Where You Can Find Me by Fiona Cole


First and foremost, I want to thank my husband and my two girls. Chris, you were understanding and supportive in the only way you could be: hesitantly and with a lot of sarcasm. But, no matter what, you were understanding of all the nights I sat in bed clicking away on my laptop, of all the weekends I sat at the table writing. I cherish and love you and our girls.

My sweet Emma and Madi. I love you both endlessly and hope to God you grow up brave and strong. Madi, thank you for always cheering me on in a way that only a seven year old’s blind faith can. I love you.

Sanzana, my tiny Canadian who is the most romantic person I know. Your positivity about love is endless and inspiring. I never would have moved past chapter two without you demanding more. Those demands pushed me to keep going when all I had were doubts and questions about what the hell I was doing.

Celeste Grande, we go way back and to be honest, I would never be here if not for you. You were my introduction to this crazy world of Indies.

The aforementioned fabulous group of authors includes some of my favorite people ever. Lex Martin, Stephanie Rose, K.L. Grayson, and J.A. Derouen, as soon as you found out I was writing a book, you pushed me and supported me and answered my endless questions. You all inspired me to want to write like you. I love all your books and I am honored to be amongst you.

Thank you to my beta readers. Kristen Johnson, Tina Lynn, and Christina Harris. Thank you, all of you!

Thank you Najla Qamber Designs for walking me through my first book design and for your patience with all my questions. I am in love with what you created.

Alexis Durbin, thank you for squeezing me in on your vacation. I feel more confident letting this book out knowing you have proofread it.

Jade Eby, thank you so much for fitting me in and answering all my questions. Even when you were busy, you stopped to explain the formatting process and made some beautiful decisions.

And finally, to everyone who read this. I never in a million years thought I would ever write a book, and yet, here it is. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you come back for more, because as insane as it is … I’m writing another book. And I’ve even started plotting Evie’s book. It’s an addiction and I hope you all loved it! Thank you for taking the time to pick this book up. Without you, these are just words. But you make it a story.