Three Thousand Roses by Viola Grace

Chapter Six

Wearing her comfy clothing with the chemise and lace panties underneath, she stood outside Arthur’s office door. Oak leaves and butterscotch told her that he was behind the door. She inhaled deeply and knocked.

“Come in.”

She walked in and closed the door behind her. “Hiya, Arthur.”

He looked up from his computer, and his nostrils flared. “I see you and Grigory are getting along as well.”

“Um, yeah. I have something to tell you.”

He leaned back. “Did you want me out of the sloth?”

“No! Not that. Just a few years ago, I began seeing you under false pretenses.” She groaned. “This sounds so stupid out loud.”

He frowned. “Come here, Lexa.”

She walked over to him, and he set her on his lap.

“Now, Lexa, explain what you mean.”

“Uh, my sister was sexually assaulted at college.” She bit her lip.

“That’s horrible.”

“And she got pregnant and dropped out. The guy who date-raped her was from a pretty good family, and when she tried to contact him for support for the child, he disavowed the child, and he legally made it stick. He had witnesses who testified that he wasn’t at the party where she was attacked. I spent my first year of college trying to find a way to make him provide for his child.”

Arthur frowned. “What are you telling me?”

“Hailey is your niece.”

He went icy still. “What?”

“I was trying to get a history on your brother when I met you. Then we started dating, and my sister told me to drop it. She said that Hailey would have enough with our family around her. She didn’t need yours. So, I tried to stop dating you, but we kept running into each other, and I didn’t have a reason to say no. I was in love. Maia was all for it. She looked forward to meeting you and introducing you to Hailey. She joked that the baby was my bodyguard. Every time someone came toward me, the baby screamed.”

“My brother raped your sister.” He spoke slowly.

“Yeah. If you don’t believe me, I have all the medical records, including bloodwork. For absolute proof, you would just have to submit a DNA sample. I couldn’t get one from Arnold.”

He blinked. “How would I know it was an assault?”

“I have her medical records. They should be in my stuff. She had a broken arm, broken cheekbone, cracked ribs, and vaginal tearing. There was also rectal tearing, but that just proved that he was aggressive.” She sighed. “All the police reports just went away. I have the only copies, but I have a lot of them in different areas around the state. I didn’t want anyone to just let it disappear, even though Maia asked me to.”

He sat for a moment, and then, he wrapped his arms around her. “My family has really screwed yours over.”

“Yeah, but Hailey’s college fund is safe. She never managed to get it, though she tried.”

He rubbed his chin on her head. “She tried to go after your daughter’s trust fund?”

“She did. A couple of times. She ordered a financial audit on me and tried to take every cent I had.”

“Do you have any documentation for that?”

“Yeah, I gave copies to Terrance just before I went to change. I sent him my whole legal mess. He is a horribly cheerful man.”

“He is the best legal mind in the city.” Arthur rubbed his chin on her head again. “Can I say I am sorry?”

“Your only culpability was leaving me that night. Let me guess, your mother called and said there was a business emergency.” She sighed and breathed him in.

“It was a text.”

“And the hotel staff said that I had just left the room without saying anything.”

“There was no trace of us, and they had shampooed the carpet at three in the morning.” He was grim. “My mother said she had paid you off, and then, our link faded.”

She nodded. “Figured she drove you off somehow.”

He kissed her temple. “Will you allow me to verify and get information on what happened that night?”

“If you can find anything, let me know. I have three different police reports with the same number if that helps.”

He growled. “That would be helpful.”

“Good. In the first, I am an unknown woman with a shredded mark. In the second, I am a drunk college student, and in the third, I am a hooker who catered to fetishes and a trick got out of hand. It is fascinating reading.”

“I want to see it.”

“Sure. I will give you my file and Maia’s. You should know what they got up to.”

He touched her jaw. “Why don’t you hate me?”

She smiled. “Hate takes up too much space. Your mom is the financial equivalent of a rabid dog, and she tried to carry her contamination to me and mine.”

“Your family died in the accident because they were coming to you.”

She inhaled and relaxed. “They would have died if it had been a car accident. They might not have died if I told them to come right away, but I said they should wait for the weekend.”

She looked at him. “We can go all the way back in time to if your brother had never been born... but that is unfair. I would not have traded my time with Hailey, nor would Maia. Her origin wasn’t great, but she has been an angel every day since she showed up and I caught her in my arms.”

His expression softened. “You were at the delivery?”

She laughed. “It was in my car. My sister was revealed as an omega while she was pregnant. It was probably her onset that set your brother off.”

“Don’t make excuses.”

“I don’t, but I try to understand. Alphas don’t generally go off randomly. Anyway. Maia went into labour, and we lived out of town, so I got her in my car thinking that we had plenty of time.” She snorted. “I forgot about the slick. It was a half-hour drive; I made it in twenty and delivered my niece in the hospital parking lot. There was slick, fluid, and blood everywhere, but my sister was laughing, I was laughing, and it was the best birthday present ever.”

