

Delun looked at her. “Where do you plan on going?”

She sighed. “Nowhere. Because I can’t go anywhere without a passport. After I have one, I can travel with Grigory or Arthur or you if you travel anywhere. I want to be able to accompany anyone anywhere and see some of the world because, right now, my world experience encompasses about a hundred miles. I don’t want to resent being here or with you because I can’t go anywhere or do anything. I know that I can do stuff locally, with bodyguards, but I have only seen the world in pictures.”

She was caught up in a group hug, and she chuckled softly. Delun took the documents and her photos and saw that she had signed as an omega should. “I will get this filed in the next two days. You are right. The door doesn’t have to be opened, but it does need to be there.”

She sighed in relief. “Grigory, I am ready to pay up.”

He perked up from his return to play with the kittens. He grinned. “I will let Alexi and Nikolai know.”

“Nikolai will be there?”

“Of course. He will fly us up to the mountains in the helicopter and wait while Alexi takes the photos.”

Delun frowned. “What photos?”

Lexa blinked. “Fly?”

Grigory smiled. “He owns a helicopter charter company.” He turned to the other bears in the mix. “The alternate birthday gift. Treasure is coming with me to the ice and snow so that she can be photographed with my beast. He is very pleased with the idea.”

Delun and Arthur looked at her with their mouths open. They immediately started to clamour for the same photoshoots in their different environments. She stopped them with a hand up. “Ask the photographer. I am just the body. Model. Mate. Whatever.”

Phones came out, and they started to harass Lexa’s brother-in-law’s beta.

She knew she would end up in jewels and costumes in the arms of bears, but it didn’t really bother her. They were hers, and she was theirs, and she looked great wearing nothing but pearls and gold.

Lexa just knew one thing without question, she was going to have to find something to tell Nikolai. He still hadn’t found Alita, and no one was helping him. He was getting frustrated, and she didn’t have the nerve to tell him that she would be at the next party. Hailey’s horse obsession had finally born fruit, and there was an equestrian display coming to the next event, after the alpha wrestling but before the dance-off.

If he wanted to meet Alita, he was going to have to find her himself. She wasn’t going to set her friend up. Ford was doing that for her. He was having fun acting as an omega fairy godmother, and he was enjoying having others of his kind nearby. Lexa wouldn’t be surprised if the entire street was eventually full of omegas, against all odds. She watched as Delun and Arthur focused on texting Alexi with stabbing fingers. Grigory tilted her head back with a finger, and he kissed her slowly before whispering, “At this moment, I can’t imagine being happier, but then, you speak or look at me, and it grows. How do you do it?”

She chuckled. “Sometimes, something is just right.” She leaned up to kiss him and felt a slow throb in her marks. It had been too sudden, too fast, and too scary, but now, her life was settling into just right.