He smiled and then said seriously, “I can get a vasectomy if you want. You don’t need to worry about carrying my bloodline.”

She laughed. “I hug someone from your bloodline at least three times a day. I am only sad that Maia didn’t get to watch her grow, but that was the weather and the eighteen-wheeler. I don’t regret Hailey. Remember that. She’s the best part of our family.”

He nodded, and she kissed him softly. “Arthur, you have a niece, and she wants a pony.”

He smiled and laughed. “How can you be so upbeat?”

“You and the others have removed some concerns. If I end up arrested again, I can call Terrence.”

He snorted. “You can call Delun. He can get you out of blatant massacre in a matter of minutes.”

She looked down. “I can’t really call anybody.”

“Why not?”

She muttered, “I don’t have anyone’s number. I only have Terrence’s because he gave me his card.”

“We will fix that. Bring your phone to dinner.”

“Oh, I don’t allow cell phones at the dinner table, especially mine.”

“Humour me. You need the contact numbers in your phone. Especially if my family is coming for you.”

She wrinkled her nose. “So, while Delun’s and Grigory’s families are welcome, yours are not.”

He chuckled. “Noted.”

“And if you talk to your mom, don’t use my name, or she will have police waiting for me at the end of the road.”

He nodded. “I understand. I will get a leash on her quickly.”

“Oh, also, if she tries to come here, I will be breaking a restraining order. Just so you know.”

“I will ask Terrence and Delun for advice. It can be a subject for discussion at dinner.”

“As long as it is kept polite for Hailey’s ears.”

“Of course.”

She paused. “Grigory has a big, loud family.”

“Yeah, he does. Love of family was what I was looking for. He’s the only ursa in a family of canines. Delun has a serious love of family as well. I picked them both for you.” He nuzzled her cheek.

“So, what is the big difference between ursas and canines?”

He laughed. “Aside from us all looking like professional wrestlers?”

She stroked his chest and hummed happily. “Yeah.” She wrapped her arms around his chest, and she couldn’t get them all the way around. She had tried to explain it to Olivia once, but she didn’t get it.

“I am surprised you didn’t notice.”

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“We have a baculum in our penis. We don’t go soft.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh, that’s what that is.”

He chuckled. “You didn’t notice?”

“You were careful that first time and used a lot of lube, and I was just throwing myself at Grigory, so I didn’t do an anatomical analysis. I also hadn’t done a lot of research on the variety of penises in the alpha universe. It seemed an invasive form of research.”

He laughed. “But you were willing to take me without research?”

“You spent most of your time behind me. I didn’t even get a look.” She smiled. “I hope to rectify that before my heat.”

He blinked. “You... still want me?”

She frowned. “Not as my first love, but as a mate who wants me. Someone who wants the best for me and mine. If we can clear up the mark, you might even get a chance to activate it again.”

His eyes were warm. “You would let me bond you again?”

“Are you going to get distracted before the binding sets?”

He shook his head. “I have learned my lesson.”

“Good. Grigory said he will sit with me when Delun marks me as well.” She shrugged. “I don’t want to be alone, but regardless, I am going into the next heat with no bonding. As far as I can foresee.” She huffed. “If there is anything I have realized about the last few days, it is I have no idea what is going to happen next.”

Arthur sighed. “I am glad you were in that video.”

“Yeah, how exactly did you find me?”

“I went to the video producer. He was not happy to see me, and his pride nearly tore me apart, but their omega got them to just let me know where you were.”

“Oh, she’s getting a text. Possibly emojis will be involved.” She mumbled.

He chuckled. “She said if I was sincere, she would make things easier, but if I messed with you, I would meet a mysterious and bloody end. She knows a lot of big cats.”

Lexa nodded. “Yeah, she does. They are quite friendly, and it’s fun that they are just a few minutes away.”

“Are you going over for a visit?”

“Not before my heat. I don’t want to add any stress that would ratchet things around.”

“Ratchet what around?”

“There are two omegas and four alphas in that house. I don’t want my heat triggered when I am out and about.” She shrugged. “I have had enough issues with not being in a safe place during sex. I am not going to chance that with my first heat.”

“Your first?”

She grimaced. “Don’t start. Yes, my first heat. I have been taking suppressants since that night. The Omega Centre decided six months ago that they were no longer willing to issue me a prescription. They wanted me in heat and have been trying to get CPS to take Hailey.”

He froze. “So, what did you do?”

“I got some black-market stuff, but it isn’t great for you and has an effect on your health. I stopped it today. Delun has my last two pills. I am going to be hitting my heat hard, and I don’t know when.”

“So, your last two illegal suppressors and your panties. It was quite the morning for him.”

She sighed and went to stand up. “Right. I should get going. I just wanted to do full disclosure that I initially stalked you for information and that Hailey is related to you. I have no problem with you verifying that.”

She stood next to him. “See you at dinner?”

“Of course. Family dinners were one of the stipulations that Grigory and Delun made. No one skips dinner if they are home.”

She smiled. “Do you have a list of the stipulations? I think it would make some fun reading this evening?”

He chuckled. “I will print one off.”

She walked to the door and turned back to look at him. “Why did you buy this place?”

He smiled. “With Ford next door, it was available, and I thought it would be nice for you to have a friend nearby. The house was empty, and here we are.” He started laughing. “Ford thought that we would be upset by his parties. He has not seen Grigory’s and Delun’s family gatherings. He is going to be crying into his designer cushions.”

“Olly will take care of him. He’ll get over it.” She smiled. “We just have to invite them.”

“You think they will come?”

“Olivia will come, which means the rest of them will show up.” She grinned.

“Ford is not sniffing after you?”

“No. He and I are just associates. Yemeen and I were friends. The others were acquaintances.” She leaned against the doorframe. “They came with Hailey and me to the amusement park, so now, they are all friends.”

“An amusement park?”

“It was for Hailey’s birthday, and her friends from school cancelled because one of the fathers hit on me at the Shattered Diamond and the bouncers dislocated his jaw. The news that I was a stripper cascaded around, and all of Hailey’s friends cancelled. So, I had six extra tickets, and I gave them to Olivia. We all went in a huge car and had a ridiculously good time.”

He blinked. “You and Hailey have the same birthday.”


“So, we missed an important day.”

She frowned. “You didn’t miss it. We were just not in communication. Also, you probably didn’t know when it was even back then.”

“You do realize what a big deal an omega birthday is for its alphas.”

“I do not. Nor has it been a concern prior to this week. The packs that the Omega Centre were throwing at me didn’t have any kind of romantic notions about our connection. They would treat me as a pet, and all it would cost is my daughter.” She smiled. “Thanks for keeping her with me, Arthur.”

He smiled gently. “It was the least I could do after everything.”

She left his office and closed the door. She heard the roar of fury and the slamming of his fists on the desk.

She sighed and walked to Hailey’s room. The designer was there, and a crew of movers was bringing in a wonderfully eclectic arrangement of furniture. The designer looked at her. “Are you the housekeeper?”

Lexa didn’t have a chance to say anything. The designer started rattling off care and maintenance instructions as well as how to adjust the curtains on the four-poster bed. Lexa asked politely, “Could you write the instructions down? There’s a lot to remember.”

The woman snorted. “Grigory needs to replace you if you can’t remember simple directions. Idiot.”

Lexa smiled and was hit by a small projectile. “Mom! Mom! Come see the kittens!”

The designer looked at Hailey, actually looked at Lexa, took in her hair and her casual attire. “Oh, no.”

Lexa smiled at Hailey. “Lead the way.”

Her daughter pulled her from the room, past the movers, and down the hall to what felt like Grigory’s room. Illyana was next to a basket, and a white cat with ice-blue eyes had four tiny kittens.

“Should we be in here?” She was nervous, but the scent of Grigory was having a predictable effect on her.

“The cat won’t let you pet her, but the kittens are so cute. Come look.” Hailey pulled her right to the basket, and Lexa crouched and extended the back of her fingers to the kitty mama.

Misha looked at her and then sniffed, then purred and rubbed her head against Lexa’s fingers. Illyana stifled a giggle. “It seems that you smell familiar, Lexa.”

“That is very likely, Illyana.”

Hailey looked at her mother. “Aw. She hissed at me when I came close.”

Lexa pulled Hailey against her and wrapped her hand around Hailey’s. She offered it to Misha, and the fluffy white kitty rubbed her head against Hailey’s hand. They petted Misha together, and Hailey whispered, “Why does she like you?”

“Because I smell like Grigory. We were hugging earlier, so she knows that he and I are friends.”

Illyana nodded in amusement at the succinct description.

“Hey, Hailey, is your homework done?”

“Yeah, for two days. That way, I won’t get in trouble for missing today. And if I keep it up, I might be able to have the day off when we are getting ready for the family party when you bond to Grigory and Delun.”

Lexa smiled. “Ah, there’s a party, is there?”

Grigory came in and crouched next to them. “Of course, there is a party. We love parties. Any excuse for the family to get together. The neighbours warned Arthur that they entertain frequently.” He laughed. “They have not seen anything yet.”

He handed Hailey one of the kittens to pet, and she gasped and petted the tiny, helpless body. Grigory looked at Lexa and smiled. “We are fixated on family.”

Lexa had never actually felt her uterus flex, but she had a feeling that it was hoping the condom failed during her heat. It had always been a traitor.